Got sucked in by the admittedly awesome artwork, but Jesus this is dreadful. It's the same riff, decades on!!!!

There's so much great music coming out from younger and hungrier bands there's little need to be wasting time with this shit but when one of the (former) greats drop something I can't help but at least give a quick listen.

Frozen in Time ,the last album of theirs i really liked ,anything i heard since then didnt interest me.

I'd have said that their recent self titled one was their best since The End Complete.

Really? I thought that one was especially weak.

I enjoyed it, first one that held my interest for years. That said, I haven't listened to it for a long time.

They said everything they had to say by the end of Cause of Death. Everything released since has been pretty much interchangeable shite.

Love the first three, no real interest in anything since. John Tardy still sounds brilliant though

Have to say, I don't think John sounds great. He's got the art of it down, so it sounds ok but he's been coasting for years. Put on Cause or Slowly and you'll see what I mean. I think he gets away with it because his voice is so unique.

QuoteThey said everything they had to say by the end of Cause of Death. Everything released since has been pretty much interchangeable shite.

Unfortunately that's it really. I do enjoy End Complete and to a lesser extent World Demise, at least they tried something a little bit different on the latter there.

Love the first 4,not mad about Back from the dead,but really liked Frozen in Time.

Ok give this latest tune a proper listen,era ive heard worse,but yeah no staying power really.

Quote from: Pagan Saviour on November 20, 2022, 01:45:59 PMGot sucked in by the admittedly awesome artwork, but Jesus this is dreadful. It's the same riff, decades on!!!!

There's so much great music coming out from younger and hungrier bands there's little need to be wasting time with this shit but when one of the (former) greats drop something I can't help but at least give a quick listen.
I'm not sure I'd call thus dreadful now. It has the patented Obituary Groove, but yea, there are other bands doing better. Frozen in time was the last album I actually bought by them

Might not be dreadful in terms of production, sound, playing etc but as somebody pointed out earlier, they said all they needed to say by album two.

I have to say i like that song, sure their best days are behind them, but i have heard a lot worse in recent times