Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 24, 2021, 09:51:44 AM
I think it's pretty obvious that this Morrigan chap and I come from very different political poles, but he also takes it as fact that Senior Counsel and the inner bar in Ireland are an old boys club. Besides which, I have two classmates who work in the four courts, one male, one female, both of whom struggle because they went to some unknown Irish school in Bray rather than one of the private old boys schools, like Blackrock or Gonzaga, who explicitly promote each others careers, fight against reform to access to those schools, etc. It is well known, not idle speculation.

As for why it may be good to have gender parity before the law rather than letting only men decide, I think you do quite a good enough job illustrating why that is all by yourself.

My I enquire sir as to what "political pole" you, in your great wisdom, have decided I "come from" and as to what information you used to reach this grand and all-knowing decision?
The only thing that is "obvious" from the post to which you refer is the fact that I hold the dept. of  justice in very low regard, an opinion which I think you will find is common across all  political and social groupings.
Over-reach and unfounded conclusions on your part methinks.

with regard to the "old boys club", which I agree with you is as blatantly obvious as the nose on justice Wolfes face, the same club prevails in the civil service, ESB, Bord na Mona, county councils and any other body one can think of that the grubby little hands of the state has/had an involvement in, not forgetting of course the houses of the Oireachtas themselves. Just look at how senate seats are filled and the family dynasties which pollute Leinster House.
Also, lest we forget, Minister McIntee herself got elected a TD following the untimely and tragic death of her father who held the seat before her, thanks to the support of the old boys club in the county councils.
One cannot help but titter at the irony of her position and marvel at the arrogance she shows in how she uses it.
Equality indeed.

You have more than one post on the forum over the last couple of weeks and have said things I personally would never say, from which I - and anyone else who knows both my and your posts - can safely conclude that we come at life from different political poles. I don't know claim to know what yours is, it's just obvious it's different to mine. Nothing controversial.

#1757 January 24, 2021, 07:24:29 PM Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 07:27:17 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Edit:  :abbath:

Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 24, 2021, 10:14:15 AM
Moreover, there are full on anti-white racist videos allowed by YouTube, but woe betide you if any other hue is taken to task in the same way.

On this note, I saw this today and found it hard to watch.

That little girl sitting on the edge of her bed, holding back the tears after being asked about the first time she realised she was white, is horrendous.

No surprise that the comments are turned off.


Infuriating. De La Rocha is an intellectual infant, talking the typical junior cert level shite which is his limit. Bordering on child abuse with the questions that little girl is being asked. You'd swear she was some German League of Girls member who has just been told her Dad and brother were in the SS Einsatzgruppe and how she feels about it.

Howard Zinn is a Marxist, but he's also responsible for one of the greatest books on history ever written, and that quote they plucked from him is laughably misleading.

'Team White'. FUCK OFF. It's this total bullshit that breeds Poland 2015, Austrian identitarians and Dylan Roofe.

#1762 January 24, 2021, 08:54:53 PM Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 09:22:23 PM by Eoin McLove
Cult behaviour, child abuse- nothing borderline about it, the promotion of self hatred and demoralisation based on skin colour, outright racism. It's outlandish and disgusting. How is it in any way progressive or productive beyond virtue signalling self flagellation? Sick.

I wonder how long it will take for those teens to come out as having been brainwashed. What sort of long term psychological damage is being done to young woke kids with this rubbish? It's unhealthy on a personal and societal level to be so negative and naval gazey.

#1763 January 24, 2021, 09:20:51 PM Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 09:24:46 PM by Pedrito
People confuse things. They think religion was the problem in the past. It wasn't. It was just the perverts and degenerates that saw a loophole and infested the priesthood. They were there when the Nazis were around, they latched onto revolutions of all types. Russia, Cambodia, Germany, wherever you look they keep popping up. In many ways they are the true vampires of world history.

They find a way into every position of power in all generations and now in this generation it's very clear where they are focussed. The woke movement, the trans for kids thing, this whole anti white movement. And when we are all looking back in 30 years time asking why we didn't do something to stop it, their type will be moving into the new priesthood of its time, bringing their psychological assault to bear ALWAYS on kids, the weak. That video is fucked. Zack de la Rocha etc should be ashamed of themselves if they are attached to it.

Ugh. I'm more annoyed that I had to hear RAtM. Fuck you I'm not doing me homework.
Is it wrong that this popped into my head?


That De La Rocha interview, if memory recalls, is from a Japanese TV appearance from around 25 years ago. He does really show his intellectual immaturity by not referencing some irrelevant tabloid anecdote though, like a wiser man might have done.

The whole enterprise, as depicted in the video, seems like a rather ham-fisted attempt to answer James Baldwin's famous question (which was asked in the context of the USA of the 50s, 60s): "What white people have to do is try and find out in their own hearts why it is necessary to have a 'nigger' in the first place, because I'm not a nigger. I'm a man. But if you think I'm a nigger, it means you need it."



There was a quote from every other band member at the end of the video too, but not from him. So either he wasn't available for comment, or didn't want to actively participate. Don't really know what he's up to these days, but he was always the one most involved in genuine grassroots activism.

#1767 January 25, 2021, 06:59:22 AM Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 07:04:41 AM by Caomhaoin
Ya, round of applause for being 'involved in genuine grassroots activism'! The writers of the 'Gesetz über die Hitlerjugend 'and Ulster Young Loyalists drilling NCOs were involved in 'grassroots activism' too.

If you honestly believe any of the nihilists and child abusers involved in making this video have any idea who James Baldwin was, much less trying to answer his 'famous' (in reality obscure, perhaps famous amongst your sociology graduate mates,) quote, you are actively deluding yourself.

No offence, but quoting the 50's and 60's is in many ways very convenient and also misleading. My grandfather wasn't even my age in the 60's. Spain was a dictatorship, Russia was communist, German adults of our age had been involved in or lived through Nazism and WW2. Portugal was a dictatorship. Ireland was repressed, poor and controlled by a rampant clergy. Many countries that are now modern and world leaders were at stone age levels of development. Most of our grandparents didn't even finish secondary school, let alone even dream of university. The advances in terms of health, education, technology, the awareness of a world outside your town or province, the openness of borders and air travel. And none of that has an effect? A black person in America hasn't pushed on somewhat? Race relations haven't improved? Catholics and Protestants in NI don't, for the most part, have a somewhat different attitude to eachother or a desire for peace? People like those in the video are picking and choosing what they want to include in their messages. Yes, things were bad, but they're a whole lot better now and they continue to improe. The idea that some little child needs to be brutalised because of her black skin or her white skin and the sins of the long distant past is repugnant. And if you feel it isn't then maybe it's time to load up your car with semtex and drive it into the nearest protestant school or church you live near. Ridiculous.

What I was saying about De La Rocha was that he doesn't seem to be directly involved with this, and that may be because he was always the one more involved with genuine grassroots activism (containing no claim to that being positive or negative), which this project does not seem to be about. I wouldn't call whatever this thing is "grassroots activism."

The scene with the little girl is really weird alright. I wonder what her story is. You all seem damn sure, based on very little evidence, but personally I couldn't conclude. Maybe she's simply the unfortunate child of absolute weirdos. Maybe her story is that she realized she was white one day playing with just a friend when someone started bullying that friend and calling them a nigger. We just don't know, do we? The difference is that some don't care that they don't know; no reason not to leap to a conclusion!

In any case, I didn't say a single positive thing about it, but it does seem like a "ham-fisted" (not at all a compliment, though apparently this needs clarifying) attempt to respond to the kind of question James Baldwin was asking in the 50s and 60s...and the fact that I pointed out that he was speaking in a different era means that I already recognize that the difference of epoch is significant, but apparently I should have spelt that out too.