April 02, 2022, 07:49:02 AM Last Edit: April 13, 2022, 06:14:00 AM by sadistik fornicator

Sadistic Intent (US) | Sijjin (DE) | Necromaniac (UK)
"Your God Will Be Destroyed Tour 2022"

The final extreme metal show to be billed at the Electrowerkz, London's longest-running alternative venue - now changing management. Celebrate our impending doom with a hideous collection of bands, distros, and metal maniacs. Brought to you by Morbid Angle and Killtown Bookings. Sponsored and Endorsed by Cult Never Dies.

Tickets available via Dice: link.dice.fm/h4d2615735ec

M O R B I D - M E T A L - T O - T H E - D E A T H

Will Sijjin be playing at the Irish show as well? What shows happening in Ireland just Limerick or Dublin as well?

Sijjin are on the whole tour and it's just Limerick, as far as I know.

Our old comrades Adorior have now been added to the bill. Prepare to be mentally, physically, and spiritually CRUSHED!!!

Quote from: open face surgery on April 05, 2022, 04:50:23 PM
Sijjin are on the whole tour and it's just Limerick, as far as I know.

Thanks I just saw the full tour dates announced last week.

Less than a week left for this, for those planning to attend we'll be showcasing a few new macabre serenades specifically decomposed for inclusion on our forthcoming debut full-length album so make sure you're there early to catch our set. Expect nothing but the nastiest, darkest, and deadliest Morbid Metal we've vomited forth from the abyss thus far. You've been warned!

SEE TICKETS: https://www.seetickets.com/tour/sadistic-intent-sijjin-adorior-necromaniac

DICE FM: https://dice.fm/event/7ar7p-sadistic-intent-sijjin-adorior-necromaniac-30th-jul-electrowerkz-london-tickets

#7 August 17, 2022, 07:51:53 AM Last Edit: August 17, 2022, 08:25:26 AM by sadistik fornicator

A couple of short clips from our performance:

