It's only the beginning of March and already a strong contender for album of the year. It's a great continuation from the last MLP. Just keeps getting better with each listen so much going on and the lyrics are also top notch.

This is a really good album.  I haven't checked out the lyrics...must do so

How did this one pass me by? Picking this up on payday. Class album. Production reminds me of Dead Congregation for some reason.

Had it on in the background reading the Bardo interview.  That Norma Evangelium Diaboli style has become a bit overdone in recent years but I really like the sound of this stuff.  Nice and hateful. I'll have to nab a CD.

What do you mean by the NED style? All of the bands at least to my ears are very different. For me it's the best label currently going and has been the best for a long time.

#5 April 19, 2019, 06:41:24 AM Last Edit: April 19, 2019, 06:48:43 AM by Eoin McLove
I think there is a certain thread running through several of the bands on the roster.  There's the Orthodox religious imagery, a common viciousness and a clarity of production that links them.  They don't all sound exactly alike,  but they tend to conform to a similar overall buzz. I like some of the bands,  don't get me wrong,  but I think with any movement like this the novelty can lose its shine after a while more so from overexposure.  I haven't listened to a lot of this type of BM in a few years now so it sounds revitalised to me.

The impact of the likes of DsO, Watain, Ofermod and Funeral Mist went far beyond the boarders of the label.  The entire BM scene was affected by what they were doing,  for better and worse.