QuoteWhat used to irk me sometimes was when some new kid who'd just discovered their first bands got ran off the forum

That is kind of true.

But I found the opposite was more true to form where a youngster would come on with a two track sampler recorded in the bedroom or worse still the vague threat of recording some music and quite rightly be critiqued, who would then throw the toys out of the pram and spout something along the lines of "No wonder nobody comes here" etc.

I did find on the whole that if a young band posted a track you'd get good critique from people who are actually doing it. The Altus thing was a classic case. Guys that were expereinced in the game gave three points of critique

- No Identity
- Name very similar to an existing band
- Vocals Appalling

But Mike was a classic example of knowing it all already. Fair enough but why come on and ask? I really thought the forum was invaluable for getting advice from the best of the scene.

Where is Leather Mike, as a matter of interest? Come back, Micháel!

He's busy defending the vocals on the first ep!

Quote from: Cryptic Stench on November 27, 2018, 12:51:44 PM
QuoteWhat used to irk me sometimes was when some new kid who'd just discovered their first bands got ran off the forum

That is kind of true.

But I found the opposite was more true to form where a youngster would come on with a two track sampler recorded in the bedroom or worse still the vague threat of recording some music and quite rightly be critiqued, who would then throw the toys out of the pram and spout something along the lines of "No wonder nobody comes here" etc.

I did find on the whole that if a young band posted a track you'd get good critique from people who are actually doing it. The Altus thing was a classic case. Guys that were expereinced in the game gave three points of critique

- No Identity
- Name very similar to an existing band
- Vocals Appalling

But Mike was a classic example of knowing it all already. Fair enough but why come on and ask? I really thought the forum was invaluable for getting advice from the best of the scene.

I was thinking more along the lines of "I just heard my first death metal band and want to show everyone how ace they are". Of course if you put something up for critique then people should respond accordingly.

I love this thread.

Its like the founding of a new state and we're coming together to write the constitution.

To be honest, I think we should let it run like the wild west for  a while.

From what i recall on MI, the moderation was fairly light and seemed very fair.

There was double posts for gigs and threads moved to appropriate forums, that seemed to be the height of it.
Unless im missing something else?

Every now and again he gave me a slap on the wrist for telling someone they were a c**t.

There was the occasional assault on the board. Anyone remember the guy that posted "me wanna banana" in every single thread?

Some lad also private messaged Nixer one time with all sorts of mad threats. Nixer posted screen grabs but the two of them ended up with a ban!  :)

That's right Stenchy that was Rimm on his second account and then the Earl banned me.

As for forum moderation we should learn from the mistakes of the past. The old forum was being run like a Magdalene laundry for quite some time. There is a far better vibe on here. 

The trolling type shite was stupid on mi. Just inane comments left on so many posts.
If we're going to 'learn from the mistakes of the past' Nixer you were a prime example of trolling, not saying you're alone there but it got old fast. That crap doesn't help any forum.
What was worst was that every one would reply to them giving them exactly what they wanted. If you wanna get rid of troll posters without banning them, just don't respond. Idiots sending threatening messages are just as thick.

Then there were the odd few who were just condescending cunts full stop. . bsc.

Most forums die off from lack of use / just becoming shit storms of online fighting/arguing much like a YouTube comments section. The same thing will happen here if people are logging in to the same shit show.
If people can act like reasonable adults then you might get a decent enough community and a life span with the forum.

Think it's going ok so far, I found some of the trolling to be funny but it got way out of hand I agree with you there.

The condescending stuff bugged me more but everyone seems to be more civilised for the minute, long may it continue, some good discussions going already.

Yeah, the threads seem to be moving an awful lot quicker than they did on MI towards the end. Long may that last. Perhaps it's just the novelty of it being new? Time will tell I guess.

It had slowed to a crawl on MI, no doubt about it. Another hangover / acting the maggot type thread would be class, every Irish male bar those in the seminary or with alcohol intolerance has a collection of heinous stories numbering in the dozens for your fair weather drinker to hundreds from the more seasoned veteran.

I'd like to see one of those drinking stories threads as well I'll have to start one off if nobody else does.

The knot in evolutions design was smashing as well but I was always a lurker on that one so..

Start a new thread yourself if you've got a story to share!