I dipped a toe back into the world of new pickups for the first time in a long time last night. I have a strat with Lace Sensors which is suffering from the common problem of one of the Sensors losing output and being about half as loud as the other two. I've been in this position before and, that time, chose to replace like with like. Looking for replacements yesterday, the cheapest used one I could find worked out at about €60. Fuck that. It could happen again. Two failed pickups out of four is enough and I'm fed up with them so decided to look around.

I'd love to try a set of Q-Tuners in a strat but that kind of money is not in my pocket, so went for something a little more traditional. There are lots of small-scale pickup builders out there doing great work for reasonable money, less than the big-brand pickup builders. I have a set of bass pickups from Jess Loureiro in Spain which are really nice and a mate has a set of his strat pickups which he loves.

I found this lad working out of Croatia and they look great to me http://www.qpickups.com/

I went with a set of mixed magnet pickups, just for something different, costing just a little more than a used Lace Sensor.

"Alnico 4 magnets for low E, A and D strings for warm, tight and focused bass.

Alnico 3 for G, B and high E strings - open and transparent high freq. with plenty of twang."

I'm dying to hear what they're like.

Had a chap on Facebook recommend these to me lately: https://www.warmanguitars.co.uk/

He has pretty much compared them to bare knuckles but at half the price per set.  Can't find samples online off hand but he did forward me a clean DI of them in his 7 string and it sounded great.  All the sets are great prices.

Pickups arrived today, they look very nicely put together. I'll wire them in this evening. If they sound as good as they look I'll be chuffed.

Here's a euro, call your maa and tell her your not comin home tonight

I'm very pleased with these, they sound fantastic. I may be back to yer man again.