Was reading a bit about this earlier. Apparently sticking out your tongue is a thing in Tubetan culture, asking a child to suck it is not. It's being played as a joke, more likely he's going senile. They're not gonna critise their 'living god'.

Clip that has gone most viral cuts off at the point where he's closest to the child's face, omitting where he pulls it away. I've mainly seen that clip shared by arch-conservative sources, many explicitly mobilizing it to discredit the Dalai Lama's critique of Trump a couple years back. The reality could easily be either "man raised entire life to be a weirdo has weird but innocent senile moment" or "monk lets slip in public abusive behavior that is rife behind closed doors." Neither would surprise me, but with no way of knowing, I won't be throwing up my arms one way or the other.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 11, 2023, 02:54:53 PMClip that has gone most viral cuts off at the point where he's closest to the child's face, omitting where he pulls it away. I've mainly seen that clip shared by arch-conservative sources, many explicitly mobilizing it to discredit the Dalai Lama's critique of Trump a couple years back. The reality could easily be either "man raised entire life to be a weirdo has weird but innocent senile moment" or "monk lets slip in public abusive behavior that is rife behind closed doors." Neither would surprise me, but with no way of knowing, I won't be throwing up my arms one way or the other.

I watched the full clip because I noticed the clipping on the first one I came across. The full clip looks no better tbf. Maybe he was only bollixing but the poor kid looked awful confused.

Have seen it said it's a thing to stick the tongue out there, I know SFA about the culture tbf


Looks to be going bad for bud light. An odd choice of ambassador really. Probably should've studied their audience. Tbf I don't give a shit who promotes what but mulvaney might have been better suited to something else, cocktails or something

Dylan is certainly raking in the cash. I'm sure this act of his is all a big parody and joke that has just ran and ran.

There's a diversity and inclusivity index score for companies and having a trans ambassador is worth a few points. I think that's the basic thing with it but they just picked the wrong person for that particular brand

This endless Mardi Gras must be getting tedious, even for the gay contingent... fucking hell.

Brother in law is gay and thinks it's all a load of commercial driven shite

One of the sisters friends is a shirtlifter and he is mortified by the whole thing. he hates being lumped in with trannys and recons its only a matter of time before the paedos, or "MAPs" if you will, are being paraded around as misunderstood victims and whole thing blows up in their faces.
The LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ pedestrian crossing in Roscommon town was the final straw for him.
He's thinking of going straight...

The wife is from Santiago de Compostela, an ancient city of not little religious and historical significance. The last time we went up there I was aghast to see the old sign welcoming the weary traveller into the city had been replaced by a big rainbow monstrosity, and the pedestrian crossings had all been painted after a similar fashion. I did overreact a bit when I saw the signage (banging the steering wheel, wife rolling her eyes etc) but FFS!

Being gay is fine now, (almost)everyone agrees, but do these people have to be defined by their sexuality? And do the non-conformists have to have it shoved down our throats? It's quite patronising, and it's fag hags, sweetie wives and globalist ghouls who are to blame, not the gays themselves. Just fuck off with that shite.

In order to understand this better you have to accept that almost none of this shit is driven by gay people. It's the equivalent of displaying religious imagery to show how devout you are. Gay people just happen to be one of the protected groups used to remind us all of how evil and intolerant we are. The Level of acceptance of homosexuality in present day Ireland has pretty much maxed out. Full legal and social acceptance has been achieved.

That's why you see trans people more and more in the latest round of "progress". They will remain a victim group perpetually. I'm curious about how long it will take before the L,G & B unhitch their wagon from the T? They represent a lunatic fringe which the rest surely find embarrassing. Very little in common either. To quote one researcher who's been working on gender identity since the 70s "I don't know how they managed to pin the gender identity tail on the sexual preference donkey."

Dont think they'll be unhitched any time soon. Many of my gay friends have total support for trans rights as they see parallels with the abuse they suffered over the years (these would be older lads who got dogs abuse years ago, 1 or 2 moved to england to escape it, but that was the 80's).

I still dont get the furore over it. I've met about 3 to 4 trans people in my life. Each to their own.

I've only met a handful as well and haven't given them any shit whatsoever but by god does it dominate the online world of late.

Fair point about the gay support but again in speaking to the brother in law about any of it he just laughs and says ignore that shit. The only two aspects of the life that he seems to be into is the bumming and the hard drugs. Other than that you wouldn't know. Refreshing to meet lads that are defined by their personalities rather than simply their sexual preferences and tbf most gay lads I know are like that.

Hard for the trans to not be defined by the fact they're trans though I guess