Have to say lads, this is awesome. Industrial type stuff with Andy from Therapy?, finding this far more enjoyable than anything from his day job over the past couple of decades.


Yeah it sounds great. Looking forward to picking up the album and familiarising myself with it. How come that old strange vibe he captures here is so absent from Therapy? I wonder.

It's worth pointing out that this isn't an Andy Cairns side project as such, rather it was an extant band that he provided vocals for as a favour to a friend (think Keenan and A Perfect Circle). I'd imagine his influence is limited.

Threw a bit of it on there. I stand by my initial thoughts that it's like Nurse era Therapy? crossed with The Wildhearts' Endless Nameless. Great!

The early Therapy? influence is glaring, though. It's miles ahead of the latest Therapy? album.

Quote from: jobrok1 on May 27, 2023, 10:03:57 AMThe early Therapy? influence is glaring, though. It's miles ahead of the latest Therapy? album.

100% man

I'll have to give it a listen, the preview tracks were decent alright.

Oh look there's a thread for it.  Yeah this is the fuckin business, ripping proper industrial metal with a noisy slant on it, ragged but catchy, busting heavy when it wants to be but restrained enough to let all the layers of noise come up through it when it needs to.  Great stuff.

This is class. I never became a big fan of Therapy? but maybe I should go back and revisit the stuff prior to Troublegum on the basis of comparisons here.

Quote from: Carnage on May 27, 2023, 03:50:48 AMIt's worth pointing out that this isn't an Andy Cairns side project as such, rather it was an extant band that he provided vocals for as a favour to a friend (think Keenan and A Perfect Circle). I'd imagine his influence is limited.

You sure about this? He plays guitar as well as sharing vocals with Adam and I'm pretty sure the band didn't exist before his involvement.

Nearly sure - when it was announced it was phrased along the lines of "Andy providing vocals for the debut Jaaw album", or words to that effect. That was the impression I got from it but maybe I'm wrong. It's definitely not his side project anyway, though he's the biggest name there. More of a British Lion/Steve Harris situation as far as I can tell.

I must have listened to this seven times in three days, rightly scratching the good weather tunes itch.  Just totally class songs that open up more and more on each spin.