I posted about these lads recently,  but it may have been on the MI forum.  I remember seeing them support CoF in 98 and thinking they were dreadful.  Comically awful! Now,  I'm not sure if they were actually very good and just too traditionally metal sounding for my tender 90s ears but I picked up Norrøne Spor at the weekend and it's quite enjoyable indeed.  Nothing revolutionary and in some ways it's very simplistic,  but the songwriting is strong and direct.  I love the froggy vocals which remind me alternately of Loits and Master's Hammer and the melodic,  yet still kind of harsh Quorthon style vocal delivery too.  Which of their earlier stuff is worth a spin? And can anyone remember if they were good,  bad or indifferent in TBMC all those years ago?

I think they were good, just didn't appreciate them on the night. VThought COF were the be all end all of extreme metal at the time. Subsequently picked up Einherjer stuff later on, enjoyed all of it.

Old mans child played that show too? They were shit then and shit now.

OMC were deadly,  I thought.  The Pagan Prosperity is the only album that worked for me but it still sounds vital today.

I must work my way backwards through the Einherjer back catalogue and see if it hits the spot.

I remember enjoying them at COF (both nights, freebie second night like most people). I remember Far Far North sticking out to me. I bought Odin Owns Ye All and was pretty disappointed with all the cheesy sounding keyboards and how "light" it sounded. I listened to it not so long ago and it's a pretty bad album to my ears. I was really into Born of the flickering so OMC were the highlight for me, The Pagan Prosperity wasn't bad at all.

I only liked the Dragons of the north album and North from here EP.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 13, 2019, 09:23:12 PM
The Pagan Prosperity is the only album that worked for me but it still sounds vital today.

That's a great album that one. I recall seeing them with RC and Sacramentum in Highbury around that period.. Its a really catchy, melodic album with some cracking, memorable riffs on it.... but they tanked after that I reckon. Gene Hoglan drums on the follow up as I recall (which otherwise is non eventful to my ears), &  same for the subsequent releases... I guess he got real busy with Dimmu and that was that.

Wasnt the biggest fan of the earlier einherjer stuff but from blot on ir really enjoyed... seemed to get better the older they got for me! havent heard the last album but av oss, for oss is very good

The more I listen to this the better it gets.  I'm hearing a bit of a similarity to Doomsword in the riffs and choppy time signatures.

#8 June 15, 2022, 11:29:01 AM Last Edit: June 15, 2022, 11:31:14 AM by Eoin McLove
I just ordered the demo and 7" compilation, Aurora Borealis/ Leve Vikingånden, from Soulseller. I just had a very quick listen to the first song and it sounds really good. Looking forward to getting stuck into it properly. I still find it amusing that I saw them in 98 and thought they were a joke at the time, but now they are exactly what I'm after... some eejit  :D