Whole interview with him on Joe Rogan up on youtube. The fuking Stazi are back.

Quote from: O Drighes on November 01, 2020, 11:53:41 AM
I've attempted to post one of the instrumental songs from Burzum's new album once, haven't been banned but the post was taken down and I was put on "Allert status" for a year since. Absolutely unjustifiable...I had no tags, nothing, just a link. It reminds me of when Frank Zappa got the "Parental Advisory" sticker on his instrumental album "Rumble".

On a more serious note, Glenn Greenwald has announced his resignation from The Intercept after having his article criticising Biden censored by the news outlet. I wonder what he'd written, he's got a nose for big scandals. It will probably surface after the elections...

He posted it: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/article-on-joe-and-hunter-biden-censored

and his resignation email back and forth:

Doesn't do him any favours IMO.

I read that and while the editor seems very thought out in his review of the material, the simple fact is that he isn't allowing the article to see the light of day. Tonnes has been written about Trump, untold amounts of garbage, hyperbole, conflation, taking his words completely out of context...the list is endless. The article is looking to shine a light on very serious accusations, very shady dealings involving the son of quite possibly the next president. The 2 million dollar payments, his involvement with Russian and Chinese interest groups absolutely merit a light being shone on them and moreso by a, very much left leaning, investigative journalist. As it is, the story is stalled, Twitter pulling down a perfectly good story by the NY Post during the week...and it all raises the question why? Ok you might hate Trump(childish as that type of attitude is) but take him out of the equation for a minute..and that's the problem. Nothing can be looked at without the spectre of Trump looming over it, and that's a major issue. It deserves to be investigated properly  but it's being supressed by all these interest groups..massively powerful corporations etc. There's something seriously wrong when so many resources are being directed in this way.

To be fair, even Tucker Carlson has started backing away from it..... It might just be nonsense :)

#1114 November 01, 2020, 07:21:32 PM Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 07:25:25 PM by Nazgûl

For anybody who has Spotify, I'd recommend Sam Harris' new podcast episode, for an almost completely objective take on the election, the two candidates and the political climate over there at the moment.

Everything they say about Trump here is pretty much spot on in my opinion, and leaves little room for being of the opinion that he's any good whatsoever or worth defending when it comes to anything. 

#1116 November 01, 2020, 09:02:52 PM Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 09:04:23 PM by Nazgûl
Fair enough, it probably was. But I agree with pretty much all of what the two lads are saying in that podcast and to me, it all sounded well argued and articulated.

Harris is very persuasive and not usually overtly partisan one way or the other, which is very, very rare when it comes to Trump.

#1119 November 02, 2020, 07:33:34 AM Last Edit: November 02, 2020, 08:59:38 AM by Caomhaoin
Listening now there. I'll report back.

Edit : Harris makes a few good points, but while talking about 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' claims that he is a malovelent sociopath and 'lies more than anyone else in human history', 'extreme pathological narcissist' and the rubbishing the 'hardcore' Trump supporters at the beginning is quite condescending. That kind of language is not defensible and is itself an example of what these two are accusing Trump of. Harris calls him obese, ugly, and insinuates his diet is poor and that his energy levels can't be natural. I do t understand what is so compelling about this kind of discourse.

The undeniable points that they make would be much better argued if they didn't seem to be consistently on the cusp of shrieking, particularly the host. 'He's like an extra-terrestrial, he's a cult leader, he forces people to accept his fantasies'. 'The man has never spent a moment in reflection or silence' This is all retarded.

'The things that make Hitler worse than Trump are actually virtues'? Seriously? That's a very, very daft remark.

'Having Trump as president is like having a mentally ill person in a family. Over time everybody becomes mentally ill'. What?😂😂😂 'I had clinical depression, it's like having a photo of the dear leader'😂😂🤣 This guy is an absolute moron.

I'll plough on for another bit but this is very painful listening for anyone who isn't already vehemently against Trump. So incredibly unbalanced and hyperbolic, and I don't believe they are arguing anything at all well.

I'm wondering how many of the small businesses owners and home owners & their families who had their properties and vehicles smashed up by ANTIFA and Burn Loot Murder will vote for Trump?

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 30, 2020, 03:25:06 PM
Can we take a moment, in light of yesterday's latest chapter in the absurd Corbyn story, to have a pop at those who literally ape offense only in order to shift political tides?


This is the one I haven't been able to wrap my head around since it began.

It seems like there has just been a pile-on on Corbyn and everyone ran with it to get him out? I've read through a number of articles making allegations and to me it seems to be the most blatant load of absolute bullshit I've ever seen. Vague doesn't even begin to cover it.

Anyone with more knowledge on the situation want to explain it? I want to find out why I've got it wrong if so.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 30, 2020, 03:25:06 PM
Can we take a moment, in light of yesterday's latest chapter in the absurd Corbyn story, to have a pop at those who literally ape offense only in order to shift political tides?


Ah. He must be a self- hating Jew, just like Bernie and Finkelstein.

It's all the same thing. The Corbyn character assassination is no different to the Trump assasssination. Whatever way you lean politically, whatever you think of either personally, in an age where bullying has supposedly become a hangable offence, it's actually worse it's become. Grown adults having hissy fits and throwing their toys out of the pram about public figures, it's pathetic. Is it because we all feel like we have no power over our lives or what is it? We used be able to blame the divil for everything wrong in our lives, I suppose something had to fill the vacuum. Sad stuff.

Quote from: Pedrito on November 02, 2020, 03:12:12 PM
It's all the same thing. The Corbyn character assassination is no different to the Trump assasssination. Whatever way you lean politically, whatever you think of either personally, in an age where bullying has supposedly become a hangable offence, it's actually worse it's become. Grown adults having hissy fits and throwing their toys out of the pram about public figures, it's pathetic. Is it because we all feel like we have no power over our lives or what is it? We used be able to blame the divil for everything wrong in our lives, I suppose something had to fill the vacuum. Sad stuff.

It all boils down to social media imo