Nothing about this yet?  Disanto and erik Nelson have reformed vektor planning to release a new album next year. Their Facebook is back up again, can get the statements there, I'm happy

Sweet, them two together are as good as anything you'll hear. Would love to see the drummer involved too, he was something else, but you'd expect they'll find some savage to fill in.

Saw that the other day, absolutely delighted. Just a shame Blake Anderson isn't back, thought his drumming really added something to their sound

The comments on the facebook statements are just a shitshow though  That's the new drummer.   I havent been on Facebook for a while so can't read the comments but I can imagine.  He'll be getting a lot of shit at gigs aswell I'd say but fuckit. As long as they still write good tunes I'll pay to hear/see it.   Gig in the voodoo lounge was brilliant

Erik made a post which basically involved him bending over backwards to explain how yer man couldn't be guilty of anything, Erik would have seen because he doesn't drink, he's a light sleeper, he has eyes in the back of his head, he's in constant communication with an omniscient pantheon of gods... it was fairly cringe.

I actually remember the thread on MI about when the members split, it was only a month or two after the Dublin gig and someone said the girlfriend was on tour with the band and there was constant rows apparently that contributed to the band members leaving, something that stuck in my head when the domestic abuse allegations came out.

Yeah, DiSanto's side of things is absolutely credible, based on everything I've read, but the post really came across as too much. Anyway, very good to see there'll be new music!

Sounds like some crazy girlfriend might have got in between them all and created a ruckus. Wouldn't be the first time it happened?

Why would people react poorly to a new drummer? Thought the last fella had a great stage prescence to him apart from being a savage. Hope this new lad livens up a bit.

On that, DiSanto could really do with a bit of classic Hetfield swagger on the live front for them to really take off. Precision performances, but too sterile and still to whip up any kind of fury from a crowd, which the music very much deserves in the live setting.

Wasn't there video footage (covertly filmed by the missus) of DiSanto being a roaring piece of shit to her?

Black Future is the only one I like, the production on the other albums is just too 'MacBook Metal' sounding for my liking. If they'd been a bit rawer I might have been able to get into them. The vocals do my head in too, he sounds like 'Sound of Perseverance' Chuck with a mousetrap on his sack!

Quote from: Ducky on May 30, 2020, 05:48:47 PM
Wasn't there video footage (covertly filmed by the missus) of DiSanto being a roaring piece of shit to her?
From what I remember (could be wrong about it) the video was about 10 seconds long and was him shouting at her to leave him alone then throwing a pillow, and that's what the whole wife beater thing is based on

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 30, 2020, 05:18:55 PM
On that, DiSanto could really do with a bit of classic Hetfield swagger on the live front for them to really take off. Precision performances, but too sterile and still to whip up any kind of fury from a crowd, which the music very much deserves in the live setting.
Yeah he always came across a bit static, I wondered if that was from concentrating on his playing, because there's so many crazy riffs in the catalogue, or that he just lacks stage presence