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Messages - Beseech The Scars

Late to the party, but investigate The Four Pillars of Singing by Robert Lunte.

Perfect for that kind of high pitched wail.
If you want a proper scream, then pick up Zen of Screaming by Melissa Cross.
Promotional / Beseech the Scars - UK Metal Band
January 18, 2022, 03:38:36 PM
Hi All,

This is our first post, nice to meet you all and we hope you're all doing well.

We're a Metal band from the UK and wanted to show you what we're up to, so feel free to have a listen to our work.
We hope you enjoy it.

Here's our first track WHILST HIDDEN.
We hope to share more tracks with you as and when they're released.


Beseech The Scars.