Quote from: Vadge on April 17, 2019, 04:38:09 PM
Bit of pre-gig light ribbing, just like the old days. No love lost chums, hope to see some of you here.
Back to your gaff for 'afters'..?

#32 April 17, 2019, 11:15:13 PM Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 11:32:59 PM by Cryptic Stench
Good bang for buck tonight.

Zealot Cult did the job, like listening to a mixture of my favorite early 90s death metal, yet without falling into worship territory. Great set.

Malthusian were poor to be fair, very muddy sounding, all bass and drums except when they went into Autopsy impression mode.

Ulcerate are on a different level altogether, fantastic delivery and the tones were clinical. Flawless performance. Thanks for bringing them over. Bonus to pick up a t shirt for €15!!!

Haven't been in the grand social before, superior venue to the voodoo in every respect for this type of show. No pillars is always a plus.

And after all the stick I got about set times they were fucking wrong in the end. Had to sprint for the bus.

I actually thought Malthusian's sound was great and they were deadly. The clearest mix I've heard live with them. I thought the guitars were clear. I was up front on the left.

I enjoyed ulcerate. Got a bit samey after a while. Amazing drummer has to be said.

Enjoyed playing. Cheers Karl.

As already said great venue. Much better than the Voodoo.

Deadly gig - enjoyed from start to finish

ZC - Always enjoyable, and nice to see a half decent crowd for a first support

Malthusian - Blew the lid off the spot.  First time I've seen them since the new album release, and those tracks sounded class in the live setting.

Ulcerate - Honestly, thought they had bit of a slow start, especially coming after Malthusian - but it really picked up as the gig went on.  Captivating stuff.

First time in the GS.  Has a lot of advantages over the Voodoo.  Seems perfect for gigs this size. 

Fair play for putting this on Karl.

Great gig, still feeling it today..
Zealot Cult were class as always, Malthusian were suitably unhinged and Ulcerate were devastating.
Minor gripe was the muddy guitar sound but didn't detract too much from the overall performances.
Finally got Spiritual Sickness on vinyl so looking forward to spinning that later.
Fair play to all involved

Great turnout for a Wednesday, grateful to all who came out. Yeah the GS is a superior venue in all respects really. It's nice watching a band you like in a venue you enjoy being in

Also, future set times will be randomized and based on personal guesswork

What was the headcount in the end? Looked healthy enough so hopefully costs were at least covered. Thanks again for bringing them over.

200 odd. I'm just glad it shows there's still a healthy interest here for stuff like this, which gives hope for similar to come. Considering it wasn't exactly cheap, it shows a lot of consideration

Great gig, all three bands were on top form, I thought the sound was spot on.

As its been said already this place is miles ahead than the Voodoo in every sense.

More of this kind of thing  :)

Great show, all bands played really well. Was interesting to see malthusian adjust vocals and that with the new line up.
Ulcerate were amazing, lived up to my sky-high expectations.
Thanks for putting on the gig Karl, fair play to ya.

Weird one for me,  watching Malthusian.  From a technical standpoint they are in a phase of transition and having a more intimate knowledge of the songs than anyone else in the audience I was maybe focusing too much on details to be able to let go and give in to the experience.  Maybe that will always be the case for me or maybe over time the distance will be great enough that I'll be able to experience it from a fully outsider perspective.

I'm looking forward to hearing what they come up with musically with the new configuration as that will be the real test.  Again,  it will be strange I'm sure,  but I hope Tom can add enough of his own unique style to it for me to be able to enjoy it from the point of view of a fan rather than from an overly scrutinizing perspective.