Quote from: astfgyl on January 29, 2021, 01:39:29 PMIt seems to me that in either capitalism or socialism that there is always a ruling elite who get to step on us ants and make laws and rules which don't apply to themselves.

I blame the lobster DNA.

Is that another example of the carcination that nature is so fond of?

I wonder how subtly my thinking was influenced by the amount of times I've seen the quote from the movie Antz while searching the EatTheRich hashtag. I don't usually use that term

BLM nominated for president he Nobel peace Prize.

Ah they're messing now.

The fool who nominated them said that the violence that they were involved in and the chaos they caused was really the work of the police or evil counter protesters.

How stupid and delusional do they think the general public is?

This other lad looking at 10 years in the slammer over some meme where he 'suppressed' voters rights, or tricked voters into thinking they could text in their vote. It was obvious to anyone of even the meanest intellect that it was a spoof, and if anyone was stupid enough to take it seriously, they must have been under 7 and therefore ineligible to vote.Ten years, even off you think what he did was criminal is nuts.

Chairman Mao sent lads off for ten years for similarly trivial bullshit like this.


Sure Trump is nominated too, so all the nonsense balances out. In any case, the Nobel peace Prize is a crock, and even the scientific one is an out-dated relic at this stage, not representative of how science is conducted at all anymore.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 30, 2021, 06:16:46 PM
This other lad looking at 10 years in the slammer over some meme where he 'suppressed' voters rights, or tricked voters into thinking they could text in their vote. It was obvious to anyone of even the meanest intellect that it was a spoof, and if anyone was stupid enough to take it seriously, they must have been under 7 and therefore ineligible to vote.Ten years, even off you think what he did was criminal is nuts.

Chairman Mao sent lads off for ten years for similarly trivial bullshit like this.


This is one of the original reports from 2016:

Lots of people could have been fooled by that. 5,000 is the real number estimate. That's pretty big in terms of federal law. If you physically stole 5,000 ballot cards you'd be put away for a lot longer. Anyway, if you don't know yet that thousands of US citizens have been put away for longer and for objectively lesser wrongs, then I guess that explains why you think you need to look to Mao for a comparison.

#1797 January 30, 2021, 07:52:06 PM Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 07:55:16 PM by Caomhaoin
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 30, 2021, 07:28:25 PM
Sure Trump is nominated too, so all the nonsense balances out. In any case, the Nobel peace Prize is a crock, and even the scientific one is an out-dated relic at this stage, not representative of how science is conducted at all anymore.

Trump didn't start any foreign entanglements or wars, and you'd have to go quite a ways back in presidential history for the last one who didn't do that. There is at least a modicum of logic to that, whereas there is none to the Black Lives Matter nomination. Saying 'yeah but they nominated Adolf Trump too' is both lazy and unconvincing if you're attempting to justify the nomination.

Whether it's a crock or not, it's nevertheless coveted, and the symbolism of this latest madness is clear, and alarming. A penny for poor Seqouia's parents (black people, who's lives do matter) thoughts this evening.

Going back to Mackey, have you seem the meme? Only a complete idiot or maybe, possibly an infant would consider it to be anything other than spoof. Worth ten years in federal prison? The usual rags have at least tried to thicken the dough by claiming that he's a racist and he should be locked up for that even if this is meme business is a bit silly.

The Mao comparison. I've read a lengthy and thorough biography of the man, and let's put it this way. He went out of his way to get revenge on his enemies after he came to power, bullets or one way tickets for sod all. Do you want me to draw you a picture? Or am I a QAnon Don?

Please, give me a lesser offence which carries a lengthier sentence, without the false equivalency of the three strikes rule.

I posted the 2016 WP article because it contains various examples of the images that were spread around.

The WP link may not work for everyone. Here they are here:

What they certainly aren't is "memes"