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Messages - Rob

Quote from: Wiseblood on November 22, 2018, 10:31:57 PM
Will give this a spin over the weekend. Good to see you back in action.

Mighty. Looking forward to your feedback. Hope all is well.
How're all ?
Thanks for checking things out.
Your grandmother musta been some woman in fairness.

The lad who played the replica bronze age Irish horn on Teamhair described it as the love-child of Metallica, Planxty and some vagrant Hungarian gypsies so yes, astfygl, I could see how you'd get a bit cofussed by it. The next e.p. is a fair sight darker.

Some bits of other songs are in Irish and there are a few arrangements of Sean Nós songs too, BSC. We have a really talented guitarist and drummer. We are working through tunes and hoping to be fully alive/live next year.

No plans for physical copies yet, King Buddha. Not ruling it out, just not yet.
Metal Discussion / Uaigneas Gaelic Metal from South Kerry
November 21, 2018, 11:24:02 PM
Greetings all.

Haven't been active on Metal Ireland for a long time. Here's what's been going on since I left Mael Mórdha.

We've been beavering away writing for the last while and are about to commence recording our next e.p. Our current e.p., Teamhair is on bandcamp. Check it out and let us know what ye think.
Here be the link

Thanks for reading. Rob
How'ree Lads ?
Heard about this phoenix on facebook. Mighty shtuff. Hola Pedro.