I gave being a vegetarian a shot before and its just not for me. I used to be a chef so I love food and the cravings for meat just got too much. I definitely eat too much now though and could do with cutting back a bit.
Might try one day on one day off.

#16 April 23, 2020, 01:26:16 PM Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 01:06:10 PM by Scáthach
I got shown some Indian style cookery in my teens and haven't looked back. Love a bit of gee  :laugh:
Southern Italian style is great for veg and pulse cookery too. Ottolenghi does some great East Mediterranean style recipes, the guy is a wizard with an aubergine.
Edit - ghee  :laugh:

Quote from: Trev on April 23, 2020, 09:37:55 AM
Those quorn nuggets are the business, not too mad about the rest of the stuff though. I find their sausages in particular are pretty shit, but I like the Linda McCartney ones

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 23, 2020, 09:29:59 AM
Funny the number of you talking about a weight drop in the other thread; afaik, there's no reason why meat per se should have been preventing you from losing weight, more likely whatever combinations you were eating it in.
Not sure the exact reasons but I've heard the same from loads of people, maybe I'm just shitting more! 😂

The Quorn chicken bits are great - I stir fry them with a load of veg and seasoning for a great chicken-less chicken fajita.

I'd say if you're losing weight on a veggie diet it's probably down to fibre helping to keep you full for longer and also helping you shit more.

Quote from: Juggz on April 23, 2020, 09:51:39 AM
Quote from: Trev on April 23, 2020, 09:37:55 AM
Those quorn nuggets are the business, not too mad about the rest of the stuff though. I find their sausages in particular are pretty shit, but I like the Linda McCartney ones

Not sure the exact reasons but I've heard the same from loads of people, maybe I'm just shitting more! 😂
Yeah, the quorn sausages are dire. The Linda Mc ones are vastly superior. The mozzarella burgers are fantastic for sure. I use the Quorn pieces as well as the mince. For bolognese or chilli, the mince is superb and the nicest of the fake-meat minces I have tried.

The Denny vegan sausages are unreal.

I actually got a Tesco delivery yesterday and they were out of Linda McCartney sausages so replaced them with the quorn ones. Stuck them in the airfryer instead of the grill or pan, chopped them up into a bean chilli and they worked out pretty well

I grew up on a beef farm and have always been a big meat eater. However in the last year my meat consumption has halved. Myself and the wife have gotten better at cooking meat free stuff and quite enjoy it. We don't use any quorn or the likes though.  Our chilli mix for example just had more beans and we use lentils to thicken it up. Honestly don't miss the beef mince in it at all. The amount of mince had been gradually reducing in favour of veg anyway.

Have also explored many tasty veggie curries. She does a Cambodian one that is particularly good.

I'm not about to turn vegan or even fully vegetarian though. I simply enjoy meat, fish and shellfish too much. I do see merit in not eating massive amounts of it though. Another positive move (weight wise at least) was to cut back on the dairy stuff. We were fuckers for cheese and cream in cooking and once it's dialled back then it certainly seems easier to control the weight.

Quote from: Ducky on April 23, 2020, 02:54:14 PM
Quote from: Trev on April 23, 2020, 09:37:55 AM
Those quorn nuggets are the business, not too mad about the rest of the stuff though. I find their sausages in particular are pretty shit, but I like the Linda McCartney ones

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 23, 2020, 09:29:59 AM
Funny the number of you talking about a weight drop in the other thread; afaik, there's no reason why meat per se should have been preventing you from losing weight, more likely whatever combinations you were eating it in.
Not sure the exact reasons but I've heard the same from loads of people, maybe I'm just shitting more! 😂

The Quorn chicken bits are great - I stir fry them with a load of veg and seasoning for a great chicken-less chicken fajita.

Quorn is soylent, maybe the other brands too, but quorn is sort of notorious like pepsi in the human stem cells/ mystery vat sense

The problem I have with a lot of the veggie substitutes is the sheer amount of soy in them. I always feel amazing after a decent steak.