Seen a few bands either scheduling these virtual concerts/performances (Clutch, Crowbar) or talking about it (Testament), seems like a cool idea but it also strays somewhat into holographic performance territory.

I do love the idea of being able to watch this stuff while in lockdown when real gigs are not possible and paying a few quid to do it seems reasonable, but i wouldn't like to think bands might focus on this in the future - replacing real touring, or reducing overall scale of touring due to it being an quick and easy revenue stream. If i'm sitting in the house with a few beers though I'm more likely going to watch a classic show from the band's "heyday"(on Youtube/DVD) with the live energy of a "real performance" and  I'd be much more interested in clinic style sessions from bands or musicians - with breakdowns of playing/style and Q&A type sessions etc.

What are everyones thoughts on them?