I thought they were a poor man's Mastodon TBH. But good luck to them anyway.

Listened to the album last night. A lot of it is really great, couple of passages are genuinely weak, and overall, yeah, their seemingly one and only influence is worn a little too blatantly on their sleeve, right down to the song titles. A band to keep an ear out for though, if they can strike off and mark out a path of their own.

fuck me!, I actually pretty much agree with BSC on something, thats a first.
I think there's massive potential there.
I don't think its fair to write them off as a "poor mans Mastodon", they do have their own thing going on too like.
Sure if we all took that attitude we would say, (enter modern death/black metal band name here) is just a poor mans (enter old-school death/black metal band name here), nothing new would have any value and we'd all just listen to Death and Venom and poo-poo all newcomers.
Anyway, I think its a banger of an album, fair fucks to them.

Yeah the album is decent and I saw the lads on the release show in Limerick for it, they were in excellent form and are great live too.

Quote from: Giggles on May 05, 2023, 01:05:45 AMI saw Grey Stag at the Siege last Halloween. Highly enjoyable, must check out the album.

Saw em at the Templemore metal fest a few years back and thought they were decent hopefully I'll remember to try the album

Bodydrinkers have a limited run of tapes out here from Fiadh Productions:

Heres a new tune from last night: