#5910 April 07, 2024, 10:47:08 PM Last Edit: April 07, 2024, 10:49:44 PM by mickO)))
Quote from: Born of Fire on April 07, 2024, 08:05:32 PM
Quote from: mickO))) on April 07, 2024, 03:44:41 PMAs for it being his phone it has been 24 hours since this broke he hasn't made any comments on it and anyone who has tried to get in contact with him can't get through to his phone.

That's the bit that doesn't make sense. They have a powered on, unlocked iPhone in those videos. Messages and calls would still come through so it should be the easiest thing in the world to verify that it's his. Surely they didn't let the battery die given they're so worked up over it.

It was an iPhone all you need to do is get to the nearest computer or phone log into your account and you disable the phone remotely. It also looks it was just a group of local lads that picked it up. The strange thing for me is who in this day and age has a phone with no passcode on it.

#5911 April 08, 2024, 10:52:53 AM Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 10:57:51 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: astfgyl on April 07, 2024, 10:34:43 PMAnd still something doesn't sit right with me over the convenience of all this.. can't put my finger on it but my gut is saying something is up with how they got that phone unlocked and the names in it. It's just too lucky or something. We'll see anyway

Some now saying video indicates the phone was swiped off the ground beside Connolly (presuming it was him) while he was still down (having been tackled in some way). If the gardai are convinced of this, then the story will prob pivot in the direction of assault and theft fairly quickly and Connolly will be able to tell (or make up, if ye like) any story he wishes about the reasons for his presence and he'll be believed over those accused of mugging him. If it goes that way.

And if it does, then it could well be rolled in with this latest fairly more serious story, something along the lines of the Ireland Is Full crowd encouraging thuggery and violence. Which they are, if any of ye saw video from a couple of weeks ago where anti-immigration organizers were goading a gang of young teenage lads into chants of "Get them out!"

The inevitable conclusion of the proliferation of nativist bullshit, no matter how respectably it's dressed up.

Or the inevitable conclusion of dressing up chancers as asylum seekers and filling every nook and cranny of the country with them.

Or both, and the answer is somewhere in the middle as usual.

Re the phone thing, it is very damning that yer man was in a balaclava or similar trying to incite violence at a protest, whatever his reasoning. Although still something doesn't sit right with me and I just dunno what. There'll be more to all this I'm sure even if he does explain it away.

My prediction is that, in real rather than fantasy world terms, there'll be very little more to this at all. The lads who have the phone, prime failures of the education system, to put it politely, haven't a notion how the real world actually works. They're creaming their pants over this, sure that they've got a money shot, but I have a distinct feeling those creamy pants are going to blow up in their faces, out of sheer ineptitude. But sure let's see!

#5915 April 08, 2024, 01:06:58 PM Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 01:08:41 PM by mickO)))
I can't see him going to the Guards because then he is admitting he was there which will open up a whole other investigation. The Guards clearly have taken a side in what has been going on in the country so they have no interest in looking into what went on but if he presses charges bringing more attention to the matter then they may be forced to look into why a journalist was at a protest trying to incite violence. I doubt Newstalk want anymore attention brought to it either.

Everyone is just hoping if they say nothing this will just fade into the background and be forgotten about in a few weeks.

#5916 April 08, 2024, 01:21:13 PM Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 01:34:17 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Apparently (even) John McGuirk recognizes it's not at all the smoking gun many want it to be:

Going so far as to suggest, not at all unfounded, that it may even be illegal just to handle the phone (i.e. if indeed stolen):

Though for all I know McGuirk has already been sidelined by the hardcore.

McGuirk has long been sidelined by the hardcore as the old favourite Controlled Opposition™. I think he said something along the lines of legal and working immigrants being no problem and also that if towns are taking a lot of applicants that they should be compensated in terms of local services or such like. Oh, and he said Justin Barrett was no friend of his as well.

So, unless he's publishing something that the lads agree with, then he's the enemy apparently.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 08, 2024, 01:57:29 PMMcGuirk has long been sidelined by the hardcore as the old favourite Controlled Opposition™. I think he said something along the lines of legal and working immigrants being no problem and also that if towns are taking a lot of applicants that they should be compensated in terms of local services or such like. Oh, and he said Justin Barrett was no friend of his as well.

So, unless he's publishing something that the lads agree with, then he's the enemy apparently.

A lot of people have no respect for Gript on both sides for a number of reasons and not even the ones you stated above. I don't even know who Justin Barrett is and the vast majority of people have no issue with legal immigration (Although that is starting to change now because of how bad the current situation is getting / the lack of response to how people feel from the Government) plenty of legal immigrants are showing up to the protests as well. Gript are seen by many as the Fox News of Ireland opposition in name only.

#5919 April 08, 2024, 02:34:35 PM Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 07:05:26 PM by Snare
The sad irony is no doubt lost on these scumbags having said words along these lines according to the other victim:
"Speak English, you are in Ireland, you are not at home, you have no respect for our country. This is Ireland".

Pathetic scum no doubt twisted further by all the hate nonsense espoused by the usual suspects who have come out of the woodwork the past few years complaining about governments trying to scare us and control us, now trying to scare and control people themselves...

On a related note I see John McGhee donated €200 to the biggest shithead in Cork for his political foray. The same gimp telling workers in Cork to go back to their own country, while he was working in Canada previously, has a Canadian wife here, and has brothers working in England. Oh and gives out about non-vetted males, but worked with kids in his local GAA club without being Garda vetted, and whose brother changed his name to try to escape his criminal past (drug dealing and assault). He and his brother are now leading this new party to apparently protect women and children, despite entering other people's homes, assaulting neighbours children and one of them selling drugs in different towns and impacting on families.

What a bunch of lowlife fucking hypocrites the lot of them. And here we have the sorry repercussions of all the shite talk and hate from their ilk in Dublin. But yeah brush off the death and excuse it because of government policy  :-\

Aye, an accusation of "inciting violence" from heads who record themselves claiming that writing "Refugees Welcome" on an Irish flag is "defacing" it versus incited violence that actually gets someone killed. I just don't know which is worse.

If what you're talking about is the case, that whatever the lads are saying is getting people killed then shouldn't the lads trying to set them off have to take responsibility for trying to inflame an already volatile situation?

I'm sure I'll be served up some sort of reason from someone as to why dirty tactics are less bad from one crowd but more bad from the other. And if the roles were reversed I'd get the reverse argument. No point in breaking it down to potential consequence like that to weigh up which wrong is more wrong. There was an accusation made with some apparent evidence to back it up. Is there anything to that thing in particular?

If the journalist covered himself up and tried to get a scrap going at the protest then he is for sure in the wrong entirely and should be in trouble with the law. Even if the lads having the phone are wrong to have it and are gimps as well, that still wouldn't excuse yer man.

However if he wasn't there and doing that well then there's a different story to be told that hasn't been heard yet.

Does anyone know what is actually established about the story so far, without reference to the character of anyone involved? Not motive or anything, just what actually happened that's known for definite as of now?

This is from the Burkean, so absolutely on-side with the far left conspiracy angle. Sounds like "the far left" did fuck all on site:

QuoteSaturday, April 6th

The demonstration in the city centre was cancelled, seemingly due to bad weather. At around 3.20pm, several people came to the picket protest in Coolock in the north of the city. They set up a tripod and started filming while unfurling flags with leftist slogans.

They were immediately confronted by the protestors and physically removed. In their haste, smartphones ended up in the hands of the nationalist protestors. [This we know to be false from video showing the "far right" heads tackling them and potentially swiping the phone while presumably Connolly was still lying on the ground.]

The data on the phones seemed to show a shocking level of coordination between ANTIFA, the media, leftist politicians, and Muslim activists.

Locals also claimed that a riot squad were waiting nearby. This is highly unnecessary and bizarre, given that the picket protest has been ongoing for weeks and Ireland currently has a Garda staffing shortage.


the more sinister picture that many are lending credence to is the possibility that the state's police force cooperated with antifa and journalists to potentially incite a violent incident in the presence of women and children.


Seen Ivor Cummins profile pop up in relation to this Paul Connolly thing a few times, a character I haven't though about in years. Is he a recurring or fringe feature in the Blighe, Irish_Git, etc., circles? He's certainly a man who knows how to spin a conspiracy theory.

Ivor Cummins was right about a lot of stuff at the beginning of covid, and presented a very reasonable viewpoint counter to everyone who was screaming about it which I'm not getting into again btw. Anyway, what happened to him since was that the algorithm threw him into the echo chamber and now everything is connected, Alex Jones style, and now he's with that side of things altogether and he's the one screaming about stuff which is unfortunate but oh well whatever he knows no more than anyone else about that phone and video incident.