It's poor. Stone and Hollow are cool but the rest is dull as fuck. I haven't been able to get into Rainier Fog either, just dull. ldj was bang on when he said Cantrell needs to step back and let Duvall sing. He's a fine backing singer, Cantrell, but he doesn't cut the mustard as a lead singer for me.

He's a man for a harmony but his voice is characterless. Duvall very very good.

If you listen to Duval's pre Alice in Chains band, Comes with the Fall his vocal talent is wasted in AIC! Fantastic singer.

He was to play whelans solo before the incident. Must check out his solo album!

I was very late to the AIC table,dismissed them under the grunge banner until about 15 years ago.I was too metal to listen to them for years,big mistake.

This thread has me revisiting the back catalog. Facelift has some awesome moments. The 2nd half is flawed though.

TDPDH is a chore to get through. As Juggz pointed out, it's got Stone and Hollow and little else.

The classics of Dirt, Jar Of Flies, BGWTB and unplugged remain as awesome as ever.

The self titled wasn't too high on my list for years but I really enjoy it more with the passage of time. The same can be said for Sap.

Rainer Fog,  while it initially disappointed is a real grower. I rate it around the same as the self titled now.

Seeing the comments about Cantrell taking a back seat on the vocals, well I have to say it's a very fair point. Duvall is an amazing singer who should be up front more.

The Cantrell solo albums are average enough. Boggy Depot is extremely poor and Degradation Trip plods along save for a handful of songs.

Duvall is indeed wasted in them, the other two boys probably didn't mind the paycheck. It's little more than the Cantrell Show. I think them being called Alice in Chains these days has little to do with the music and all to do with the brand/marketing.

I remember reading the Music Bank liner notes at the time and thinking it was maybe always the Cantrell show!
Surprising all the AIC lyrics he wrote too that I would have assumed were Layne's.