#4815 December 19, 2024, 11:22:27 AM Last Edit: December 19, 2024, 11:24:15 AM by The Butcher
Quote from: Slaughterday on December 18, 2024, 07:11:38 PMFinally got around to watching Alien Romulus. A good watch ruined by some absolutely fucking pointless references to the older Alien films and some very dodgy CG for one character in particular. Shame really as Alvarez is a fairly competent director.

Got around to Romulus on Monday night and felt the same...although the last 30 minutes or so I thought were horrendous. Felt like an attempt at a 'best of' from all the previous Alien and Alien related films. Plus didn't care much for the characters bar the Android actor (best part in terms of acting chops) Some cool ideas sprinkled throughout and the retro style of the original was a nice touch but for me, 6/10 max - pretty bang average which is better than what was come since Aliens.

If anyone has played Alien Isolation, I think that could have been translated into a great film.

The was an Alien Isolation animated series a while back, didn't see it though.

Isolation is what Ridley should have jumped on to erase the Fassbender shite.

Re watched Romulus on 4k the other night and genuinely enjoyed it more this time round. There's some fantastic production design. The fan service bits are still cringe (guaranteed there was studio notes crowbarring them in), but it's in good hands.

Kinda captured the Dark Horse Comics vibe too which I didn't notice in the cinema, but knowing that Alvarez has read feckin' everything Xenomorph it's no surprise.

Still could have tweaked Rook a little more in post production though but they didn't have the biggest budget to be fair, Fox have a "no more than 90 million on Aliens/Predator if it's not Ridley as there's still folks salty about Alien 3 and Resurrection not drawing crazy money.

The Thing (1982)

I watched it last night as someone told me that Morricone did the soundtrack
I was intrigued then to see that John Carpenter directed it

I felt Morricone didn't appear as much as I would have liked

Some of the effects are brilliant
For '82 it must have been incredible!

The score has Carpenter written all over it, I imagine he redid a lot of it when Morricone was done.

Phenomenal movie, I picked up the 4K reissue a couple of years ago and it looks fantastic.

Quote from: Jward on December 20, 2024, 12:24:06 PMSome of the effects are brilliant

Blasphemy! All of them are brilliant! Rob Bottin damn near killed himself on the creature FX.
And the Matte & miniatures still hold up.
As for the score it's definitely Morricone via Carpenter (and Alan Howarths) filter.
Think Ennio over delivered on his initial pass, whereas JC wanted a less is more approach, so Ennio trimmed the fat.