December 09, 2019, 08:12:02 PM Last Edit: June 25, 2021, 05:05:22 PM by Blackout

I haven't listened to it in years.  I might fire it in the car tomorrow.

Quite the 'turning point' album at the time and one I was totally on board with, even the whole ripped white filth caked tshirts and Satyr's shorn head heralded a band who were forging ahead on their own path..still works for me til this day.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Brilliant album,it was a big change after nemesis divina that left me a bit shocked sound wise compared to the earlier Satyricon albums.
As mentioned Drumming is excelllent on this album.

A Remastered version was released recently,  anyone heard it yet? It seems like an album that might fare well with a remaster though the original stark production suits it fine I think. The only thing I know is that they shaved about a minute off the running time, they did something similar with Nemesis and even removed the sword(or whatever it is) sample, which sucked.

I had this on twice today.  Hmmm, despite recently getting into the Thorns album which has many similarities, 'Rebel Extravaganza' didn't really do much for me.  Powerful production and great playing, indeed, but there's something lacking... songs maybe? I'll stick with it another while and see if it grows on me but it didn't in the past, so who knows.

I never really liked it to be honest, it was a big shock when it came out as I was old school Satyricon and still find it hard to play as I always wanted a follow up to Mother North....that was as far as I was willing to listen.
I've always liked Thorns and DHG so I might give this a spin again to give it another chance 20 years later.