it struck me how similar their careers are ...

    3-4  early albums loved by fans (think Pyromania and Puppets)
    One classic global best seller (Hysteria and the Black Album)
    A mix of average to crap albums with little of interest ever since
    Both Rock-n-Roll hall of fame inductees
    Live shows now dominated by large screens visuals and 80s heavy set lists

Both fantastic bands in their day. Both still entertaining live.

Both of their drummers are a fraction of what they should be.

Sounds more like Lars has a third arm that he could never get the hang of.

One difference, Metallica were always immune to changing trends and indeed fallout from releasing complete shit. Def Leppard ended up playing clubs from 1995-2003 or so, album sales were dreadful too.

The emergence of Grunge etc nearly wiped Leppard out. Think I caught them in the ambassador around 2003.

Stark contrast to Metallica, Grunge or any other emerging scene never had an effect on them. They've released utter cack like St. Anger and they still play to 30k plus in outdoor venues.

They put out half arsed records like Death
Magnetic and Hardwired and you get gimps saying it's up their with Justice etc.

Quote from: Cryptic Stench on May 17, 2019, 10:31:06 PM
One difference, Metallica were always immune to changing trends and indeed fallout from releasing complete shit.

Credit to them they were pretty smart in their response to changing trends ... they aligned themselves with nu-metal and did Linkin Park tours ... and they raved about Alice in Chains and COC too ... returning to metal and raving about Lemmy and King Diamond again in more recent years.

QuotePosted by: Black Shepherd Carnage
« on: May 17, 2019, 07:44:09 PM »
Both of their drummers are a fraction of what they should be.

Well played!

#7 May 19, 2019, 04:12:51 PM Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 11:04:06 PM by stevie-0

What's got nine arms and sucks?

Def Leppard.

Forgot to add the obvious ... both bands lost a key member in the 80s ... Cliff and Steve.