Still skirting around the question I asked you there. Yes you responded but you didn't answer. Anyway it matters not, and even if you did think that book was fine for the preteens there are many who didn't and it could have all been solved by moving to 16+ with no fanfare.

It was nuns that did the sex ed when I was a lad (no wonder I'm riddled with kids) and I'd already seen hardcore porn by then, as with most young fellas. That still doesn't mean it should be marketed to that age group. Young lads will drink cans too, but marketing that too them is forbidden, and selling it to them carries legal penalties.

Now, saying all that, if I was to come home and find one of my kids at age 12 reading something like ASOIAF with all its graphic depictions of sex and violence, I wouldn't bat an eyelid and would probably be somewhat impressed that they'd gotten themselves to a level of reading beyond the average for their age but that is me and not everyone else and all of that book thing was easily avoidable and easily fixed once noticed by moving it up to the age of consent. Unfortunately it's written in a style akin to Diary of a Wimpy Kid as well though so I wouldn't be terribly impressed to find my 12 year old kid reading that. I was just looking at a few excerpts there actually and there is something a bit fucking sick about the childish writing style coupled with the instructions for sex acts but whatever there's still no argument to be had by moving it up in the age group a bit

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 21, 2024, 11:46:21 AMI don't know the book in question. I don't know what its actual recommended age group is, so I don't know whether it turned up in the wrong place by oversight or what happened. I do know that in the early 90s, 1st year was my first sex ed class. I was 12. Oral sex was covered, along with many "worse" things since we were asked to submit our own questions anonymously too. You'd be amazed the questions 12 year olds had, well before this newest wave of moral panic. I also don't know how the book broaches the subject. Better or worse than my poor 1st year Civics teacher?  :laugh:
I had a similar experience (I'm 38). There is only a panic because of the LGBTQ aspect, not the other way around

#5972 April 21, 2024, 12:40:13 PM Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 01:00:44 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
I don't know what I'm skirting around.

Re immigration (yawn!), I gave you a load of stats about total numbers of asylum seekers plus total numbers of them applying for work permits, number of them who received work permits, length of processing time, etc. As far as I can see, there's very little, statistically speaking, for you to lean on in your claims that they're coming to Ireland "for the benefits."

Re the book, if you're talking about 'This Book Is Gay', anywhere I look it says the target age is 14-17, i.e. the "Young adult" bracket. That's the same bracket as, say, Imajica by Clive Barker, published 1991. Anyone recall reading that as a teen?  :laugh: In any case, I could understand someone being upset if they found their 12 year old reading Imajica, sure. But what I don't recall is people harassing and intimidating the librarian in Greystones over its presence there. So, was 'This Book Is Gay' "marketed" to 12 year olds? Not accidentally or otherwise available to them, but strictly speaking "marketed" to them?

I would say that the writing style of it is aimed at the younger reader for sure but I'm only saying that now after looking at a few pages of it. I read the news reports concerning it at the time otherwise and had the radical idea of taking it off the shelves aimed at preteens. If you're telling me now that it was never there in the first place well then I don't even know what the argument is.

I go down the library every week with the kids and pick something for myself and let the lads pick whatever and I don't watch them going through it either. I also can't confirm if that book is even there because I've never looked for it or indeed looked through the kids section at all. Now my lads are 8 and from seeing the things they read, that book honestly looks like it's at about their level of reading comprehension and reads like it's being explained to about their age group so I can certainly see why the more Conservative minded folk wouldn't like it and I think for sure if that book was written like that for young girls that it would bother more people not less than the fact it's alphabet spectrum stuff.

Immigration? (Yawn all you like, your yawning doesn't take away from the fact that many people here don't think it's tired or boring). There are good types of it and there are bad types of it, as everyone knows. I'm not putting any argument against a proper version of it, where lads apply to work here and are granted visas accordingly, but the rules we have are a joke which actually allow any Tom Dick or Harry to show up and here Paddy will look after you to the detriment of small towns and villages all over the country while also requiring local services that either are already stretched enough or non existent as it is. This could all be easily sorted but it's not being sorted and it's causing a lot of discontent that is only going to grow and become even more divisive as time goes on. I think in my own head that the reason it is the way it is, is because the right fellas are making the money off it and the cash grab or wealth exchange if you prefer between the 99% and the 1% which has been in overdrive since 2008 continues unabated and this distraction over far right and racism and open borders and whatever is taking everyone's eye off the ball in terms of that wealth exchange going on. So, fix the IP issue it could easily be done. You say it's only a small percentage of lads who come here for the welfare, so fine then, that should be sorted until no lads are coming for the welfare and then the argument against having immigrants doesn't exist anymore. Then the only lads complaining will be the few eejits who are actually racist and everyone can go back to ignoring them as they did up to a short few years ago instead of thinking they have something useful to say as will happen by the government's blind insistence in going to the other extreme on it. And hey, if lads want to come to Ireland and work then don't have them turning up as refugees from safe countries and they can be as entitled to apply for a visa as anyone else.

#5974 April 21, 2024, 02:05:13 PM Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 02:22:26 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Right, so to sum up: you've no concrete basis for the claim you made that the book was "marketed" to 12 year olds. And you've also no concrete basis for your implicit claim that asylum seekers are coming because welfare in Ireland is X times more than the average wage in their country of origin, as opposed to because they think they might be able to earn more here (but are hindered in doing so in large part by red tape and administrative backlog). So you might want to be a little less flaithiúlach with the terms you choose and the claims you make, because, all your other arguments and perspectives aside, by articulating those claims you just are spreading evidentially unwarranted conjecture of the very much right-leaning "get them out" (whether "them" be LGBTQ+ or foreigners) variety.

According to Cabbagehead, the far right are actually more concerned with stopping his green policies than immigration or the alphabet bunch.

Looks like those three far right lads are somehow after fracturing again.

Justin Barrett launches Clann Eireann: "Anything other than ethnonationalism is not good enough."

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 22, 2024, 12:38:34 AMLooks like those three far right lads are somehow after fracturing again.

Justin Barrett launches Clann Eireann: "Anything other than ethnonationalism is not good enough."

Ah yes the imaginary far right dreamt up by the extreme left Irish Times, as my uncle likes to say. Fuck those bigoted delusional cunts.

Nobody is actually going to vote for those lads. Their supposed rise in popularity is far overblown in the media and by the government because it suits the media for a headline and it suits the government for an excuse to ignore things.

Watch what happens come any election, they'll be nowhere because people aren't actually that stupid really but they do want to look for politicians that are more palatable than those lads but who still look to agree with some of the sentiment. I'd expect the likes of Aontu to gain a bit but none of the other stooks. Well the shinners will gain a bit by pretending they might get tough on immigration because they're at that already but they really don't mean it but they'll say it anyway.

The problem going forward is that unless the government themselves stop taking the extreme position of branding all dissent as the far right then there will be room for a few more to join the more idiotic dissenting voices, but it will take more time before that happens ie not the next election. 

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 22, 2024, 12:38:34 AMJustin Barrett launches Clann Eireann: "Anything other than ethnonationalism is not good enough."

"IRISH ONLY OR THE HOUSE BURNS" (posted by Tommy Robinson as added bonus)

Good man Tommy the fuckin stook :laugh:

I hope he has plenty of paddies in his gaff

You know well that cunt would be out putting up No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish signs if it was the 80s. Also, I'm glad we're 3rd in that list.

Quote from: Snare on April 19, 2024, 03:16:14 PMIsn't yer wan the one that got all the donations to fight Covid regulations in the courts, but all the money is essentially unaccounted for and the donors were looking for their money back? I think she's the partner of the ranting raving lunatic Sad Soldier in Galway also.

Is that this lad Mike Connell?

Kicking off big time down in Newtownmountkennedy right now anyway, putting that "Irish Only Or The House Burns" sentiment into practice:

Riot police, pepper-spray, the works.