Really enjoyed that one! Not heard Death the Leveller before but will definitely check them out. Despite being a man down I thought Solstice were good, and I really enjoyed their set. Mourning Beloveth were fantastic. And no hangover this morning 8)

Feel rough today... good night's craic.  I thought Solstice suffered a bit soundwise but it was enjoyable all the same.  Mourning Beloveth levelled the place.  What a savage set.

Reasonably well attended too, I thought! Let's hope the lads make it back over soon as a quintet.

Sad I missed this, any notion of what the MB setlist was?

Quote from: jpm4 on December 15, 2018, 12:15:36 PM
Sad I missed this, any notion of what the MB setlist was?
Yeah I wouldnt mind seeing that either.

MB setlist was

The Sickness
The Mantle Tomb
Nothing has a Center
The Mountains are Mine

Nice one thanks,Godether is a fine track.