Listening to this unique sounding Swiss goth doom weirdness from the early/mid 90s. Totally new to me and hitting the spot. It's not very metal really, very much more in the vein of gothic rock but there are elements of doom and black metal around the edges. I think I'm going to have to just slowly work my way through the Witchhunt Records (who released this) and Holy Records rosters because they seem to hold many oddball gems.

That is odd. Big melting pot going on there, a bit 4AD, a bit Sonic Youth, a bit Monumentum, a big god knows what. Further investigation warranted.

#2 July 07, 2021, 02:04:53 AM Last Edit: July 07, 2021, 05:36:03 AM by Eoin McLove
I'm not familiar with much of that stuff to be honest so my points of reference are slim but that makes it all the more interesting to me. Apparently the two earlier demos are straight up doom death so I'll have to give them a listen.

Fucking hell, good call Andy! I've got this recorded on tape back home in Brazil and I haven't listened to it in about 20 years. That tape actually had some other doom band on the B side that I can't fucking remember now, so that's me down a rabbit hole trying to find what that was now.

Very odd release indeed, "Opal Vault" is such a tune though! Was this reissued? Iron Tyrant had a 2LP release of it including the demos apparently, but a quick search on discogs' prices is enough to put you off.

Yeah the Iron Tyrant reissue is out of reach for me but I'll try grab a CD. Very interesting album.

Finally grabbed the CD from Discogs and got it for a good price including postage. It'll no doubt take months to get here, but sure...

Spinning this bad boy again this evening for the first time in a little while and I'm hooked right back in. Savage stuff. The demo material is actually of zero interest to me. It's just pure grabs death metal on the noisy side. Perhaps it's better than that but when it comes on after the album I am in no mood to hear it so I just skip back to the start. I would be half tempted to shell out for the Iron Tyrant LP...

Fucking great album alright, your initial post sent me off on a binge for them last year along with stuff like Monumentum, Mordor, etc from the same era who were equally oddball. That's this afternoon's work soundtrack sorted.

I've tried Monumentum a few times and can't seem to get them to click. I think I listened to a Mordor song and liked it- a recent split with someone. I must check out their early stuff. I remember it being more extreme sounding to Sadness.

That first Monumentum album (In Absentia Christi) is fantastic but I couldn't get into the second one at all.

First one and the demo are all you need in fairness.

Haven't heard the demo, I must remedy that.