I normally wouldn't be too into this form of protest, but watching events from France, I can't help but feel like more and more of this type of protest is going to be needed to drag us out of the road we have being going down in the last decades. Unpaid work, ever rising taxes, non investment and cutting of services in rural areas, centralisation. I have largely been very pro Europe but I see huge benefits to Brexit for the British, for example. I watched Macron's speech and the whole PR machine reminds me so much of recent Irish leaders. Everything very nice on a superficial level, but when you look closer at things like services, hospitals, police on the beat, greater protection for workers, real justice in the courts, I can't help but feel we could do with a lot more of this  French attitude in Ireland.

Of course, there are always other agendas at play so just wondering how people see the events of the past few weeks?

Well we saw a bit of this in Roscommon during the week. Maybe not the best example but the media reports are pretty woeful on the whole subject.

Starting to happen in Canada as well due the complete shit hole the country is turning into and in typical Canadian style the MSM is trying it's best to link the yellow vests to white supremacy to turn public support against them. The same media who praise the Antifa fascists as freedom fighters fighting against racism and refuse to report on all the attacks and destruction they cause.

The powers that be will do anything they can to shut these types of protests down. I am guessing the media outlets in other first world countries will start to do something similar as soon as these protests start up. They probably tried the same thing in France but the French public were not stupid enough to fall for it unfortunately the same thing can't be said for Canadian's the majority of whom will believe anything that's spoon fed to them. 

Right enough, there was a lot of linking of the gilets jaunes movement to the Front National, and a big deal was made of finding and vox popping people who said they think we'd have been better off with Marine LePen. Of course, in strictly economic terms, the gilets jaunes in general would have been better off with Le Pen, but who's interested in details...