Anyone go? Had to give up my ticket but my mate sent me some clips from Creeping Death and they were class, not a bad opening act!

Yeah, I went. Caught the last few songs from Creeping Death, thought they were failry mediocre, to be honest. I didn't hear anything I felt I needed to hear again. I really enjoyed Alluvial, though they seemed to cut their set short at the end? I'd be keen to see them again. Goatwhore are always class, always worth the money alone. Revocation, I wasn't hugely familiar with beforehand, but gave them a few songs and just wasn't feeling it, to be honest. They lost in the trade-off between the two-hour drive home and sticking out to the end of their set. They weren't shit but, like Creeping Death, the songs weren't doing anything to make me want to stay to the end, just fairly unrmarkable fare. Alluvial and Goatwhore were worth the trip, though.

blown away by goatwhore, first time seeing them live and they did not disappoint. creeping death were fun, dumb guy deathmetal, Alluvial were not my cup of tea. Really enjoyed revocation, but goatwhore are tough to follow.... not knowing any of revocations stuff, felt the better material was towards the end of the set, didn't open super strong.

No interest in this show but saw on the Facebook page that is was sold out. In the last year I think this is the best turn outs to shows I have ever seen in all my years of going to gigs. Hopefully it continues, the shows increase and we get more bands coming over that have never played here before.

I only got listening to Revocation when their most recent album launched, and I've turned into a total fanboy. I was in their top 0.01% of listeners on Spotify for 2022 (and that's only from minutes listened September 9th to November 30th), and that obviously doesn't include the albums I've picked up physically. I'll listen to them back to back with the likes of Death and Necrophagist without blinking, as it's all drawn from the same place.

I've also come to think that Dave Davidson is the best guitarist in metal to emerge in the last 15 years, and I'd honestly put him up there with Chuck Schuldiner (who is my all-time favourite musician).

Alluvial were cool enough, Goatwhore are a good "meat and potatoes" band and I enjoyed them in the live setting, but I find their music isn't interesting or engaging enough to have me reaching for their records (and they're a band I've been aware of for a very long time).

Again, this is filtered through the ears of a total fanboy, but Revocation blew the roof off for me. Most of their set coming from their last three albums (which are my three favourite) helped too.

Never thought that after over twenty years of going to gigs, my highlight would happen in my 40s.

Wow, that's serious food for thought. I must check out those last 3 albums, sound job.

I had to miss it after catching covid again, but would've loved to have made been there.

I'd agree with Ducky that it's their last three albums that really hit their stride. I think their early stuff suffered a bit from quantity over quality, something like five albums and two eps in six years. Since they started taking a bit more time they've been so much better, new album is great but The Outer Ones is still the pinnacle for me

Quote from: Snare on February 17, 2023, 03:49:41 PMWow, that's serious food for thought. I must check out those last 3 albums, sound job.

They're nice and dense records. Lots of little details that I'm still only discovering now.

Davidson is an absolutely lethal player; he's Berklee trained, is massively into jazz (there's a great video of himself and Alex Skolnik discussing and playing a bit of jazz), and there's some great videos of him discussing how he writes, using odd meters and other bits to keep it interesting.

Dan from Artificial Brain was their second guitarist from 2010 to 2020 too.

I'll stick up a song per the last three albums that made me pay attention...

The Interlude in this one is pure magic.

The drums in the intro here are great.

The chorus riff in this is pure Voivod worship.

Quote from: Trev on February 17, 2023, 04:39:48 PMI had to miss it after catching covid again, but would've loved to have made been there.

I'd agree with Ducky that it's their last three albums that really hit their stride. I think their early stuff suffered a bit from quantity over quality, something like five albums and two eps in six years. Since they started taking a bit more time they've been so much better, new album is great but The Outer Ones is still the pinnacle for me

I've really warmed up to Existence is Futile, the s/t, and Teratogenesis as well. I'd put Deathless as good as the last three.

The first album is solid enough (but obviously a formative record), and Chaos of Forms is the only one I'd call a stinker.

Yeah, its not like there's nothing too bad about the early albums, just don't stack up the quality of the last few for me. Been a few years since I last gave them a listen so probably worth a run through again though

Yep, they're one of those bands that landed perfectly formed, but became more and more refined. The last few are very much the sound of a mature and confident band.