Long shot but like the title says, looking for a copy of the Damaar demo, either then 10" or the 12", if anyone has a copy lying around they'd wanna shift.

I have the 12" and never listen to it. Would be willing to trade it if you have anything of interest but I'm in Oz. I'll be back in Ireland in August so if you have something to trade I could bring it over.

Well I'm actually in NZ so that suits better haha but I don't have much worth trading tbh here in NZ with me, haven't managed to get my rekkids over from Ireland yet so only have a handful here.

I just looked at Discogs and it's going for mad money but fucked if I'm interested in charging some silly money for it. Maybe enough to pick up a new record, plus postage sound fair?

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 12, 2023, 11:02:34 AMI just looked at Discogs and it's going for mad money but fucked if I'm interested in charging some silly money for it. Maybe enough to pick up a new record, plus postage sound fair?

Fuckin hell, just checked myself there, this was readily available for years it seemed on NWN, just I always had the CD and was never fussed. Yeah legend Andy, will message you now.

I use to own the die hard LP and sold it before I moved to Canada for peanuts which I regret now as it will never be repressed.

Personally speaking, and I'm sure this makes me a sucker in certain eyes, but I'm not interested in charging people Discogs rip off prices for stuff if I have it and I'm not into it. I think that the cost of records at the minute is criminal as it is without these miserable flipper cunts ruining it further for people. Not interested in playing that game. It's only a bit of plastic and cardboard for fucks sake. As long as I get enough to replace it with something I'll listen to then I'm winning.

I have a few bits and pieces worth serious money according to discogs, but yeah, fuck ripping lads off over an LP. If it came up on conversation and a lad offered me 100 euros in the pub for an LP, well maybe but lashing up that blodsband and hoping for a bidding war? Nah.

I would rather hold onto Blodsband than part with it for cash. Ripper.