April 16, 2022, 10:10:01 AM Last Edit: April 16, 2022, 10:17:53 AM by Eoin McLove


Looks like Mr. Hammett has a solo album coming out and judging by this song it may well be the business. Funnily, I've always maintained that James should do a country album as his acoustic stuff has been really strong over the years so for Kirk to come out with something in the Americana/ Spaghetti Western vein is unexpected. It's really well orchestrated and actually sounds complex in its composition which can't often be said of more recent Metallica stuff. A pleasant surprise.

*EP not album.

Probably wouldn't sit down and listen to an album of it but it sounds cool.

They should get the producers in for the next Metallica record, tried listening to their most recent a while back and one thing I thought was how little depth the production has for a band of their magnitude, just sounds like a really expensive demo.

Could be a nice one for the car for the drive to work, particularly if I end up getting a job in the Wild West in the 1860s.

That was good, really surprisingly good. Where has that Kirk been for the last 25 years?

Yeah, it sounds unforced, focused and highly creative.

Curious but can't listen right now. Is he putting the Wah into wild, wild west??

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 16, 2022, 02:27:33 PM
Curious but can't listen right now. Is he putting the Wah into wild, wild west??
The wah does get a cameo  :laugh:.

Start & middle of it is very like To Tame a Land from Maiden... but ya, its not bad!

It's grand. If it was the menu music in a computer game you'd say, "Pretty good music for a game!"

I have to agree with what's being said. It's surprisingly good. Repeat playing good.

Thought it was ok. Mainly sounds like a rehash of their softer moments from Lightning/Puppets with the S&M backing. The Maiden-y bit was interesting, the lead still really weak, though marginally better than the previous couple of albums. Kirk's best lead playing this century was probably on St Anger though lol.