Please see links to our new album, 'Of the World'. Bass, noise & chaos.

We're a 2-piece post-industrial/experimental electronic band compared to Godflesh and Author & Punisher. Ex- Stand-Up Guy. Hosted also on Owlripper Recordings, they have said about 'Of the World':

'For those into their industrial, doom, post-rock, electronic, soundscape, synth, ambient and experimental sounds, this album should scratch many an itch, and discover more itchy parts you didn't realise you had...

This is a collection of new and re-recorded pieces. They hint at a real development and honing of skills, and a statement of Tend's intention to increase the intensity and immersiveness of their audio visual world. It has been... a fantastic experience being able to climb inside the brilliant tracks that Tend have created. Please allow time and focus for this epic and emotive piece of music to unfold and tell its whole story.'

Give our pages a follow - gig announcements incoming 🦾