Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 24, 2021, 09:51:44 AM
I think it's pretty obvious that this Morrigan chap and I come from very different political poles, but he also takes it as fact that Senior Counsel and the inner bar in Ireland are an old boys club. Besides which, I have two classmates who work in the four courts, one male, one female, both of whom struggle because they went to some unknown Irish school in Bray rather than one of the private old boys schools, like Blackrock or Gonzaga, who explicitly promote each others careers, fight against reform to access to those schools, etc. It is well known, not idle speculation.
If the issue is that its full of Blackrock and Gonzaga lads, why not tweet that they encourage people from all types of secondary schools to apply

#1741 January 24, 2021, 10:14:15 AM Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 10:19:34 AM by Caomhaoin
I have no idea what you are trying to say with gender parity before the law instead of letting men decide.

If anything, the law treats men more severely, considering they often receive harsher sentences than women for similar infractions.

The gender violence law in Spain is an ugly, sexist law favouring women and putting the shits up every male who has ever called a woman a naughty word. A friend of mine was arrested and faced a judge because after discovering his girlfriend cheated on him, he sent her a WhatsApp calling her all kinds of hoors, and this was deemed 'gender violence'. The case was dismissed, clearly, but the law stipulates court proceedings for any kind of aggression, verbal, imagined or otherwise  but only if it is a man against a woman. No evidence required, a complaint is sufficient. The chap nearly shat himself. What about the plight of men, Kristoph? With the suicide rates, homelessness, mental illness and victimisation by criminals? White knight me you man hater! 🥺

I'll give your buddies in the Soviet Union their due, your Uncle Joe had women manning anti aircraft flak guns at Stalingrad and Leningrad. An astonished German landser commented in a letter home 'we couldn't believe our eyes when we saw the Russian women struggling to operate the guns. We pitied them as war is no place for a woman, and they died quickly and without resistance' (from Beevors 'Stalingrad').

I'm not saying women haven't been the victims of widespread injustice in the past. Everyone group has had their 'plights', and all are 'valid' unless you happen to be a Caucasian with a Mickey who prefers a bit of California Roll over a greasy chorizo.

Moreover, there are full on anti-white racist videos allowed by YouTube, but woe betide you if any other hue is taken to task in the same way.

As I alluded to before, men who stick up for themselves are now misogynists and white people who do similarly are tank gunners in the SS Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler.

This is also the only group who can be ridiculed, lambasted AS A GROUP, used in satire or comedy without any fear of repercussions.

Quote from: Trev on January 24, 2021, 09:58:15 AM
If the issue is that its full of Blackrock and Gonzaga lads, why not tweet that they encourage people from all types of secondary schools to apply

That would certainly be more amusing!  :laugh:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 24, 2021, 01:07:17 AM
You're reading into it all skewed. Since there is a pretty damn well justified reason for believing that access to Senior Counsel is a boys club type affair (even Morrigan alluded to this above), women in Junior Counsel are less likely to apply...and so disparity continues. The word from above is that, no, it's no longer a boys club deciding, so please, women, apply; you do have as much of a chance. So, in fact, encouraging women to apply is the only way of saying that "all are welcome", because the default understanding is already that "some are more welcome than others". See?

If a certain ilk of person wasn't so keen to find offense at what they perceive to be overly "progressive" trends, then, indeed, no one would have batted an eyelid at this word of encouragement. Personally, I think parity in law and parity in politics are of particular importance, insofar as "representation" is of any meaning. You can't just compare wherever it is you work to the courts of the land, to the law-makers of the land, and especially not in Ireland (among other countries) where the law has been so absolutely deaf to women's plights for decades. If you really think about it, we actually are a country where we need things to be pointed out to us all the time, aren't we?

Not disputing the historical points there and some of the trends might take longer to die than others but there is no need to single out certain groups for encouragement because as I said at the beginning, that goes against what I see as proper equality. What happens if there are 75% women applying for it and the job goes to a man? Is that equality then? Or 75% men and the job goes to a woman? Does it really matter and does it really need to be said? Like why would someone want more women to apply if not to have a greater chance of giving the job to a woman.

We will all get a lot farther with the equality if we stop pointing out the differences all the time. Are there any of us here who treat women as a group worse than men? Probably not. Or minority groups? Same, probably not. So my thinking on it all is that if the regular people on the street come round to not caring who or what somebody is, it should sooner or later be represented in higher up positions. Might take a generation or 2 but all this push for equality is usually from groups who want to be treated more equally than others. It's divisive.

Couldn't find this last night, but it was doing the rounds last year. This is a man in late middle age talking about his secondary school, ffs, and to much applause from fellow alumni. Rock Boys for life!  :-[

:laugh: Go on the Rock Boys!

Actually having read that, I've changed my mind. I encourage any and all who are not Rock Boys to apply!

Fucking hell. Just got a bit of vomit coming up after reading that rock boy shyte.

There is something a bit sad in people who can't let their school years go and define their entire existence around those five adolescent years. Same with people who attend prestigious colleges and have to remind you all the time as if it somehow is a reflection on what a great person they are. Then again,  whenever I see students wearing hoodies with their university logo loudly and proudly printed across the front I feel a strong urge to aim the car at the footpath.

That Rock boys thing is pathetic. What gimps.

So the rock boys don't actually RAWK? That's a bit gay.

Well, they "rawk" in the sense that they know they can literally get away with murder. I suppose I'll be told that's idle speculation too though.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 24, 2021, 10:14:15 AM
I have no idea what you are trying to say with gender parity before the law instead of letting men decide.

If anything, the law treats men more severely, considering they often receive harsher sentences than women for similar infractions.

The gender violence law in Spain is an ugly, sexist law favouring women and putting the shits up every male who has ever called a woman a naughty word. A friend of mine was arrested and faced a judge because after discovering his girlfriend cheated on him, he sent her a WhatsApp calling her all kinds of hoors, and this was deemed 'gender violence'. The case was dismissed, clearly, but the law stipulates court proceedings for any kind of aggression, verbal, imagined or otherwise  but only if it is a man against a woman. No evidence required, a complaint is sufficient. The chap nearly shat himself. What about the plight of men, Kristoph? With the suicide rates, homelessness, mental illness and victimisation by criminals? White knight me you man hater! 🥺

I'll give your buddies in the Soviet Union their due, your Uncle Joe had women manning anti aircraft flak guns at Stalingrad and Leningrad. An astonished German landser commented in a letter home 'we couldn't believe our eyes when we saw the Russian women struggling to operate the guns. We pitied them as war is no place for a woman, and they died quickly and without resistance' (from Beevors 'Stalingrad').

I'm not saying women haven't been the victims of widespread injustice in the past. Everyone group has had their 'plights', and all are 'valid' unless you happen to be a Caucasian with a Mickey who prefers a bit of California Roll over a greasy chorizo.

Moreover, there are full on anti-white racist videos allowed by YouTube, but woe betide you if any other hue is taken to task in the same way.

As I alluded to before, men who stick up for themselves are now misogynists and white people who do similarly are tank gunners in the SS Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler.

This is also the only group who can be ridiculed, lambasted AS A GROUP, used in satire or comedy without any fear of repercussions.

Conservatives are generally supposed to be anti-cosmopolitan, and yet you just can't help yourself reaching out all across the globe to find the juiciest anecdotes and historical anomalies to shore up your arguments against...what were we talking about again? Ah yes, Irish women specifically having been historically dealt a shit hand, and Irish men in positions of power, of their own accord, not really ever having done that much to redress the situation. But please, tell us more about these dismissed court proceedings in Spain, they sound fascinating.

Says the man with the most consistently unread posts in the history of the internet!

You didn't specify Irish women.

Also, I think you have a profound misunderstanding of the word cosmopolitan. Perhaps you mean multiculturalism. Neither make even the most rudimentary sense relative to your point, but sure, that's your patter


It's a much more meaningful word than most think: "it faded in 18c. but was revived from c. 1800 with a tinge of reproachfulness (opposed to patriot)."