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Messages - nukeabuse

General Discussion / Re: Food/Dining
October 12, 2024, 12:30:02 PM
Update on the ham, still had a little left this morning and used it to make jambons. Surprisingly quick and easy. Banging too
General Discussion / Re: Food/Dining
October 10, 2024, 10:56:48 PM
Cooked a roast ham, honey mustard glazed, at the wknd for the sole reason of having ham, pickle, cheese bagels all week. Threw a bit of saurkraut I forgot I had in the fridge on to to it too for a bit of extra tang.
The thrashy morbid angel riff at the end of message pt1 has been a real stand out for me
I would say only the leads in the 1st section of the 1st song are pink Floydian. Each proggy part feels like it was directly lifted from a different prog band.

Eg the clean vox in the 2nd track sound straight from van der graff generator.

This isn't a complaint. Love all those prog bands
General Discussion / Re: Nectar Of The Gods
September 29, 2024, 09:43:02 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 29, 2024, 07:32:25 PMHeating Guinness is nothing new, when the pubs had open fires they used to leave a poker in the coals and dip it in pints to warm them.

I've no prob with the warm guin almost preferable. There's something about adding a microwave to the equation that's unsettling
General Discussion / Re: Nectar Of The Gods
September 29, 2024, 07:23:05 AM


Something kind of like that was done when the extra cold became standard the first pour was being microwaved and the head finished extra cold. Fucking sacrilege basically

Beyond savagery. The thought what a pint of guin spinning in a microwave is more repulsive than any piss grave cover
Big fan of their first ep & album. Thought the 2nd album was good but that they'd succumbed to the hype and chosen the whole stargate, inner comos shtick over quality song writing (although some great tracks in it). After a few listens this might be the pinnacle since they first started there's a lot bands doing the whole proggy scifi DM thing. This feels like 70s prog wthat added DM parts rather than the usual DM and we've added a cool 3 minute spacey section, aren't we weird and breaking the mold stuff that most bands are doing.
It probably helps that the last year our two I've been listening to as much prog as DM so it's hitting the sweet spot.
General Discussion / Re: Nectar Of The Gods
September 28, 2024, 11:52:49 PM
Got the train from Belfast to Bangor last wknd for the sole reason of getting a Guinness in Fealtys bar. 2 taps of Guinness one keg room temp one keg cold. first pour room temp let it settle, top up with cold tap, let it settle and another top of cold tap. Dunno why it reacts the way it does but one of the creamiest screamers I've ever seen. Head a good half inch over the top of the glass without a spill. Finished product well above room temp.

Had an ice cold guin from my usual bar today and couldn't appreciate it after the fealtys pint.

Apparently that warm cold pour was how they did it everywhere till a few decades back but never seen it anywhere before even in rural trad guin bars
Metal Discussion / Re: Slow/Mid-pace black and death metal
September 06, 2024, 10:42:02 PM

When dead congregation go for the slow (for lack of a better term) grove riff  there's nothing better
General Discussion / Re: Random Thoughts
September 06, 2024, 10:34:03 PM
It's s nice shiny glass building for basically the train in two directions would rather stand in the pissing rain for a real rail service that let me go to more than 1 town
Metal Discussion / Re: Solos of Metal
August 21, 2024, 11:23:37 PM
Great tune. Caught a few lads off guard with that tune in the past when they realise it's moby
The interdimensional extinction ep has the best artwork. It and hidden histories are by bruce Pennington. Old scifi artist did a lot of book covers etc. Some of his other work is pretty cool
Metal Discussion / Re: Controversial Metal Opinions
July 20, 2024, 11:54:25 PM
Decide s/t, blessed are the sick, autopsy mental funeral, pestilence testimony of ancients, here in after immolation, Top 5 early 90s of the top of my head.

Younger head, fell ass backwards into DM so had established so favourites by the time got to obituary & death.

Throwing the 2nd time ghoul ep in as my fav DM release. 2 of the best DM songs ever recorded. No doubt if there was a full album they'd be spoken about alongside the likes of aforementioned bands.
General Discussion / Re: Pet Peeves
June 25, 2024, 11:37:22 PM
My brother was driving home on Xmas morning about 1am a few years back. Good straight road, newly built bypass job. Horse had broken out onto the road, he hit it going about 70. Horse had been looking straight up the road so thankfully he hit direct on from behind, took the legs from under it so it slide up the bonnet straight through the car so it's ass was in the boot and it's front legs out the windshield. My brother said he came round looked over and the horses head was beside him on the passenger seat, the horse did a neigh and died. Had peeled the roof back on the car like a tin of sardines. Was lucky the horse wasnt a few inches to the right or he'd be a goner. Somehow only had a few minors scrapes from glass.

Was round at my mates a few days later and one of our mates who's a cop was showing us a pic of some mad crash his buddy went to the scene of, was the horse in the car.

Worst was couldn't get anyone to move the car for days as was over xmas. Recovery boys wouldn't touch it till the horse was taken out of the car said it was a council job. The council wouldn't touch it cuz as technically the horse was inside the the car it was on private property. So the car sat up a lane with the horse still in it for a few days till everything opened up again.
General Discussion / Re: Pet Peeves
June 16, 2024, 12:49:52 AM
I get ravaged by midgets every time I go camping, big itchy oozy welts for like 2 weeks. Any antihistamine will work within the hour to stop any symptoms, even over the counter cheap no brand ones