First kiss and Ian junior on the BBC website, now a girl  from Ballymena, claims Til has inappropriate after show parties.

Apparently there's lots of allagations and I think the German fuzz are on the case too

What is it exactly your one from Ballymena is claiming? All the articles state in her own words, she attended a pre party , Till propositioned her, she refused, he seemed annoyed but didn't push it further?

Something about a spiked drink but her drug test was negative.

She's since posted on Instagram to confirm there was no sexual or inappropriate activity?

Saw this the other day, didn't realize she was from up north.

Her claim, in her own words, is that she was "groomed", by which she means set up for sexual relations under false pretenses. As in, not being approached saying "Interested in fooling about with Till after the show?" but, she says, being misled into a face-to-face situation in which some may find it difficult to refuse consent. Till respected her refusal, and by the sounds of it he has an easy out of all this by simply claiming that he only ever wanted girls who had given full and informed consent. Pretty similar to the (still ongoing?) situation Maynard found himself in a few years ago.

Seems to be loads more joining in though with a few claiming sexual assault.

Right, just went and read through an up-to-date report on it from today. A messy, nasty business by the sounds of it. Can't see him admitting to any wrong doing (even if/now presuming there was). Could get them/him leaning into an insistence that it was always consensual, especially since him personally and non-violently "accepting" refusal remains the anchor testimony. One possibility is testimony from one of the girls who appeared in the porn video to Till The End, all of whom, according to Welt, were recruited using the same "zero row" play book. If that is true and a proper investigation is launched, then that video most likely has just become evidence and everyone in it is liable to be interviewed as to the hows and whys of their appearing in it and the conditions under which consent was given. That could really go either way, but to many people just the content itself will be enough for them to believe he's capable of anything. Never know, even potential for a couple hush-money revelations in there if Till and Rammstein Ltd get to those girls first. In any case, he's the makings there for a right aul pyrotechnic to go out strapped to. Screams through the air. Explosion in the sky. Till falls into a 3rd day of a metal festival portaloo. Ta-da!

Anything to stop them make that dreadful music.

That is the greatest possible outcome. God awful fuckin band.

QuoteAnything to stop them make that dreadful music.

They are indeed awful. I went to that show they did here around ten years ago and there's no denying it's an experience/spectacle but I don't own any of their music and would never throw it on at home anyway. If you took all the flames, sets, jizz cannons etc away you'd be in for a painful evening.

Some might say that the presence of a jizz cannon might lead to a painful evening, but each to their own.

I thought it was just me who hates their music.

always just considered them as metal for people who dont listen to metal...saw them at sonisphere 10 odd years ago,,,didnt care for it..boring enough..gimmick fest

I think they're a class band, and only started getting into them in the last few years or so. That said, in the same way that with AC/DC you only really need two albums to get what they're all about, with Rammstein you've got everything they do, at its best, in just one; Mutter.

Indeed, I have and like Mutter but everything else seems pointless.

Sehnsucht is a good auld album too, although second to Mutter by a long way.

I loves me some Rammstein. Sure they were thinking of calling it a day soon anyway. Such a shame the Belfast boucher road gig never went ahead. Til could have had a tonne of Ballymena lasses to pick from.