Quote from: Snare on January 23, 2024, 08:44:08 PMSo, how'd ya fare boi?

we ended up going to Dublin instead lol so we're going to Cork this Saturday instead! I'm still excited I'll keep you guys posted and let ye know how it goes!!

Turntables go eeeeeera era era

Hey guys I can finally update this I went to Cork today after having to reschedule like three times!!! XD

Firstly, the one day I do get the chance to go is Sunday when apparently the whole city is sleeping for some reason so I didn't get to see half the places recommended but I was still so happy with what I saw! Went to Cork city Gaol the museum was awesome (and cold...very cold) I forgot to pack my gloves and wooly hat but the weather held up pretty nicely. Went to see Elizabeth Fort it was so interesting for such a small museum!

Didn't get to go to Fred Zeppelins but did go to the Linen Weaver and drink is so cheap so very much recommend.

Fitz Park is so beautiful the ducks were my favorite!! Shakey Bridge was fun too! Also Cork is so vibrant and the graffiti all over the city is awesome it is so much better than what we have in Limerick I took so many photos. I love Cork definitely gonna go back again (on a Saturday) thank you guys for the recommendations it was awesome hope ye are all having a nice long weekend :] <3

 :sniffles:  :sniffles:

P.S Let's go Demons  :abbath:
Turntables go eeeeeera era era

Good stuff. No luck for Demons in the end though as they lost by 3 points in overtime after theowimg it away at the death (twice!). Cracking game at least  :)