With Arif announced that he has left the band here is the final album with himself as vocalist, released yesterday and its fucking great, featuring the songs from the EP they released a month ago.


The lads haven't released a single bad record

Grindcore legends

Legends indeed. LP delivered on Monday so looking forward to giving that a blast when I get home.

Talk about a downer though to announce a departure at the time of an album release, d'oh.  Last time I saw him was this fantastic show at NDF:

Had to skip out of Terrorizer early for it because they took a fucking age to set up, but it was the better option thankfully.

I didn't see anything about an ep last month - was it a special Spotify release or something?

Ah, found this via their own site, I presume this comp is the one you're on about:

Live they are savage live alright. Will give this new one a spin today.