April 07, 2020, 08:41:07 PM Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 08:43:15 PM by Anton Arcane
Looking for opinions on something.
I've been writing music and stock piling songs for ages now and I have around an albums worth of instrumental, post doom type stuff demoed at this stage. I started the project with the intention of finding a vocalist but after trying out a few people and giving it a go myself, I've come to the conclusion that the songs would be better off staying instrumental. I don't know if I'm off my rocker on this one though. So I'd appreciate it if anyone gave the song in the link a listen and shared their thoughts.


Getting an old Katatonia vibe there, for my money? Get a singer over it. Good stuff as it is but there are obvious passages crying out for a tortured growl .
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Heavily influenced by Katatonia there indeed, especially the "Discouraged Ones" album. I honestly think you should get someone who is able to manage mostly clean vocals and some growls in certain passages, maybe something more spaced out where there's still plenty of instrumental passages, but these riffs really call for some vocals.

yup, definitely Discouraged ones / Tonights decision vibes there for sure, esp that opening riff.  Certainly needs vocals to my mind. Not bad at all!

Thanks lads. Yeah bit of a Katatonia vibe with this song alright but not so much with the others I would say. The comments were all helpful. When you work on your own on things, it's easy to overthink and not see the woods for the trees sometimes so it's good to get fresh perspectives.

Tune definitely sounds like it was written with vocals in mind, so if you were going to go instrumental you'd need to rearrange, rework a bit so it didn't sound like something was missing from the end product. Very nice sounds and mood to it.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 09, 2020, 01:06:47 AM
Tune definitely sounds like it was written with vocals in mind, so if you were going to go instrumental you'd need to rearrange, rework a bit so it didn't sound like something was missing from the end product. Very nice sounds and mood to it.
This is exactly what I was thinking.
It sounds like it's structured to have vocals.

Great tune but I'd be of the same mind as everyone here, it's begging for vocals.

Im a big fan of that mid period Katatonia sound,get the right vocals on that and you could be onto something.

Ya, just the way it's structured it needs vocals. Sounds good though.