Quote from: Carnage on December 29, 2023, 12:01:11 PM
Quote from: jpm4 on December 28, 2023, 11:32:03 PMI had a big titted COF t shirt also as a teenager come to think of it... mysteriously vanished between washes. Don't think my mother was too impressed.

Praise the whore in massive letters on the back? My brother had that one, there's a different one on the go now. He had the orignal JIAC one back in the day, lost it in a house fire. Probably worth a few bob now.

Nope it was Kali Destroyer of Worlds:


Not sure what the fuck I was thinking buying that, I'd have to pay someone to take it if I still had it.

Quote from: Paul keohane on December 29, 2023, 09:42:17 AMA lad i used to be good friends with back in the mid 90s was one of the first i knew to get the 'Jesus is a cunt' shirt.Hes long gone out of the scene,but id bump into him every so often and we'd stil have a good chuckle about him walking around in the shirt ,and me in a Machine Head 'Fuck it all' shirt backb in the day.Christ!,embarrassing!Two knuckle heads!

Brilliant !!!  :laugh:  :laugh:

Quote from: jpm4 on December 29, 2023, 12:11:13 PM
Quote from: Carnage on December 29, 2023, 12:01:11 PM
Quote from: jpm4 on December 28, 2023, 11:32:03 PMI had a big titted COF t shirt also as a teenager come to think of it... mysteriously vanished between washes. Don't think my mother was too impressed.

Praise the whore in massive letters on the back? My brother had that one, there's a different one on the go now. He had the orignal JIAC one back in the day, lost it in a house fire. Probably worth a few bob now.

Nope it was Kali Destroyer of Worlds:


Not sure what the fuck I was thinking buying that, I'd have to pay someone to take it if I still had it.

Ah right, this was the one he had:

Was mad into the Principle, Vempire and Dusk growing up. Also, enjoyed Cruelty but didn't know it as well. That all ended after seeing them at Tattoo the Planet. Thought they were so shit that I couldn't listen to them for years. Went back to Dusk last year and loved it once again. Didn't really venture into the rest. May do at some point.

Quote from: open face surgery on December 29, 2023, 03:25:46 PMWas mad into the Principle, Vempire and Dusk growing up. Also, enjoyed Cruelty but didn't know it as well. That all ended after seeing them at Tattoo the Planet. Thought they were so shit that I couldn't listen to them for years. Went back to Dusk last year and loved it once again. Didn't really venture into the rest. May do at some point.
I missed them in Temple bar music centre a few years previous , so Tattoo the planet was my first time seeing them too.I knew it was going to be bad when performers on stilts arrived on stage.

I still listen to Principle regularly enough!,but should probably go back to Dusk and Cruelty again;been ages.

The gig in TBMC was savage. Really dark and aggressive. The Tattoo the Planet gig was awful but I was already over them at that point.

The first introduction to COF for me was when I was 14 at my friends house blasting Midian ('Lord Abortion' intro is so evil along with 'Cthulhu Dawn') and as a young guitarist a lot of their stuff was fun to play, esp some of the stuff on Damnation. Cradle to Enslave EP onwards is what I'd know best but completely went off them by the time Nymphetamine/Thornography came along. I'll have to spend time on the earlier stuff and I wonder would it resonate now considering the entry point I began with many moons ago. Should I just start from the beginning or does it really matter?

Start with Dusk, it's arguably the only essential record.

Cruelty is the best one especially the last track. Having said that it's a been a long time since I listened to it. I stopped at Midian also and now I have no idea where my cd is.
Dusk has some heat moments as well.

Never saw the attraction Of this utterrly shit band .

Milked the black metal image and got lucky timing wise.

Dani has to be the worst vocalist I have ever had the misfortune to hear.

What the fuck do you call that annoying girl shriek he does for fuck sake ,wa wa wa wa ,wa wa wa ,wa.

People go on about dusk and her embrace as if it some masterpiece .

They don't hold a candle to the great band of the genre and are b tier shite in all but record sales

Quote from: Shitstirrer on January 01, 2024, 02:16:22 AMThey don't hold a candle to the great band of the genre

I value your opinion Mr Shitstirrer Sir. Curious what band that is you refer to, or perhaps you meant to say the great bandS? Who would your top 3 trve black metal bands be then?

Joke band,and milked what they coukd when the saw the oppertunity.But Principle wipes the floor with a lot of the old guards material imo.

Nothing can wipe the floor with DMDS,early Burzum or UAFM (or Thy Mighty Contract or Drawing Down the Moon or Wicca etc.). I think early Cradle stacks up well in its own right but wipes the floor? You've been sniffing cans of Lulu again!

Gave Midian a listen earlier for first time in 23 years. The 17 year old me wasn't a bad judge. Album is horrific shite. Cheesefest by and large with the odd decent Maiden riff reminiscent of the earlier albums. But devoid of atmosphere and interesting songs. Appalling female vocals. Toe curling tongue in cheek lyrics. I guess if was your first COF album you might have a soft spot for it but this millennium era turd is certainly no classic any self respecting fan of black metal or underground metal in general needs to be aware of. It would be a closer companion of whatever Marilyn Manson etc was releasing at the time than any BM classic from the 90s. I thought all this was blindingly obvious at the time. However, admittedly, when I first heard COF (song Nocturnal Supremacy on a metal hammer cd around '95/'96) I thought they were certainly in league with the devil too, so I guess it all depends on when you first discover them as an impressionable young teen. They gave up any pretence at seriousness around Dusk/Cruelty for me. Probably earlier for older listeners.