You are more than welcome to dispute any of the claims she made in the video. What part of it do you not agree with and why?

It's hard to even know where to start since she provides no sources, even in the description, and also displays none of the quotes. It's just her word straight to the camera. Ridiculous overlooking of evidential-support from a supposed legal expert. There may be worth in some of what she's saying, but I'd want to hear it from someone who's showing me what they're leaning on.

She has another video on her page that goes through the document itself in a lot more detail. The video has been up for four days with 18k views and none of the 'fact checkers' have come out with any counter argument that I have seen. I doubt the previous poster before you even watched the entire video since the rant they posted didn't reference it all but mentioned other people who have nothing to do with what is going on in Ireland.

If she has said anything that is not true I would genuinely like to hear it as it would make me happy if it is not as bad as what she is saying. I have seen a few other takes on it and her's seems to be the most positive.

#5943 April 20, 2024, 08:31:05 PM Last Edit: April 20, 2024, 08:38:18 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Okay fair enough, I can see there is a more detailed video, but at almost an hour long I can't guarantee I'll watch it. Once again though, there are no sources given even in the description of the longer video (providing sources in description has been standard fare for quite a long time, I think even the likes of Russell Brand do it). There is a link to a document version of her arguments from her ICHR home page, but even that doesn't contain a single hyperlink (although I can guarantee at least 90% of the texts she's referring to are publicly available online) nor even a reference list at the end of the doc:

And at the scantest of glances, it's always going to be problematic when an advocate mixes up concrete fact with mere belief/conjecture, but that's very much the case here (though at least it's somewhat transparent in places I suppose..?):
QuoteWhile the introduction of the Eurodac Regulation seems reasonable, I would note two points:

a) Given that many people (myself included) believe that the EU would like to track the movements of all citizens if possible, once the infrastructure for such a system is up and running for one group of people, it is easily extended to cover all people, so you should question how long before such a system is proposed to be used for EU citizens too

So, I'd be at least as wary taking this one at her word as I would any politician, because it's clear she also has her own political agenda while not at all clear which parts of her arguments are facts or conjecture, since neither are sourced and both are all mixed up together.

Quote from: mickO))) on April 20, 2024, 05:47:32 PMYou are more than welcome to dispute any of the claims she made in the video. What part of it do you not agree with and why?

It is a very Brexit style argument to me blaming the EU for migration. Next thing I will here we need to leave to EU to take control of our boarders.
I haven't the slightest inclination to join the UK and become another Brexitland certainly not to appease some right wingers who hate immigrants.

Do you remember Nigal Farage's poster a couple of days before the referendum in Th UK ?
It happened just before the MP Joe Cox was stabbed to to death on the street by a man shouting "Britan First"
Farage said to the media afterwards the he asked himself if he could live with that and answered that he could !

Anyway I don't like that sort of politics which I'd consider pretty much useless and you politics is an old game you know.

What is the argument in favour of taking a load of lads from the third world and fixing them up with benefits and gaffs, exactly? Replacement of aging population perhaps? Can't see anything else other than an unnecessary burden on public services and welfare. All that has to be done is have a functional immigration and deportation system, and I think by now we would have had we not handed our sovereignty away to Europe over the years.

Now, what are the arguments for working immigrants? There are many, and that will also fill the age gap in the population over time but without draining the social welfare purse and putting more strain on already stretched services. Nobody minds if someone applies to come here and work, gets a job, pays taxes and settles here for generations to come.

So if that is what is called a far right position, then whoever is calling it the far right is talking shite and has been propagandised by the media and government. It's that simple.

As to why are things as they are now with the bullshit asylum seekers, well that's really simple: All the usual pigs have their snouts in the trough for the crazy money because nothing ever changes in this cunt of a country.

Far Right? Whoever is using that absolutely stupid term can go fuck off along with the whole three lads in the country that actually fit the description.

I saw one of those protests outside the library in cork and there was defo more than 3 of them. Fucking scum harassing people working in a library as a book contained something they didn't like. Same crowd is at every "immigration" protest.

Here, have some stats:

On asylum seekers:

In 2022 the top three countries of asylum seekers origin were Georgia, Algeria and Somalia, accounting for 45% of all applicants. (Source is BBC using official Irish figures).

OK, Georgia first...

At war? NO. Population 3.7 mil. Average wage about 400 euro per month. (Irish welfare at least double that).

Next up, Algeria:

At war? NO. Population 44.9 million. Average wage about 400 euro per month (Irish welfare at least double that).

And now Somalia:

At war? YES. Civil War since 2009. Population 17.6 million. Average wage about 50 euro per month (Irish welfare at least 16 times that).

So for the top three countries applying for asylum here, we have a population pool of 66.2 million who will all dramatically benefit in economic terms from coming here and simply claiming the dole and all the free shit that comes with that.

So, can any of the left types on here tell me do they honestly think we should put no cap on this and that ireland won't get full if we stay going as we are? That's just fuckin silly talk is what it is. Silly talk from state-media- brainwashed fools.

Now let's do work permits!

Top 3 countries for work permits: India, Brazil and the Philippines.

Tbh it doesn't matter a fuck what their population or average salary is because they aren't getting the dole on a work permit and they have to apply in advance of coming here rather than simply turning up with the hands swinging, looking for benefits. This will also be self limiting by the number of actual jobs on offer for the lads to apply for, so no job, no permit, problem solved.

These are the immigrants that everyone is sticking up for, and people would want to use their fucking brains for a change and get this mythical Far Right bollix out of their rte-watching heads and see what the difference between immigration and having the piss taken out of you by a load of freeloading cunts with nothing to offer to the place other than a drain on resources and public monies. We have plenty of wasters of our own and don't need to import them at all and even more so could do without importing them and not having a clue about anything about them because the little fucking chancers have no documents and know all the loopholes before they get near the place.

This new EU migration pact looks set to exacerbate the asylum problem and as such should not be rushed through without public debate in the Dáil but this is what the cunts in government are trying to do is ram the shit through without proper scrutiny and they can go fuck themselves with that.

So tell me lads, can ireland genuinely not be full in your opinions because in mine it's long past full of asylum seeking chancers and can't get full of work permit immigrants. Am I the Far Right now? Get a fucking life.

Now I'll have to come back in a bit with more because I've to tip out next door and give the Filipino lad a lend of an extension lead so he can power wash his car on his day off before he heads back to work tomorrow do he can earn a few bob and pay his mortgage and pay his taxes like anyone else. Don't fuckin tell me there's no difference between that and the ipas bullshit going on here because if one can't separate the two, then one is simply a thick cunt.

Actually, one last thing here:

I know a lot of you on the board are living in foreign countries as immigrants. Can I have a show of hands for how many of you emigrants are on the dole in the countries you live in?


Ireland isn't full in general but it's long past full of bogus asylum seekers coming to seek a better life on the dole at our expense and we could also do with a good and proper purge of the folks who are making money from our broken system, maybe send them out to the third world to do humanitarian work song as they like to help so much. Banty McEnany and his family would go down a treat in Somalia.

So am I racist now for pointing out the obvious stupidity of our current system?

Quote from: Ollkiller on April 21, 2024, 09:41:23 AMI saw one of those protests outside the library in cork and there was defo more than 3 of them. Fucking scum harassing people working in a library as a book contained something they didn't like. Same crowd is at every "immigration" protest.

Yes, because they are on the dole and have time for that shit.

As for the library books, how would we all feel if the Juno Dawson book had been as graphically instructional but aimed at straight kids instead? Telling your daughters how to suck young lads pipe?

Hmm I think there'd be less support for that somehow. Being in the rainbow crew does not make being a sick cunt OK, as much as being in the rainbow crew does not make one a sick cunt by default.

I actually am currently on the dole as I'm between contracts  :laugh:

I'm not sticking up for any immigrants. I was just saying how the current people protesting immigration with the balaclavas and "irish first" shyte are fucking wankers.

The immigration process is not streamlined. That's the problem. People coming in and not getting a decision for years. Its madness. Decision should be within 6 months. And if its a no deport straight away. Aside from that take out Putin and the Ukrainians go home (most anyway) freeing up a lot of housing would work as well.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 21, 2024, 09:31:43 AMThose three lads sure do get around.
Yes, Gavin Pepper, Hermann Kelly and Philip Dwyer really do seem to crop up at every protest and the government must absolutely love them for the work they are doing at distracting everyone and keeping the mythical unicorn of the Far Right in the headlines whenever we need distracting from the absolute cluster fuck that is the asylum system in this country.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 21, 2024, 10:19:21 AM
Quote from: Ollkiller on April 21, 2024, 09:41:23 AMI saw one of those protests outside the library in cork and there was defo more than 3 of them. Fucking scum harassing people working in a library as a book contained something they didn't like. Same crowd is at every "immigration" protest.

Yes, because they are on the dole and have time for that shit.

As for the library books, how would we all feel if the Juno Dawson book had been as graphically instructional but aimed at straight kids instead? Telling your daughters how to suck young lads pipe?

Hmm I think there'd be less support for that somehow. Being in the rainbow crew does not make being a sick cunt OK, as much as being in the rainbow crew does not make one a sick cunt by default.

I don't give the first flying fuck about library books. I'll leave that to librarians or whoever decides that shyte. Oh there's something in a book that might be bad for children. Lord above. They have smartphones. Which are far worse imo.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 21, 2024, 10:22:14 AMI actually am currently on the dole as I'm between contracts  :laugh:

Been paying your taxes for years by any chance? EU citizen by any chance?