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Messages - Alphonsus

Metal Discussion / Re: Now Playing
October 20, 2024, 08:26:36 PM
The firsst two to Testament albums on youtube.
So these have been remastered from original tapes or what was left of them.
The original label no longer owns the rights.
Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 05, 2024, 09:53:08 PMSocial commentary is secondary to painstakingly researched history on his channel but that's by the by.

Fine speech. You've watched a few moments of two videos, rather than your countless pages of AH, therefore your conclusions cannot hold water.

Granted, if you asked me to spend a few hours listening to Vaush, Sam Seder or someone of their ilk whose views I despise, I'd find it difficult, so let's leave it.

Well I have had a look at his website and twitter page's and he really does comment on Jews allot.
Also he has no problem whatsoever retweeting Hitler quotes. A complete nutcase in my opinion.
Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 04, 2024, 10:44:48 PMNot all Muslims are terrorists, I agree.

But all terrorists are Muslims.

You are about as ignorant as a bag of dogshit
General Discussion / Re: The Donald vs Big Tech
July 14, 2024, 01:53:37 AM
Crazy scene a bullet went through Trump's ear according to his own statement
Gigs and Festivals / Re: Hellfest 2024
June 27, 2024, 09:54:28 PM
arte concert on youtube also

Caught the end of Megadeth and watching Landmvrks now
Haven't heard the latest Baroness album so no idea what that is like. Giving Grey and Gold a listen and I'm thinking it's good but..  Some many layered vocals and effects. It's as if everything has been put through a enormous line of pedals. Even the drums and cymbals to the point where the cymbal becomes a sort of weird hissing noise that floats around. There is a good album in there somewhere and it almost makes it but the production never really comes together and it all sounds very overbearing and loud. Basically it needs a more natural sound with a few less of the annoying flying saucer effects. Have seen them live though and thought they were great. 
Quote from: mickO))) on April 20, 2024, 05:47:32 PMYou are more than welcome to dispute any of the claims she made in the video. What part of it do you not agree with and why?

It is a very Brexit style argument to me blaming the EU for migration. Next thing I will here we need to leave to EU to take control of our boarders.
I haven't the slightest inclination to join the UK and become another Brexitland certainly not to appease some right wingers who hate immigrants.

Do you remember Nigal Farage's poster a couple of days before the referendum in Th UK ?
It happened just before the MP Joe Cox was stabbed to to death on the street by a man shouting "Britan First"
Farage said to the media afterwards the he asked himself if he could live with that and answered that he could !

Anyway I don't like that sort of politics which I'd consider pretty much useless and you politics is an old game you know.
But she is sitting at a desk and wearing a suite with a calendar block and a little model harp.
So official and authorative looking I must believe everything that she tells me.
You might as well let Ann Widdecombe and Nigel Farage tell you what to think.
The irony of so called free thinkers who consider themselves unfoolable yet believe any old crap that they are told.
The sort of people who are so unable to think for themselves they need to join a cult.
Metal Discussion / Re: Welcome, Buzzkill Overlords.
February 16, 2024, 11:34:54 PM
It's just so cheesy and cliche though why would anyone be bothered ? Like there is a real limit to how many ways a swastika or totenkopf or SS insignia can be put on the cover of an album until it all looks the same and becomes pretty much completely boring.

Regarding the venue I should automatically expect that I can walk into any pub in Ireland sit down at a table set up a little stall and start selling SS flags and copies of Mein Kampf because no one else in the pub will mind in the slightest not least the bar staff or manager or actual owner it will all just be perfectly normal and acceptable. If for some bizarre reason I am turfed out or get a punch in the nose then I need to find a forum to have big whinge about being the victim of sort of left wing conspiracy like you know what planet are people living on ?

Seriously though I don't see why a metal scene itself wouldn't self regulate itself in some way about it. Maybe it is easy to creep in because metal already has an sort of horror aesthetic but like it does all come across as ridiculously juvenile.
Metal Discussion / Re: Welcome, Buzzkill Overlords.
February 15, 2024, 09:44:46 PM
I saw there was a comment about it on the venues facebook page which might be enough considering how public that is. I think it is not surprising if they are willing to cancel one event to protect their own reputation not to mention that they themselves might take some personal offence over it.

So Haste were previously called Gurn who had a two track demo on the label Australibus Tenebris which doesn't look too bad at first glance on discogs but definitely did put out some doge stuff. Like take a look at the artwork and song tiles of this release This band had a split tape on Australibus Tenebris in 2020 but actually appear on much more doge labels. Anyway it is pretty full on and I guess this stuff is always around in some form or other actually youtube was recommending skrewdriver to me yesterday and I presume from after looking at that.

Ok so maybe the link is a bit tenuous and unfair to the other bands who might not be directly connected or would have travelled a long way.

On the subject in general I suppose someone can argue for artistic freedom or say that it is controversy for it's own sake or I'm only interested in the music and don't have to agree whatever opinion or that different people will find completely different things offensive or not anyway.
I would say fair enough but it shouldn't be hard to understand why some people would have a big problem with certain imagery or groups expressing the same ideology and should be very obvious really that a private business has no obligation to platform it either.
Personally myself honestly I think there is a moment when the red card needs to pulled out and if a music scene wants to be treated a certain way then perhaps that's up to them to a certain degree.

Metal Discussion / Vircolac ~ Veneration
January 23, 2024, 08:36:12 PM
So I noticed there is bandcamp page for the new Vircolac album Veneration.
No actual music yet but the album artwork song titles and release date is there.
Their last album was great I am giving a listen and trying to get into to the latest one now
Support I think will be from another French group called Servo
Metal Discussion / Re: Sepultura to call of a day
December 09, 2023, 11:56:40 PM
Max would love to see a reunion but I doubt if the other side has any interest. Like Pantera though if they never split then surely they would be absolutely huge or even one of the biggest bands in metal. They did successfully manage to navigate the 90s by not making another BTR but with Roots then maybe went to far. From the later period I really only know Alex which I thought was pretty good but its ages since I listened to it.
Just about the right amount of people or so for the venue in what seemed to be at first a pokey old mans pub until I realise there was something at the back and even upstairs.
I always enjoy visiting Drogheda although it has some serious dereliction but I guess that's not even unusual. Also I now know a decent hostel there which might be useful in the future.

Raum Kingdom I never heard of before but really enjoyed them kind of leaning towards Amenra side of slow paced heaviness

Primordial I honestly worried if they wound turn everything up to eleven and blast everyone with a wall of noise from a broken pa or something.
Anyway looking at all the amps set up on stage beforehand was reassuring and indeed the whole thing sounded great.
Got a little busy drinking and jigging about to give my full attention in respectful and dignified listen but sure whatever.
Metal Discussion / Re: Recent purchases
July 25, 2021, 11:10:27 PM
Misery ~ From The Seeds That We Have Sown
Impiety ~ Worshippers Of The Seventh Tyranny
Blaze Of Perdition ~ Conscious Darkness
Azarath ~ Blasphemers' Maledictions
Pestilence ~ Exitivm

Some stuff on Bandcamp over the weekend which was mostly in sale likely some headphone listening