WITNESS - Ninety Nine Heads.

Not sure if anyone here would be bothered with this but gotta try and find some eyes for it.
Some of you ejits will remember me from doing artwork and whatnot.

Unhinged is running a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the production.
The pre-launch page is live now. here

Please have a look, share where you can and save to be notified on launch (later in May).

It's a companion book to Plague Hymns and backers get extras included.

There's also a pre-launch preview page at the Unhinged site with a few more pics and details on the project.

go look surehttp://unhinged.me.uk/

Thanks for any support you can give.


Unhinged Art

also if youre interested my main current artbook 'Plague Hymns' with lots of Irish metal do-das is available here>


I remember some of your work,didn't you do the sullen Sulcus cover for Mourning Beloveth and some stuff for Scald?

yeah I did Sulcus, twice actually, and everything that says Scald on it.
Theres more Scald to come..
I still do work for bands, but only a couple a year.
Just did the new Primordial, can't say anything more on that right now though.

projects page on here for music stuff ,

unhinged art

Going pretty well.
Goal has been met so I've set up a preorder at my site in case anyone wants to just order it with paypal
Unhinged store

also if anyone cares to receive unhinged art news I'll be stopping direct emails to contacts in favour of a sign up newsletter
see here > Unhinged Art Newsletter