Ive been on a serious neo-classical buzz for the last few months and id listened to Rhapsody years ago but never really gave them that much attention.  I know they are cheesy as hell but the songs they write are seriously impressive. Fabio Lione is one of the best power metal vocalists ive ever heard as well. i was checking out a few of their live videos and he nearly sounds better live than on the albums.
i love this stuff that makes you feel like your at some renaissance ball or something.
any other fans?


Deadly band! First five albums are all power metal classics I reckon. Few duds after that but the last couple they put out before Luca Turilli left were a great return to form

I used to listen to Symphony of Enchanted Lands and loved it years ago, don't know much of their other  material, I must revisit them.

oh and luc turilli and fabio lione are back together working on a new album. i think this is like the 3rd or 4th rhapsody spin off lol

Quote from: Trev on January 06, 2019, 07:05:11 PM
Deadly band! First five albums are all power metal classics I reckon. Few duds after that but the last couple they put out before Luca Turilli left were a great return to form

that album the frozen tears of angels is actually one of their best. pure aggressive riffs and some harsh vocals on it as well.
that song reign of terror of it is one of their best songs.

Yeah Frozen Tears and From Chaos to Eternity were brilliant. After the split I thought  the Turilli version went way too far into the orchestral side and the "main" version just went to shit without his input

Quote from: Trev on January 06, 2019, 08:03:13 PM
Yeah Frozen Tears and From Chaos to Eternity were brilliant. After the split I thought  the Turilli version went way too far into the orchestral side and the "main" version just went to shit without his input

yeah i wasnt too much a fan of luca's version. theres a few good songs on the first album but when im listening to them i just wish fabio was doing the vocals. they really work best all together.

How strange, I was going to post about Rhapsody last night too. I've heard arguments ripping them to shreds over the years but I always come back to them. To have the guts to play that kind of music, despite derision, and do it so well...hats off to them. Overblown, epic and just lots of fun. There's so much to be admired about people who follow their own path and fuck the naysayers. I liken it to my admiration for people who are into Warhammer or Larping. Not my thing but the world would be a blander place without it.

I adore Rain of a Thousand Flames and I think it's a great introduction to the band.

Symphomy and Dawn of Victory are also excellent, and unfortunately I know very little else by them. Recommendations welcome.

As the poster above said, live they look amazing from what I've seen online, and the songs take on a whole different power. Think I'll spend today listening to lots of this stuff..perfect at this time of year.

Give Power of the Dragonflame a shot next, in the same vein as the other albums you mentioned, last track is a big 20 minute epic with a great classical guitar intro

Symphony II and Cold Embrace of Fear were a bit more on the symphonic side, and best to avoid anything from Dark Wings of Steel onwards