Good topic?
Give it a go anyways.
I seen today the absolute filth bag that assaulted Alanna Quinn in Ballyfermot got a completely lenient four year sentence today. Every concession possible was given to the perpetrator.
The judge for the case was Martin Nolan who has a track record for being sympathetic to scum.
The max sentence for a case like this is life, the minimum 10-14 years but this piece of dirt walked away with a four year sentence because he wrote a letter of apology.
The system here is fundamentally flawed.
Is that yer man who put her eye out? Fucking scumbag, they should take his eye out.
Where he's going they'll hopefully be putting things in. Little cunt.
QuoteIs that yer man who put her eye out? Fucking scumbag, they should take his eye out.
Yeah, he's ruined the girls life. 4 years for that is appalling.
Why are the sentences here so short?
I say we just rename it the Philip Nolan thread because it'll invariably be him who gives the most distracting sentences.
I'd like to see what sentence he'd have given to Barbie
Ive heard mention of this guy.
Wonder what he would give to someone who broke into his house and buggered his family!
I'll try find it but recently read a synopsis of his greatest hits in terms of sentencing, it's unbelievable. The scary thing was there are multiple instances of him giving non custodial sentences to individuals caught with substantial amounts of child pornography.
"Young people do stupid things". I think it goes way past stupid to heinous.
I have never understood the concurrent sentencing thing, Can someone explain it ? It's akin to saying to the criminal sure commit three crimes and we will only sentence you for one of them. The sentencing will get stricter if a senior minister or judge is a victim of crime, or someone close to them is. The issue will have to be looked at then.
I'll explain it no bother.
The law is a joke.
First thing on the whole forum that we all agree on.
Bookmark this shit ye absolute gimps
Nolan cuts the sentence and lists all the "mitigating factors", but won't mention the fact Lyons and co have so far refused to identify the fourth guy involved (the one who actually hit her in the eye).
I suppose Lyons is lucky, if he'd been importing garlic as well, he'd have gotten another few years added on to the sentence.
Quote from: astfgyl on March 25, 2023, 01:10:58 AMI'll explain it no bother.
The law is a joke.
First thing on the whole forum that we all agree on.
Bookmark this shit ye absolute gimps
No idea who I was calling gimps there. Have thought about it several times and still nothing. Ah well :laugh:
Quote from: Mower Liberation Front on March 25, 2023, 06:44:52 AMNolan cuts the sentence and lists all the "mitigating factors", but won't mention the fact Lyons and co have so far refused to identify the fourth guy involved (the one who actually hit her in the eye).
I suppose Lyons is lucky, if he'd been importing garlic as well, he'd have gotten another few years added on to the sentence.
Seriously though what in the name of god is that Nolan fella at? Does he think some of them are cute or what the fuck
I heard somewhere and I'm not sure how true it is that the lad was charged with assault causing harm which carries a maximum of five years. In this case the lad should have been charged with assault causing serious harm. If that's true the blame rests with the DPP on this one. Although it's far from Nolan's first rodeo.
This thread could be the most depressimg of all. I'm behind a paywall but this sounds like the Nolan's Law. Assultimg an 11 year old girl and possessing images, and fecking nadda >:( >:( >:( >:(
It's very sinister. He really does waive the whole sentence for that type of case.
I just can't understand why he does that. He's renowned for it but it just doesn't change his light sentencing at all
Well well well, Nolan must've been reading our thread. Still not long enough but it's a start
I just saw that. Surprised he ignored the leaving school at 12 part.
Nolan with an actual proper sentence.
What about Hutch gettin off yesterday? Rockin the Hobo look too.
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on April 18, 2023, 01:13:42 PMWhat about Hutch gettin off yesterday? Rockin the Hobo look too.
Did you see the lad that was with him 😄
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on March 28, 2023, 08:23:05 PMWell well well, Nolan must've been reading our thread.
So have others it seems!
Judge tells Tallaght man who sold 'dodgy boxes' he was 'very close' to going to prison
Martin Nolan really does have his head in the clouds. Working lad, no previous, and appears to be a fairly decent member of community...and he considers him a candidate for custody for selling a few dodgy boxes? Hardly the 'reprehensible' crime he describes it as, considering some of the utter scum he has given a pass to.
I thought there was a grey around IPTV making it that it wasn't actually illegal? I know in Canada back in 2016 or 17 the two companies that have the monopoly on internet service, cell phone service, cable tv etc. in the country Bell and Rogers were in court trying to get laws against it introduced but they never got anywhere with it.
Gard should be given the key to the city
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on May 10, 2023, 08:55:21 PMUnfuckingbelievable
Gard should be given the key to the city
From the article: "...the three victims..."
Only 1 victim in that case and he wasn't in the BMW.
So 3 less scumbags on the street then.
So apparently the Garda made them drive the wrong way on a duall carriageway
The only victims were the hundreds of people who suffered as a result of their pathetic existence. Good riddance to them. The reports from their funerals are unreal.
Three scrotes arrested for beating up that poor younglad in Navan.
All the cliches will be thrown out to ensure a lenient sentence. Good lads, good homes, uncharacteristic behaviour, the pandemics fault.....
The 'Politics of Condemnation' is gone by the wayside is it? Has anyone asked what the grand poobah of the Irish Muslims thinks about one of their flock throwing the first punch at the ladeen?
What a joke.
Quote from: 91/30 on May 20, 2023, 01:08:57 PMThe 'Politics of Condemnation' is gone by the wayside is it? Has anyone asked what the grand poobah of the Irish Muslims thinks about one of their flock throwing the first punch at the ladeen?
Think you should be more concerned about the social norm of the pot not calling the kettle black on this one. As I said in the other thread, and I wasn't being facetious at all, if you talk like this at home in front of your lads, don't be too surprised if one day it's one of their faces you see on a video like that one. You absolutely ooze self-righteous intolerance on here, but maybe, hopefully, you show more wisdom and restraint in front of your offspring.
Begod yes, I'd be that all right I'd say, Its often been said I'm a contrary fucker. Is it a bad thing now? By self-righteousness, that'd be a person providing their own standard of righteousnes now would it?
Country is truly fucked......
Very unlikely that he will get convicted. I know a Garda very well who knocked an innocent person over and killed them while in pursuit of someone else a few years ago. He was brought up on charges, found not guilty and now works in CAB.
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on June 28, 2023, 12:39:11 PMCountry is truly fucked......
There is actually protocols for high speed chases. Now I haven't the first clue how he drove but he must have broken some protocols for the case to get this far. The protocols are there to protect other drivers per se, not the garda car or the car they are chasing.
Not that I shed a tear for the deceased. Robbing bastards deserve everything they get.
A new low. Dublin is a lawless shithole.
Fuck me, Dublin. Sort that shit out. You want the lend of some paramilitary groups up North to sort it?
US tells Dublin tourists to avoid walking alone (
I was suggesting to the family that we take a trip to Dublin the August weekend to take in the Irish basketball game,and maybe Emerald Park. 11 year old son said no way, just based on how dirty Dublin was last time we visited back in April. News to me but he resented the place.
Mind you, Cork has also gone to shit thanks to drunks and druggies being a scourge on the streets. There's an underlying menace on the streets now, e.g. last Saturday week walking past a fella pissing in a door way mid-afternoon on South Main Street, open drug dealing Paddy's Day on Tuckey Street, Culture Night last year street drinker physically and sexually assaulting a fellow drinker on the Coal Quay, and this all during day times in front of my kids, with their friends some of those occasions, and loads of young families on that afternoon of Culture Night. Sickening, especially seeing how upset some kids were witnessing this shit.
Well I hear there's plans afoot to get about 40 new recruit Gardaí on the beat up there, once they've been recruited and trained.
That'll sort it
That's kinda worrying hearing about Dublin centre. Last year we took the train down from Belfast round this time of year just for a day trip with the missus and the wee fella. Had a lovely day, in temple bar, round O'Connell Street and over to the park at Stephens green. Granted we took the second last train home which was around 8pm. I'd hate to think taking a day trip will become a hell with the scum. Enough of that around Belfast
My bro was a Garda 20 years ago and they still have the slightly decreased numbers of Gardai in Rathfarnham despite the huge increases in population since then. Tallaght station is down staff too.
Garda commissioner: "I have said this before, but I not only want to get to the current target of 15,000 gardaí, but given population growth, demographic change and the rapidly changing nature of crime, I believe there is a strong case for there to be more than 15,000 gardaí."
300 assaults causing injury a year to Gardai (1,000 assaults total to Gardai a year) 300 a year is 9,000 over the course of a 30 year career. Most recent recruits will end up working longer. The gardai are only 14,133 strong. That equates to a 64% chance of being injured...if assaults occur equally across the country. They do not. They will mostly be in Dublin. Community police and other non front line units, SRU, district and divisional detectives, traffic units, those permanently sitting in the phoenix park and offices around the country, etc will be less likely to be bearing the brunt of this.
Regular unit gardai , the job with the most shift work, the gardai who respond to your 999 call (unless it a rare armed response requirement)...will be repeatedly getting injured. In places they cant afford to live. So Dublin Gardai getting hammered and its only going to get worse and in his eyes
they wont be able to retain anyone and it will get worse as it`ll be Dublin based gardai leaving - not the ones down the country meaning the new recruits all get sent to Dublin. Meanwhile the ones who started 30 years ago and COULD afford a house retired.
Yep all that sounds about right. The pay isn't meant to be great starting off either so you'd have to really enjoy clashing with the criminal scum to take it up. They need to do something to attract new faces though, as going around to the Islam community centres doesn't seem to be doing the trick as of yet
Seems the American is out of the coma.
Bad look for the Irish tourist industry considering the Americana seem to love this place
The US embassy issuing a safety warning for Ireland is objectively fucking hilarious when if you're going off stats/facts rather than vibes, you're more likely to be shot going to fucking school in the States than at any point of your life in Ireland (which remains one of the safest countries on the planet).
I dunno, people have lost the plot.
It's no worse now than it's ever been. I was mugged twice in the early '90s (though to my credit, the cunts got nothing), but got through the late '90s/early '00s that I lived there without any hassle. It's luck of the draw. It's a horrible, horrible place to spend time now, but I'm sure the tourists just see what they want to see (faith and isn't the luck of the Irish fiddelydoo etc.)
Brought the wife there over Christmas for the day as she'd never seen the city. I didn't get any bad vibes really, and the only robbery that was done was by the boozers and restaurants we frequented.
I was looking out for the 'open air drug markets on O'Connell street etc but I didn't see any. Granted it was daytime and the Christmas period.
More tourists assaulted in Helen Mccentee's safe Dublin this weekend. From the uk this time, broken noses, heads danced on. Perpetrators a mere 17 years old.
Ahhh the old Fighting Irish living up to the popular stereotype. 45 more guards will sort it, just give it a few years to find them and qualify them. I wonder would a more libertarian approach to things that don't hurt people have led to more free time for preventing things like this? Ah we'll never know now, gambler's ruin and all that...
Did you see three Trainee Gardai were sent packing from templemore because of their tattoos? The system is on its knees and you're sending people packing over that?
Quote from: astfgyl on August 14, 2023, 06:48:05 PMAhhh the old Fighting Irish living up to the popular stereotype. 45 more guards will sort it, just give it a few years to find them and qualify them. I wonder would a more libertarian approach to things that don't hurt people have led to more free time for preventing things like this? Ah we'll never know now, gambler's ruin and all that...
Peter McVerry was spot on the other day. You can have all the extra Gardai you want but it will amount to nothing unless you start getting some of the lads off drugs.
I know of two young lads 15 years old last week who jumped the wall into the back yard of a factory across the road. Nothing in there other than scrap trucks, but anyhow the two boys set off the alarm, bringing two squad cars and a paddywagon to the rescue within five minutes of them getting in there (I know this because I saw the two lads 5 minutes earlier walking that direction and then got to witness them being wrestled to the ground by four guards while the 5th was coming on in the wagon. The two young lads have no record and are not known to the local guards other than they play a bit of hurling and soccer for the local teams.
This is in a small town in Tipp with a low level of violent crime (other than that inflicted on the criminals by each other of course) and they have that manpower available at the drop of a hat like that, while there is open heroin dealing in the local train station and a certain untouchable ethnic minority who cause all the trouble but the guards won't bother with.
It's not simply numbers, but equally how and where those numbers are applied too.
Quote from: astfgyl on August 14, 2023, 10:32:40 PMIt's not simply numbers, but equally how and where those numbers are applied too.
Bro was saying "go sit in any district court in ireland, hours and hours of wasted time, 90% of it is setting a date for things that shouldn't even be in court" We have journalists in court every day and you would think they would link the constant garbage and report on it.
He talked about the sheer effort re: tax and insurance for cars, if just slapped on fuel to allow 3rd party for the vehicle covered, priorities would have to shift. When he was a student Garda, he was told he'd be going to a checkpoint for the first time, the Sergeant said
"This will be your bread and butter."
My bro said that killed him, thinking "I don't want to be a tax collector, I want to be a police officer." He said they fobbed off as much as they could. Some of it had to do with how easy it was to obtain a high amount of summons for Garda management through tax and insurance. You could spend a couple of weeks/months interviewing people for an assault, gathering evidence etc, that might be 2 summons after all that work (You are supposed to get 20 summons a month), so they focused on stopping cars. If someones tax is out of date, 1 summons for non display, another summons for it being out of date, insurance the same, failure to bring the tax disc to the garda station, so you could easily rack up 3 in one go, few hours during a night shift, get a few cars like this to bump up their summons numbers, half of them would just make it up, just to get summons issued to fake addresses, it'd come back as failed to serve the summons (and nobody in the system would care). Systemic corruption that was normalised. He didn't stick it out after a few years. So it's never been surprising to him to see the articles on Gardai not answering back calls on domestic abuse, fake breathalyzer tests etc etc. And that was Tallaght station - imagine the amount of shite that goes on in that district and it's all fobbed off.
Quote from: The Butcher on August 15, 2023, 09:48:56 AMQuote from: astfgyl on August 14, 2023, 10:32:40 PMIt's not simply numbers, but equally how and where those numbers are applied too.
Garda management through tax and insurance. You could spend a couple of weeks/months interviewing people for an assault, gathering evidence etc, that might be 2 summons after all that work (You are supposed to get 20 summons a month), so they focused on stopping cars. If someones tax is out of date, 1 summons for non display, another summons for it being out of date, insurance the same, failure to bring the tax disc to the garda station, so you could easily rack up 3 in one go, few hours during a night shift, get a few cars like this to bump up their summons numbers, half of them would just make it up, just to get summons issued to fake addresses, it'd come back as failed to serve the summons (and nobody in the system would care). Systemic corruption that was normalised. He didn't stick it out after a few years. So it's never been surprising to him to see the articles on Gardai not answering back calls on domestic abuse, fake breathalyzer tests etc etc. And that was Tallaght station - imagine the amount of shite that goes on in that district and it's all fobbed off.
Lot of these functions could be outsourced to the dept of transport, giving them the power to issue fines & cancel licences on non payment.
Technology is there to automatically run checks against number plates in real time. Seems to be the state is generally weak, which suits the political elite to play stroke politics and gombeenism for their clients (supporters). Going to the local 'clinic' run by the local TD "I got this ould traffic fine , can you have a look at it and help me"
Interesting insights about how it all functions. Quantitative incentives for qualitative work are bullshit, worse than nothing, and we've known this in terms of results since the 90s so didn't know was still used in Ireland. Does fit with some recent cases I've heard details of though.
Quote from: The Butcher on August 15, 2023, 09:48:56 AMQuote from: astfgyl on August 14, 2023, 10:32:40 PMIt's not simply numbers, but equally how and where those numbers are applied too.
Bro was saying "go sit in any district court in ireland, hours and hours of wasted time, 90% of it is setting a date for things that shouldn't even be in court" We have journalists in court every day and you would think they would link the constant garbage and report on it.
He talked about the sheer effort re: tax and insurance for cars, if just slapped on fuel to allow 3rd party for the vehicle covered, priorities would have to shift. When he was a student Garda, he was told he'd be going to a checkpoint for the first time, the Sergeant said
"This will be your bread and butter."
My bro said that killed him, thinking "I don't want to be a tax collector, I want to be a police officer." He said they fobbed off as much as they could. Some of it had to do with how easy it was to obtain a high amount of summons for Garda management through tax and insurance. You could spend a couple of weeks/months interviewing people for an assault, gathering evidence etc, that might be 2 summons after all that work (You are supposed to get 20 summons a month), so they focused on stopping cars. If someones tax is out of date, 1 summons for non display, another summons for it being out of date, insurance the same, failure to bring the tax disc to the garda station, so you could easily rack up 3 in one go, few hours during a night shift, get a few cars like this to bump up their summons numbers, half of them would just make it up, just to get summons issued to fake addresses, it'd come back as failed to serve the summons (and nobody in the system would care). Systemic corruption that was normalised. He didn't stick it out after a few years. So it's never been surprising to him to see the articles on Gardai not answering back calls on domestic abuse, fake breathalyzer tests etc etc. And that was Tallaght station - imagine the amount of shite that goes on in that district and it's all fobbed off.
I'm not a bit surprised and I don't doubt a word of that post. It's mismanagement and I believe most guards would far prefer to be busting heroin dealers and violent domestic abusing cunts than doing you for car tax or a tv license but as you say, which looks better on the books? I know the term kafkaesque is bandied about willy nilly but it really is getting kafkaesque in a lot of ways
Quote from: 91/30 on August 15, 2023, 10:24:35 AMQuote from: The Butcher on August 15, 2023, 09:48:56 AMQuote from: astfgyl on August 14, 2023, 10:32:40 PMIt's not simply numbers, but equally how and where those numbers are applied too.
Garda management through tax and insurance. You could spend a couple of weeks/months interviewing people for an assault, gathering evidence etc, that might be 2 summons after all that work (You are supposed to get 20 summons a month), so they focused on stopping cars. If someones tax is out of date, 1 summons for non display, another summons for it being out of date, insurance the same, failure to bring the tax disc to the garda station, so you could easily rack up 3 in one go, few hours during a night shift, get a few cars like this to bump up their summons numbers, half of them would just make it up, just to get summons issued to fake addresses, it'd come back as failed to serve the summons (and nobody in the system would care). Systemic corruption that was normalised. He didn't stick it out after a few years. So it's never been surprising to him to see the articles on Gardai not answering back calls on domestic abuse, fake breathalyzer tests etc etc. And that was Tallaght station - imagine the amount of shite that goes on in that district and it's all fobbed off.
Lot of these functions could be outsourced to the dept of transport, giving them the power to issue fines & cancel licences on non payment.
Technology is there to automatically run checks against number plates in real time. Seems to be the state is generally weak, which suits the political elite to play stroke politics and gombeenism for their clients (supporters). Going to the local 'clinic' run by the local TD "I got this ould traffic fine , can you have a look at it and help me"
Tbh that day is mostly gone unless they know you. The way it works is you have a loophole until it's entered into PULSE but once it's in there's no editing that so the new loophole is that you invoke a name and they never get as far as entering it on PULSE. Basically nothing changes and the lads can stay doing whatever as long as they know how to use the new loophole, ie "ring Johnny Maher, he knows me".
This banklink thing is going to be asking serious questions of the role of the guards indeed.
Quote from: astfgyl on August 15, 2023, 10:44:04 PMQuote from: 91/30 on August 15, 2023, 10:24:35 AMQuote from: The Butcher on August 15, 2023, 09:48:56 AMQuote from: astfgyl on August 14, 2023, 10:32:40 PMIt's not simply numbers, but equally how and where those numbers are applied too.
Garda management through tax and insurance. You could spend a couple of weeks/months interviewing people for an assault, gathering evidence etc, that might be 2 summons after all that work (You are supposed to get 20 summons a month), so they focused on stopping cars. If someones tax is out of date, 1 summons for non display, another summons for it being out of date, insurance the same, failure to bring the tax disc to the garda station, so you could easily rack up 3 in one go, few hours during a night shift, get a few cars like this to bump up their summons numbers, half of them would just make it up, just to get summons issued to fake addresses, it'd come back as failed to serve the summons (and nobody in the system would care). Systemic corruption that was normalised. He didn't stick it out after a few years. So it's never been surprising to him to see the articles on Gardai not answering back calls on domestic abuse, fake breathalyzer tests etc etc. And that was Tallaght station - imagine the amount of shite that goes on in that district and it's all fobbed off.
Lot of these functions could be outsourced to the dept of transport, giving them the power to issue fines & cancel licences on non payment.
Technology is there to automatically run checks against number plates in real time. Seems to be the state is generally weak, which suits the political elite to play stroke politics and gombeenism for their clients (supporters). Going to the local 'clinic' run by the local TD "I got this ould traffic fine , can you have a look at it and help me"
Tbh that day is mostly gone unless they know you. The way it works is you have a loophole until it's entered into PULSE but once it's in there's no editing that so the new loophole is that you invoke a name and they never get as far as entering it on PULSE. Basically nothing changes and the lads can stay doing whatever as long as they know how to use the new loophole, ie "ring Johnny Maher, he knows me".
You'd expect they'd issue the fine against the number plate - put the onus on the owner to nominate if themselves or someone else was driving when the offence was committed.
Plenty of 'TD clinics' in rural Ireland dealing with matters which should be outside their control to influence - you're right as long as you are 'connected' 3rd generation FF or blueshirt voter
That bank of Ireland story is so good :laugh:
Surely preventing people from accessing their own money - as I'm sure the odd person in the queue wanted to do - is illegal?
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 15, 2023, 11:49:32 PMThat bank of Ireland story is so good :laugh:
Ah lad I reckon that if they were all going to be debited that then they wouldn't need the guards at all....
So they are going to get the free money if they make it to the ATM.
Where are the guards when we need some crime to be dealt with?
Quote from: astfgyl on August 16, 2023, 12:02:52 AMWhere are the guards when we need some crime to be dealt with?
Dealing with those criminals who didn't pay road tax.
I read yesterday they are still bringing people to court who have been accused of breaching the 5km distance from home thing during the lockdown.
Quote from: mickO))) on August 16, 2023, 01:02:59 PMQuote from: astfgyl on August 16, 2023, 12:02:52 AMWhere are the guards when we need some crime to be dealt with?
Dealing with those criminals who didn't pay road tax.
I read yesterday they are still bringing people to court who have been accused of breaching the 5km distance from home thing during the lockdown.
They actually are and all. Some joke
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 17, 2023, 11:37:33 AM
Very good!
There's a lot to unpack with that ATM issue indeed. Under what law were they operating for a start? Where did they suddenly find the manpower? How were they legally blocking people from withdrawing their own cash, if they had funds available? Can BOI actually force people to pay it back (what I'm hearing is that they probably can't, but may instead report people who refuse to engage to the central credit register)?
Anyone on here partake of it at all, and what did BOI say to you if you did?
How old were you when you first let a man make love to you?
Next who was he?
Next, how did you feel at the time?
Next, how did you feel afterwards?
What did you feel, what did you think?
Were you pleased, frightened, ecstatic, disgusted?
What did he say? What words did you speak?
That's what I want to know
Now, tell me, now, now, all of it, now, tell me, yes!
Quote from: astfgyl on August 17, 2023, 04:23:16 PMCan BOI actually force people to pay it back (what I'm hearing is that they probably can't, but may instead report people who refuse to engage to the central credit register)?
Apprentice at work got €300 out, they took it out of his account this morning the minute his wages went in, he's with BOI, his buddy got €1000 out and still hasn't had it taken back off him, also with BOI but he doesn't have the means in his account to cover it currenty...
Theres a pretty good Michael parenti quote sums up the polices role in it all, cba looking it up now but same one used at the start of leftover crack song. Jist is cops only existing for the protection of private property. But I'm sure that's not news to anyone
Quote from: 91/30 on August 15, 2023, 10:24:35 AMQuote from: The Butcher on August 15, 2023, 09:48:56 AMQuote from: astfgyl on August 14, 2023, 10:32:40 PMIt's not simply numbers, but equally how and where those numbers are applied too.
Garda management through tax and insurance. You could spend a couple of weeks/months interviewing people for an assault, gathering evidence etc, that might be 2 summons after all that work (You are supposed to get 20 summons a month), so they focused on stopping cars. If someones tax is out of date, 1 summons for non display, another summons for it being out of date, insurance the same, failure to bring the tax disc to the garda station, so you could easily rack up 3 in one go, few hours during a night shift, get a few cars like this to bump up their summons numbers, half of them would just make it up, just to get summons issued to fake addresses, it'd come back as failed to serve the summons (and nobody in the system would care). Systemic corruption that was normalised. He didn't stick it out after a few years. So it's never been surprising to him to see the articles on Gardai not answering back calls on domestic abuse, fake breathalyzer tests etc etc. And that was Tallaght station - imagine the amount of shite that goes on in that district and it's all fobbed off.
Lot of these functions could be outsourced to the dept of transport, giving them the power to issue fines & cancel licences on non payment.
Technology is there to automatically run checks against number plates in real time. Seems to be the state is generally weak, which suits the political elite to play stroke politics and gombeenism for their clients (supporters). Going to the local 'clinic' run by the local TD "I got this ould traffic fine , can you have a look at it and help me"
I agree the tech is there to run checks number plates etc but I still think the most straight forward route is tax on fuel which gives everyone basic third party insurance. Otherwise the whole idea of fines = non payment = wasted court time.
They will add fake names/addresses onto Pulse to bump up numbers - Usually halting sites are put down as they know no one will go and check.
Quote from: astfgyl on August 15, 2023, 11:35:56 PMThis banklink thing is going to be asking serious questions of the role of the guards indeed.
Definitely. All the little things add up over time - Probably the least respected they have ever been and government the least trusted.
Another stabbing in the city centre yesterday morning.
Algeria's finest this time.
You can tell they don't care half as much about this victim given the lower level coverage of it. I'm guessing an Algerian with 5 warrants our for him is only fighting with junkies etc.
Quote from: The Butcher on August 21, 2023, 10:04:31 AMQuote from: astfgyl on August 15, 2023, 11:35:56 PMThis banklink thing is going to be asking serious questions of the role of the guards indeed.
Definitely. All the little things add up over time - Probably the least respected they have ever been and government the least trusted.
Yep, no-one believes a word of any of it anymore. They went too far by putting bullshit over reality
Stabbing at Dublin airport this morning. Haven't seen it officially reported yet but apparently the victim has died.
That's grim. Passed through on the way back from Tones of Decay earlier and saw the news about the attack - men in theor 50's as assailant and victim. Taxi dispute I wonder?
Virgin media and eye witness accounts reporting it as an unprovoked random stabbing.
He was taken to Beaumount for non-life threatening injuries. Random attack on someone out having a smoke from what I gathered. Mental.
Quote from: Snare on September 17, 2023, 10:56:41 PMThat's grim. Passed through on the way back from Tones of Decay earlier and saw the news about the attack - men in theor 50's as assailant and victim. Taxi dispute I wonder?
Unlikely as nobody knows his motivation except for him. A million theories as to why he did it so far. Here he is being led away. I don't read The Liberal either but it matches the stills in more reputable publications.
video link (¤tTweetUser=TheLiberal_ie)
The dirtbag that ran over that poor kid in Donegal the other night.
Read all of the above. How was he still free to roam the streets?
What a joke. You'd get a week in Castlerea for not having a TV licence and this cunt's walking free.
You think that's bad, the cunt went to the disco after it, I was working in the town the night it happened.
I'd seen comments that he was putting stuff on Snapchat all night. Seemed to be drinking away. That's cold, guy is clearly a psychopath- it's scary that there's cunts like that out there
Quote from: hellfire on September 18, 2023, 08:04:33 PMQuote from: Snare on September 17, 2023, 10:56:41 PMThat's grim. Passed through on the way back from Tones of Decay earlier and saw the news about the attack - men in theor 50's as assailant and victim. Taxi dispute I wonder?
Unlikely as nobody knows his motivation except for him. A million theories as to why he did it so far. Here he is being led away. I don't read The Liberal either but it matches the stills in more reputable publications.
video link (¤tTweetUser=TheLiberal_ie)
It was a cry for help. It's on the rest of us that we don't understand
This is another bad one. From what I have read in a few places the killer may be a close relative of the victim.
Quote from: mickO))) on October 02, 2023, 09:43:10 PM
This is another bad one. From what I have read in a few places the killer may be a close relative of the victim.
I dread to ask, but what is the video they mention thats in circulation?
I hope it's not what you think it is >:(
Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on October 03, 2023, 10:45:38 AMQuote from: mickO))) on October 02, 2023, 09:43:10 PM
This is another bad one. From what I have read in a few places the killer may be a close relative of the victim.
I dread to ask, but what is the video they mention thats in circulation?
Seems to be a video of the murder. But luckily it doesn't seem to be doing the rounds. I haven't seen it in any of the usual places that you would see that type of thing posted and don't know anyone that has come across it.
Aftermath of her killing. Gory.
Someone at work said he streamed the murder.
It's all chinese whispers but I heard the same. Various 'details' from lads in the fire brigade (they gossip like it's an olympic sport): he was autistic, filmed the murder, filmed the aftermath, used a hammer, used a hatchet, used a machete, decapitated her, smashed her face in, etc., etc. We'll never know the truth of it 'til the trial, if there is one.
Quote from: mickO))) on October 03, 2023, 11:17:38 AMQuote from: Kunt 4 Life on October 03, 2023, 10:45:38 AMQuote from: mickO))) on October 02, 2023, 09:43:10 PM
This is another bad one. From what I have read in a few places the killer may be a close relative of the victim.
I dread to ask, but what is the video they mention thats in circulation?
Seems to be a video of the murder. But luckily it doesn't seem to be doing the rounds. I haven't seen it in any of the usual places that you would see that type of thing posted and don't know anyone that has come across it.
Good to hear that it doesn't seem to be spreading. Anyone sharing that kinda stuff is an absolute fuckin ghoul.
the video has more or less disappeared off the net, but I was (un)lucky enough to be online within the hour it happened and seen the reuploads, not live, he used a small and full size fibreglass hammer and kitchen knives, you could see the kitchen floor through the hole in her head. One thing I did see was the first time he was name was by a local post, they had a ton of links to a few newspaper articles about him going missing and that this isn't his first murder also, he alluded to the fact he killed a girl when he was 13 (2 years ago) in the area, due to Autism, age etc...didn't do time or something, some old biddy scolded him and he took it all down.
I was chatting to someone who was at the scene (his sister in law is a neighbour of the victim) tonight, understandably he didn't want to talk much about it. But: he used a lump hammer, filmed it and at the end of the video he said (words to the effect of) "what do you think of that, lads?" Grim.
Fucking hell, sounds like something out of a horror movie.
People like that just need to be taken out, there's no rehabilitation for something like that.
Quote from: locustfurnace on October 03, 2023, 10:03:55 PMthe video has more or less disappeared off the net, but I was (un)lucky enough to be online within the hour it happened and seen the reuploads, not live, he used a small and full size fibreglass hammer and kitchen knives, you could see the kitchen floor through the hole in her head. One thing I did see was the first time he was name was by a local post, they had a ton of links to a few newspaper articles about him going missing and that this isn't his first murder also, he alluded to the fact he killed a girl when he was 13 (2 years ago) in the area, due to Autism, age etc...didn't do time or something, some old biddy scolded him and he took it all down.
Who was uploading it and where was it been shown? Surely not on something
like Facebook?
Think it was on snapchat initially, then spread through Whatsapp etc.
A lot of unsuspecting individuals received it through Whatsapp groups - I was reading one account on Boards of someone receiving it through a cycling group. You'd have to wonder what sort of arsehole would lob something like that into a group chat?
Surely a criminal offence to send some thing like that? If you consider the guy who held up a picture of the boy who had cancer at a football match is facing a potential custodial sentence, then anyone who sent that should be bricking it.
It is yeah, think you can get a max of two years for it and a hefty fine
They tend not to punish people for that here, very busy tracking down people that didn't pay their TV Licence fee etc.
The only time I can recall it being done was in relation to the Ana Kriegel case, I think they really wanted to make an example of a few people.
This one is different though, I think everyone in the country must know who the individual is at this point.
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on October 04, 2023, 07:23:45 AMYou'd have to wonder what sort of arsehole would lob something like that into a group chat?
A mate of mine works as a welder, and this would be the type of thing that could end up in his group chat. I'm not shitting on builders here or anybody involved in a trade, but according to him, yeah this is just the kind of content that gets passed around within those circles. I guess some people just get desensitised to it and think that other people should see it, maybe as a prank or simply out of morbid curiosity.
Quote from: Trev on October 04, 2023, 09:04:57 AMIt is yeah, think you can get a max of two years for it and a hefty fine
Max of €12000 I read on some article.
What really pissed me off about said article was that they were really encouraging people to delete the video if they have received it:
- Not out of respect for the woman and the horrific way in which she was murdered.
- Not out of respect for her friends and family.
But for the LAW which states that as the kid is under 18 and due in court, his identity MUST be protected, and sharing the video could reveal his identity. As if that has a higher priority over the actual murder or something.
Quote from: Giggles on October 04, 2023, 09:59:22 AMBut for the LAW which states that as the kid is under 18 and due in court, his identity MUST be protected, and sharing the video could reveal his identity. As if that has a higher priority over the actual murder or something.
Look at the length's and expense they have gone through to protect the identities of Venables and Thompson over in England. People will still get done for simply posting a photo of either of them online.
Just on that last point I do think the definition of child needs to be changed. Might be controversial, but I think it should be changed to maybe 13 and under.
I think it's awful in the likes of the Kriegel case that the poor girl and the family and everything they went through is known to everyone in the country. Yet the two fuckers that carried out the crime and their families enjoy anonymity and the potential for freedom. It's Ireland, so you can be guaranteed they'll re-enter the general population before long - surely society should have a right to know what's moving in next to them.
It was like that stabbing in France. What thrills do they get out of seeing a woman getting brutally murdered and why?
I wonder when they talk about rehabilitation in prison, what exactly do they do, espically in the case of this fucking young butcher? Do they sit them down everyday and try to reprogramme them somehow, or are they just locked up 23 hours a day? I'm fine with the locking up bit without anything to entertain themselves but unfortuanlty they're not going to be detained indefinitely in there and will have to be let out.
The best solution would be if the guards look the other way and give the promise of an extra roastie at dinner time to anyone who bumps him off in the showers.
Quote from: hellfire on October 04, 2023, 11:32:35 AMIt was like that stabbing in France. What thrills do they get out of seeing a woman getting brutally murdered and why?
I'd imagine it's not all about thrills, some people would watch out of morbid curiosity. We're exposed to a lot of death and violence via tv and film, which, excluding actual news footage, is obviously fake. Maybe people just want to see the real deal from time to time.
On the other hand, you could have some cunt who hates women watching the video, and pulling himself asunder for sexual thrills.
And then I imagine you'd have another category of people who'd watch it just because it's 'banned', and that in itself would be their thrill, not necessarily the video content itself, but rather the exclusivity of it.
This country is such a fuckin joke.
At what point does having extra people with you when attacking someone become a hindrance? You'd just be hitting your mates in the hand.
I like to imagine it like in a game such as assassin's creed or batman, groups of 30 goons stood in a circle as they take turns to approach one at at time in an orderly fashion
I see the most blatant case of "the husband did it" has finally been put to bed in Cork (pending court case, of course!). Not since Joe O'Reilly appeared opposite his mother-in-law on the late late have I seen a less convincing concerned husband routine. Flippant observations aside though,tragic incident and good for the family to get closure but the truth will out...even after 6 years.
I came across a youtube channel about 2 weeks ago that goes over Irish murders, missing persons etc. and this case was one of the first I watched. I had never heard of it before because I wasn't in the country when she went missing and here we are two weeks it has been solved. From what I read when he was charged he replied with 'guilty'. Questions are going to have to be asked as to how the body was missed in the house.
I might have misread but I don't think the body was stored in their house. Open to correction on that.
When I heard that "guilty or not guilty.... guilty" quote I instantly thought of omad djalili's character in Mr Nice
See a certain murder was a stabbing, 11 times to the neck - Media and/or gardai lied saying it was strangulation. Now what can be believed? Everything Is doubtful.
Surprised with the plea too. Thought this was clear cut.
Quote from: The Butcher on October 17, 2023, 09:15:22 PMSee a certain murder was a stabbing, 11 times to the neck - Media and/or gardai lied saying it was strangulation. Now what can be believed? Everything Is doubtful.
Gardai probably put strangulation out there on purpose. When appealing for information it would weed out the multitude of crank calls they would get.
Quote from: Ollkiller on October 18, 2023, 11:06:34 AMQuote from: The Butcher on October 17, 2023, 09:15:22 PMSee a certain murder was a stabbing, 11 times to the neck - Media and/or gardai lied saying it was strangulation. Now what can be believed? Everything Is doubtful.
Gardai probably put strangulation out there on purpose. When appealing for information it would weed out the multitude of crank calls they would get.
He's a swarthy lookin inbred all right. Didn't his scum family all vouch for him and provided alibis? Crowd of them should be thrown out of the State back to whatever shitpit they crawled out of
The spin his defence team is putting on this is remarkable. Witnesses are being told they didn't see him stab/attack the victim he was merely there to provide assistance -
QuoteIn cross-examination, Defence Counsel Michael Bowman suggested to Ms Stack that what she had seen was Mr Puska endeavoring to find out what had happened and endeavoring to assist Ms Murphy.
Ms Stack replied "no."
Mr Bowman said it was Mr Puska's recollection that he could not make out what Ms Stack was saying to him and he did not intend to be in any way aggressive.
He said Mr Puska when, he was trying to speak to Ms Stack, caught his leg on a briar and called out in pain.
Ms Stack said that was not the impression she got.
Mr Bowman said his client had no recollection of Ms Stack saying she would call the guards. He said he was instructed that Ms Murphy had reached out and was holding one of his forearms because he was trying to stop the bleeding in her neck.
That particular witness identified the wrong candidate too from a lineup and they're all over it.
Bit surprised there's no mention of the Aaron Brady appeal here, Although given the total lack of coverage of it in media circles perhaps it's not so surprising.
Another case of an innocent man being framed up by our intrepid Gardai. witness tampering, evidence suppression, blackmail, coercion and collusion, the usual pick-n-mix of garda and DPP fuckery.
If he doesn't walk its a fucking travesty, and further proof of collusion between the judiciary, the DPP and the gards.
For anyone interested check out justice4aaronbrady on Youtube
The question that needs to be asked is - why are the gards so anxious to frame a man for the murder of one of their own?
Quote from: Ollkiller on October 18, 2023, 11:06:34 AMQuote from: The Butcher on October 17, 2023, 09:15:22 PMSee a certain murder was a stabbing, 11 times to the neck - Media and/or gardai lied saying it was strangulation. Now what can be believed? Everything Is doubtful.
Gardai probably put strangulation out there on purpose. When appealing for information it would weed out the multitude of crank calls they would get.
I would argue prank calls are a very small price to pay - instead both lose credibility..another example is failure to report the beheading in the other major court story today. Especially in a small country in the era of the internet. Remember first wave of covid reporting with the utter nonsense "woman from the North and 2 men from the West of the country"
"The sentencing hearing for the 23-year-old also heard while Palani told gardaí that his religion forbids homosexuality, investigators were satisfied that he was not radicalised."
"CCTV near Mr Moffitt's home showed the killer arrive and leave by cycling a bike.
Just hours afterwards, Palani was spotted at his local mosque praying as locals said he was acting as if "nothing had happened" at the time."
Off to the mosques after the first killing!
Quote from: The Butcher on October 23, 2023, 10:01:46 PMQuote from: Ollkiller on October 18, 2023, 11:06:34 AMQuote from: The Butcher on October 17, 2023, 09:15:22 PMSee a certain murder was a stabbing, 11 times to the neck - Media and/or gardai lied saying it was strangulation. Now what can be believed? Everything Is doubtful.
Gardai probably put strangulation out there on purpose. When appealing for information it would weed out the multitude of crank calls they would get.
I would argue prank calls are a very small price to pay - instead both lose credibility..another example is failure to report the beheading in the other major court story today. Especially in a small country in the era of the internet. Remember first wave of covid reporting with the utter nonsense "woman from the North and 2 men from the West of the country"
"The sentencing hearing for the 23-year-old also heard while Palani told gardaí that his religion forbids homosexuality, investigators were satisfied that he was not radicalised."
"CCTV near Mr Moffitt's home showed the killer arrive and leave by cycling a bike.
Just hours afterwards, Palani was spotted at his local mosque praying as locals said he was acting as if "nothing had happened" at the time."
Off to the mosques after the first killing!
Well i worked for the fire service for 11 years and prank calls are a nightmare. End up wasting countless hours on idiots. As for losing credibility. Police forces all over the world give out what info they want to give in a major investigation. Its not new. Giving out too much information could compromise the investigation. And in this instance they got their man.
Quote from: mickO))) on October 24, 2023, 03:45:46 PM
That was his savings from before he came here, so the story goes. Guards are satisfied it's legit apparently...
iirc he came from Iraq or somewhere like that and it's common for those lads to arrive here penniless with savings like that because everyone there is on crazy money or something
Weird, but at least it didn't affect his dole because that would be unfair
The money being his savings is about as believable as the story that Epstein killed himself.
Read the report on RTE yesterday - still baffled by this section
QuoteMr Burke told gardaí he had met Palani through a dating app and he had been at his house the previous day but he was "wary of him" and did not allow him to stay overnight.
He said Palani contacted him the following day and they arranged to meet that evening.
Palani came to his house and was "obsessed" with tying him up and produced a rope and black laces from his pocket but he would not allow him to do it.
Mr Burke said he gave the man oral sex but would not allow him to have sex with him. Mr Burke became uncomfortable with him and wanted him out of the house.
A crime driven by a deeply homophobic outlook???
Trying to comprehend a crime of that nature is probably an exercise in futility but in relation to the homophobic element, at a guess I would say that the culprit was struggling with the conflict between his repressed homosexuality and his own religious beliefs.
QuoteA trial judge was in error when he directed a jury to acquit a man of raping his six-year-old cousin on the basis that there could be no assault as she had touched him on his invitation, the Court of Appeal has found.
3 Children stabbed in the city centre and unconfirmed reports that a little girl has died.
Just watching it now, not good haven't heard of any fatalities. Hopefully remains that way. Busy party of the city primary school nearby.
Rotten altogether. Poor children.
Saw that, what the fuck was that about? Was it a total random attack?
Looks like it so far. I see two women stepped in to protect the attacker from the crowd the fuckin eejits
Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on November 23, 2023, 06:19:39 PMSaw that, what the fuck was that about? Was it a total random attack?
Yep another one of those random attacks just like the ones that have happened all over Europe over the last few years but don't worry it will be explained away as an isolated mental health incident and it will disappear from the news cycle just like the airport stabbing did.
Eh, no. This won't be disappearing. Dublin may well fully hop off tonight.
Gods help them all, especially the 5 year old in intensive care.
Great to see 2 kids released from hospital. Fingers crossed for the seriously injured kid.
Yer man was seriously injured so I guess the kids didn't need to witness manslaughter as well. One of the women said we're not savages here so enough was probably enough.
Speaking of savages, local skangers already attacking Gardaí. Yeah great idea not letting them get on with securing the scene etc. and tying up resources for protests earlier etc.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 06:48:23 PMEh, no. This won't be disappearing. Dublin may well fully hop off tonight.
Gods help them all, especially the 5 year old in intensive care.
Yep, the poor kids. I don't care about the background of who did it, they need to be flayed. This one will not be disappearing at all.
Ugh, just listened to an RTÉ reporter who said he witnessed CPR being performed when he got there earlier. It wasn't the man but didn't clarify if it was the seriously injured child or woman :'(
Yob element totally losing the run of themselves as per videos online and doing the rounds isn't going to help the situation at all. Innocent "dirty foreigners" bearing the brunt of the anger next I'd imagine >:(
I would say the government will be the focal point of this one. Everyone knows loads of foreigners and works with them and lives beside them so I don't think the ones that are here will be the targets but like I was saying in the other thread, the entry requirements and the available benefits when they do get in will need reforming.
Vehicles seem to be the focus point!
From photos of the alledged man involved it looks like he may actually have been getting the CPR. Apparently he was well and truly battered by a Brazillian using a helmet as a weapon.
Yeah, just saw a photo of him getting CPR. Videos of a Luas, bus and squad car in flames. Stupid cunts. If it's not brought under control quickly it could turn into Tottenham, bit extreme maybe but the way things are. Nuke the gaff ta fuck.
Looting in full swing now in Arnotts and Foot Locker on O'Connell street, RTE are saying. Not really something I care about personally, looting that is, but they'll fairly sabotage their own cause if their riot goes the way of the BLM riots they were so quick to criticize.
The problem with the events of the last week with the statement from Aisling Murphy's fella and now this is indeed that decent folk will be demonised for nothing other than where they are from and that's wrong no matter how it's presented, but at the same time we have imported the dregs of the third world without a thought and our beloved leaders have been gaslighting us over asking the obvious question of why the fuck are we doing all this. I put the blame for the reaction squarely at the door of Leinster House but not just over this reaction but for all the other policies they've enacted which treat one class of people worse than others. It could have all been headed off it really could if only a sensible approach had been taken at any stage and it's not just one thing it's many things. It was all going to come to a head at some point and this is why it's not a vigil being had in Dublin but rather the outward expression of the general "fuck you" that most of the country feels about everything that is being done.
Still can't believe those two women stopped the lad from being killed. Eejits.
And fair play to the Brazilian lad if that's how it played out
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 08:44:57 PMLooting in full swing now in Arnotts and Foot Locker on O'Connell street, RTE are saying. Not really something I care about personally, looting that is, but they'll fairly sabotage their own cause if their riot goes the way of the BLM riots they were so quick to criticize.
The hypocrisy of everything can't be underestimated either
Emergency accommodation in Finglas set ablaze now too. Can sense them losing support already over this response.
Agreed, they should be outside the Dáil or somewhere useful.
Useful Idiot isn't just a Tool track
It'll have an effect in Leinster House in any case. There haven't been any orange marches in O'Connell St since the first one.
Targetting foreigers over a child being stabbed... you'd swear we were a country that doesn't have a history of child abuse
On the news there it's someone from abroad who moved here 20 years ago and is an irish citizen.
Fair play to the passer bys who saved countless lives I'd say. Far right scum, or just scum maybe were fairly quick in setting the capital alight. If nothing else they can go nuclear quick enough.
Quote from: astfgyl on November 23, 2023, 08:45:10 PMStill can't believe those two women stopped the lad from being killed. Eejits.
One of them was on the news. Said were not a country of savages and it's the gardai who should deal with it. Now I have no problem with the cunt being killed but fair play to her too.
Quote from: 91/30 on November 23, 2023, 09:09:36 PMIt'll have an effect in Leinster House in any case. There haven't been any orange marches in O'Connell St since the first one.
All the rioting and looting tonight will do is give them the excuse they were looking for to bring in that anti protest legislation.
Quote from: mickO))) on November 23, 2023, 09:41:03 PMQuote from: 91/30 on November 23, 2023, 09:09:36 PMIt'll have an effect in Leinster House in any case. There haven't been any orange marches in O'Connell St since the first one.
All the rioting and looting tonight will do is give them the excuse they were looking for to bring in that anti protest legislation.
This is something that is not lost on me at all
Quote from: Ollkiller on November 23, 2023, 09:38:34 PMQuote from: astfgyl on November 23, 2023, 08:45:10 PMStill can't believe those two women stopped the lad from being killed. Eejits.
One of them was on the news. Said were not a country of savages and it's the gardai who should deal with it. Now I have no problem with the cunt being killed but fair play to her too.
No. She was wrong to help him in any way. He should be skinned alive. I make no apologies for my stance on what should be done to him. Whatever the guards come up with will be too weak.
Not only is it too weak but it will be done at my expense. He should be flayed.
Quote from: astfgyl on November 23, 2023, 09:56:31 PMQuote from: mickO))) on November 23, 2023, 09:41:03 PMQuote from: 91/30 on November 23, 2023, 09:09:36 PMIt'll have an effect in Leinster House in any case. There haven't been any orange marches in O'Connell St since the first one.
All the rioting and looting tonight will do is give them the excuse they were looking for to bring in that anti protest legislation.
This is something that is not lost on me at all
Pro-Palestine marches have been huge and largely problem free. And this isn't a protest, it's a spontaneous riot turning into an organized riot. Your Conor McGregors and Gavin Peppers and the worse still baying for blood. Have heard Telegram messages outright calling for foreign blood to be spilt tonight and to "kill all immigrants."
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 10:02:49 PMQuote from: astfgyl on November 23, 2023, 09:56:31 PMQuote from: mickO))) on November 23, 2023, 09:41:03 PMQuote from: 91/30 on November 23, 2023, 09:09:36 PMIt'll have an effect in Leinster House in any case. There haven't been any orange marches in O'Connell St since the first one.
All the rioting and looting tonight will do is give them the excuse they were looking for to bring in that anti protest legislation.
This is something that is not lost on me at all
Pro-Palestine marches have been huge and largely problem free. And this isn't a protest, it's a spontaneous riot turning into an organized riot. Your Conor McGregors and Gavin Peppers and the worse still baying for blood. Have heard Telegram messages outright calling for foreign blood to be spilt tonight and to "kill all immigrants."
I had telegram and I deleted it. Load of spastics on there. This is an individual doing individual stuff and no pain I can think of is bad enough for what he's done today. I wouldn't kill all immigrants or even put a stop to them at all. The retard contingent of our own will certainly play their part in ensuring the shittest outcome for all I have no doubt and the laws that will be brought in will be very useful to further an oul hate speech law or two
Quote from: mickO))) on November 23, 2023, 09:41:03 PMQuote from: 91/30 on November 23, 2023, 09:09:36 PMIt'll have an effect in Leinster House in any case. There haven't been any orange marches in O'Connell St since the first one.
All the rioting and looting tonight will do is give them the excuse they were looking for to bring in that anti protest legislation.
Only the trotskyists and greta thunberg types will heed that. They have enough legislation on the books to protect the state since 1939. Won't matter a fuck. They've swamped the country with scum and now they're going to reap the rewards
That is barely comprehensible.
Meanwhile, among the homegrown...
Attacking fire services too:
Lookin' good lads; great demonstration that Ireland is safer in the hands of the Irish.
Horrific stabbing of young kids + a female today. Been plenty of stabbings in Dublin in recent times. All the opportunistic gougers got their night out and I bet a good chunk of them couldn't give a damn about the incident earlier today.
Garda Commissioner tells us that the appalling + mindless looting/rioting/destruction is the work of a "lunatic hooligan faction, driven by far-right ideology....." - the same hooligan faction that beat up that US tourist and have been the scourge of Dublin for god knows how long?? Which have been left to their own devices with little movement from Gardai or the Minister for Justice.
Also not sure how the Commissioner is able to telepathically know the political allegiances of ALL the rioters? We've seen this types before at May Day Riots. Clearly criminal opportunism of a delinquent mob. The far right are well known for looting Foot Lockers for new trainers. Harris immediately goes to the 'far right' speculation so quickly but unwilling to speculate on the cause of the knife attack hours earlier. The Gardai police through consent and they're losing that consent.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 10:49:44 PMThat is barely comprehensible.
Meanwhile, among the homegrown...
Attacking fire services too:
Lookin' good lads; great demonstration that Ireland is safer in the hands of the Irish.
I bet he'd have been quick enough out with his baton when I didn't want to take an injection or be locked in my house for not doing so or maybe if I did something really nuts like go farther than 2km from my house without taking an injection.
Fuck him.
Did I mention fuck him? Well if I didn't now I'm saying fuck him. Fuck him.
Should i feel sorry for the very cunts that made me explain myself for simply going to work every day while we all accepted the new era like beaten dogs?
Anyone who thinks the real argument is anything to do with immigration or what happened today is missing the point. This was coming but everyone thought it was grand to fuck people over and gaslight them in the media and in real life with dumb fuck stuff like everything that goes on. This is what was definitely going to happen sooner or later. People are both smarter and also far more stupid than we give them credit for.
If you think it's OK to lock people on their houses for not taking a fucking unnecessary injection but then expect to be respected for enforcing it then fuck you from a great height.
Feeling sorry for people who, as an arm of the state, will do whatever the fuck to you because they are fucking somehow human now...
No. Fuck em
Quote from: The Butcher on November 23, 2023, 11:01:22 PMHorrific stabbing of young kids + a female today. Been plenty of stabbings in Dublin in recent times. All the opportunistic gougers got their night out and I bet a good chunk of them couldn't give a damn about the incident earlier today.
Garda Commissioner tells us that the appalling + mindless looting/rioting/destruction is the work of a "lunatic hooligan faction, driven by far-right ideology....." - the same hooligan faction that beat up that US tourist and have been the scourge of Dublin for god knows how long?? Which have been left to their own devices with little movement from Gardai or the Minister for Justice.
Also not sure how the Commissioner is able to telepathically know the political allegiances of ALL the rioters? We've seen this types before at May Day Riots. Clearly criminal opportunism of a delinquent mob. The far right are well known for looting Foot Lockers for new trainers. Harris immediately goes to the 'far right' speculation so quickly but unwilling to speculate on the cause of the knife attack hours earlier. The Gardai police through consent and they're losing that consent.
It's fuck all to do with today and more to do with the obvious fuckery of what the government has been at all along becoming suddenly apparent to all the people who wanted to pretend that they weren't getting fucked over on a massive scale all along.
These cunts will achieve nothing with their useful stupidity because they haven't yet got to the Dail and dragged the cunts out onto the road to explain themselves for why they sold us out so badly.
Until they do, it's simply fodder for the poxy far right crap we all get fed.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 10:02:49 PMHave heard Telegram messages outright calling for foreign blood to be spilt tonight and to "kill all immigrants."
Stumbled upon a tweet version of this so can share:
And why
wouldn't the Garda commissioner blame this on the far-right? It'll be a tough night for the gardai on the street, but the Irish far right--too caught up in their mad and dumb conspiracy thinking to ever do anything properly smart, unlike the far right in other countries--have gifted themselves as a scapegoat for this.
No. The government and everyone who supports them has this coming for years.
My young lad just came down to me and showed me what his friends are saying in the chat groups.
The anger that people have had nothing to do with today. People are almost ready to fuck shit up on every level because the final straw has been pulled.
Anyone in doubt should go through the threads here back around a year and see the warnings and wonder why they were never heeded because the average Joe finally had an excuse.
It's not today, today was just the culmination of everything since 2008. It will end in police state shit is my guess but it has been coming
Quote from: 91/30 on November 23, 2023, 10:36:45 PMOnly the trotskyists and greta thunberg types will heed that. They have enough legislation on the books to protect the state since 1939. Won't matter a fuck. They've swamped the country with scum and now they're going to reap the rewards
Off the top of my head I genuinely don't know anyone personally that is pro the current open border policy. I am talking about economic migrants not immigrants because these groups of people are not the same even though so many seem to think that they are.
You have the few that don't really think about what is going on but the majority of people I know are extremely pissed off about what is going on and have been for a long time yet only a handful of them will go out protest due to the constant far right labelling from the media and Government of anyone who goes against the narrative. If they bring in the anti-protest legislation along with the hate speech laws those numbers that currently protest will decrease drastically.
This stuff today will definitely help bring in all of those things.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 11:18:06 PMQuote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 10:02:49 PMHave heard Telegram messages outright calling for foreign blood to be spilt tonight and to "kill all immigrants."
Stumbled upon a tweet version of this so can share:
And why wouldn't the Garda commissioner blame this on the far-right?
So in that link, Robert
Rodriguez is giving out about all those foreign bastards?? :laugh: :laugh: You couldn't make it up with that crowd.
Drew Harris softly softly approach with the far right for too long is seriously back firing on the thin blue line today. They've been emboldened to do as they like - well done Drew you complete langer.
Tying this back to Covid? Amazing that shower are all wearing masks so often and have no difficulty breathing now, and talking about scare mongering back then and that's all they do since - they're all coming here to rape your wife, daughter, dog etc. Give me strength...
Seeing that shower also approaching a fire service car with a keg to hurl into it? Stay classy ye great protectors of Ireland >:(
Here's to some serious fucking payback beatings of the scum involved when they're eventually dragged in :abbath:
Quote from: Snare on November 23, 2023, 11:51:38 PMQuote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 11:18:06 PMQuote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 10:02:49 PMHave heard Telegram messages outright calling for foreign blood to be spilt tonight and to "kill all immigrants."
Stumbled upon a tweet version of this so can share:
And why wouldn't the Garda commissioner blame this on the far-right?
So in that link, Robert Rodriguez is giving out about all those foreign bastards?? :laugh: :laugh: You couldn't make it up with that crowd.
Drew Harris softly softly approach with the far right for too long is seriously back firing on the thin blue line today. They've been emboldened to do as they like - well done Drew you complete langer.
Tying this back to Covid? Amazing that shower are all wearing masks so often and have no difficulty breathing now, and talking about scare mongering back then and that's all they do since - they're all coming here to rape your wife, daughter, dog etc. Give me strength...
Seeing that shower also approaching a fire service car with a keg to hurl into it? Stay classy ye great protectors of Ireland >:(
Here's to some serious fucking payback beatings of the scum involved when they're eventually dragged in :abbath:
I don't think you realise what is happening at ground level
"Drew Harris softly softly approach with the far right for too long is seriously back firing on the thin blue line today. They've been emboldened to do as they like - well done Drew you complete langer."
That is one of the weakest things I've ever read on here and I've had years of the duelling under my belt.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 11:18:06 PMQuote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 10:02:49 PMHave heard Telegram messages outright calling for foreign blood to be spilt tonight and to "kill all immigrants."
Stumbled upon a tweet version of this so can share:
And why wouldn't the Garda commissioner blame this on the far-right? It'll be a tough night for the gardai on the street, but the Irish far right--too caught up in their mad and dumb conspiracy thinking to ever do anything properly smart, unlike the far right in other countries--have gifted themselves as a scapegoat for this.
Compare it to what the Chief Supt Patrick McMenamin, who is in charge of policing north inner city Dublin said in his statement -
Which 'conspiracy theories'? 1,100 were dumped into Lisdoonvara, a population of 800. Lots of other examples of very large numbers being dumped among small populations. So it sounds like an attempt to disregard genuine concerns which only adds fuel to the fire for the other side.
Then there is the glaringly obvious make up of the populations being dumped with examples of the results to be seen across Europe from terrorism to the destruction of social cohesion - e.g recent French riots.
Society is too fractured now and it's a bad position for the state and gardai to be in. Hard to bridge the extremes, and the governments position is extremist and they will be doubling down after this.
Oh the government have been fucking us all strong and gaslighting us for the last 3 years
I must be the far right so
Thanks for pointing it out I shall endeavour to change my ways.
This was coming and I hope the place is burnt to the ground over it. I must be the far right.
Help me please.
Regarding the Drew Harris comment, I wonder do you know that even the guards went 90 percent against the cunt when it was put to them? Strangely enough we don't like the peelers dictating to us around here
Which recent French riots? They've been so common here, fairly non-stop since 1789, it's hard to keep up :laugh: Do you mean the riots after police shot a young lad dead at point blank range during a traffic stop?
I'm sure you've spent enough time perusing far right accounts and outlets to know the kind of conspiracy thinking they wrap material facts up into, the obsession with WEF and related global conspiracies, etc. I know a lot of users of this forum may not agree, but it's a blessing to Ireland that its far right movement seemingly has absolutely zero political acuity. Sure, if SF get in and then fuck things up worse than ever, as some seem certain will occur, then conditions would be set for a shift right. But led by who? Genuine question; maybe there are plausible heads I don't know about.
I don't know yer man McMenamin, but his statement could just be too underline that the rioting had nothing to do with any kind of anger over today's stabbing. But sure, we know that; any concern for the victims I've seen from any of those who were calling on people to gather in town were an after thought. Maybe I'm missing something you saw in the statement though.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 12:23:34 AMWhich recent French riots? They've been so common here, fairly non-stop since 1789, it's hard to keep up :laugh: Do you mean the riots after police shot a young lad dead at point blank range during a traffic stop?
I'm sure you've spent enough time perusing far right accounts and outlets to know the kind of conspiracy thinking they wrap material facts up into, the obsession with WEF and related global conspiracies, etc. I know a lot of users of this forum may not agree, but it's a blessing to Ireland that its far right movement seemingly has absolutely zero political acuity. Sure, if SF get in and then fuck things up worse than ever, as some seem certain will occur, then conditions would be set for a shift right. But led by who? Genuine question; maybe there are plausible heads I don't know about.
I don't know yer man McMenamin, but his statement could just be too underline that the rioting had nothing to do with any kind of anger over today's stabbing. But sure, we know that; any concern for the victims I've seen from any of those who were calling on people to gather in town were an after thought. Maybe I'm missing something you saw in the statement though.
Is that one for me?
I reckon I'm the only lad here who is actually a member of the world economic forum and I guarantee you that all of the things they are accused of are bullshit but what they actually want is worse than anyone thinks, even the people who quite rightly think that's the way things are going
No, that was in reply to aul Butchy.
Something a bit more heartwarming here, statements from the Brazilian who clobbered the attacker with his helmet:
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 12:29:28 AMNo, that was in reply to aul Butchy.
Something a bit more heartwarming here, statements from the Brazilian who clobbered the attacker with his helmet:
There are decent people from everywhere. That's why we need to pay attention.
Re well-known spheres of the Irish far right openly condoning/identifying with the rioters:
A gift!
It also says a lot that The fucking rag that is The Journal decided to run with the story of the immigrant helper rather than the immigrant attacker but anyone with a brain knows that people are people and also that our policy is bullshit.
I honestly don't think the latest thing is the issue at all. It's the carry on in general from our dear leaders and if not this there will be something else next week that does the trick.
It's time for revolution and has been for years until our dear leaders figure out who they actually work for.
Well I'd say getting an interview with the attacker might be a bit tricky right now! :laugh:
Indeed he shouldn't be available for interview but when he is it'll be at my expense which is a lot of the issue too
If I'm paying for the cunt I want to pay for the flaying and not the free legal aid
Shocking attack. I wonder what the motive was but whatever it was, he's in custody and should either get good jail time or be deported. The rioters are surely the same old fucking gimps who take any opportunity to wreck the gaff and cause mayhem. Politics of any stripe is probably the last thing on their mind. Fight the guards, smash shit up and get pissed!
Who gives a shit they'll always find an excuse to cause chaos, the real issue is some maniac cunt stabbing a bunch of people. Stabbing a 5 year old for fuck sake! Off with his head, whatever colour it is.
Edit . I went on a bit of a journey there haha. I'm impressed by the biker who bate him with his lid and the women who jumped in as well, and putting their safety on the line. Good to see so much selfless bravery out there.
Scumbags needed a kickoff point to go mad. The stabbings provided it. No excuse. They should have learned from the Tottenham riot, scumbags running amok. Go in with machine guns. Over in 10 mins.
Naturalised Irish citizen apparently so tis going to be hard to deport!
Here 20 years, no indication if working or free loading so no indication about free legal aid bar people jumping the gun.
Article in the Irish Indo indicates psychotic episode. Of course there's never been such a sad case with Irish people stabbing their own family or killing them in a crash etc. But hey let's twist things and repeat regardless if people are using old army footage etc. to play a narrative.
Anyway outside all the soapbox posturing bullshit,the families of the kids have had a day beyond thinking about. But for the woman supervisor intervening in the first instance and the fearless Brazillian and others joining it could have been a much sadder day. Serious respect to them.
It's a pity Kev has disappeared from the forum. I honestly think he would have been convinced by the lefty take on all of this.
QuoteSiobhan Kearney, whose brother Liam Dunne died in the fire at the Stardust nightclub in 1981, was attending the inquests into that tragedy at the nearby Rotunda Hospital when the stabbing happened.
That's one of the women who made a circle round yer man to keep people off him until the gardai and emergency services arrived. Tough fuckin' day of it for her all round!
5 year old still in critical condition. Words being useless and all, but really hope the doctors and surgeons can get her through it.
There should be a collection organised for that delivery driver. He's probably making fuck all delivering pizza. He can't spend praise.
We don't have a punishment brutal enough for that Algerian bastard. I'm glad he got a good kicking before getting arrested.
That poor child is still fighting for her life today. What kind of animal could take a knife to a child? It's the last frontier of being scum.
Obviously the most prudent course of action for the government to follow is to repeat the term far-roight as much as possible, double up on migrant intake and refuse to debate immigration in the Dail.
These riots, coupled with various EU countries moving to the right, doesn't bode well for the future.
He probably is making fuck all alright. He probably also has plenty of experience, likely both direct and through the rest of the Brazilian community in town, with the xenophobe buds who've regularly attacked Deliveroo workers in town and who also tore up the city last night. Anyway, when there's a gofundme set up, people will be throwing money at him, and good. But hopefully someone else throws a decent, secure and stable job his way too. And he can't be made enough of a public hero of; mayor of Dublin, President, get them all in, pull this entire thing away from, yeah, the far right (what else would you call The National Party, Óige Náisiúnach, Gavin Pepper, Philip Dwyer, etc., etc.?) who are openly and (characteristically) stupidly trying to defend rather than disown last night's riots. Claiming to want to make Ireland safe and whipping up actions like last night do not go hand in hand. Everyone actually thinking understands that.
A by idea of the numbers of rioters?
Do the liked of The National Party of Óige Náisiúnach have a following? Do they get air time?
Quote from: TheRuts on November 24, 2023, 11:13:56 AMThese riots, coupled with various EU countries moving to the right, doesn't bode well for the future.
Scenes like this have been playing out all over Europe for years now. The common denominator is EU immigration policy. Calling people far-right and actively taking the piss out of their concerns has not ended well anywhere else and wont here. Keeping on the current path will lead to more ugly scenes like last night followed by a Geert Murphy type character.
Government/Gardai/Media will double down on this now. It's all about the riots - the scummers from around parnell st are predictable. There will be plenty of arrests after last night. Meanwhile authorities throw their hands up in the air when men turn up at Dublin airport with no documentation whatsoever. I condone neither but I am confident that one group will be pursued thoroughly and the other won't be. Plus this is the main focus from government the day after the stabbing of 3 children, let this sink in -> (
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 12:23:34 AMSure, if SF get in and then fuck things up worse than ever, as some seem certain will occur, then conditions would be set for a shift right. But led by who? Genuine question; maybe there are plausible heads I don't know about.
If it's SF (Can't see anyone else getting the numbers next time) and rag-tags of Greens/Social Dems or FF etc - then I'm sure we will see a shift to the right by around 2030. You are correct - any of the right wingers at present have no political astuteness and I don't see how they will climb to the top. I haven't seen any right wingers across Europe or elsewhere that have done well in recent elections that I would like to see rise here in Ireland, for what they might change in immigration policy they might ruin in other areas but I think many people are starting to extremely fed up of the current direction and are frustrated by a lack of a political choice.
Importing people to claim welfare is nuts. And for this we have run out of accommodation (there is only so many housing units you can build with limited resources, we've seen this in every area of the workforce) and have put further major stress under loads of services/health/education etc. For such a huge change and complete shift in demographics/culture - this should be discussed and voted on by the people - but it's purposely ignored by state and it's various arms + media etc. There will come a tipping point where the Gardai will be overwhelmed as they are leaving in their droves, fed up with the lack of resources/long hours and the various assaults they put up with more and more.
There used to be certain basic expectations, most of which have evaporated when the housing market bent berserk, and every generation since is royally fucked. They get tiny rented shoeboxes, insane commutes, no sense of place or belonging, transient relationships and a massive tax bill. Every year the social contract is further eroded as we import welfare parasites to choke up social housing that natives aren't even entitled to. It's every man for himself with no sense of citizenship or obligation to community. That's what happens when society is atomised and fragmented, and the basic deal is now a bum deal. Working till all hours to be able to afford to keep living in a house you'll never own, and be evicted from if you ever get sick, or you simply scale down your ambitions and live hand to mouth on credit.
Politicians have long used immigration as a sticking plaster to mask anemic growth, they have never done it out of the kindest of their hearts. They continue this policy while neglecting the fundamentals of a functioning society. It's dangerous, destructive and immoral. We're becoming a low trust society that is a neoliberal grazing strip; a land of plenty for those who already have plenty, but for everyone else, a land of cut-throat competition for scraps. Across the western world, politicians are flushing their countries down the toilet while enriching themselves, while conspiring to make our votes worthless - denying us a choice of every issue of importance. That can only go on for so long before people who are currently silent but growing in number get desperate and vote for the other side.
Quote from: The Butcher on November 24, 2023, 12:24:15 PMPlus this is the main focus from government the day after the stabbing of 3 children, let this sink in ->
Just as I predicted yesterday although I didn't expect the stabbing to take a back seat this quickly. All that is being discussed in the media today is the riots and very little mention of the actual attack itself. Riots are the perfect excuse for the Government to take the spotlight off of themsleves and continue to point the finger at those big bad far right boogeymen they have been telling us all about non stop for the last few years.
...while simultaneously doing absolutely nothing to the very easily identifiable "boogeymen" who have been up and down the country for the last couple of years orchestrating all sorts of actions counter to themselves gathering any broad support. Let that sink in too. Been saying it all along: it's the far right who are playing into the Government's hands by dividing the lower classes, which includes immigrants, amongst themselves. Oldest play in the book, and particularly easy in Ireland given the absolute shtate of those coordinating the movement.
A gift!
Riots the subject of discussion and not the stabbing of three children? Another gift!
Quote from: Eoin McLove on November 24, 2023, 03:30:20 AMIt's a pity Kev has disappeared from the forum. I honestly think he would have been convinced by the lefty take on all of this.
Anyone know what happened with him? I was only thinking the other day he might come out of the woodwork for some of the latest craic
Quote from: mickO))) on November 24, 2023, 01:00:28 PMQuote from: The Butcher on November 24, 2023, 12:24:15 PMPlus this is the main focus from government the day after the stabbing of 3 children, let this sink in ->
Just as I predicted yesterday although I didn't expect the stabbing to take a back seat this quickly. All that is being discussed in the media today is the riots and very little mention of the actual attack itself. Riots are the perfect excuse for the Government to take the spotlight off of themsleves and continue to point the finger at those big bad far right boogeymen they have been telling us all about non stop for the last few years.
As usual the reaction to the problem is the problem. Children were knifed. This has been boiling for about two years now. At any one time there are at least two anti IPAS centre protests going on somewhere in the country. These are ignored or slandered as far-right by government and media in tandem. The riots were always going to happen at some point regardless of what the activating event was. It wouldn't be a massive leap to say most of the lads around there have a fairly unhealthy relationship with the Gardai. Pursuing the line they are pursuing the government are ensuring something like this happens again. That said anyone who was destroying property or attacking Gardai deserves a stint in jail to think about what they did.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 11:33:10 AMHe probably is making fuck all alright. He probably also has plenty of experience, likely both direct and through the rest of the Brazilian community in town, with the xenophobe buds who've regularly attacked Deliveroo workers in town and who also tore up the city last night. Anyway, when there's a gofundme set up, people will be throwing money at him, and good. But hopefully someone else throws a decent, secure and stable job his way too. And he can't be made enough of a public hero of; mayor of Dublin, President, get them all in, pull this entire thing away from, yeah, the far right ...
Go fund me has exceeded its goal already:
I'm just hoping the DPP in their wisdom don't decide to press assault charges :-\
Was just about to post the link too. Yeah, it's shooting up alright.
The cogs eventually got to grinding and heads like Pepper and O'Keeffe have deleted posts from yesterday where they were calling on their followers to meet at the Spire last night.
The guy who saved the day
I've sort of realised in the past few years that far-right sentiments have become far too normalised, there's way too many people who under the guise of wanting to have a 'balanced' discussion will all too happily align themselves with or defend the most extreme right wing fanatics.
It seems we've gone in a bit of a radical shift, 5 years ago everything was hyper, super politically correct, and in the last 2 years or so that has changed to people casually expressing the maddest shit about whatever group the target is. I mean to be fair in my life I've only met one person who I'd describe as annoyingly 'woke', but in day to day life I've met way more people working themselves into a frenzy spouting madness about whatever the foreigners, gays, transgenders or whoever the fuck is on their list is apparently up to.
Quote from: stearl on November 24, 2023, 02:08:58 PMQuote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 11:33:10 AMHe probably is making fuck all alright. He probably also has plenty of experience, likely both direct and through the rest of the Brazilian community in town, with the xenophobe buds who've regularly attacked Deliveroo workers in town and who also tore up the city last night. Anyway, when there's a gofundme set up, people will be throwing money at him, and good. But hopefully someone else throws a decent, secure and stable job his way too. And he can't be made enough of a public hero of; mayor of Dublin, President, get them all in, pull this entire thing away from, yeah, the far right ...
Go fund me has exceeded its goal already:
I'm just hoping the DPP in their wisdom don't decide to press assault charges :-\
Good. He deserves every penny.
Crazy amount of money.
And quite unfair considering the fund for the victims (kids and carer) is less than half what he's already at.
Do you have a link to the fund for the victims?
Quote from: hellfire on November 24, 2023, 06:57:40 PMDo you have a link to the fund for the victims?
Quote from: jobrok1 on November 24, 2023, 06:30:34 PMCrazy amount of money.
And quite unfair considering the fund for the victims (kids and carer) is less than half what he's already at.
He has won big on the lottery of doing the right thing! In his 40s with two kids and working for those fucking Deliveroo cunts. Plus apparently his restaurant in Brazil burnt down, or something along those lines, which is why he went seeking his and his family's fortune elsewhere. All in all, seems to be money going to a worthy place (but get your point too, of course).
Ah it's good to see the lad getting the recognition. Fair play to him.
I wonder how many other potential heroes will be a bit more likely to hop in to things if they think there might be a go fund me in their honour.
Quote from: Carnage on November 24, 2023, 07:07:47 PMQuote from: hellfire on November 24, 2023, 06:57:40 PMDo you have a link to the fund for the victims?
Cheers lad!
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 07:25:00 PMQuote from: jobrok1 on November 24, 2023, 06:30:34 PMCrazy amount of money.
And quite unfair considering the fund for the victims (kids and carer) is less than half what he's already at.
He has won big on the lottery of doing the right thing! In his 40s with two kids and working for those fucking Deliveroo cunts. Plus apparently his restaurant in Brazil burnt down, or something along those lines, which is why he went seeking his and his family's fortune elsewhere. All in all, seems to be money going to a worthy place (but get your point too, of course).
Did anyone hear the story going round that it was an Irish lad called Warren that was the first to take him on?
I hope that's not the truth of it because nobody is interviewing Warren or running articles on him or donating to give him a better life.
If it is true (and I genuinely hope it isn't) I will be even more disgusted with the government and media than I already am, which would actually be quite the achievement.
Only quoting you because it was the first one with the mention there, not in direct response to anything you're saying there
Seen the post by the guys wife on FB saying she's 'sick of hearing about' the other hero (the brazilian lad), and that her husband helped too. Fair play to him if true, and he's a hero too, but his wife sounds like a weapon.
There was a French lad involved too. Haven't seen a decent reconstruction of the event as it unfolded, but it seems like yer man Warren went for him, tried but seemingly didn't manage to get the knife off him, then the Brazilian arrives, clobbers him with the helmet... then maybe between them they pretty much keep him down and the French lad wrestles the knife out of his hands. Something along those lines, but like I said, haven't seen a moment by moment description.
I honestly haven't read the blow by blow account either. I just hope it's not going the way I think it is because I'm actually disillusioned enough as it is and I don't want to be any more so
I'd say it's just that someone swinging in with a motorbike helmet and clobbering the attacker over the head made more of a visual and critical impact, even in the moment, than whatever Warren Donohue, who had no kind of weapon, had managed to do up to that point. Don't think it's anything worth making something of. Maybe Kielty will have the three of them on! Four with the Kearney woman. Should have had them on the toy show tonight!
Toy Show? You mean the Pfizer vaccination illegal advertising vehicle that was responsible for one of the sickest things I've ever seen? Fuck them in particular, as the fella says
Here you go, the sickest fuckin shit possible. Bear in mind that this was 2020 when no vaccine was approved even for emergency use in old folks. Look at those insidious fucks and what they did to that poor kid. Watch it a few times and it only gets worse.
Fuckin sick fucks.
Yeah, personally though, I think you're throwing that fairly out of proportion :laugh: We all have our own takes, like we know lads who have their toddlers listening to and requesting the likes of Deicide, which loads of people would think is wrong, and for my own part I'd tend to feel first communion is worse indoctrination still, so, y'know, don't be losing yourself too much over one girl saying "pfizer vaccine" a couple of times three years ago :laugh:
Over half a million raised between those two campaigns.
Serious life-changing money, like.
But putting it in perspective... Last night's Toy Show raised about €3m in three hours.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 25, 2023, 10:09:36 AMYeah, personally though, I think you're throwing that fairly out of proportion :laugh: We all have our own takes, like we know lads who have their toddlers listening to and requesting the likes of Deicide, which loads of people would think is wrong, and for my own part I'd tend to feel first communion is worse indoctrination still, so, y'know, don't be losing yourself too much over one girl saying "pfizer vaccine" a couple of times three years ago :laugh:
Pfizer in particular. A product not yet released. A product that was at the time supposed to be for the frail and elderly. Alluding to people being punished for not taking it. On a kids Christmas toy show.
No it gets worse instead of better the more I think about it
Not a bad article here
Post-by-post real-time account of far right appropriation of the attack and subsequent orchestration of/praise for the protest/riot by well-known national and international far right figures:
A few media sites published a full list of those who were arrested and appeared before court. Worth remarking just how many of them were not locals.
"Don't you think the more proximate cause of the problem is a migrant stabbing children in the streets of Ireland?" ~ Douglas Murray
"Don't you think the Nazis were actually nice and felt bad after a day of murdering Jews?" ~ Douglas Murray
Point: Douglas Murray has proven that he will say literally anything if he thinks it will win him an argument. He's a twisted cunt, the kind of elite British prick who would have laughed his smarmy head off at the famine, at the Black & Tans, at Bloody Sunday. You're a fuckin' eejit if you can't see the kind of colonial dickhead he is.
And yes, he literally has written at length recently about how supposedly Hamas are worse than the Nazis because supposedly the Nazis felt bad in the evenings. A cunt.
Ya, while I had agreed with certain things he had said in the past, everything he has said in relation to Israel Palestine is fuckin sickening.
Well, he had also voiced his support of Thatcter on occasion and even suggested she didn't go far enough in relation to NI. He's certainly a cunt.
Quote from: open face surgery on November 25, 2023, 03:03:04 PMYa, while I had agreed with certain things he had said in the past, everything he has said in relation to Israel Palestine is fuckin sickening.
Well, he had also voiced his support of Thatcter on occasion and even suggested she didn't go far enough in relation to NI. He's certainly a cunt.
The Palestine thing depends on what side of the fence you're on there (let's not do that one on here). I know he is a British conservative and a lot of Irish people find that distasteful. I cherry pick what I find useful from him but find about 80% of it is valid and insightful. That particular quote I believe is correct.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 25, 2023, 02:53:15 PMYou're a fuckin' eejit if you can't see the kind of colonial dickhead he is.
The entire off topic thread on this forum constitutes empirical evidence of what a self righteous asshole you are.
You don't need to have a side of the fence on Palestine to know that a Brit who comes along speaking nice of fellow white imperialists who happen to be Nazis in order to score points against brown terrorists is thereby a cunt. Either a bad faith disingenuous cunt, saying anything to win an argument, or else an actual Nazi sympathizing cunt. Personally I don't care which of those two toilets he gets chucked in.
[post edited]
I've endulged your neurotic arse enough for one week. No more.
Edit: I'm going to apologize, I went overboard there. Let's just say that over the last 6 weeks the name Douglas Murray has become more of a trigger for me than ever before.
I've actually never heard of him as far as I know and I think I won't bother now
Thinking there about this current "rise of the far right" crap we are being subjected to lately.
What does that even fucking mean when there's no actual political party that anyone can mention with right wing views who are growing at all. If there was an election tomorrow there wouldn't be votes in ballot boxes for the likes of the national party or I actually can't even think of any other ones tbh but that is the point - who exactly is this mythical far right we keep being warned about that will actually do anything?
It must be the people themselves, rudderless yet coming out of the woodwork with the right wing views all by themselves in that case. I see it day by day changing to certain views but it's always laid at the feet of the current government rather than anyone saying they heard something they support from this lad or that lad. For example going back to the beginning of 2022 you had people saying things like those poor Ukrainians running from war and all that but then what happened happened and now we have the same people singing a different song altogether about the whole lot. Are they the far right then that we are being warned are on the rise? Who is leading them and I'm talking about the farmers and local business heads that I do be taking to, not the tracksuited riot protest style eejits who have nothing else to do because they're on the dole while the rest of us (and that rest of us includes a lot of immigrants by the way) have to turn up to work every day and pay for the cunts.
So then the creators of this unicorn that is the far right must be the government themselves and what does that tell them? Nothing, because they keep doubling down but every day are losing more and more support for it.
I actually think we are a centrist country in the main but we have no centrist party because it's either all or nothing with the current crowd but just leaning the other way towards the hard left in their policies or more accurately some of their actions. The way it is now, anything to the right of that even if it's 50 percent left looks like the hard right by comparison but what's even worse is that it only looks like that on the face of it with certain issues because then you look at how the government are entirely in the pockets of international corporations and financiers just as they always have been and that really isn't very socialist at all of them is it?
Seeing the scenes from Dublin the other night boils my blood. One of my mates and another mate's bro who are guards got caught up in the shit. The mate's bro was one of the first on the scene, gave the 5 year old first aid, and later ended up getting punched in the head by one of these local heroes. They should be fucking put down for their carry on. And pretending to give a fuck about anyone but themselves, jumping on whatever cause is going as an excuse to cause mayhem. Fuck the lot of them. Scum.
Meanwhile the 5 year old is fighting for her life. So I think the cunt who stabbed her should be locked up forever as well.
Yeah, utter scum. But according to some they deserve it all for inconveniencing people with questions a fee years ago. :-\
And it was the same fire engine that arrived on the scene at the start to render assistance was later attacked trying to respond to a premises set on fire.
Robbing the children's hospital related charity box in McDonalds on a day like that when children have just been hospitalised just topped it off really.
I heard some local hero also filmed the girl bleeding on the ground as she was being treated and they wouldn't stop recording when pleaded with? Assuming there's truth to this, as it unfortunately seems believable in this day and age. WTF is wrong with people??
Quote from: Snare on November 26, 2023, 11:39:12 AMI heard some local hero also filmed the girl bleeding on the ground as she was being treated and they wouldn't stop recording when pleaded with? Assuming there's truth to this, as it unfortunately seems believable in this day and age. WTF is wrong with people??
Didn't hear about this but a video is doing the rounds of an MSM reporter (Haven't seen it mentioned yet who he is with) crossing the police tape pretending to be a concerned parent so he could get photos of the little girl being treated. Onlookers shouted at him and he then pretended to not know what he was doing while covering his face and trying to get away from the scene as quickly as possible.
Bloody hell, it makes you wonder what goes on in people's heads if he thought that wasn't a cunty thing to do.
Any motive for the attack or is he just a mental head case?
Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on November 26, 2023, 01:11:23 PMBloody hell, it makes you wonder what goes on in people's heads if he thought that wasn't a cunty thing to do.
Any motive for the attack or is he just a mental head case?
They are starting to spin the 'suspect had a row over social welfare payments' angle more or less the same thing they claimed the airport stabbing was over.
Saw that. What a load of crap. As compared to other countries I've been to the Gardai do a pretty good job. Nowhere is perfect but on balance they are pretty fair. To see them on the ropes like that was shocking. I can understand the anger, but in no way can I justify what they did with it.
Quote from: mickO))) on November 26, 2023, 12:47:45 PMQuote from: Snare on November 26, 2023, 11:39:12 AMI heard some local hero also filmed the girl bleeding on the ground as she was being treated and they wouldn't stop recording when pleaded with? Assuming there's truth to this, as it unfortunately seems believable in this day and age. WTF is wrong with people??
Didn't hear about this but a video is doing the rounds of an MSM reporter (Haven't seen it mentioned yet who he is with) crossing the police tape pretending to be a concerned parent so he could get photos of the little girl being treated. Onlookers shouted at him and he then pretended to not know what he was doing while covering his face and trying to get away from the scene as quickly as possible.
May well be the same thing affected by Chinese whispers. :-\
There's more and more coming out, but it's hard to figure out what the actual truth is.
Seen a video clip of one aul' cunt in a mobility scooter whizzing around the riots with a tri-colour draped over him.
They deserve every welfare payment revoked for life.
And the scumbag who attacked the kids deserves every beating coming to him in prison.
Now being reported that the 5 year old in critical is the daughter of an Eastern European and a South American.
No word on how she's doing? Good to know she's still alive at least.
Apparently he's in an induced coma. A fine beating, couldn't have happened to a nicer fella.
QuoteThe latest incident involved possession of a knife, as well as criminal damage to a car in May.
He was taken to court on the charges but did not receive a conviction. The Mail understands he was not convicted due to a mental health report given to the court.
Individual breaks laws involving actual and potential criminal and/or bodily damage.
Mental health report is presented in court so individual is not just
not convicted but apparently... simply re-released into society? I don't at all see mental health as an excuse for crimes. I see it as a very real source of often violent crimes which requires its due attention.
Dailymail though.
Quote from: hellfire on November 26, 2023, 06:53:56 PMApparently he's in an induced coma. A fine beating, couldn't have happened to a nicer fella.
One way to make sure he doesn't reoffend any time soon.
Anyone in the city centre right now? Been hearing rumours all day that the little girl who was stabbed in the neck has either died or was taken off life support and they don't want to announce it to the public until they secure the city centre as they expect another riot to start once it is made public.
It is just hearsay at the minute and I haven't seen any evidence to back it up.
I hope its just a rumour. That poor child and her family have suffered enough for one week.
Oh fuck. I really hope that isn't true. How tragic.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 26, 2023, 05:56:07 PMNow being reported that the 5 year old in critical is the daughter of an Eastern European and a South American.
Why would that make any difference?
To who?
First place I came across the information was some mook laying it out that Ireland must really be inundated with migrants since everyone in this story, (in his words) the attacker, the victim, and the hero, are all foreigners. Which I have to admit made me chuckle, for a few reasons.
Why would it make any difference to anyone capable of rational thought so
It wouldn't. To anyone capable of rational thought it is merely a detail.
Quote from: mickO))) on November 26, 2023, 10:20:45 PMAnyone in the city centre right now? Been hearing rumours all day that the little girl who was stabbed in the neck has either died or was taken off life support and they don't want to announce it to the public until they secure the city centre as they expect another riot to start once it is made public.
It is just hearsay at the minute and I haven't seen any evidence to back it up.
Just a rumour, I've been hearing the same thing since Friday
That "rumour" prob in large part stems from this video, so tedious I didn't make it past a few minutes:
Seems to be just some head the ball "medically" riffing on various "evidence-based" reasons she thinks the girl can't have survived, and that if she didn't then the "establishment" must be covering it up.
A bit tangential, but in looking around social media about this matter, I happened to see that our own John McGhee (Primal Dawn) was arrested last week on harassment and intimidation charges (unrelated to the riots). Do unto others as you have had done unto you [by Scientologists]? I dunno, but it's the first I'm hearing that he's shacked up with The National Party. From one cult to another...
That's a shame to hear. I haven't seen John in years but I always liked the dude. An unusual character in some respects it seems, but a gentleman whenever I spoke to him.
I remember this happening when the TV was on in the background one day ->
What's the craic with him? From what little I gather, he was a Scientologist who went on to be arrested for harrassing another one, something like that?
Bizarre carry on. I was in Bolton Street when he was back in the late 90s when he was also in Mael Mordha and he seemed a very down to earth fella. Seems to fall from one bit of trouble to the next now. What a shame.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 27, 2023, 10:39:09 AMA bit tangential, but in looking around social media about this matter, I happened to see that our own John McGhee (Primal Dawn) was arrested last week on harassment and intimidation charges (unrelated to the riots). Do unto others as you have had done unto you [by Scientologists]? I dunno, but it's the first I'm hearing that he's shacked up with The National Party. From one cult to another...
An older video has him protesting outside Leinster House wearing a NP hoodie but denying he's a member.
More recent videos have him protesting outside Mullingar Army Barracks against immigrants being housed there, and abusing an English lady asking him what's going on, telling her she's about to die anyway as no doubt she got a covid vaccine.
And I've seen some messages he allegedly sent to that lady, so no surprise if it's related.
I see the lads compensated for sparking a riot by organizing a candle lit vigil this evening for the girl and the carer. In East Wall. Outside a migrant accommodation centre. Classy, got a kind of "this time candles and prayers, next time torches and pitchforks" kinda vibe.
Maybe it's solidarity with the kid with migrant parents?
Ah who am I kidding..
That's so fuckin grim.
Scum. Maybe holding a candlelight vigil for the girl in front of the hospital would be more like it but turning the action into a pointed political act is just disgusting. I hate these cunts who are so self righteous that every fucking thing they do gets filtered through their mongoloid ideology. Sickening shit. They couldn't give a fuck about the two victims other than their usefulness in pushing their fucked up ideas. Cunts.
Don't think for one minute that the opposition to those knobs is any better.
Now why does that sound familiar...?
What a great and fantastic pride looking foreigner we have here. Thank god it was the only medical professional that attended and isn't it great that sky news are going to speak to it.
It sings too...
Did anyone buy a pint for the French lad yet?
None of that post makes sense to me, even less so in the context of the preceding ones. Can you explain?
I do know the French lad got a phone-call from Macron. After which anyone would need a pint :laugh:
I think astfgyl forgot to mention this chap, hardly surprising considering the Census shows non-nationals are a majority in that area ->
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 27, 2023, 11:42:43 PMNone of that post makes sense to me, even less so in the context of the preceding ones. Can you explain?
I do know the French lad got a phone-call from Macron. After which anyone would need a pint :laugh:
Don't pretend you don't see what I see, just because it suits your ideology this time.
I would have you down for being smarter than that I honestly would.
So are you going to stay pretending you don't see it just to trump me in a shit argument on an anonymous handle chat board or will you actually apply the self reflection just this once?
I know where my tenner will be going
Back into my pocket is the answer because you can't bet against religion and for an atheist or agnostic or whatever you describe yourself as, you've picked your spectrum of acceptable debate.
I'll look forward to your counterpoint
Well, we were talking about how fucked up it is to organize a candle lit vigil for victims of an attack outside an accommodation centre for migrant families who had nothing to do with said attack. Then you said the "opposition" are "no better" and, seemingly as evidence of that, showed a tweet about what looks like a queer Asian nurse who apparently performed CPR on one of the victims until the emergency services arrived. But how are the details of an intentionally organized event in any way morally ("no better") comparable to the details of a spontaneous chaotic event? Or are you implying the Asian nurse angle is made up? Or that it's being exaggerated...? Also, I don't get what you mean about the username care2much either. So yeah, don't know which of quite a few possible angles you're coming from, but none of them seem to be "no better" than intentionally intimidating families holed up in temporary accommodation.
Which is the problematic bit, that he's Filipino or that he appears to be gay? Or is it a mix of both creates something too hot to handle?
Back in 5... Just need to put on some popcorn!
Poor lad seems like he's on the verge of PTSD recounting the event:
Stay pretending you can't see the spin so lads.
Go find out about Care2much18.
The lads outside the refugee centre are fried cunts and should be up at the Dáil in any event but this "look how wonderful all the foreigners are" bullshit is bullshit too. Fuckin sky news interview because he's not Irish. Load of bollix
I think you've lost it on this one man.
Looked up Care2much18 there. Grand, so there's a claim the lad behind the account is a conman. Let's say he is, since I've no fucking clue who he is in real life (you shared the fuckin' post from his account!) and so don't have any attachment to him. Still, a conman sharing a true fact doesn't make that fact less true. So, that's irrelevant, forget about it, no bearing on the facts whatsoever.
What would you like the media to have done? Ignore the first medically trained person who arrived on the scene because he's not Irish? Take five minutes and you will find countless human interest media stories about off-duty nurses and doctors who intervened in a crash, an attack, whatever. Sky News, or whatever media, hasn't lost it, they're doing what they always do. If Siobhan Kearney had been a nurse and done the CPR, she'd be interviewed about it. Conspiracy paranoia is running rampant in that head of yours.
Media org interviews person on scene of major incident. Isnt that what media do like.
Sure lads
QuoteMinister Ryan said: "I love Dublin, I grew up, (was) born and raised in this city. It has great qualities, great characteristics, but as long as my neighbour doesn't feel secure, then I'm insecure too.
"We need to keep the decency and the culture and the values that are real Dublin values in my mind, not be intimidated by the sort of antics we saw last week, and we can make it safe and we need to make it safe."
It's the framing of the narrative isn't it? It's not children being stabbed on one of the main streets of Dublin in broad daylight, not the beheadings of gay men. The hot topic of deflection is resourcing the Gardai and this is the window from which they will discuss resourcing An Garda Siochana. Not to mention draconian facial recognition and hate speech legislation that will be rammed through, courtesy of the usual scumbag gougers that no one ever cared about before beating up US tourists and much more across the cities streets but not to mention the braindead right winged agitators that have no idea how to appeal to the silent majority. The silent majority who can clearly see that certain elephants in the room aren't being addressed and is constantly brushed under the carpet, in the days of online social media, it's a futile exercise that beats the drum even louder ->
QuoteIn a poll of 1,000 voters, some 75% of those polled agreed with the statement "I think the number of refugees Ireland is taking in is now too many", while 19% disagreed with the statement.
Older people, lower economic classes and Sinn Féin or Independent voters were most likely to say they felt too many refugees are being allowed in.
Some 74% of Fianna Fáil voters and 70% of Fine Gael voters also agreed the State has accepted too many asylum seekers.
A similarly large majority (76%) said they appreciate the anger felt about asylum seekers being moved into local areas; 21% said they do not appreciate the anger and 3% said they don't know
Democracy, the will of the people should be at the forefront of this but it isn't. Science forbid we discuss immigration like adults.
For the state lower middle-class and working class Ireland is in, with respect to both housing and social amenities, it is too many.
That's why a missing question in polls like this is whether people think the government's priority should be to 1) put a stop to immigration, or 2) fix the nationwide housing and social amenities issue.
The will of the people, quite famously, is very easy to manipulate, first and foremost by limiting the perceived options upon which that will can be exercised.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 28, 2023, 03:06:08 PMFor the state lower middle-class and working class Ireland is in, with respect to both housing and social amenities, it is too many.
That's why a missing question in polls like this is whether people think the government's priority should be to 1) put a stop to immigration, or 2) fix the nationwide housing and social amenities issue.
The will of the people, quite famously, is very easy to manipulate, first and foremost by limiting the perceived options upon which that will can be exercised.
True and people will point to many elections or votes over the years to highlight that very point. The missing question you give there actually limits the options to the extremes, first extreme I don't think anyone would favour stopping immigration altogether (bar the agitators I mentioned) and the easy feel good answer would be to pick number 2 - but realistically that's been attempted for a decade by government whether you disagree with their policies or not (and I very much so disagree with many!) - again it comes down to how many numbers can we take in per year. We have limited resources to build houses, to fund infrastructure, to sustain healthcare/education. There is finite resources and at the moment, an unlimited number that can come in, it's not sustainable.
It makes zero sense to outnumber locals in rural/lower class areas with very limited/overrun services and resources and at the same time, disregard their voices. Integration is an extremely tough thing to do in the best case scenarios so doesn't seem to be hope that it will happen in the worse cases! There's plenty of people who come here that work or enrich their local communities in many ways but there is also the other side of the coin that will cause further strain on our housing/health/policing resources for absolutely zero gain/benefit, example is the recent stabber who allegedly according to the Sunday Times hasn't worked in the 23 years he has been here.
Everything should be debated by the adults in the room with the hope that common sense policies rise to the top and there's no feeling that no one is not being listened to. The current tactics by government/gardai/media will only make things worse. You know well most people get entrenched in their views, will never budge or admit being wrong so tactics have to change as I also fear if AI does get to the stage where it wipes out a big % of jobs at a frightening pace - we have sleepwalked ourselves into a different crisis altogether.
Moving large numbers of people into a country while the existing population have nowhere to live was always going to create resentment. If you tried to cause social tension on purpose that would be one of the top ideas. Putting new arrivals in social housing puts them in direct conflict with people in the lower income brackets.
Solving the problem doesn't require any change to laws, just enforcement of existing laws and treaties. The government just has no will to do so. Restricting welfare to non Irish nationals to only their stamps would have the problem evaporate overnight. It would also negate any talking points by the likes of Mick O'Keefe. As a sidenote he's also unemployed.
EU free movement rules do have a clause about being able to support yourself and not being a burden on the state. We have an lot out from some articles of Lisbon regarding refugees. The first safe country thing is another option.
Demonizing people with terms such as far right won't help. They called everyone from granny's sitting on lawn chairs outside an IPAS centre to lads burning a luas far right. The idea that a central core of bad actors is driving this is laughable. The Indian lads at work are as baffled as anyone why we are taking in and paying for other countries cast offs.
Dismissing and ignoring these concerns with insults and derision won't help. As with the peaceful protests the lads at the bottom of the social heap are the canary down the coal mine. What happens when all the lads over 30 who had to move back with their parents have had enough. Or taxpayers who see other people in paid houses while they have to skip meals? Continuing down the road of forcing this on people will result in further extreme scenes.
There are definitely several anomalous things coming up about the stabber: supposed deportation order overturned, subsequently granted citizenship (but upon what basis?), supposedly never worked, supposedly had mental health issues... not a lot of concrete elements in there, but definitely builds up into a profile of a failure not just of immigration policy, but several other areas of government. People, perhaps especially men, need to be kept occupied, one way or another. The devil manifestly finds work for idle hands and all that. Puska wasn't too dissimilar a case in that respect at least. And I have personal experience with more than one young Irish male whose either total lack of occupation or lack of, let's say, any meaningful occupation has worked a hoop on their mental health and led in a couple of those cases also to violent criminal behavior. People go on about the welfare system like it's a cushy number with only positives for the people on it. Nonsense. Enabling individuals to do fuck all for lengthy periods of time can both drive people off the wall and/or seriously exacerbate pre-existing conditions. If yer man hadn't worked for 23 years and if he had previously identified mental health issues, those to my mind are the dimensions of this particular case signalling areas for most urgent work, not the fact that he grew up in Algeria.
I do agree with pretty much all of what you've said in your last couple of long posts too Butch.
On the mental health aspect - I remember in 2016 - Mental health got just €15m despite €35m Budget vow while they gave the Greyhound industry 16 million a year. Priorities in full swing! The idle hands is a good point and community led initiatives are definitely undervalued in society.
Government couldn't have fked it up more - The state in 2013 used taxpayers money to demolish ghost estates led by a Labour minister. Vulture fund legislation in 2013 paved the way for the "recovery" of the property market - which meant people not only have to contend with each other but foreign corporate entities with overwhelming purchasing power compared to us plebs have had a field day buying up the supply and renting back to us at exorbitant rates. Councils buying private property keeping current prices inflated & distorting the market instead of using that money to build. The previous Dail, 42 (26.5%) have declared themselves as landlords, with Fine Gael having the highest proportion — 18 of its 50 TDs (36%) have an income from renting out property or land. We had a previous Housing Minister claiming 320,000 is affordable housing. Need a salary over 91,000 to achieve this. That's game over for the lower classes.
There is a vested interest to keep this gravy train/demand up and we lived in this hyper capitalist state with no balances or consequences on corruption. I always get reminded of the Australian billionaire property tycoon Harry Triguboff, the senile asshat who can buy up apartment blocks, keep a % vacant on purpose to drum up demand even more so he can increase the rents, valuations go up and he sells it on at a later date with plenty of profit. An utter cunt. If I was going to join any group of agitators it would be ones that would go after that ilk :abbath:
Quote from: hellfire on November 28, 2023, 04:01:48 PMSolving the problem doesn't require any change to laws, just enforcement of existing laws and treaties. The government just has no will to do so. Restricting welfare to non Irish nationals to only their stamps would have the problem evaporate overnight. It would also negate any talking points by the likes of Mick O'Keefe. As a sidenote he's also unemployed.
I see Musk has been replying to him a lot which is ballooning his reach. Agreed on enforcement - we won't see anything like this even uttered by government (or the opposition) and as you said, it will only feed into the extremes but also bring in others into the fold.
I thought Musk would have had someone check out the profiles he interacts with, apparently not. I don't know anyone in Waterford who'd be seen with that spud. Galls me when I heard him going on about unemployed wasters coming in. He is a preexisting issue. A lad who works with his dad told me that he apologies for creating him or denies knowing him regularly.
QuoteEoin Prizeman (35), who uploaded a video of a man raping a young boy to his own Facebook page and was caught with 276 videos of child abuse has been given a fully suspended sentence.
Wasn't that nice of the judge
Quote from: astfgyl on November 28, 2023, 06:22:38 PMQuoteEoin Prizeman (35), who uploaded a video of a man raping a young boy to his own Facebook page and was caught with 276 videos of child abuse has been given a fully suspended sentence.
Wasn't that nice of the judge
Suspended sentences seems to be thing for this but nah let's focus on hate speech.
You would think the parents/teachers/kids would be given some reassurances - at least for a while have some Garda presence but nope. Such bad optics.
Upper echelons really make it seem like they don't have a clue. Or couldn't care less.
QuoteThe woman was the victim of an opportunistic attack by 20-year-old Slovakian man Robert Bily on August 7th last year, as she watched Netflix in her apartment by herself.
The court previously heard Mr Bily had been in the country for five weeks when he carried out the assault on the woman.
He forced himself upon her after entering her apartment, and punched and stabbed her on her bed as he asked her for sex.
stabbed her nine times with a kitchen knife, which was damaged due to the force of the stabbings
Mr Bily then locked her in her bathroom and stole her phone, leaving her for dead with no way to call for help.
The woman suffered extensive, life-threatening injuries, and described the life-changing mental effects of the attack
She handed Mr Bily a headline sentence of 18 years, due to the significant aggravating factors, but reduced this to 13 years because of mitigating factors, with the final two years suspended.
These mitigating factors included his young age, guilty plea, and that he has indicated remorse.
Judge Behan also backdated it to when he was first detained, meaning he will serve a maximum of 10 more years in prison.
5 weeks! This sort of stuff should be life. Proper full life in prison.
Quote from: The Butcher on November 28, 2023, 10:36:49 PM
QuoteThe woman was the victim of an opportunistic attack by 20-year-old Slovakian man Robert Bily on August 7th last year, as she watched Netflix in her apartment by herself.
The court previously heard Mr Bily had been in the country for five weeks when he carried out the assault on the woman.
He forced himself upon her after entering her apartment, and punched and stabbed her on her bed as he asked her for sex.
stabbed her nine times with a kitchen knife, which was damaged due to the force of the stabbings
Mr Bily then locked her in her bathroom and stole her phone, leaving her for dead with no way to call for help.
The woman suffered extensive, life-threatening injuries, and described the life-changing mental effects of the attack
She handed Mr Bily a headline sentence of 18 years, due to the significant aggravating factors, but reduced this to 13 years because of mitigating factors, with the final two years suspended.
These mitigating factors included his young age, guilty plea, and that he has indicated remorse.
Judge Behan also backdated it to when he was first detained, meaning he will serve a maximum of 10 more years in prison.
5 weeks! This sort of stuff should be life. Proper full life in prison.
"Mitigating Circumstances"
That's enough for me. There's no mitigation for that and everyone knows it.
At least the Filipino lad out of the Jameson ad is getting his moment in the sun
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 28, 2023, 09:54:24 PMUpper echelons really make it seem like they don't have a clue. Or couldn't care less.
QuoteThere was no plan... members turned up simply because of WhatsApp messages being passed from garda to garda...
I think maybe in light of this, maybe it
is okay for politicians to criticize Drew Harris..? :laugh:
Heard Simon Coveney say that the Gardai have had to deal with over 700 protests from the "far" right this year. The Special Detective Unit was monitoring 20 "far-right agitators". Sounds like rookie numbers!
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 28, 2023, 10:54:02 PMQuote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 28, 2023, 09:54:24 PMUpper echelons really make it seem like they don't have a clue. Or couldn't care less.
QuoteThere was no plan... members turned up simply because of WhatsApp messages being passed from garda to garda...
I think maybe in light of this, maybe it is okay for politicians to criticize Drew Harris..? :laugh:
Just saw this :laugh: I can see why 98% of the Gardai voted no confidence in him
Quote from: The Butcher on November 28, 2023, 10:54:49 PMHeard Simon Coveney say that the Gardai have had to deal with over 700 protests from the "far" right this year. The Special Detective Unit was monitoring 20 "far-right agitators". Sounds like rookie numbers!
He didn't mention that they had to deal with about 700 deportation orders though did he
Also there was around 20 of those carried out.
Wait until anyone sees the actual figures involved. The money figure is enough to turn my stomach without the enforcement figures
Quote from: The Butcher on November 28, 2023, 10:56:26 PMQuote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 28, 2023, 10:54:02 PMQuote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 28, 2023, 09:54:24 PMUpper echelons really make it seem like they don't have a clue. Or couldn't care less.
QuoteThere was no plan... members turned up simply because of WhatsApp messages being passed from garda to garda...
I think maybe in light of this, maybe it is okay for politicians to criticize Drew Harris..? :laugh:
Just saw this :laugh: I can see why 98% of the Gardai voted no confidence in him
Yeah so can I
Because he's rotten
Forget, if you like and if you can, the individual delivering the beating... and just enjoy the beating :laugh: Solid 'Stop it, he's already dead!' stuff:
Thank god there's no agenda or this poor chap would be forgotten
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 28, 2023, 11:12:14 PMForget, if you like and if you can, the individual delivering the beating... and just enjoy the beating :laugh: Solid 'Stop it, he's already dead!' stuff:
That riot was the best thing that ever happened for anyone who supports the hate speech laws.
If I wanted to bring in laws like that, I'd want to respond slowly to the unfolding as well.
Let's see how the shinners vote when those laws are put on the table. If I was them I'd want that done before I got in. At least that way it wouldn't be my fault, nor would be the fact that I can't do anything about it now.
Actually thank god those (proposed but also generally despised because of the loss of civil liberties inherent in their possible application) hate speech laws have been accelerated in light of recent developments instead of simply having a robust immigration policy or (god forbid) telling the truth as to why such policies might be permitted in the face of violent public opposition. I mean, when has suppression of free speech ever been a bad thing?
Any country that cannot criticise their government is a forward thinking win for Democracy And The Rule Of Law, isn't it?
We are lucky that we have the government to keep us all safe from the type of information that might make us think that they are not acting in our best interests. If we don't get these laws passed very soon we will have people doing bad far right stuff like finding out that there's more than one side to the story.
If we get it right, the laws should prevent any criticism of the government that isn't disguised as satire. That's the way we like it, governed harder by daddy like we need.
Also thank god we will have an impartial media to which those same laws will apply. That will really get the maverick journalists' juices flowing to put the boot into whichever government is in power if they don't act in the best interests of the populace.
How's it looking on the old left there, @blackshepherdcarnage? We are more together than we ever were now aren't we?; now that the rule of equality is being applied.
I've wanted the establishment government out since as long as I've had an opinion on Irish politics. And they've never been out. And that's the government who want to introduce whatever thing has your emotions getting the better of your reasoning.
Going back to Dail speeches about Thursday's riots, Paul Murphy hung out all the most familiar names today, reading out their tweets and other messages starting early afternoon Thursday, plus hung Mattie McGrath out along with them:
Again, I really don't care about the individual reading the stuff out, what's significant (and, who knows, in terms of notoriety, perhaps it also has a negative side) is that these names are now down in the public governmental record as (alleged) far right agitators.
Paul Murphy?
Thank god you're not having a laugh by the mere mention of his name or else I wouldn't have taken your comment seriously
QuoteI've wanted the establishment government out since as long as I've had an opinion on Irish politics.
It's an awful pity you're not living in Ireland where we are shortly about to implement hate speech laws that would prevent your saying anything like that!
Some neck on you to criticise the government or any of their policies or actions.
The quicker they bring in those laws the better, to stop the likes of hateful extremists such as yourself.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 28, 2023, 11:12:14 PMForget, if you like and if you can, the individual delivering the beating... and just enjoy the beating :laugh: Solid 'Stop it, he's already dead!' stuff:
I've often wondered what a horrible life her husband must have. Imagine if he left the dishes in the sink or didn't take out the rubbish. Scary little woman.
I like to see the government getting every dressing down possible and she sure can do that. Worst government in my living memory.
She's spot on. The inner city has had a lawless feel to it the past decade with open drug dealing going on for all to see. No attempt at discretion, the lads practically holding banners up to advertise their wares. I was expecting to see vigilante groups emerge to start killing the cunts, which would have been a better use of the supposed far right's energy than roaring abuse at immigrants. And I'm not saying immigration shouldn't be taken seriously, but let's not leave it to Ireland's finest to implement that policy.
Come on lads of The Far Left, you're usually so quick to spout your hateful rhetoric against opinions that differ from your own....
Why are you not calling out the things that are wrong in the world now like that pesky old Freedom Of Speech That Doesn't Conform To The Charter Of Acceptable Opinions As Defined By The State, Represented By The Loving Government Of The Current Day.
And never forget that the correct opinions are backed up by the social science that backs them up. Not the scientific method as used by The Far Right worldwide and that has so many wasted lives of the jailed and/or lined up against a wall and shot for their (extremely slight but still too far outside of the spectrum of acceptable opinion, as defined by the extremely vague in description, but yet not in any way vague in the description of how the as yet unknown offences might be punishable) centrist ideas. .
I for one think that the government is about to do the right thing in creating punishable offences that are, by definition, indefinable. I am really impressed with intellect like that from our elected government (who we wanted in so badly that we insisted that an ionaid votaile ata i gceist stayed counting until we got our Young Global Leader Mr Varadkar back in his rightful place in less than 7 counts iirc.
We are aiming for total conformity here lads and however we get there, it will be worth it. We will no longer be Young Global Leaders, we will be the grown ups in terms of subservience to unelected rulers the world over.
Let's not let ourselves down this time lads and let's really show the world how to best be entirely under the fat thumb of governmental control of free speech and say absolutely nothing about it other than to thank the Dear Leaders for their preventing the Rise Of The Far Right by preventing the utterance of anything that might be construed as dissent at all.
Oh yeah actually while I'm here did anyone hear that some children were stabbed by a lunatic coming out of their school the other day?
Yeah there was a mad furore over where the evil bastard was from but it turned out that he was an Irish citizen. Well he wasn't born here or anything but luckily he he managed to fight a 5 year legal battle and successfully against all odds go on to not only be not deported but in fact become an Irish citizen instead, thus proving the strength of our policies in general, an actualisation of our greatness only challenged in its mental fortitude by having the same chap arrested for having a knife on him a few months earlier but still having the good sense to let him back out with all the freedoms that a lad who survived a deportation order against all odds and managed to never work a day in his life should be entirely entitled to as any Irish citizen should be.
I feel so enriched so I do. Can't wait to have laws to stop anyone giving out about it
The term far right needs to be defined. Who does it describe and what level of extremity is required to meet the threshold? What is regular right or conservative? At the moment its used to describe anyone who doesn't subscribe to a set of ideals that would be considered radical in a lot of countries. Define it before spraying it around like confetti.
If you oppose this and the systems that led to it, you are the far right:
(Before I do go on, I'd like to note for the record the lack of definition offered by even the hardest leftists on here in the most popular thread in the section. I too, want to read the definition of far right and see how I fit into it)
QuoteThe primary suspect in last week's stabbing attack in Dublin had his application to remain in the state supported by two Irish NGOs, Gript Media can reveal. While the suspect cannot be named as he has yet to face any legal charges, the broad background of how he came to be living in Ireland is made clear in court records seen by Gript Media.
Those court records outline an almost decade-long legal saga, involving two Justice Ministers, multiple court applications, and a consistent pattern of refused applications on behalf of the suspect.
The suspect arrived in Ireland in August, 1999, and applied for asylum on the basis of what he claimed was a fear of being tortured by an Islamic Militant Group – the GIA (Groupe Islamique Armé) – if returned to Algeria. He told Irish authorities that he had been working in Algeria as a canteen assistant with an oil company, and that in the course of his work he had been kidnapped and tortured by four members of the GIA in late 1998 or early 1999. He claimed that this torture had taken place in order to get him to reveal details about a family member who worked for the Algerian Government.
The processing of the asylum application took two years. In August 2001, the suspect was informed by the authorities that he had received a negative recommendation for asylum. The suspect was then invited to make applications "in the ordinary way" outlining why, despite this negative recommendation, he should nevertheless be granted leave to remain.
He made no such application.
In 2003, two years after his application was refused, a deportation order was signed by the then Minister for Justice, now Senator, Michael McDowell. This order was conveyed by letter in March 2003. The suspect was ordered to present himself to the Garda National Immigration Bureau to arrange his deportation within a week of receiving the letter with the deportation order. By this time he had been in Ireland for almost four years.
He did not attend to arrange his own deportation, and was then classified by the authorities as an evader, meaning the Gardai were authorised to apprehend him. This, however, did not happen.
Indeed the suspect remained living openly in Ireland, and at an unknown date sought the assistance of two Irish NGOs working in the Asylum sector with his case. Both these NGOs continue to work in Ireland today, and one is relatively well known.
Between May 2003, and February 2004, court records show that several unsuccessful applications were made on behalf of the suspect – now under new legal representation – for extra time for an application for leave to remain, and for a quashing of the deportation order.
Each of these was refused by the courts. The state's submissions noted that the suspect had repeatedly given inconsistent answers in relation to his case and that there were questions about his credibility.
However, the two NGOs, which Gript is not in a position to name openly due to legal issues around the present stabbing case, helped the suspect make yet another application, this time on the basis that the Minister had erred in law by not granting asylum.
One of the NGOs submitted to the courts a medical report which it claimed showed the lasting physical and psychological effects of the suspect's alleged torture in Algeria.
The Irish state, in response, argued that while it accepted the the suspect had clearly endured torture in late 1998 or early 1999, the alleged torture had not been carried out by the Algerian state and that as such the suspect had nothing to fear in his home country. The state also argued that no new facts had been presented supporting the suspect's case. By way of background, by this time the GIA – accused of carrying out the torture – was no longer an operational group in Algeria.
This court application also failed, and Minister McDowell reaffirmed the deportation order in October 2004. Despite that, two further years passed without the deportation order being carried out, and the suspect continued to live openly in Ireland with the deportation order in place, but unexecuted.
The suspect made a further application to challenge the order in 2006. This, too, was rejected, and he was denied leave to do so by the courts. The deportation order remained in effect. The suspect continued to live in Ireland.
In 2008, a further application was made to the Minister for Justice – by this time Fianna Fáil's Brian Lenihan – to exercise his discretion and to grant an application for subsidiary protection for the suspect, which would grant him leave to remain in Ireland. The Minister, again, refused this application and the deportation order was reaffirmed. It had now been in place for five years, unenforced.
In that same year, the suspect challenged the Minister, again in the High Court, and again supported by the evidence of one of the two NGOs, on the grounds that the Minister had unfairly refused to use his discretion.
The main argument in that case was that the Minister for Justice's refusal to exercise discretion and grant the suspect leave to remain in Ireland was an arbitrary decision, and inconsistent with previous decisions in similar cases. There was a specific argument made that the Minister, by refusing to use said discretion, had acted in a discriminatory manner because discretion had been granted to others – an argument described by the court as "unattractive".
However, the court ruled that the Minister had erred by not noting the differences in the legal meaning of "serious harm" which arose on foot of a court ruling in 2007, and decided that a new and expanded definition of that phrase adopted by the courts should have been considered by the Minister in light of the 2008 application. It is notable that this new definition was not in place at the time of the original order, or at the time of any application made by the suspect up until 2008.
At each step, until the 2008 court decision, the state firmly opposed any and all efforts to grant the suspect leave to remain in Ireland. For nine years, he had lived here without permission to remain. However, it should be noted that no efforts are on record of the state attempting to enforce the deportation order which was live, and in place, for a full five years. For a period of time, the suspect was classified as an "evader" – somebody who is actively evading the law and avoiding their own deportation.
Nevertheless, and arguably as a result, it came to be that the state was compelled, finally, to grant subsidiary protection, and leave to remain. The suspect later became a naturalised Irish citizen. Gript Media understands that he was never able to hold down a job in Ireland, and was provided with housing by at least one Irish NGO, separate to the NGOs that aided him in his legal battle against deportation. He remains in a grave condition in a Dublin hospital, and Gript Media understands that he is not in a fit state to be arrested or questioned in connection with the events of last Thursday.
The NGOs involved with the suspect's case have been contacted for further comment
There ye are lads, I quoted a whole Gript article so ye don't have to deny your gods by clicking into the real one.
It's things like this that are the reason why we need hate speech laws, so that we can just listen to the official story and brand any information to the contrary as misinformation and those disseminating it as the Far Right. We do it for social unity, that's why the public don't need to know the facts, because they wouldn't know how to correctly interpret them. Far better that the government tells them to you and the state media backs them up.
That's a fucking mental story. And the sheer cost of all that legal work, back and forth. I could see SF running with this too, since it just makes the sitting justice department look worse than ever.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 29, 2023, 09:22:08 PMThat's a fucking mental story. And the sheer cost of all that legal work, back and forth. I could see SF running with this too, since it just makes the sitting justice department look worse than ever.
The worst thing there as I see it is that there are many folks who might have trodden a somewhat similar path and fought those deportation orders and gone on to be an asset to the place. I have tea every morning with a Nigerian lady who has been working and paying taxes just like myself for about 20 years here and she is as sound as a pound. It's the system that's fucked up, not the people just because they are foreign but the government is so tone deaf that they won't just do the few things needed to sort all that out. Most of the perceived racism in the place here is directly caused by government policies but at the same time I think that's a bit hateful of me to say so I rescind all previous comments on the matter and I'm all with the government now in their fight against misinformation. Thank god we have decent media in this country who won't report things like this in the interests of unity
Instead, thank god, they are bringing in legislation to stop people talking about things like that. I for one welcome it with open arms.
Edit: SF can run with what they like but it won't matter because they will have signed up to whatever the other lads have at the end of the day. I'll be interested to see the change and when they do get in without my vote I'll hope they at least do something to tip the scales in favour of those on the island whether they were born here or not but I know that won't happen because there's an agenda to be fulfilled. Pity
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 29, 2023, 09:22:08 PMThat's a fucking mental story. And the sheer cost of all that legal work, back and forth. I could see SF running with this too, since it just makes the sitting justice department look worse than ever.
The only thing that could make McEntees department look more foolish would require clown costumes, unicycles and pies.
That's not fair man, sure isn't she going to be the face of bringing in those definitely not ridiculous hate speech laws.
It will be her crowning glory as Princess of all that is right in the world. I hope those laws make it a crime to think any different
That's the sort of can do attitude that I can really get behind
Our mental fortitude has gone international it seems.
Shit enough site tbh like Waterford whispers the headline is the only funny bit
It's not rocket science:
QuoteFar-right politics, or right-wing extremism, refers to a spectrum of political thought that tends to be radically conservative [e.g. Catholic, pro-Life, etc.], ultra-nationalist [e.g. #IrelandForTheIrish, etc.], and authoritarian [e.g. achieving objectives via intimidation and/or force, aggressive/violent imposition of will, military fantasizing, etc.], often also including nativist [e.g. "indigenous Irish"] tendencies.
That's not to say some of these dimensions don't have quite easily identified causes in the current case of Ireland, but for me most of those boxes are ticked by the heads I personally take to be and have no problem referring to as far right. It's like the way Hamas
are psychos regardless of whether the causes for their popularity and ease in recruitment in Gaza are very easily identifiable. And just like in the case of Gaza, albeit for quite different motivations, those easily identifiable causes in Ireland are not being addressed. The classical socialist part of me has a tendency to believe that's because it serves the ruling class for there to be as much conflict as possible between demographics they see as equally beneath them; the working/services and welfare class vs migrants/asylum seekers. And if the ruling class can exacerbate that by simply doing nothing intelligent, great! These NP lads and so on often seem convinced that closing the borders is going to operate a miracle, whereas that miracle needs to happen
way higher up the food chain, imo.
I see Leo has run off to Dubai for some climate change conference. Flying to Dubai on a private jet to preach to everyone else about how they need to cut back.
I am sure some have seen this
Sounds like an incitement to violence to me if you go by the logic that has been used to accuse others of the same thing. I have no doubt this man will also be put under investigation now.
I had to laugh when I saw it. Serious Four Lions vibes :laugh:
The Gript account has been challenged. (
The Gript claim was that he had not has his application to remain supported by NGOs. There was another donkey who made a bunch of shit up yesterday about the victims and secrecy surrounding them. That lad should have the tongue cut out of his head for those lies. I didn't see anyone try to identify him, but I don't see everything.
EDIT: Gript Comment (
Quote from: hellfire on November 30, 2023, 11:01:20 AMGript Comment (
If it turns out they were deliberately mislead by state sources, this will galvanise the far right and give them the ammunition to turn this horrendous event into proof that the state don't care about ordinary people and further blame immigrants who have been contributing to Irish life for decades.
The vast majority of people that have been protesting for over a year now or have concerns with what is happening to the country have no issue with immigrants it is refugees / economic migrants that most people have an issue with. Immigrants and economic migrants are not the same thing. People need to stop throwing the word immigrant around and trying to pretend all of these people are the same just to push an agenda.
When the far right heads are being as nuanced as "We need to close the border!" they're not leaving much room for such subtleties ;)
I was in the vicinity of one of their protests outside the cork library a while back. Such a bunch of absolute wankers. I have no problem with people having a discussion on immigration but those people are not putting forward any coherent argument.
That is the problem the Government from the very beginning have refused to engage in any discussion on the matter they have just shouted down anyone who voices concerns as far right and racist. It also makes you wonder what is the Government getting out of all of this seeing as how determined they are to still continue with it given all the trouble it is causing in the country.
They're getting division of the riffraff out of it. Wonder no more! :laugh:
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 30, 2023, 12:21:55 PMWhen the far right heads are being as nuanced as "We need to close the border!"
Thus reminds me that they extended their demands the day after the riots when one issued a call to arms to meet again at noon the next day and every day "until they close the boarders". So they're not fans of boarding schools either it seems :laugh:
Quote from: mickO))) on November 30, 2023, 12:10:52 PMThe vast majority of people that have been protesting for over a year now or have concerns with what is happening to the country have no issue with immigrants it is refugees / economic migrants that most people have an issue with. Immigrants and economic migrants are not the same thing. People need to stop throwing the word immigrant around and trying to pretend all of these people are the same just to push an agenda.
If they keep pushing the same nonsense that only appeals to 20% of the population and infuriates the rest then it will only get worse. All the huffing and puffing about the far right is falling on deaf ears. A big ol bag of bollocks fed to the public by the same people who claim some women have a penis.
So Mick O'Keeffe in a tweet (presumably also on Telegram, etc.) and also The Liberal in an article both published the name of the wrong suspect, who is now apparently under garda protection. Have to admit I'm not totally sure of the situation now though. Does this person, wrongly named for the stabbing, nevertheless match the mental back-and-forth, courts, NGOs, etc., story that Gript published? In which case, all that nonsense did still happen, it just didn't involve the actual attacker...? Is that it?
If they published a name and it wasnt the suspect then that's a pretty easy libel case. Didnt another fella get wrongly accused in the aisling murphy case and had to have garda protection as well. Its get the torches shit right there that serves no one.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 30, 2023, 03:04:14 PMSo Mick O'Keeffe in a tweet (presumably also on Telegram, etc.) and also The Liberal in an article both published the name of the wrong suspect, who is now apparently under garda protection. Have to admit I'm not totally sure of the situation now though. Does this person, wrongly named for the stabbing, nevertheless match the mental back-and-forth, courts, NGOs, etc., story that Gript published? In which case, all that nonsense did still happen, it just didn't involve the actual attacker...? Is that it?
I saw that tweet. His version of the story was that your man came to Ireland in 99 to visit friends and never went home and worked for Keeling's which doesn't line up at all with the Gript story. He also put up a photo of the fella he named.
He has since deleted it all and put up a video moaning about the guards trying to ruin Gripts good name and that they'll have to kill him to silence him. I wonder if thick ignorant fucks like him, Dwyer, Blighe and Heasman will ever actually have the self awareness to realise the harm they're doing to their own cause with their constant bullshitting.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 30, 2023, 03:04:14 PMSo Mick O'Keeffe in a tweet (presumably also on Telegram, etc.) and also The Liberal in an article both published the name of the wrong suspect, who is now apparently under garda protection. Have to admit I'm not totally sure of the situation now though. Does this person, wrongly named for the stabbing, nevertheless match the mental back-and-forth, courts, NGOs, etc., story that Gript published? In which case, all that nonsense did still happen, it just didn't involve the actual attacker...? Is that it?
Mick O'Keefe should have been in jail or an asylum years ago. The Gript article didn't name anyone. Just accused two unnamed NGOs of advocating to keep the attacker in the country. The Liberal is complete tat and doesn't even qualify as a news outlet.
I'm not against Gript but am against the other two. None of these fuckers would have any audience if it weren't for a dismal failure in immigration policy, a complete failure of governance and a media that nobody believes. The whole thing amounts to a hill of beans compared to the actual problem, which is still there, unaddressed.
And won't be addressed either. The likes of the lads that are supposedly representative of questioning immigration policy are useful idiots. Make no mistake, the government are delighted with those boys. It's not working on the general public though, who condemn all those lads but still have the same issues with current policy.
There's an oul breadcrumb of impartiality for the starving
Christ some of you lads need to try a little thing called being sound. Foreigners, gays and trans aren't the fucking bogeyman.
As someone who has lived 40 years in a shitehole part of Dublin all I can say is it's the Irish in the area who cause the problems not those currently living in a near by office block! It was Irish lads who broke into my house twice, who robbed my car and took a swing at me in the last few years. It was also to Irish lads who had a knife fight over drugs at the end of my road two weeks ago and who deal in the area. The majority of spongers in the area are also Irish.
Life is short, stay off social media and try being sound. Who gives a fuck where a person is from or their gender, born and bread Irish cause the issues in this country, no matter what the internet says!
Well said.
Have ye been following the Kyle Hayes case. Limerick hurler up on assault. Kicked a fella on the ground and ran away. It's just like the OJ trial :laugh:
Double post
Right scumbag that lad. Him and some other cunts gangingbup on a lad, kicking the shit of him when he was on the ground.
Not his first time in court either, he was up for racing sulkies before. Not a good look giving him an allstar when he had this looming.
Quote from: Deranged Bear! on November 30, 2023, 08:23:52 PMChrist some of you lads need to try a little thing called being sound. Foreigners, gays and trans aren't the fucking bogeyman.
As someone who has lived 40 years in a shitehole part of Dublin all I can say is it's the Irish in the area who cause the problems not those currently living in a near by office block! It was Irish lads who broke into my house twice, who robbed my car and took a swing at me in the last few years. It was also to Irish lads who had a knife fight over drugs at the end of my road two weeks ago and who deal in the area. The majority of spongers in the area are also Irish.
Life is short, stay off social media and try being sound. Who gives a fuck where a person is from or their gender, born and bread Irish cause the issues in this country, no matter what the internet says!
That makes for another good way of defining them: far right of sound :laugh:
Quote from: Ollkiller on November 30, 2023, 08:56:00 PMWell said.
Have ye been following the Kyle Hayes case. Limerick hurler up on assault. Kicked a fella on the ground and ran away. It's just like the OJ trial :laugh:
How long before his Mickey Harte character reference letter arrives?
Quote from: Deranged Bear! on November 30, 2023, 08:23:52 PMChrist some of you lads need to try a little thing called being sound. Foreigners, gays and trans aren't the fucking bogeyman.
As someone who has lived 40 years in a shitehole part of Dublin all I can say is it's the Irish in the area who cause the problems not those currently living in a near by office block! It was Irish lads who broke into my house twice, who robbed my car and took a swing at me in the last few years. It was also to Irish lads who had a knife fight over drugs at the end of my road two weeks ago and who deal in the area. The majority of spongers in the area are also Irish.
Life is short, stay off social media and try being sound. Who gives a fuck where a person is from or their gender, born and bread Irish cause the issues in this country, no matter what the internet says!
All of the things you are saying there are true. Which to me points to the fact that we have enough problems of our own without importing more which will only be a drain on the public finances and the non existent infrastructure.
Refugees? No bother, if they actually are refugees.
Economic migrants? No bother, if they are going to contribute.
EU citizens? Well so are we.
Gay? One of my favourite people I know is bent as an s hook and we regularly party together.
Trans? Be fucking trans if you want but don't force me to play make believe with you if I don't want to.
Loads of Irish are bums and we all know it. What difference does that make to the obvious issues we are bringing on ourselves with current policy?
All we are asking for is a small few sensible changes. Fuck the extremists and don't think just being sound while the place is treasure ireland for welfare tourists will fix anything. You think I'm not sound to foreigners or something?
You are sidestepping the issues that are problematic by focusing on the extreme views. Which coincidentally is exactly what the government are doing because it takes the heat off them.
Oh and great to meet you, hope you're getting on well with everything
Any genuine conversation about immigration or border control immediately becomes moot when people are all too happy to align themselves with the extremists though. There's a genuine conversation to be had about taking in refugees or migrants when our Government is too incompetent to house the people already here (or perfectly competent to ensure we're all struggling), but it's hard to have that conversation when the loud minority will support the mentalists pushing that all foreigners are violent savages here to harm women and children.
The amount of people supporting the mentalist extremists and then getting offended at being called far-right, if people are right-leaning on these issues but don't want to be labelled far-right then calling out and dissociating from the extremists would probably be a good place to start imo.
I'm not aligned with any of those. Sometimes I read the sources of what they are saying because at times there's truth to it. Of course at plenty of other times it's inflammatory bullshit.
I would imagine that all of the foreign born folks in the country were just as appalled at the stabbing as I am.
Anyway, we'll soon be rid of hearing things we don't like...
Not just Gript either
Back for a laugh.
Resident asshole has linked Wikipedia and subsequently voiced his dum, ill thought out views z
I'll tell you what. You and me in the ribg
Welcome back Kev.
It was me, I'm the asshole who linked Wikipedia :laugh: Intentionally, to counter the nonsense point several users were repeating, claiming that defining "far right" is somehow complex or beyond the ken of the average person. Nah, far right is easy to grasp: even Wikipedia will give a decent enough idea to anyone "struggling" to understand why the term is being used for this band of muppets.
The article says radically conservative. The point I made was what is regular conservative when the slightest display of conservatism is deemed far right.
The article is pretty clear that it's
not just one characteristic, such as conservatism/traditionalism, but rather "a spectrum":
QuoteFar-right politics, or right-wing extremism, refers to a spectrum of political thought that tends to be radically conservative, ultra-nationalist, and authoritarian, often also including nativist tendencies.
And yeah, it's just your basic Wikipedia rough idea, to be taken with a pinch of salt, so please, by all means, go fill your boots with more scholarly analyses of what have historically been the defining features of the far right.
It was me then, in case that wasn't clear, who added in examples of how this rough definition translates to the current bunch of stand-up lads, the positions they display, the language they use, the actions they take:
Quoteradically conservative [e.g. Catholic, pro-Life, etc.], ultra-nationalist [e.g. #IrelandForTheIrish, etc.], and authoritarian [e.g. achieving objectives via intimidation and/or force, aggressive/violent imposition of will, military fantasizing, etc.], often also including nativist [e.g. "indigenous Irish"] tendencies.
Sure I've people in my own family who are Catholic and pro-Life but neither ultra-nationalist nor nativist nor particularly authoritarian. And I do also have people in my own family who
do have far right tendencies, in the sense that I could easily see them voting for a credible far right Irish politician, who ticked the right boxes with respect to nationalism and authoritarianism, if one were to emerge. So this thing of "the slightest display of conservatism is deemed far right" is just disingenuous. That's not to say there aren't nutbar leftists out there who grossly simplify things and may consider anyone who's pro-Life to be far right, but the lads currently in question, the core heads, they regularly tick
all the boxes.
everything is brought down to a question of #IrelandIsFull, "all your woes are the fault of foreigners," etc., to the
silencing of the real homegrown culprits, then, yeah, good chance you're dealing with far right politics:
QuoteBasic economics is Supply and demand we dont have enough Supply to meet demand mass migration into Ireland has young irish couples in direct competition with foreigner's to rent or buy a home this is leading to massive rent increases in the market #irelandisfull
Foreigners, not landlords, responsible for rent increases. Interesting take. #IrelandIsFullOfCuntLandlords
The immigration situation is genuinely a factor in driving up rents. Why not call a spade a spade? Landlords everywhere are rubbing their hands at the lack of supply at the minute. It's not far right to point that out. It just is what it is. We already had a supply problem and now we have a worse one.
All the other shit is just window dressing, which distracts everyone to the delight of the government who have mismanaged things so badly, going back long before the Ukrainians and lads arrived.
Quote from: astfgyl on December 01, 2023, 01:55:37 PMLandlords everywhere are rubbing their hands at the lack of supply at the minute. It's not far right to point that out.
didn't point that out. He didn't mention landlords at all, despite the headline of the article he's commenting being "Huge 11pc increase in new rents
raises fears landlords are breaking zone rules." Turning even a story about the greed of Irish landlords into a chance to take a potshot at foreigners shows where the real priorities are. And it's not with young couples struggling to pay rent. It's just with kicking out foreigners. Like as if currently rent-gouging Irish landlords will suddenly become sound if that happens :laugh:
Just took part in a Ireland Talks poll that will feature in Sunday independent, should be interesting as it's about the riots and immigration and then Israel Palestine etc
Three of the questions were on a scale 0-10 how comfortable would you feel living next door to a Jew/Christian/Muslim *facepalm*
Haha! Just saw some of the questions on twitter too:
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on December 01, 2023, 02:06:31 PMQuote from: astfgyl on December 01, 2023, 01:55:37 PMLandlords everywhere are rubbing their hands at the lack of supply at the minute. It's not far right to point that out.
He didn't point that out. He didn't mention landlords at all, despite the headline of the article he's commenting being "Huge 11pc increase in new rents raises fears landlords are breaking zone rules." Turning even a story about the greed of Irish landlords into a chance to take a potshot at foreigners shows where the real priorities are. And it's not with young couples struggling to pay rent. It's just with kicking out foreigners. Like as if currently rent-gouging Irish landlords will suddenly become sound if that happens :laugh:
Sorry I missed the context to an extent. I thought you were saying that the influx of immigrants and international protection applicants is not putting a strain on an already under-supplied market and is not having any effect on driving up rents, or to say so is far right stuff. The fact that landlords are rubbing their hands is indeed nothing new. They love a good housing crisis as it drives up their profits. Unfortunately a large percentage of the people who could regulate that somewhat are also landlords so aren't going to want to fix it, as much as they might want to look like they want to fix it. It was a thing long before the arrivals as I've said.
The hotel thing is also a real issue the way the government is paying them to host all the lads and driving up the price of that too. I'm sure it's all pals of the current incumbents who are making the profits there too and they are eye watering for sure.
In a way I can see that the international protection system as we have it now is entirely the product of Irish greed rather than international chancery. The latter is enabled by the former.
And as has been alluded to here many times, we have plenty of cunts of our own long before we had international ones to add to it. Nobody gouges like the Irish.
All problems here with this situation must be addressed to government and not the arrivals.
It seems the creche worker is out of ICU. Think we can all agree that's a good thing.
No news on the 5 yeast old yet? Good to hear the teacher is alright. Fucking hell, what a champion but what an ordeal for her to go through.
Haven't looked for a couple of days, but there was some not-really-news about her condition reported today:
QuoteTHE MOTHER OF a five-year-old girl who was critically injured in last month's stabbing incident in Dublin's Parnell Square has said her daughter "has shown incredible strength and still here with us".
However, she added that "we don't yet know what lies ahead."
And, since it's mentioned there, a GoFundMe for the girl and her family:
I'll have to fire a few quid over. Good to hear she's still alive and here's hoping she pulls through with, hopefully, minor or zero lifelong affects from her injuries.
It's actually very bad that the nationality of the two blokes who turned up became a mickey measuring competition between left and right when that girl actually took a knife for it. And I'm not minimising my own part in getting caught up in any of that argument. They all did the human thing but even that is a thing nowadays.
Quote from: Eoin McLove on December 04, 2023, 09:32:29 PMI'll have to fire a few quid over. Good to hear she's still alive and here's hoping she pulls through with, hopefully, minor or zero lifelong affects from her injuries.
Let's hope you're right. No improvement in her condition reported anywhere though.
Apparently yer man is awake. When they're done questioning him they should beat him back into the coma. No doubt any statements he makes will be terror washed like the airport.
article (
Quote from: hellfire on December 05, 2023, 10:40:43 AMApparently yer man is awake. When they're done questioning him they should beat him back into the coma. No doubt any statements he makes will be terror washed like the airport.
article (
Jaysus yer wan who shared that link on twitter is an absolute headcase, these freaks like Gavin Pepper, Mick O'Keefe etc seem to be almost be enjoying the fact a kid got stabbed.
Meant to post the mirror article directly. Not sure who she is.
Quote from: ldj on December 05, 2023, 11:20:41 AMthese freaks like Gavin Pepper, Mick O'Keefe etc seem to be almost be enjoying the fact a kid got stabbed.
Complete with Alex Jones level videos "explaining" why the girl had in fact already died but that this fact was being covered up. It seems to be like porn to certain people, and more than a few were drooling in expectation that that story would be "proven" true had her death been announced shortly after the end of the weekend in question. Morbid mindset, lynch mob mindset.
All the far right opinions I give on here and I've never heard of half the names ye lads do be throwing out. Did see that rumour that the girl was dead and filed it in the Things That Don't Sound Believable drawer straight away. Was a little surprised that the parents haven't given any statement or a call for calm or anything but then I'd guess they have other things on their minds for the foreseeable.
As for yer man waking up, I doubt much sensible info will come from him as to why he'd do something like that.
Quote from: astfgyl on December 05, 2023, 05:50:42 PMAll the far right opinions I give on here and I've never heard of half the names ye lads do be throwing out.
Do yourself a favour and stay blissfully unaware of those complete head the ball cunts!
Quote from: Born of Fire on December 05, 2023, 06:33:41 PMQuote from: astfgyl on December 05, 2023, 05:50:42 PMAll the far right opinions I give on here and I've never heard of half the names ye lads do be throwing out.
Do yourself a favour and stay blissfully unaware of those complete head the ball cunts!
Whoever those maneens actually are, I've the same level of interest in them as the likes of Paul Murphy or Richard Boyd Barrett.
Not a hope for me taking any of those charlatans seriously at all. You might as well be lining up the fuckin National Party or some shit.
Livestream documentary making?
Interesting statement at the end, that garda have now not ruled out that there may be a terror angle to the attack..?
They only woke the bastard up the other day and still can't arrest him. They can't really establish motive until they talk to him.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on December 08, 2023, 12:27:43 AMLivestream documentary making?
Interesting statement at the end, that garda have now not ruled out that there may be a terror angle to the attack..?
I remember the may day riots where essentially the cops beat up a load of non violent students. They should have beat the living fuck out of that crowd.
Interesting last line alright.
I know a lad who was arrested as part of the mayday riots and he didn't even claim they were non violent.
I know a load of students who were at it and whilst there may have been a small part causing trouble the guards went in and battered anyone in sight. Took off their badges before going in as well.
The majority were non-violent, unlike with these riots. When the majority are non-violent, gardaí can go in with violence without fearing for their own safety. At these latest riots, the majority were violent and gardaí were outnumbered for much of the time. They were at genuine risk if they'd gone full on against the rioters. Several times watching that Prime Time reconstruction I was thinking, thank fuck Irish people don't have easy access to firearms.
Aye the students were easy pickings. This crowd stood up to them and as you said they were under resourced.
Quote from: Ollkiller on December 08, 2023, 12:15:44 PMI know a load of students who were at it and whilst there may have been a small part causing trouble the guards went in and battered anyone in sight. Took off their badges before going in as well.
Yeah, her man was always a bag of hassle. Couldn't bring him to a pub nevermind anything like that.
Under resourced Gardai is something I've heard about for at least 20 years.
QuoteGarda commissioner: "I have said this before, but I not only want to get to the current target of 15,000 gardaí, but given population growth, demographic change and the rapidly changing nature of crime, I believe there is a strong case for there to be more than 15,000 gardaí."
Here's a good summary re: joining the force now ->
QuoteWork front line regular policing it's a 48 hour week (4x12 hrs days) be regularly denied annual leave because of shortage of numbers, have days off cancelled for court and to cover events due to the lack of planning from management. Extremely high change of being assaulted and a good chance of being injured with limited to zero judicial and managerial support as well as being restricted in how you defend yourself physically.
Joining it now your pay and pension will be below what is required to live in or near any city which is where you would almost certainly be posted.
Plenty of work dealing with mental health related issues for which you will receive no training or support from MH services.
Huge time spent on court time + pointless and excessive admin and stats recording for outside agency's like policing authority RSA or Tusla and people misusing DVSA orders to gain sympathy in civil courts during separation and child access court proceedings. The rest of the time you can split between embarrassing PR crap and pandering to members of the public complaints about non policing issues like dogs barking or other civil matters.
All these factor are resulting in a lower standard and lower quality of new Gardai further decreasing moral and public confidence and a worse police service for all - Moral is beyond low, its so bad that its unrecoverable at this point and any one with skill and ability are leaving to better jobs with less pointless crap attached in the private and public sectors. It is very bad right now and standards and the service to the public is going to get a lot worse as this continues.If you still want it , go for it , some one has to do it and you might like it and or be good at it.
300 assaults causing injury a year to Gardai (1,000 assaults total to Gardai a year) - 300 a year is 9,000 over the course of a 30 year career. Most recent recruits will end up working longer. The gardai are only 14,133 strong. That equates to a 64% chance of being injured...if assaults occur equally across the country. They do not. They will mostly be in Dublin. Community police and other non front line units, SRU, district and divisional detectives, traffic units, those permanently sitting in the Phoenix park and offices around the country, etc will be less likely to be bearing the brunt of this. Regular unit Gardai , the job with the most shift work, the Gardai who respond to your 999 call (unless it a rare armed response requirement)...will be repeatedly getting injured. In places they cant afford to live. So Dublin Gardai getting hammered and its only going to get worse - they wont be able to retain anyone and it will get worse as it'll be Dublin based Gardai leaving - not the ones down the country meaning the new recruits all get sent to Dublin. Meanwhile the ones who started 30 years ago and COULD afford a house retired.
"300 a year is 9,000 over the course of a 30 year career"
I've seen this calculation made before, but I don't get the point of it. It's not 300 assaults per garda per year, so multiplying by the length of an individual garda's career to create an otherwise random large number seems pointless/misleading...? Maybe I'm missing something.
over 30 years I suppose is 9000, not all to the same guy mind.
Unless he's really unlucky
Right, so since it's not all to the same guy, what is the sense of multiplying by one guy's career?
It's a shit job. 90% of your time is spent dealing with domestic disputes or scumbags and then the paperwork aspect.
Why a Garda is at the front desk in garda stations is beyond me. They've started giving jobs in the last few years to non garda for admin roles. Ratchet that up and get the gardai out of the station.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on December 08, 2023, 03:49:54 PM"300 a year is 9,000 over the course of a 30 year career"
I've seen this calculation made before, but I don't get the point of it. It's not 300 assaults per garda per year, so multiplying by the length of an individual garda's career to create an otherwise random large number seems pointless/misleading...? Maybe I'm missing something.
It's about the cumulative risk over time and while not every Garda will experience an assault, those who do may face it multiple times especially those stationed in Dublin/other cities and are front line/new recruits. Draw back to the initial talking points in the post - under resourced - new recruits needed - numbers of the force not going up with the population, where are new recruits getting stationed - vast vast majority in Dublin/cities. The risk is concentrated and disproportionate. The likelihood of experiencing some form of assault is highly significant.
Okay, but that's not how likelihoods are calculated, and throwing out a figure like 9000 across a career is hardly likely to attract new candidates. 300 assaults with injury per year for 15000 gardaí is a 2% probability of injury per average garda per year. So, all other things being equal, an average garda has a ~60% chance of being victim to between 1 and 2 assaults with injury across their career. Which is already bad enough. The 9000 figure tells nothing.
Back of envelope calculations here, subject to correction if I'm bothered later :laugh:
I dunno why they don't just pay em right and attract a better quality to the force tbh. I'm not a fan in general a lot of the time but we need them and need the ones we have not to be shit as well. The cost of dealing with what they can't do has to be higher than what paying them right would be surely.
Then again we have schrodingers economy here, where depending on how one looks at it, we have no money for things or unlimited money for things.
Mad fuckin place. I'd run it better meself
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on December 08, 2023, 04:42:09 PMOkay, but that's not how likelihoods are calculated, and throwing out a figure like 9000 across a career is hardly likely to attract new candidates. 300 assaults with injury per year for 15000 gardaí is a 2% probability of injury per average garda per year. So, all other things being equal, an average garda has a ~60% chance of being victim to between 1 and 2 assaults with injury across their career. Which is already bad enough. The 9000 figure tells nothing.
Back of envelope calculations here, subject to correction if I'm bothered later :laugh:
But majority of new recruits are sent on the front line to Dublin so in reality the assault chance is way way higher. Not all 15000 are out answering calls or on the beat it's way way less of a number so not getting a full accurate % either way
Fully accurate aside you have a significantly better chance of getting a hiding than most other professions.
I still find it very difficult to feel any sympathy towards the cunts in general. I know some lads are sound but for an increasing number it's just uniformed thuggery they're after.
Had issues with them myself lately when one of the cunts was hitting my 15 year old son with a walkie talkie on the green outside my house. His crime? Running away from them after he and his pal went to look at the broken trucks in the scrapyard across the road.
Went down the station and tore fuckin strips off the super for over half an hour until they threw me out of the station. What I didn't fuckin say about how they direct their resources
As I said in the last post though, we do need them but we need them better as well as more numerous.
So what went down at the restaurant in Dublin? From what it seems the customers in the restaurant fought the gunman and fatally knifed him.
How can you have a gun, and lose a knife fight?
Gun jammed apparently. Stabbed 20 times after that, ouch.
Quote from: Snare on December 26, 2023, 06:36:34 PMGun jammed apparently. Stabbed 20 times after that, ouch.
Varg would be so proud
What was it, some gangland thing?
The hitmans ma has a go fund me looking for funeral expenses to be covered. Never mentions in the blurb that he was there to murder a couple of people and makes it out he was a good egg.
And could have shot any Joe Soap or their kid while there. So yeah that blurb on the Go Fund Me is perverse. Give me €7,000 to bury my poor son, one of life's good guys :o
Yer man really got fuckin scalded didn't he. I haven't read a lot into it but was it the lad he was going to shoot who gave him the stabbing? He won't do it again anyway that's for sure
Quote from: astfgyl on December 27, 2023, 12:41:24 PMYer man really got fuckin scalded didn't he. I haven't read a lot into it but was it the lad he was going to shoot who gave him the stabbing? He won't do it again anyway that's for sure
Hitman was going for the dad, son stuck him like a pig. According to Twitter.
I shouldn't laugh really but fuck him :laugh:
What age was the son? I imagine he'll have a charge against him, Even though the gunman brought it on himself.
Rumour has it the stuck the snore up his swiss as well. Saw a clip of him still alive getting battered and the pants were down below his arse so could be true.
Quote from: open face surgery on December 29, 2023, 04:15:13 PMRumour has it the stuck the snore up his swiss as well.
The son was arrested earlier today.
Saw that one on twitter the other day about the knife up the arse the other day but didn't know if it was confirmed or not. He'll certainly be facing a charge or two if it is true
Quote from: open face surgery on December 29, 2023, 04:15:13 PMRumour has it the stuck the snore up his swiss as well. Saw a clip of him still alive getting battered and the pants were down below his arse so could be true.
What the actual fuck?!?
Quote from: open face surgery on December 29, 2023, 04:15:13 PMRumour has it the stuck the snore up his swiss as well. Saw a clip of him still alive getting battered and the pants were down below his arse so could be true.
Where did you see that clip?
Saw a clip where he's lying face down, somebody rolls him over, and smashes a what looks like a chair into his face.
Don't think that will help their "self defense" claims.
Ya, that's the clip I'm on about. They were doing the rounds on WhatsApp.
Obviously meant knife rather than "snore".
Quote from: open face surgery on December 29, 2023, 07:39:14 PMYa, that's the clip I'm on about. They were doing the rounds on WhatsApp.
Obviously meant knife rather than "snore".
I'm thinking like the lad getting snookered in love hate. Could be the feel good hit of the summer here if the son gets done for murder after anally raping the lad that tried to kill his father with a knife after some scumbag shit that the rest of us would never know about because we aren't pieces of shit.
Fuck em :laugh:
The main thing is that skanger scumbags suffered. One dead, another fucked up, a third locked up. Job done. The only ones I feel for are the bystanders.
At least they'll have a story to tell.
As long as all the dead, injured, arrested partys are all scumbags who are just a blight on decent society I think it's a good way to round the year up
QuoteSteven Russell (47), who exposed his penis to a 10-year-old school girl while he sat in his parked Land Rover, has been given a fully suspended sentence.
Quote from: astfgyl on January 26, 2024, 03:11:25 AMQuoteSteven Russell (47), who exposed his penis to a 10-year-old school girl while he sat in his parked Land Rover, has been given a fully suspended sentence.
QuoteJudge Martin Nolan said it was probably unlikely that Russell would reoffend and noted that he had been under stress at the time.
He said the mitigation included Russell's early plea, his absence of previous convictions, his long work history and the fact that he was a family man with responsibilities.
Of fuckin course it's Nolan again.
Nolan continuing to do gods work
I am sure a lot of people are aware of this story. Not a lot has been revealed yet but from the bits that have it looks like something really bad went on.
Nightmarish enough without the missing details. Poor child.
We all know before clicking which Judge it is.
Quote"I hope he will have learned his lesson," the judge said.
With a harsh sentence like that I'm sure the lesson has well and truly been learned. >:(
Quote from: The Butcher on February 12, 2024, 09:59:05 AM
We all know before clicking which Judge it is.
What's the deal with this guy? He gets brought up a lot here, but he seems to be a bit softly softly to punishment. I'm sure there's people wishing he gets mugged and see if he changes his view.
This thread is entirely infuriating. I cannot understand how Judge Nolan is still in a job?
Quote from: Dark Stranger on February 12, 2024, 07:22:47 PMThis thread is entirely infuriating. I cannot understand how Judge Nolan is still in a job?
Yeah Irish judges are pretty much bulletproof until they die.
We had a retired judge living locally in the 90s. Himself and the wife were full blown alcoholics and would drink and drive from pub to pub at the weekends.
You could tell when they were on a serious bender as there'd be an unmarked squad car tailing them in case they had an accident as they would refuse to leave their Merc or Jag.
Lol at what happened the local judge here, the lad with no arms and one leg
Also, Nolan seems to favour paedophiles for some reason but that might be just the highlighted cases rather than the actual thing.
Either way he's a paedo loving cunt
I guess he came to my attention in 2012 when he gave that chap a six-year sentence for evading €1.6 million of duty on imported garlic while he gave 2/3 years to two Anglo Irish Bank executives (Willie McAteer and John Bowe) and the former Irish Life & Permanent CEO Denis Casey. There's an insane amount of suspended sentences dished out by him, especially when it comes to child abuse/porn and all types of assaults towards women etc.
Nearly 50,000 on this petition for what it's worth.
Quote from: mickO))) on February 11, 2024, 06:09:32 PMI am sure a lot of people are aware of this story. Not a lot has been revealed yet but from the bits that have it looks like something really bad went on.
The Mother was charged with the little fellas murder tonight.
Nothing like a timely reminder of why one hates the world with a vengeance
Pretty harrowing stuff
Your world view won't improve:
Fucking ghouls.
Pretty sickening shit altogether. I don't find people live streaming a funeral to be bad.
Streaming funeral masses is very common especially since the pandemic it is offered now by most churches. Just as you would have local people who didn't know a family show up in person to a funeral people on the other side of the country would feel like they are paying their respects by watching it. It is probably a common thing among older people.
I get the reasons for streaming. What I failed to properly explain was the perverse people out there with no connections to the extended family who would be compelled to watch this deeply traumatic and private event.
Recent books of condolences online that I have seen for relatives would have people commenting even though they had no knowledge whatsoever of the person or extended families involved. They wouldn't even be from the same province.
For some there's a perverse reason to feel involved somehow. They're the people I shake my head about wanting to be "involved" in such a high profile tradegy. It's like funeral porn for some people.
A chap I know was talking to me about whatever was the latest local tragedy at the time and was explaining to me who the chap was, who he knew etc and I couldn't place him at all despite the lad telling me where he worked and more such tidbits.
Anyhow, evening of the wake I'm outside the front door having a smoke and up pulls the lad in his van.
Well, I says..
Well, says me man... I was just at that wake he tells me..
So I ask was it a big event or what, making small talk..
And yer man comes back with
QuoteGod 'twas.. massive crowd.. and do you know what, now that I got a look at him I did know him to see him
Jesus, he actually put someone away?
Stomping his head on the ground is attempted murder to me. He'll be out in less than 3 years as well - Nolan is sure doing his bit to build a low trust society.
Every time I see this thread bumped, my first thought is, what has Nolan gone and done now? :laugh:
You'd think being an ex Garda himself he would understand how demoralising it is for AGS to see the sentences he hands out
Cead Mile Failte
Suspended sentences for serious assaults and posession of child porn, yet if you have the audacity to put a roof over your head...
Pensioner facing jail for building log cabin on his land – 'I have nowhere else to go'
Quote from: John Kimble on March 06, 2024, 05:51:17 PMSuspended sentences for serious assaults and posession of child porn, yet if you have the audacity to put a roof over your head...
Pensioner facing jail for building log cabin on his land – 'I have nowhere else to go'
And yet any old shit can be thrown together to fill with asylum seekers and the planning laws don't apply.
It's no wonder people are annoyed whatever way you skin it.
Anyway we've enough threads of all that already so I think it's more to the point about the sentencing in this one and it's a fucking joke of a country in that regard. It really is
Is there anything that can be done to bring meaningful change to the sentencing in this Kip?
Building a prison might be a good start.
I've been called for jury duty next week. I'll do my very best to help....
Assuming I can't manage to get the fuck out of having to do it in the meantime that is :laugh:
I was called for it 2 years ago, I ignored the letter and never heard anymore about it.
Great to still see if you're involved with GAA you can do whatever you want
Christ on a bike. I thought this was a slam dunk then wham, plot twist >:( >:( >:( >:(
2 guys who should be jailed to protect the country >:(
Quote from: Snare on March 23, 2024, 10:29:49 AMChrist on a bike. I thought this was a slam dunk then wham, plot twist >:( >:( >:( >:(
2 guys who should be jailed to protect the country >:(
I've girls the same age as those victims, fucking sickens me seeing the slap on the wrists and protections these cunts get. Think the mother summed it up pretty well
QuoteIt's a very sad place that we are in, in 2024, that once again, sex crimes against children are excused so as not to tarnish the good, hardworking man.
Quote from: Snare on March 23, 2024, 10:29:49 AMChrist on a bike. I thought this was a slam dunk then wham, plot twist >:( >:( >:( >:(
2 guys who should be jailed to protect the country >:(
Killed. They should be killed.
I see there was an arrest made related to the recent murder in Cobh.
Not the first time this lad has been in trouble, got a complete suspended sentence a few years back for breaking someone's jaw because the judge reckoned he's actually a good egg.
Quote"It was a very serious assault. He has paid €5,000 which is not much but I am told he is doing the best he can in his circumstances.
"I am impressed the accused has not come to the attention of the gardaí since and has behaved himself."
Dylan Scannell of 27 Foster's Haven, Cobh, Co Cork, got a two-year jail term suspended in its entirety.
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on March 27, 2024, 08:41:43 AM
That was a grim read. Shocking stuff. Absolute scum who will continue to be before the courts on countless charges. I hope the victim makes a full recovery.
There's actually a twist in that tale. Your man's sons who were estranged from him got over 100k through a gofundme which were for medical expenses. They never gave the man a cent, took off with the cash claiming it all went on travel? Two lads from the states in a big standard hotel here 100k madness.
QuoteJudge Leech ordered the pair, who have yet to enter pleas, to appear again at the District Court on 10 June to be served with books of evidence and for the granting of return for trial orders.
Mr Donaghey, who previously had to surrender his passport to gardaí as a condition of bail, was allowed to get it back for two weeks in May when he will be away on holiday.
In January, the proceedings heard that he was getting social welfare but was looking for work.
Legal aid was granted to the pair.
Fantastic use of our tax dollars
Why did they ask him to surrender his passport if they were only giving it back to him when he needed it?
That struck me reading the article as well earlier. Amazing the langer can afford 2 weeks holidays abroad on the dole. Looking for work my hole when the system is such a soft touch to fuel a free holiday without working a day anytime soon...
Makes you wonder alright, there's years I don't get to take the family away and I've a good job!
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on April 08, 2024, 01:49:53 PMInsanity
Complete joke, the biggest contribution those 3 career scumbags made to society was dying, burglary rates in Leinster dropped sharply after their death.
Our boy Nolan....
Why's this Nolan such a pussy?
Something very sinister about his leniency and that type of crime
Screenshot_20240412_183506_Samsung Internet.jpg
Interesting interview.
McEntee is bent on quashing "hate speech " and with all the talk of far right movements and so forth it's fascinating to see that two lads that were obviously victims of an actual hate crime were treated with suspicion from the Gardai and largely left alone and abandoned in Dublin.
Cead Mile Failte indeed.
19 year old and 18 year old charged with murder of Croatian lad. I sincerely doubt there's any kind of happy narrative that culminates in two teenagers indoctrinated enough about immigration--almost certainly not even related to their personal lot in life--to kill for it:
Nolan at it again. Category 1 child abuse material is only a minor thing really, and sure look it, the court's view is that it is unlikely Colgan will re-offend "to a great degree" in future based on his previous good character.
So basically these cretins are grand if it's only a small bit of child abuse videos, and sure if they go down that route again then it's fine once it's only to a small degree as a few victims don't matter at all it seems in Nolan's eyes. :'( >:(
Quote from: Snare on May 07, 2024, 05:26:11 PM
Nolan at it again. Category 1 child abuse material is only a minor thing really, and sure look it, the court's view is that it is unlikely Colgan will re-offend "to a great degree" in future based on his previous good character.
So basically these cretins are grand if it's only a small bit of child abuse videos, and sure if they go down that route again then it's fine once it's only to a small degree as a few victims don't matter at all it seems in Nolan's eyes. :'( >:(
Can't understand why Nolan has such a soft spot for this shit. It's genuinely weird. Is he following some sort of sentencing guidelines though, I wonder? It would be interesting to see how other judges dish it out for similar, maybe that's the norm
With a mere 23 convictions Nolan reckons this lad is running out of chances.
Some amazingly unbelievable stuff in that article
QuoteToale stole a large kitchen knife from Centra and ran down the street shouting at the tourist and brandishing the knife at head height.
This particular offense is a tricky one in Ireland. Either you get a sentence of 4 months or you get shot. Luck of the draw.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 09, 2024, 06:44:00 PMQuoteToale stole a large kitchen knife from Centra and ran down the street shouting at the tourist and brandishing the knife at head height.
This particular offense is a tricky one in Ireland. Either you get a sentence of 4 months or you get shot. Luck of the draw.
Not unless you run straight at an armed garda, usually.
Some crazy numbers here ->
QuoteGardaí took more than 245,000 sick days last year due to malicious injuries suffered on duty, accidents while working or because of mental health issues.
Illness leave for officers worked out at around 17.5 days for each of the 14,000 gardaí on the force.
Also backs up the idea of high injury rate for Gardai over the course of their career ->
QuoteA total of 20,713 days were lost after gardaí suffered a malicious injury while on duty which included attacks on them by criminals and the public.
Only going to get worse mind you...
From RTÉ
QuoteA man has been remanded in custody after he appeared in court accused of carrying out an attack on a woman in a south Dublin suburb earlier this week.
Seif Waleed Al Hindawi, 22, of no fixed abode and believed to be from Syria, was charged with assault causing harm to the woman who suffered facial injuries in Churchtown on Wednesday night.
He was detained for questioning over two days, charged yesterday evening, held pending the next sitting of Dublin District Court and then denied bail by Judge Monika Leech
The judge noted that the accused and the woman did not know each other.
The woman told gardaí she was held on the ground and bitten on her face and lips.
The garda said the woman sustained a cut on her lip and was treated at St Vincent's Hospital.
The man did not address the court and listened to the proceedings with the aid of an interpreter.
The court heard he did not provide an address and had no valid form of ID other than a card given to him with a date of birth.
Refusing bail, Judge Leech held that he was a flight risk.
Flight risk? Put the cunt on a flight.
Believed to be from Syria?
Because he said he was? State of us here
Quote from: Caomhaoin on May 25, 2024, 03:32:34 PMFlight risk? Put the cunt on a flight.
And a good few more alongside him. Some laughing stock the place has become, a fuckin Aussie was slagging me about it at work two days ago
When normal human being politicians like McNamara or McGrath, or even mild mannered DJs on the radio pull the establishment party line pricks up on it, the 'answers' are incredible.
Qui bono?
Hoteliers and party men are making a killing on it
The first 19 convictions weren't enough to send him back then. So how much has he cost us now, with the big effort?,home%2C%20a%20court%20has%20heard.
Claiming her dead father-in-law's pension for the last 30 years.
Defrauded the state over €270,000.
Quote from: DISRUPTER on June 14, 2024, 03:50:15 PM,home%2C%20a%20court%20has%20heard.
Claiming her dead father-in-law's pension for the last 30 years.
Defrauded the state over €270,000.
got her husband to get into bed and pretend to be her 110-year-old relative when Department of Social Protection officials called to her homeClearly not the brightest wouldn't 110 years old be one of the oldest or even the oldest person in the history of the country? How did she not think this would have caught people's attention.
I wonder how long she would have continued it had she not have been caught. He would have ended being 130 or 140 by the time she died and it stopped.
Edit: Just read the article and 110 did make him the oldest person on record to have ever lived in Ireland :laugh: which is what started the investigation.
Ah lads :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: at that
I liked the Sun headline I saw in the shop today for that story - Six Feet Plunder :laugh:
QuoteA "foolish" young American woman who brought over a quarter of a million euro of cannabis on a flight into Dublin Airport claimed she thought the drug was legal here, a court has heard.
As bad a defence as I've ever heard
Not Judge Nolan this time:
QuoteA SERVING IRISH soldier who beat a woman unconscious in a random street attack, and boasted about it afterwards on social media, has walked free from a court after getting a fully suspended sentence.
He is the Limerick equivalent. They must be related.
Was about to post the same article. Shocking stuff altogether, and further evidence of how utterly clueless the judiciary are. The judge pretty much stopped short of telling the injured party she should be grateful to the lad for pleading guilty. Very little consequence for him whatsoever, and yes, absolutely he should lose his job.
Quote from: Emphyrio on June 20, 2024, 02:42:35 PMHe is the Limerick equivalent. They must be related.
Quote from: John Kimble on June 20, 2024, 02:43:22 PMWas about to post the same article. Shocking stuff altogether, and further evidence of how utterly clueless the judiciary are. The judge pretty much stopped short of telling the injured party she should be grateful to the lad for pleading guilty. Very little consequence for him whatsoever, and yes, absolutely he should lose his job.
What a fucking scumbag.
Quote from: John Kimble on June 20, 2024, 02:43:22 PMThe judge pretty much stopped short of telling the injured party she should be grateful to the lad for pleading guilty.
That's exactly the way it comes across.
I'm only familiar with two judges' names in the country. This fuckin idiot and Nolan.
The 'credit for a guilty plea' thing isn't as noteworthy as the judge seems to have painted it. There are plenty of cases where a guilty plea should be taken into account, in the context of saving the injured party and multiple witnesses the trauma and hassle of having to give evidence, or where the case itself isn't particularly straightforward or relies on circumstantial evidence. This clearly isn't one of those cases. The lad was caught on CCTV, it was an unprovoked attack and he admitted his role to Gardai. Had it gone to trial, I have no doubt it would have been an easy decision for the jury.
Was coming on with the same article but you're all there already.
A pure fuckin disgrace
Does that count? Lol fucking stung
Anyone remember any of the stories of people being locked up here and there for breaking covid mask shit and stuff?
Just as well that soldier only bet the absolute fuck out of a harmless yung wan, eh?
I'm actually calling out every single one of ye cunts that thought it was grand to trample on my civil liberties or any of you who thought that I should have taken an untested medical treatment and also gave it to my kids because granny and grandad might die of the same shit that had been killing wake cunts in their eighties since the dawn of time.
Now that I think of it and we can all see it for the dirty scam it was, I'm ashamed of anyone here who doesn't see how hard they've had their shit pushed in
I heard the covid pandemic was a conceited effort by the woke trans activists to ensure the great replacement by refugees who get free mansions and have a plot to kill JK Rowling and turn the western world into a giant Sharia gulag.
Quote from: astfgyl on June 21, 2024, 10:25:00 PMAnyone remember any of the stories of people being locked up here and there for breaking covid mask shit and stuff?
Just as well that soldier only bet the absolute fuck out of a harmless yung wan, eh?
I'm actually calling out every single one of ye cunts that thought it was grand to trample on my civil liberties or any of you who thought that I should have taken an untested medical treatment and also gave it to my kids because granny and grandad might die of the same shit that had been killing wake cunts in their eighties since the dawn of time.
Now that I think of it and we can all see it for the dirty scam it was, I'm ashamed of anyone here who doesn't see how hard they've had their shit pushed in
Jesus would you give it a fucking rest.
Quote from: Skott Furys jizz rag on June 22, 2024, 01:57:19 PMQuote from: astfgyl on June 21, 2024, 10:25:00 PMAnyone remember any of the stories of people being locked up here and there for breaking covid mask shit and stuff?
Just as well that soldier only bet the absolute fuck out of a harmless yung wan, eh?
I'm actually calling out every single one of ye cunts that thought it was grand to trample on my civil liberties or any of you who thought that I should have taken an untested medical treatment and also gave it to my kids because granny and grandad might die of the same shit that had been killing wake cunts in their eighties since the dawn of time.
Now that I think of it and we can all see it for the dirty scam it was, I'm ashamed of anyone here who doesn't see how hard they've had their shit pushed in
Jesus would you give it a fucking rest.
No. I wouldn't.
Many here would have joined the gestapo. Many people I work with every day would have joined the gestapo. People are on here calling out the ridiculousness of our judicial system while at the same time thinking it was grand what went on over a fucking cold and they were out beating pots and pans for it too. "Oh lock up those far right lunatics they'll kill us all" and then suddenly it ended with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and suddenly anyone from one of the least vaccinated countries in Europe gets the red carpet and now we all just forget that most of the people you know are the gestapo. And I'm not even against the vaccines or any of that, so what should I give a rest to?
There's plenty on here who know in their own heart what sort of a human they are with their inclusivity and equality bullshit while being happy to watch others ostracised and cast out from society for not taking a fucking injection that didn't even stop them getting the cold anyway. And this in the same country that lets the lad walk free from bating the fuck out of a young wan?
Yeah that was proportionate wasn't it. A lot of people have a very fucking skewed sense of morality and on the basis of probability there will be many rotten little cunts hiding out here just as in the real world. Get fucked the whole lot.
So no, I won't give it a rest at all and will continue to bring it up whenever I feel like it.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 20, 2024, 02:28:01 PMNot Judge Nolan this time:
QuoteA SERVING IRISH soldier who beat a woman unconscious in a random street attack, and boasted about it afterwards on social media, has walked free from a court after getting a fully suspended sentence.
GoFundMe ( has been set up for Natasha.
Latest word on this is that he'll be fucked out of the army anyway so does that then remove the rationale of the original sentence, that he'd lose his job?
So let him get his dishonourable discharge and give him a real sentence. Could do with a couple more prisons tbh if lads can be not put in one for that shit
QuoteThere's plenty on here who know in their own heart what sort of a human they are with their inclusivity and equality bullshit while being happy to watch others ostracised and cast out from society for not taking a fucking injection that didn't even stop them getting the cold anyway
Yeah, look I didn't take it either. My big take home from the whole Pandemic is that people aren't "Pro-Choice" at all.
It seems like we've a diversity and inclusion topic every week where I work but I'll never forget the discrimination and labelling from that time - you couldn't come out as you were already pre labelled as a piece of dirt or a scumbag or whatever, I was also surprised to find myself in the category of Anti-Vax or Tin Foiled hat merchant but there ya go.
When I think back on it, it seems like we lived in an episode of the twilight zone. Adults coming up to you tapping their upper arm to let you know "I got my Jab/Booster this morning"
There were all kinds of corrupt shenanigans went on around the vaccine and its controversial roll-out to all age groups, but as I said at the time and as I'd still maintain now, those who loudly and repeatedly equated COVID with "the cold" and the vaccine with "experimental gene therapy", etc., made themselves a significant hindrance to addressing the real shenanigans and thereby a boon to those who were behind them. Moreover, the only two people I personally know who ended up in intensive care (one aged ~45 for three months, the other aged ~60 for five, both Irish) had both refused the vaccine based on that precise ill-informed belief that COVID was just a cold and that the vaccine was more dangerous than it. So if you're an adult of say 40+ who didn't get vaccinated and didn't end up getting seriously ill, you should maybe consider yourself more lucky than "right".
An irony of the twilight zone remark there is that, as weird as it absolutely was that a loud minority of people were going around flexing their boosted vax status as a badge of honour, there were just as many who weren't vaccinated also flexing that status just as loudly, if not louder, as a badge of honour. But in the latter case, they were putting others' health and lives at risk in the process by amplifying the false notion that nobody needed the vaccine. Well, two people I know lost months of their lives and very nearly died because of listening to that notion, so you'll forgive me if I go on keeping any social ostracization cost (which, yes, certain people were subjected to) firmly in perspective with the concretely greater cost of being socially ostracized due to winding up in ICU or the grave.
Who the fuck flexes either being vaccinated or not being vaccinated? The state of that mentality perplexes me. If it works, as I said, then darwinism will sort that. You do know that the common cold is very dangerous for the aged and infirm and kills many every year? But it's fine for most. Whole thing's redundant anyway because it ran its course one way or the other. Absolutely not against any vaccine but vehemently against them being forced. Rest is fluff and personal preference
QuoteAn irony of the twilight zone remark there is that, as weird as it absolutely was that a loud minority of people were going around flexing their boosted vax status as a badge of honour, there were just as many who weren't vaccinated also flexing that status just as loudly, if not louder, as a badge of honour. But in the latter case, they were putting others' health and lives at risk in the process by amplifying the false notion that nobody needed the vaccine. Well, two people I know lost months of their lives and very nearly died because of listening to that notion, so you'll forgive me if I go on keeping any social ostracization cost (which, yes, certain people were subjected to) firmly in perspective with the concretely greater cost of being socially ostracized due to winding up in ICU or the grave.
I just wanted to go about my life to be honest. I'm pro - vaccination. Just paused for thought this time. My choice. I never went around telling anyone what they should or shouldn't be doing or flaunting my non-vaccination (In that one instance) status.
Your statement that "there were just as many who weren't vaccinated also flexing that status just as loudly, if not louder" is factually inaccurate. The majority of the population here took it 85%. I think you're in France - so 80%. So mathematically speaking, no. Louder, maybe a small section of actual tin foil hat merchants constantly filled up social media feeds with theories of lizard overlords, 5G or whatever. Of no interest to me and didn't represent the demographic I believe me or others like me fit into.
This language brings me right back. "Putting others lives at risk". The classic virtue signal. "I'm protecting others" as I hop on the plane for my holidays or go to a gig or meet my mates in the pub. In 2024, you don't have to be a scientist to understand how a vaccine works, what it offers in real terms or indeed how a virus spreads.
We all made sacrifices in one way or another for right or wrong. It galls me when it's implied that those of us that didn't take it were uncaring or selfish - we made a huge sacrifice by
Not taking it. Couldn't go anywhere. No cinema, No Travel, No restaurants. So it was huge, the kids suffered. Isolated. Vaccinated did not mean bulletproof - and once the data rolled in depending on brand proved to be only vaguely effective. Ironically I think we did our part by sequestering ourselves. I found it gas that people that travelled or moved around were surprised to be getting COVID multiple times and happy enough to blame/shame those that didn't take it. In our home we've only contracted it once, with this type of thing I think natural immunity >>>> vaccination. I never thought it was an "Auld Cold" but the mortality rate ran at about 1.4%, If you take age (<65, no underlying health conditions) into account it significantly lowers. It's was never the equivalent of an Ebola outbreak.
Trying not to get into an argument with you, you're entitled to your thought process but the two isolated illustrations you have mentioned in respect to people being hospitalised or whatever doesn't really wash. Everyone carted out similar such examples to justify discrimination shaming or promote their own heroism - we all heard multiple tales of the mythical fit as fuck individuals in their 20s that ended up hospitalised or worse. Want to know where I got all my info from? Two places - The HSE website, and The Central Statistics office website. The stats were updated frequently, the vast vast majority of those that passed were unfortunately in compromised aged brackets with and/or compromised health. They needed to be protected for sure, but I'm still not sure mass vaccination in this particular case was the answer due to the speed in which it was developed.
A couple of bullets from Peak Pandemic
QuoteAlmost 84% of those who contracted COVID-19 in September and October and admitted to an ICU had an underlying health condition
QuoteAlmost all (97%) of those who contracted COVID-19 in September and October and admitted to an ICU and who reported being vaccinated had an underlying health condition
There are great tables in those sites that you can really delve into the stats- all still available. I'll pull a quick example, on a peak week in 2021 there were 44 deaths, 32 of those had underlying conditions, 5 didn't and 7 recorded as unknown. 37 of those individuals had been vaccinated. 38 of them were over 80.
Finally, I'm actually in the industry. My background is science. It's a fact the vaccinations were rushed out the door, the knowledge around MRNA is there for sure but the (Understandably) rushed nature of release should've in my book caused people to consider their options slightly even for a second. I believe these vaccines were safe, but I'm not sure they were necessary for
everyone It comes down to choice, you weigh up the risk and consider the benefits etc. It should've never been mandatory. I respect your choice, but don't beat me down for making a different one.
If you have 90 vaccinated people and 10% of them flex about it and 10 unvaccinated people but 9 of them flex about it, then you have as many unvaccinated as vaccinated flexing about it. Those are toy numbers to illustrate what I meant and how it's independent of total vaccine uptake %, but on the whole my experience (real life contacts + online) was that a higher proportion of those who didn't get vaccinated were more vocal about that fact. Certainly I personally had no end of unvaccinated people telling me all about why that was the case. And then two of them ended up in ICU. And I didn't use that to justify any kind of discrimination, but yes I did use it to try to convince other people I knew in similar age brackets, potentially with underlying conditions they were either unaware of or had never taken seriously up to that point, to ignore anything they'd heard about COVID just being a cold or the vaccine being more dangerous than it and to get themselves vaccinated. For their own personal good plus that of their families should they fall seriously ill and no longer be on hand as husbands, wives, parents, etc.
So don't interpret anything I said as beating down on you (or anyone else) for your personal choice not to take the vaccine: I didn't ostracize anyone who didn't take it. But the unvaccinated I personally spoke to about it, incl friends and family, almost invariably had a totally BS conception of the risks involved. And it was specifically the spreading of such BS which I said above put lives at risk. I stand by that. And I also don't believe the universal roll-out was necessary, I thought that was clear from the first sentence of my post.
QuoteSo don't interpret anything I said as beating down on you (or anyone else)
Speaking in general terms and from my experience/treatment through the pandemic. Didn't take it personally, though I did categorically disagree with some of what you said.
Mr Dolmajian, who is from Montreal and in his 40s, has not regained consciousness and was brought to the Mater Hospital "and is unresponsive" in the intensive care unit.
Poor chap, hopefully he recovers. Wonder what would have happened had he simply refused to come back from the North, I assume the psni could still just bring him could they?
That's rather ironic after covid isn't it
Ah yeah it's just for the plebs that were made wear face masks on pain of arrest. It obviously isn't for the enforcing cunts.
For us all, in this together, be kind
Lol lol lol
And there is what was always going to be the inevitable punchline to this one. I knew it when she was getting all the attention that she'd be a tool for something and this was all too predictable. Tougher sentencing for violent crimes I think is something we can all get behind but those hate speech laws can fuckin do one
He died, lads. The poor man died after being attacked by 2 absolute low life scumbags. Desperate. RIP Neno Dolmajian
That's fuckin rotten is what it is. Shits should be locked up for good. Poor chap going out like that.
Seen that yesterday - awful stuff.
Nolan up to his old tricks again.
QuotePiotr Grycuk (45), who was caught with over 10,000 images of child sexual abuse material, of which 30 were described as being in the most serious, sexually explicit category, has been given a fully suspended sentence.
Getting fairly ridiculous here
How in the name of fuck does this cunt avoid jail time?
He is a danger to society.
Nolan is an absolute menace
Because they want the cells free for irish people who stand up for there rights
Could they not just run prisons cheaper and build more of them? It would solve a lot.
They say it's about 80k a prisoner or something ridiculous like that but 2 regular people could live on about 70k with a mortgage, car, nights out, cans in, makings of a few joints here and there, foreign holiday or 2, utility bills, few bits on amazon, strings for the guitar, maybe a few bob put away for a rainy day and they can do all this while also paying taxes and generally not being a scourge on society or costing 80k each to keep in prison. I could definitely find ways to cut that budget right down to under 5 grand per year each and make it more of a deterrent and I don't even get paid to come up with the ideas. Can whole countries not do basic problem solving at all?
Some good news from the courts for a change.
As ridiculous as this sentence is, he's lucky he didn't get Martin Nolan, or he'd have gotten sixteen years.
;D True. Hope they dont catch our boy
Trial just starting here of a 72 year old husband, Dominique Pelicot, who regularly drugged his wife without her knowledge for over 10 years, plus 51 identified men out of around 80 in total he invited to rape her while she was unconscious. Small town in a relatively rural region in the south east of France. Wife, admirably courageous, has foregone anonymity so that all accused can be publicly named: majority of accused described by police as "ordinary everyday guys," family men, working normal jobs, etc., though several with previous convictions for domestic abuse, plus the investigation has unearthed several who had images of child sexual abuse on their computers.
Run an autotranslate on this article from Le Monde for more info:
Jesus christ... :o
Two-tier something something
See that former BBC cunt Huw Edwards is in court today. Will be interesting to see if what sentence he gets.
Vicious sounding attack on tourists in town:
Quote'Yesterday when the gardaí were taking the footage of them trying to kick the door in, they were saying "they're underage nothing's really going to happen – if they are charged there's no penalties". 'They said there'll be no consequences for them. They could knock in to the parents but the parents have much the same attitude.'
Quote from: Anvil on September 16, 2024, 11:47:54 AMSee that former BBC cunt Huw Edwards is in court today. Will be interesting to see if what sentence he gets.
Six months, suspended for two years. Sign on the register, sex offender treatment, blah blah blah. What was that about two tier policing again?
Quote from: mickO))) on September 18, 2024, 05:54:35 PM
This will add fuel to the fire.
Quote from: Emphyrio on September 18, 2024, 06:51:44 PMQuote from: mickO))) on September 18, 2024, 05:54:35 PM
This will add fuel to the fire.
The explanation looks like it could actually be innocent, given that he returned the child at the time.
A chap in town here who is a known pervert was helping a kid who'd lost their mother in tesco one day and when he was seen going around the shop with the kid the mother called the gardai and said he was making off with the child which he wasn't
I have been in some states over the years after a night out as has most on here but it never even entered my head to pick up a strangers child and run off with it. Even if he isn't a predator what a stupid, dangerous and irresponsible thing to do for so many different reasons. I am sure most perverts have an explanation ready for if they get caught. He seems to have returned the child after the child's brother chased after them. I haven't seen the video yet but I think it is doing the rounds.
Judge refused him bail so either he is a major flight risk or more evidence exists that hasn't been made public yet. I wonder why the district court imposed reporting restrictions on his name and even stranger to see the likes of RTE fighting to have that restriction lifted.
The courts will usually impose reporting restrictions on the identity of suspects where the injured party is a juvenile. The rationale for this is that identifying the suspect may run the risk of identifying the juvenile as a consequence. In this case, legal representatives for the press successfully argued that there was no such risk, hence the lifting. But yeah, I've been in some states over the years and it didn't really cross my mind to run off with a strangers child. Not a great defence to be fair but that's the odd world that is criminal law, a defence solicitor is obliged to act on the instructions of their client and if that's what he's maintaining, well...
Yeah I haven't ran off with any kids either when I was poisoned but I did put a young lad head first into a bin once, after he'd spat on me. I wasn't locked for that though and was also only about 15 myself and it was the nineties as well so I suppose it's a bit different
Sexual assault victim's horror as attacker gets €5k from Aldi for unfair dismissal
First off, yes it's coming from a tabloid but this is pretty fucking mental. Long story short, lad pleads guilty to sexual assault in the district courts and gets conviction. His employer, Aldi, finds out and sacks him. Brings a case to the WRC and they find that employer acted disproportionately in sacking him, and award him 5K. Now 5k is a drop in the ocean to Aldi, and the amount itself is not so much of an issue rather than the extremely worrying precedent it potentially sets for employers in similar situations. Fuck me, utter madness.
Without reading that link, IIRC the issue was that he told his immediate supervisor first day after conviction and that supervisor accepted the situation.
However when other Aldi management found out they tried to say he hid the conviction and so could fire him.
That wasn't true so they messed up by not being consistent, while the judge cut the award by 50% as the criminal contributed to the issue. Yer man ensuring his name is linked to the crime forever more now anyway by greedily going after this award.
Quote from: Snare on September 23, 2024, 11:58:26 PMWithout reading that link, IIRC the issue was that he told his immediate supervisor first day after conviction and that supervisor accepted the situation.
However when other Aldi management found out they tried to say he hid the conviction and so could fire him.
That wasn't true so they messed up by not being consistent, while the judge cut the award by 50% as the criminal contributed to the issue. Yer man ensuring his name is linked to the crime forever more now anyway by greedily going after this award.
Yeah all that but why not the register for the sex offender? Silly stuff in one way but if one doesn't believe in rehabilitation for crimes then what does one believe in?
Quote from: DISRUPTER on July 02, 2024, 05:11:41 PM
He died, lads. The poor man died after being attacked by 2 absolute low life scumbags. Desperate. RIP Neno Dolmajian
Is Dublin city really this bad nowadays? I remember it being rough back in the day but I keep reading awful stories like this. RIP.
Anyone see the Applegreen St Margaret's video doing the rounds. Absolutely brutal. Proof (not that it's needed) the place is lawless and scrotes literally have no fear. There's dozens more videos like this one but the brutality is next level. Very few sentences or legal repercussions arising from most of these things.
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on October 01, 2024, 06:20:44 PMAnyone see the Applegreen St Margaret's video doing the rounds. Absolutely brutal. Proof (not that it's needed) the place is lawless and scrotes literally have no fear. There's dozens more videos like this one but the brutality is next level. Very few sentences or legal repercussions arising from most of these things.
What was going on there? I didn't see a thing about it
Pretty brutal I have to reiterate
Not sure if that's the full video, seen a longer version first.
Not everywhere is covering it but it is being covered
Oooffff that's an awful slap you could do a lad like that. And yeah whoever that was will likely face nothing in terms of jail time like his previous 200 offences
Can't see it there as you have to have the app but I'm probably better off. Scumbag behaviour.
Ah yeah it's just a wanker doing another lad with a hurley. No idea if the lad getting it deserved it or not but it's a scabby slap and also denigrated our national game
Just in respect to that link, that seems to be a different version. The original I seen hadn't been sped up and was a good bit longer. You can see the victim convulsing. Don't know how he survived that to be honest. Must be some long lasting damage after receiving blows like that.
4th Murder in 6 weeks, haven't seen the term serial killer mentioned in the media but this is certainly odd.
Can't find any of the previous reports to hand but I'd imagine some of those have suspects already. I don't think a serial killer is on the cards tbh. But undoubtedly there is a worrying trend of violence towards women, on both sides of the border.
I can't place the other articles myself but the women are indeed all in and around the same age bracket. As you say - it is a worrying trend and 4 in six weeks is unprecedented.
Quote from: John Kimble on October 08, 2024, 12:47:21 PMCan't find any of the previous reports to hand but I'd imagine some of those have suspects already. I don't think a serial killer is on the cards tbh. But undoubtedly there is a worrying trend of violence towards women, on both sides of the border.
maybe going off on a tangent here, but do you think serial killers from decades ago are going to be things of the past? It's just with so much CCTV, DNA, being easy to track by your phone etc, you couldnt really get a high body count like Peter Sutcliff got before getting caught.
Not that's a bad thing before anyone thinks im a bit dodgy.
Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on October 08, 2024, 01:22:49 PMmaybe going off on a tangent here, but do you think serial killers from decades ago are going to be things of the past? It's just with so much CCTV, DNA, being easy to track by your phone etc, you couldnt really get a high body count like Peter Sutcliff got before getting caught.
Not that's a bad thing before anyone thinks im a bit dodgy.
No sure a few recently caught over the last few years in the US and when I lived in Toronto the gay serial killer Bruce McArthur was caught. They also suspect a number of serial killers are currently active in the US right now.
RTÉ have a piece on it now. John Kimble you're right, there's a suspect in each of the other cases. All seem to be known to the victims. I'd totally missed that so regret my knee jerk speculation. Scary stuff all the same.
Mary ward had apparently reported someone for violent behaviour a few weeks ago
Some good news - Judge Martin Nolan will be tied up with a BOI case for the next 5 weeks :)
Ex rugby player Mullins and BOI employee up for stealing €500k from them, so he might be left off scott-free because Nolan enjoyed some of his appearances in the green jersey...
Hmm, dunno about that. Nolan doesn't put much weight on violent or sexual crime but if a state body or financial institution is the injured party, well, he tends to take a harder stance. remember the lad he tried to put away for 6 years for not paying import duty on garlic?
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on October 08, 2024, 10:26:01 AM
4th Murder in 6 weeks, haven't seen the term serial killer mentioned in the media but this is certainly odd.
Ahmed Abdirahman 31 charged with the murder yesterday.
How is this revolting piece of shit out on bail?
That housewife, can't mind her name, married to an MP said something arguably milder online about mass deportations and arson and gets three years.
Because his trial isn't until January and he isn't considered either a flight risk or an immediate danger to public safety..?
Also, Lucy Connolly got 31 months, only 40% of which (i.e. one year) has to be served in prison.
Telling people to go and cut the throats of people he disagrees with and he's no danger? Sounds like Radio fuckin' Rwanda stuff to me.
No immediate danger, as in he's not considered the kind of individual who risks physically attacking someone himself. It's presumably also considered he's unlikely to repeat the offense he's charged with between now and the trial. All very usual considerations.
We're both biased so there are different angles but if you lock up a housewife for 3 years (sorry, 31 months) for saying something stupid online after kids are murdered, this cunt should be getting at least that, if not longer. For no other reason than not to inflame the (I'm loathe to use this hackneyed expression) suspicion of two tiered justice.
I see that odious wanker Nick Lowles got off Scot-free for his 'acid attack' bullshit too. I'm too old to be hating lads at this stage, but he's up there.
I'll just repeat those key points:
His trial is in January.
She's getting "locked up" (strictly speaking) for 12 months.
She got sentenced to 3 years (sorry, 31 months). Isn't that how people phrase such things? 3 years (sorry 31 months) is exceedingly harsh, no matter if she serves part or all of it.
About the other ballbag, he's a public figure inciting violence. Up to me the cunt stays where he is until trial, fuck him.
What you would do to him is a different matter to whether what is actually being done to him is in some way out of the ordinary, which seems to be what you were claiming. It's not: it's ordinary. We won't know until January whether this lad gets off comparatively easy or not.
Quote from: Emphyrio on October 25, 2024, 08:57:50 PMAcquitted?
Am I missing something? Reading that it sounds like they're basically admitting to everything, but getting away with it?
Are they finally starting to see through Nolan?
Quote from: Trev on October 25, 2024, 10:04:07 PMQuote from: Emphyrio on October 25, 2024, 08:57:50 PMAcquitted?
Am I missing something? Reading that it sounds like they're basically admitting to everything, but getting away with it?
That's the way it reads to me too. Daft.
Anyone know anything about this? Apparently a 15 year old lad was gang raped. Not a lot in the news about it they seem more concerned about reporting on the fella who is up in court already for damaging Roderic O'Gorman's clipboard on Saturday.
All I saw was this, but it doesn't have any details about the attack itself:
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 04, 2024, 04:40:10 PMAll I saw was this, but it doesn't have any details about the attack itself:
Make of it what ye will given the source and the perhaps suspiciously precise wording, etc., but the gardai have put out a statement to say their "investigation does not involve anyone seeking international protection":
To be honest at this point I don't care if it was a gang of Irish lads that did it or a gang of refugees but a 15 year old being gang raped in public (if that is what happened) is one of those surreal things where people need to work back and figure out how did something like this happen in Ireland. It's one thing if he got a hiding which in itself would be awful but a gang rape is a whole other level of savagery. It's almost as shocking as that fella who was sentenced in Newry last week.
There was supposedly about 40 lads in balaclavas knocking around that town last night so they must have something or someone in mind. If the guards put out that statement I'd imagine it wasn't someone in IP indeed, but as much as a foreign sounding name or two now would be enough to light the fuse, unfortunately
Quote from: mickO))) on November 04, 2024, 04:01:58 PM
Anyone know anything about this? Apparently a 15 year old lad was gang raped. Not a lot in the news about it they seem more concerned about reporting on the fella who is up in court already for damaging Roderic O'Gorman's clipboard on Saturday.
Green Clipboards Matter.
Still early days to be knowing what's actually going on ("sources" is vague to say the least), but serious doubts arising:
QuoteIt is understood the alleged perpetrator of the assault is a legal resident of Ireland and is under the age of 18.
The alleged victim is an Irish citizen also under the age of 18 - and gardai have sought to speak with them.
Sources have stressed that the incident is a highly sensitive and complex one - that has not been helped by unfounded and complete misinformation spread on social media.
Sources say in particular, allegations spread widely on social media of a 'gang rape' in Ballaghaderreen have been harmful to the investigation and are completely false.
Here I am getting threatening letters over 60 quid on the ESB, jesus wept
Quote from: Skott Furys jizz rag on November 05, 2024, 12:47:11 PM
Here I am getting threatening letters over 60 quid on the ESB, jesus wept
Better off owe a million than a thousand in terms of punishments. Mad fuckin world as usual
Whatever you may think about the law and the legal system in this jurisdiction (and there are undoubtedly many issues as this thread will attest to), this kind of thing is truly mind-boggling
First Minister 'monitoring case' as man arrested in Dubai over negative online review
Quote from: John Kimble on November 08, 2024, 05:49:53 PMWhatever you may think about the law and the legal system in this jurisdiction (and there are undoubtedly many issues as this thread will attest to), this kind of thing is truly mind-boggling
First Minister 'monitoring case' as man arrested in Dubai over negative online review
I wonder if any Lando Norris fans will now set up fake Max Verstappen profiles, in order to give bad reviews to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and circuit?
Dead link.
It might be crashing/swamped. Mate sent it to me an hour ago: interactive screen captures (click photo to give info!) from security cameras from the November 2023 riot.
Ah right, saw an article about that earlier. I don't expect much to come of it, I imagine it's best forgotten about in the relevant circles.
Not sure I know what you mean. I found the publishing of the photos doubly interesting. First, I think the Irish legal system will be aiming to make examples of these folk, potentially up to a similar extent as was seen in England recently. Second, how "user friendly" they've made it to submit info is also quite an interesting development, but also made me think, third, about implications for the floated facial recognition legislation, as in I wouldn't be surprised to see this very public call transformed into a lobbying tool in a kind of "We wouldn't even need to ask for the public's help if.." way. Feicfimid!
I'd have thought it'd be an unwelcome reminder of how ineptly it was dealt with, particularly in the run up to an election.
I love the way they're described as "persons of interest" for further consideration to rule in or out of their investigations, and yet they're invariably shown stacked with stolen goods or trespassing :laugh:
I see yer man being done for burning cop cars etc claimed he wasn't thinking but was there to support the victims - how does that compute in his head??
Pity more warning shots didn't connect with the absolute scum of the earth.
I just see this now while searching for that article I saw yesterday:
You'd know from the photo Colman was no angel so it shouldn't be surprising to see he has assault and theft priors. So besides this background you can fully understand why Phelan felt under threat when the trespassers continuously ignored the shouts to retreat.
Quote from: Carnage on November 19, 2024, 05:10:09 PMI'd have thought it'd be an unwelcome reminder of how ineptly it was dealt with, particularly in the run up to an election.
Now that it's out there, FFG may try to ignore it, but even if they do that they may be forced to broach it. If it's broached, they'll have to spin it. In that scenario, it'll be interesting to see
how they spin it and whether the facial recognition legislation is roped into that spin.
Maybe a little digital ID would be helpful in this situation
Quote from: Snare on November 19, 2024, 05:50:59 PM
Pity more warning shots didn't connect with the absolute scum of the earth.
I just see this now while searching for that article I saw yesterday:
You'd know from the photo Colman was no angel so it shouldn't be surprising to see he has assault and theft priors. So besides this background you can fully understand why Phelan felt under threat when the trespassers continuously ignored the shouts to retreat.
Such a loss. My heart bleeds. Anyone that dies that to animals should be shot.
If this isn't nipped in the bud now we could end up with whole battalions of scumbags with dogs running around the countryside ripping foxes to shreds.
Six and a half years for 28 year old who set fire to squad car during November riots:
I'm shocked he got that kind of sentence but I suppose they have to make an example out of these fellas.
Aye. Fair sure to produce the same kind of backlash (and backlash to the backlash) as the sentences handed out in the UK earlier this year too.
That sentence is ridiculous. Same, and more often more than a rapist. It's a 1 or 2 year sentence at most. He hurt a car. Boo hoo.
Quote from: Ollkiller on November 20, 2024, 08:39:20 PMThat sentence is ridiculous. Same, and more often more than a rapist. It's a 1 or 2 year sentence at most. He hurt a car. Boo hoo.
A car owned by the state. That's the reason for the hefty sentence
Community service working directly with asylum seekers, on pain of a prison term if they act up,that's what they should all get, same as in the UK.
Will they all have to work with asylum seekers?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Sure we knew, as would be expected anyway, there was a sprinkling of all sorts among the looters: pictures and video were circulating the very next day.
Article itself is a fairly waffling affair, very little in the way of concrete anything:
Looks pretty clear the likes of Pepper will be off the hook.
Apart from questioning them on the off-chance they have useful information about either higher ups or more proactively dangerous types (and potentially, sure, slapping a few hours community service on them), personally I wouldn't be pouring energy into looters at all, wherever they be from. Like, there's simply no useful comparison between opportunistically walking through a smashed window to grab a pair of runners and torching a squad car or, worse still, violently attacking a hostel housing human beings. Don't get distracted by opportunistic scrotes of any skin colour, I would say.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 25, 2024, 09:30:27 AMApart from questioning them on the off-chance they have useful information about either higher ups or more proactively dangerous types (and potentially, sure, slapping a few hours community service on them), personally I wouldn't be pouring energy into looters at all, wherever they be from. Like, there's simply no useful comparison between opportunistically walking through a smashed window to grab a pair of runners and torching a squad car or, worse still, violently attacking a hostel housing human beings. Don't get distracted by opportunistic scrotes of any skin colour, I would say.
Or stabbing kids outside a school. I do agree that looting is entirely opportunistic though and not the major issue when it comes to rioting. People should certainly not be attacking accommodation either, for obvious reasons. I just can't understand the steadfast refusal to do the things that are within reach and fair to working immigrants who are not bothering anybody. It's a real own goal that could and should have been cleared off the line more than once.
Also, to further that same point, I have been garda vetted many a time like I'd imagine many lads on here have. It's not that big of a deal to do. Many foreigners have also been garda vetted to the same extent. It will never cut out the chances of some cunt interfering with a kid or beating up someone's granny in a nursing home, but it certainly reduces the chances to a reasonable degree that people might say fair enough you could do no more as a government and maybe we might have avoided that whole dublin riot situation in the first place. Maybe, not definitely, but checking that lad out and getting rid of him for being of no benefit to the place other than draining our resources might have helped a decade or two ago when it became apparent he was at best useless and at worst.. well we know how that went. On the other hand, I was sitting at a table with a Latvian and two Nigerians at work today who have been here for like 15 years each and work and pay their taxes like I do and have no advantage over me in terms of that and nobody thought of any of this shit because there is nothing inherently wrong with people moving about and living in a place.
We will eventually end up like the yanks with their race problems if we keep taking any oul piece of shit here no questions asked and they'll end up in the poorest parts of the country on the dole like our own shitehawks who won't do a tap while the rest of us bother our holes trying to be decent and we will just be adding to the vast swathes of urban deprivation but with a slightly more exotic flavour and maybe a bit more experience with a machete.
We're the dumbest cunts ever that this is even an argument and when I look at it all I think it's no wonder that people are conspiracy theorists when so much of what is going on flies in the face of all logic.
Anyway, I think we've enough threads with the same flavour so in other news, judge Nolan today admitted that he wanks over bad pictures and that's why he is a sympathiser for sick fucks while other people get to go to court for not paying the RTE propaganda fee so they can be told that they are the far right and racist seven days a week, such as I have on several occasions. But then again I suppose with the things I'm saying, it's a case of "if the cap fits, wear it", right?
Criminal justice me hole. The whole lot of it is upside down and not only won't, but shouldn't end well
Delighted to see the backlash kicking in. Lad's an absolute scumbag. He'll be minted for the rest of his life regardless but it's good to see that people are getting wise to him.
Hopefully the other ones stop selling his stuff too. He doesn't need the money but he'll sure miss being "seen" as it's all about the attention for him.
Tesco just followed suit. They'll all get rid in the next few days I'd say. Couldn't happen to a nicer fella.
Never tried the stout but his whiskey is shite, so long term it's even a win for the muppets who were buying it and may now have to switch to something else/better!
A friend of mine who has a pub in Galway said they couldn't give the whiskey away, literally. Even the staff woukdn't touch it, it was that bad. I don't think the stout made an appearance at all. Haven't tried either, I didn't want to put money in his pocket. He was a cunt long before he raped that woman.
I didn't even properly read the link I posted, looks like he sold the brand in 2021. Unless he still profits off the promotion side of it, he's made his money from the brand. Anyway, drop in the ocean for that lad but I'm glad his name has been tarnished. Not that his scrote credentials were ever in doubt. He made some comment during the trial that it "wasn't in his nature" or words to that effect. Some laugh. It was very much in his nature when he lamped some auld fella in a pub because he wouldn't drink his whiskey. He's a fucking thug and always has been. I remember when he first came on the MMA scene, I was much more into the UFC back then. I was initially glad that Ireland finally had a decent fighter but I can't honestly remember the last fight I wanted him to win. Tbh if he was fighting that clown Jake Paul tomorrow, I know who I'd be going for.
Some craic with the story about the fella who killed the Canadian tourist a while back. Granted bail after already absconding. On a murder charge..
Will have to read more because I don't know the story but it looks bad if that's how it went
This entire thread is a subject which is obviously going to cause arguments and debates but please keep it civil.
I really wish we still had the death penalty.
Poor doggy, glad he made a recovery! There's no excuse for an animal to suffer no matter your circumstances, there are options.
Another child stabbed and this time killed.
Read a couple of reports that the little girl was trying to protect the mother.
That's really fucking depressing hearing of a little kid going out like that
Apparently it was the Father that killed her by slitting her throat. As usual with this stuff very little being told to the public letting rumours start then they can say 'far right' misinformation being spread etc.
Look I don't think this can be looked at from an immigration angle at all because it was all in-house but I do get how the media will react when any crime involves foreign nationals. The Shepherd will say that's right, I will say that's wrong but at the end of the day a little girl has been violently murdered and I wish we had the death sentence for people who do things like that but instead he will be put up at my expense for however many years he gets. It's just an awful awful fucking crime
I never mentioned immigration if anything people will be focusing more on the guys religious background but my point in my last post was that as usual the lack of information given due to what looks to be the perpetrators background is just fuelling the spreading of rumours. RTE had an article up yesterday with quotes from the Guards about the spread of misinformation from far right and anti-immigration groups. What do they expect when they pick and choose what to tell people based who has committed the crime.
Was it not released since yesterday that they'd arrested a foreign national from the Middle East on suspicion of murder of the poor girl? Maybe that was just from "sources" rather than the Gardai. Or maybe you're talking about lack of information about the grislier details?
Grislier details as in what the guys name or background? All I have seen mentioned about him in any of the articles I read was that he is 34.
Wasn't being sarky (I try not to be with cases like this). Haven't seen his name given, but the articles I read yesterday were saying he's a foreign national, one specifying from the Middle East (can't remember which paper was reporting that). Today some of the tabloids (Mirror, etc.) are reporting from "sources" (which I take to mean not official garda channels) that he was recently released from prison in the UK (fraud charge) where he moved a few years ago after first living in New Ross, and also that he killed her by cutting her throat.
There was an interview with an imam or whatever on Rte news yesterday so they're clearly a Muslim family. The case being what it is, a father murdering his daughter, I don't see why they would need to bring their religion into it.
The first article I read on it said the mother was an Irish born convert to Islam and the daughters name is a dead give away but no mention at that time of the man other than a man and woman were in hospital and the Guards were not seeking anyone else in relation to the incident. So, if his background information as well as his religious beliefs have been released then what misinformation are the Guards talking about that is being spread?
As for his religion it could very well tie into the motive for the murder it's no different to someone's political affiliations or certain interests being mentioned after they have done something awful like this. Not to mention that children being killed like this in Ireland thankfully is not common so people are going to want to know why this happened.
For the guards, it's a no win situation. If they come out and say he was a Muslim you'll have right wing fuck heads saying, See, that's the Muslims for you. But if they don't mention it, you'll have the same nutjobs claiming the MSM is holding stuff back, so they create a narrative to suit themselves.
I think this lunatic's religion was very much tied into his crime so it was right for it to be mentioned. And the case in the article is mad. Muslims wha :laugh:
It's not really a no win situation for the Guards because if he was a hardcore Irish born Catholic that is what every article would have led with. Then you would have all the left wing nuts saying 'look we have our own criminals, where are all the anti-immigrant racists now' etc. Either release everyones info or don't release anyone's at all you can't have it both ways.
It's happened a few times where there was a mistaken presumption a perpetrator was foreign precisely because Garda didn't release info in those (Irish national) cases either. Maybe people should just calm the fuck down and be a little patient: all they're waiting to do is leap onto their keyboards anyway.
He has been named now by RTE
Not sure how true this is but I read that the argument was over the child's mother using social media after he told her she wasn't allowed to use it.
Seems the missus is Irish after all. I'm sure the commentary will be that we should tighten up on taking convicts in general, which I agree with, as it's in our power but you'd never stamp out every single thing that an immigrant would do no matter how stringent at the same time. Should have been easy to stop this fella given it was apparently the UK though. Or so I read but I dunno the whole lot
Seems to be a family history of this. These sentences should be a lot longer.
Has anyone been following this UHC CEO murder in the US? Mad stuff, judging by how many people the insurance company have fucked over half the country could be a suspect.
Reactions to it have been amazing. Even some of the gentlest, kindest Americans I know have been saying they find it hard to care since each of them have their own direct or indirect horror stories around health insurance.
There's some wild info coming out too - one company today reversed it's time limit on anesthesia. What the actual fuck, like. Imagine coming around from having an operation only to get slapped with a bill because your insurance company only covers you for x amount of time under anesthetic.
Same ones took down their corporate info.
Looks like the company this fella was CEO of had a 32% rejection rate for claims. The US really is a hellscape in terms of healthcare.
The UHC CEO murder looks like a professional hit the killer was far too calm and relaxed to be just some lad off the street with a grudge who hasn't killed someone before.
Yeah apparently the gun jammed and he was effectively "no bothers".
Writing the words Deny, Defend, Depose on the shells says grudge, so either it was a professional hired by someone with a grudge and specific instructions... or a professional who also had a grudge. Both scenarios seem equally plausible given that apparently every second person in the US has a grudge with the health system, which by the law of averages must include some professional hitmen too :laugh:
Quote from: mickO))) on December 06, 2024, 04:55:18 PMThe UHC CEO murder looks like a professional hit the killer was far too calm and relaxed to be just some lad off the street with a grudge who hasn't killed someone before.
Have seen that video and the commentary saying the gun had a suppressor on it but it's way too grainy to see fuck all
Looks like they caught him and are making an example out of him, name, pictures, background all all over the media, even a picture of him in a cell which is a bit weird.
Mad the effort that goes in to solving a rich cunt getting killed considering how much crime probably happens in New York day in day out.
Caught because a McDonalds employee snitched on him too, fucking hell haha.
The woman in intensive care is a friend (and distant relation) of mine, the husband is a proper scumbag, he's brought plenty of trouble to their door before this.
That's awful, sorry to hear that man.
It's shocking TBH, she's lovely. Had her issues like anyone but he's always been bad news. Drink (in and out of dependancy units, disappearing for weeks at a time then turning up under bridges with winos), drugs (ripping off dealers, shots fired at the house), etc.
If he goes away, the trouble with dealers will catch up with him. If he gets off or gets out, her friends will catch up with him. Either way he's fucked, which I'm alright with.
The main thing is that I hope she'll pull through, though it doesn't look good.
Man that's shocking. Hopefully she pulls through buck.
She died this evening. He was charged this morning, another hearing tomorrow where I imagine the charge will be upgraded.
Well fuck. Sorry for your loss.
Jesus, condolences chief
Jesus fucking Christ. That's awful. Condolences man.
Jaysus. Fuck. Awful.
Truly awful to lose someone like that, really sorry man.
Jees really sorry man, tough times for you at the moment
My condolences to you & family
May she rest peacefully now
Poor thing
Thanks lads but I should clarify - she was a friend, but I hadn't seen much of her lately. Mainly due to yer man, he wasn't someone anyone wanted to be near so a distance grew. As for being related, it's distant, cousins in common kinda thing.
I don't want to run the risk of misrepresenting myself.
I appreciate it though, the whole town is shocked by it. Nobody saw it coming, and TBF the only one now who knows what happened is in a cell so I'm doing my best to reign in my speculation. Seems likely he'll go down for a long time, I doubt he'll last long either way.
:laugh: :laugh: (
Hello Schadenfreude, my old friend...
Land of a thousand welcomes
And people are against forced sterilisation. Little cunt knacker.
I showed it to one of the lads here and he was shocked. I'm not really I have to say, each successive generation of knacker is angrier and gives less and less of a fuck.
The only thing a cunt like that would understand is a good beating, preferably in front of his little posse.
Looks like the little shite bag got himself in over his head. The Ukrainian dude wasn't too phased by him.
Jesus why are they all built like beanpoles. They Ukrainian could floss his teeth with the little cunt.
"he Ukrainian dude wasn't too phased by him."
Yeah and I think that's the trap particularly tourists/people that come here for a better life or whatever fall into. It reminded me of this case where the two Polish lads were stabbed in the head with a screwdriver by this little cunt.
I think that sort of age bracket is the most dangerous thing we have on our streets.
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on January 20, 2025, 12:40:17 PM"he Ukrainian dude wasn't too phased by him."
Yeah and I think that's the trap particularly tourists/people that come here for a better life or whatever fall into. It reminded me of this case where the two Polish lads were stabbed in the head with a screwdriver by this little cunt.
I think that sort of age bracket is the most dangerous thing we have on our streets.
I was actually over in Krakow at the time this was big news. I was nervous as it was all over the Polish media.
Rotten little cunts. Would swap them out for Ukrainians any day.
Mouthy little prick.
That screwdriver is actually only 3 inches long, the little ferret cunt just makes it look bigger
Does he call him a "paki bastard" around 1:14?
Re-open the schools! :laugh:
Absolute vermin. And nothing will be done about it, despie him being clearly identifiable.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 20, 2025, 02:11:03 PMDoes he call him a "paki bastard" around 1:14?
Re-open the schools! :laugh:
Spotted that as well. What a stupid bastard.
Feral little fucks are the worst.
Was on a train to Dublin last year, young fella who would've got the head slapped off him by a normal sized fifteen year old at the first stop hops up to tell a guy at the station "he doesn't fuck around and if he doesn't get the rest of the money soon he's dead". Then he and his druggie missis spent the rest of the trip casing the carriages for bags to rob. They tried to rob the guy who sat beside them but he had nothing in the bag.
Then on the return bus that evening, who's fucking on it? His missus was harassing a Spanish lady, rooting through other people's bags. Some lad pointed at the scrote and told him to keep away, only for the scrote to tell him he'll lose the finger if he points at him again. Bus ended up pulling over, driver telling them he's ringing the cops if they don't stop, then they both start screaming they're being discriminated against.
The problem is you don't know who these cunts are connected to. Again, he was built like a twig (and no more than 5'3"), so he's either a total moron who'll get smashed some day, or the little brother of some drug lord who'll have your gaff petrol bombed no bother (which incidentally happened twice in Sligo last week).
Feeding these cunts feet first into a wood chipper would be too kind.
Some good old fashioned thinking in this podcast.
A monster among us
24? Looks more like 44. Also says teen in the headline great journalism as always. They have given his full address so I am sure someone that sees the article will at the very least want to have a chat with him.
Was 19 when arrested.
Commit one serious crime, get one free.
Quote from: DISRUPTER on January 29, 2025, 08:38:20 AM
A monster among us
Nolan again, he probably needs his hard drive gone through with the consistent leniency he shows with sexual offenders (
"He jailed Daragh Hayes for three years with the final six months suspended, and sentenced Cian Hayes to two-and-a-half years with the final six months suspended."
Shockingly light sentences when you consider what they did.
Quote from: Emphyrio on January 30, 2025, 05:37:40 PMCommit one serious crime, get one free.
"In court, after the sentences were imposed, Tim Drennan, the father of Joe Drennan, asked Judge Daly: "Sorry, your honour, does that mean that this fella (Fogarty) will not serve a day (in jail) for killing my son?".
Earlier the judge had said the hit-and-run sentence would run in addition to the shooting sentence, but later the judge corrected this.
The judge, rising from his bench, did not respond to Tim Drennan's query, and retired to his private chambers."
Fuck me.
Quote from: Emphyrio on January 30, 2025, 05:37:40 PMCommit one serious crime, get one free.
This will be be appealed surely?
I don't get this concurrent shite atall, let's say I get a speeding fine for 160 and another fine of 160 for no tv licence, will single payment of 160 from me cover both?
There will definitely be an appeal. There has to be. That judge is a disgrace. And ya, concurrent sentences should only be used in exceptional circumstances,
I know people will say it's proven not to be a deterrent but I do love the sentencing in the states. In that particular case it would've been likely both sentences were longer and would've run consecutively. It's less about deterrence and more about justice being served for the families and in the interest of public safety. How many times in Ireland do we hear "Crime committed whilst on bail for x y z"
I hate that argument that because something doesn't work in America, it automatically wouldn't work elsewhere. Why anyone would want to compare any system in America with what we or other countries have is beyond me. They are a mess and should automatically be ruled out as a basis for comparison.
But you're right in that this chap would have served consecutive sentences in America, and rightly so. Can you imagine the family leaving the court with that scumbag serving absolutely no time for killing their son/brother. Our "justice" system is a shambles.
Quote from: Emphyrio on January 30, 2025, 05:37:40 PMCommit one serious crime, get one free.
Wow. Sounds like the kind of dude who should never see the light of day again. Why the leniency? Can you reform that sort of scum?
Concurrent sentences are very common in the US especially for more serious crimes like this so hard to say how it would have turned if he was on trial over there. He would have at least done some jail time.
A lad in Drogheda was killed in a hit and run last Paddy's day. Turned out it was an off duty Garda that hit him who was pissed out of head and had been snorting all night. Guard fled the scene and your man died. All that's happened so far was the Guard was taken in for questioning the following day when they found out it was him and then he was suspended. Has been nothing else on the case since.
Quote from: Eoin McLove on January 31, 2025, 09:48:03 AMQuote from: Emphyrio on January 30, 2025, 05:37:40 PMCommit one serious crime, get one free.
Can you reform that sort of scum?
Having taught him in primary school, no.
Quote from: Emphyrio on January 31, 2025, 10:11:46 AMQuote from: Eoin McLove on January 31, 2025, 09:48:03 AMQuote from: Emphyrio on January 30, 2025, 05:37:40 PMCommit one serious crime, get one free.
Can you reform that sort of scum?
Having taught him in primary school, no.
So it's all your fault!
QuoteAmong cases with multiple convictions, consecutive sentences are more likely to be applied when criminal cases involve offenses that occurred in multiple counties, the offenses are serious or violent, the most serious offense is a crime against a person, or the individual has prior prison admissions for serious or violent crimes.
● People who are admitted with second and third-strike enhancements are much more likely to receive consecutive sentences (18 and 12 percentage points more likely, respectively) relative to admissions with multiple convictions without these enhancements.
Yeah concurrent is frequent in the states but generally if there is a cleanish criminal record behind you. But for more violent crimes, serial offenders etc they go consecutive generally speaking. Which is a lot better than here. You'll be hard pressed to find evidence of a consecutive sentence in Ireland.
Its kinds like those supermarkets where you buy one, cheapest one is free.
I wonder if Nolans child or relative was on one of those horrendous images would he be as quick to roll out the suspended sentence to this shitstain.
A whopping 108 prior convictions. A new low by Irish standards. Obviously a hopeless case that should've been locked up in either a mental institution or a prison. Yet once again the innocent are not protected and this nut job got to ruin someone else's life.
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on February 04, 2025, 05:31:43 PM
A whopping 108 prior convictions. A new low by Irish standards. Obviously a hopeless case that should've been locked up in either a mental institution or a prison. Yet once again the innocent are not protected and this nut job got to ruin someone else's life.
Fuck me pink. This bit in particular stood out;
QuoteMr Justice McDermott noted that partly suspended sentences previously failed to ensure any change in O'Sullivan's behaviour
Like, no fucking shit they didn't change his behaviours. They effectively told this cretin "do what you want, you won't be punished properly".
4 stabbed in an attack in Stoneybatter
Quote from: DISRUPTER on February 09, 2025, 03:17:17 PM4 stabbed in an attack in Stoneybatter
I dunno man, the headline did say
No point reading beyond the headline, like
Nolan strikes again:
How he still has a job is baffling. (
How many stabbings has there been in Dublin so far this year?
Read that stabbing was some lad that was getting bullied and decided to sort it out for himself.
Then I read they were 11 years old and I lost another little bit of what little faith I had in humanity.
Sometimes I think there's no more to lose but there's always fresh depths to plumb
So bleak from all angles
I called my ex-wife a spastic in 2022. Up in court in June for gender violence. Watch out in the Spanish papers. I wish I was joking.
Quote from: Caomhaoin on March 04, 2025, 11:04:22 PMI called my ex-wife a spastic in 2022. Up in court in June for gender violence. Watch out in the Spanish papers. I wish I was joking.
Seriously? That's mental :laugh:
What is the possible outcome of something like that in Spain?
Potential for first ever Metal Warfare PPV Livestream to cover legal fees?
If it's her legal fees I'm all for it.
This is an odd one not sure how he expected to get away with it. Looks like he is already in prison at the minute for this
Judge Nolan strikes again
Nolan strikes again
That Nolan thing is out of control, category 1 material - the most serious type and gets a suspended sentence
Nolan has to be a paedo. No other explanation.
He needs to be hauled up in front of a judge himself at this stage.
QuoteNolan has to be a paedo. No other explanation.
We were only saying that the other night here talking about a few of his recent sentences. He certainly has that look about him.
Bravo on the legal fees idea Ducky! :laugh:
It seems Nolan is being guided by higher powers to give everyone a free pass the first time >:(
<< He noted the court must follow "advice" given by the higher courts, which have indicated that a non-custodial option must be considered in the absence of aggravating factors.
Having considered the facts of the case and Farrell's circumstances, the judge noted aggravating factors, such as previous convictions or distribution of this material, were not present in this case. >>
What will we call the band? Wokelander?