#15 April 07, 2024, 02:04:22 PM Last Edit: April 07, 2024, 02:07:12 PM by Eoin McLove
Worked out for me. Fucked if I would have flown back to Europe to see Beherit, but a trip to Japan worked all round.

Their set last night was great. Their set tonight sucked. A boring one note drone. I walked out after fifteen or twenty minutes.

Genocide Organ were cool. 70 minutes was a bit much but Fernow from Prurient joined them for the last twenty minutes or so and a dude from Grey Wolves (who are a big deal apparently) came on for the last ten minutes.

Actually, Prurient were a highlight. I wrote them off fifteen years ago after buying Black Vase and not getting through a single song so I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the gig. Intense stuff.

Masonna had a 15 minute time slot. He played for 3 minutes and 22 seconds. Just total shite.

Oh, and Igor Cavalera did a noise set between bands yesterday in the upstairs section. I was watching him and thinking he looked familiar but couldn't place him. Today one of the lads told me who it was and I was a bit taken aback. I ended up seeing him hanging out with Black Winds at the merch stall later on and got a photo with them both. Next thing a queue formed and loads of people jumped in for a photo op, haha. Sorry fellas!

An interesting thing I noticed over the past two days was the mix of proper black metal fans, skins etc and more leftist types. There were dudes in makeup and dresses, Antifa insignia and all sorts of freaks and weirdos from the industrial scene mingling with the metal crowd with absolutely no stress on either side. Just a good vibe all around. Tons of NSBM t-shirts about the place, mostly worn by brown skinned people and Asians! I found it amusing to see what we always say here in action- metal gigs aren't political rallies and anyone can go without getting hassle. There was a real underground feel to it with the mix of people there, I thought.

The Igor set was announced a few weeks ago which was surprising given his Antifa associated then the old NWN forum being deleted because of Antifa threats. He probably didn't know much about the label and got a free trip over to see things like Beherit / Blasphemy who I assume he would be aware of as they started up not too long after himself and Max started Sepultura. The Japanese in general seem to be pretty nationalist people and don't care much about all the woke stuff. Seigneur Voland played a few shows over there with no issues whatsoever very recently.

#18 April 07, 2024, 03:44:46 PM Last Edit: April 07, 2024, 05:50:23 PM by O Drighes
Stoked you made it to it Andy. I am really looking forward to seeing Beherit in Austria in July, but this seems to be great craic from all the reports I've read so far.

Good observation on the overall behaviour there. But I wouldn't expect the NSBM tshirts would be a big deal considering most people are NWN! supporters and the Japanese audience is also used to bands such as Rommel, Mein Kampf and Rosenfeld that used Nazi imagery for shock value.

Yep that's true. I just thought it was interesting to see so many non white people wearing Absurd t-shirts for example, and all types of, at least on the surface of it, left and right  people mingling happily together with no drama. The whole thing was paradoxical if you looked at it in a very literal way. It highlighted how you have to take all of this stuff with a pinch of salt.

Unreal, glad it was a good fest, was worried how Beherit were going to be, I seen some clips and it looked class. Yeah funny it seemed like a one and done show until I seen all these festival dates. Cool for the witchcraft lads too seen as they're basically a Beherit tribute act.

I just got locked all weekend and listened to Beherit in place of being there.

I thought Witchcraft were fun too. Loose and ropey but that's the spirit of the enterprise. Currently wearing a gloriously retarded t-shirt they printed for the fest. Gammy demon till dess!

Oh I was mistaken, when I said it was cool for them I was under the impression they were the backing band but looks like it's just one of them. Still though, what an experience. I must listen to more of their stuff.

Yeah the guitarist/ vocalist played guitar with Beherit and actually did all the vocals for a couple of the OOBB songs.... Dawn of Satan's Millennium and something else.

I had a funny/ awkward experiences with the bassist. I was heading back to the venue yesterday afternoon and bumped into him. I said, great gig last night,  man. He went to fist bump me and I went in for the handshake. Pure fuckin handrape! Sorry, I'm Irish...  :laugh:

I would have loved to go to this but travel to Japan seemed quite steep!

Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 08, 2024, 09:13:14 AMYeah the guitarist/ vocalist played guitar with Beherit and actually did all the vocals for a couple of the OOBB songs.... Dawn of Satan's Millennium and something else.

I had a funny/ awkward experiences with the bassist. I was heading back to the venue yesterday afternoon and bumped into him. I said, great gig last night,  man. He went to fist bump me and I went in for the handshake. Pure fuckin handrape! Sorry, I'm Irish...  :laugh:

So did you grab his fist and close him down inadvertently like a Mr. Miyagi shutting down a young Johnny?