Following on from a digression in the books thread...
I've always been a fan of stand-up comedy or anyone who could make me laugh. There's something intriguing about the art form. Its creators sometimes have the darkness of musicians. The legends we all know Richard Pryor, Jerry Seinfeld, George Carlin, Eddie Murphy, Billy Connolly, Robert Klein, Jasper Carrott etc.
Currently (for my money at any rate) a lot of the best in the game are from the US. Doug Stanhope, Bill Burr and Dave Chappelle are probably the 3 best comedians in the world right now. John Mulaney makes it look almost effortless, the natural successor to Seinfeld. Marc Maron has found a groove over the last 10 years that has made his shows grow from early bile spitting events with humour thrown in into fully formed hours. Ali Wong's "Baby Cobra" special on Netflix is incredible.
That's not to say that the Ireland/UK/Elsewhere doesn't have a decent crop of talent. Stewart Lee is always funny. I've really enjoyed James Acaster the last few times that I've seen him. There's a Scottish called Stephen Carlin who I think is pretty great, low-key but really clever. Henning Wehn is a German ex-pat living in the UK, some of his stuff is hilarious.
I caught Tommy Tiernan doing a warm-up show in a small comedy club here in Cork just before the lockdown. After watching his excellent RTE talk-show, I decided that I wanted to see him once more. I hadn't gone to one of his shows in a long time. He was testing out new material before going on a theatre tour which was subsequently cancelled. Being honest about it, after his earlier stuff I thought that he'd gotten lazy and just resorted to roaring and swearing for extended periods. In an intimate room with the crowd almost up on top him them he has a different approach and just did his new act, proving that he's still capable of generating electricity when he feels like it.
Any recommendations, opinions etc. I'd be glad to hear them.
I used enjoy Stand-Up when I was much younger til Paramount used show every Tom, Dick and Mary and have only come across stuff channel hopping the last while, most of it not my thing. Back in the day, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Denis Leary did it for me. Chris Rock was very funny in his early days but I could take or leave him these days.
If anyone has rec, I'd appreciate it too. If stuff happens to be on youtube a link would be nice n handy too.
Can't believe that I forgot Chris Rock, that "Bring The Pain" hour was deadly.
"Killin' Them Softly" by Dave Chappelle;
Bill Burr - "Let It Go";
Doug Stanhope - "Beer Hall Putsch";
Leo Kearse is gas.
Jim Jeffries, Bill Hicks, Dylan Moran, Billy Connolly, George Carlin and Eddie Izzard would be my go to guys
Louis CK, Bert Kreischer, Tom Segura, Bill Burr, David Cross, Jim Gaffigan, Anthony Jeselnik - big fan of those.
I saw a chap called Tommy Nicholson from Navan years ago who nearly killed me, he was hilarious. He was supporting Steve Hughes in Galway, I've never heard of him before or since.
Comedy Unleashed on youtube has some good anti-PC stuff. Totally the opposite of the kind of muck that seems to pass for comedy on the likes of BBC and ITV these days.
Will Franken here is good craic
David McSavage set up a while ago on Instagram and he's still his usual nasty/charming self.
Love Bill Burr aswell, I'll post others if I think of them.
Stay away from Joe Rogan(about as funny as cancer). His friend Whitney Cummings and a bunch of others he's mates with are frighteningly unfunny too.
Bill Hicks was great in his time. It's like anything. He started it, we got a million copycats and now it just looks cliché.
The Bill Burr rant at a crowd in Philadelphia is just fantastic. Crowd booed everyone that day and he just let rip. First 2 mins of vid is just audio then the video kicks in.
Quote from: Pedrito on June 16, 2020, 08:16:14 PM
Stay away from Joe Rogan(about as funny as cancer). His friend Whitney Cummings and a bunch of others he's mates with are frighteningly unfunny too.
I was going to say the same thing, I gave his podcast a go but he doesn't even seem to understand when someone is making a joke. Someone will say something ridiculous that's obviously a set up for a joke or a bit and he'll just go 'Well technically that isn't true...' or something , it's like how can you not understand they were setting something up you're supposed to be a comedian :laugh:.
His podcasts are fine, it's the stand up..he packs stadiums with the unfunniest shite you'll ever hear.
I liked Joe Rogans Shiny Happy Jihad, Talking Monkeys in Space and Live from the Tabernacle specials.. silly shit like. The later ones missed the mark a lot. I actually got to see him in LA twice in the last two years and he was funny as hell. A lot of the that crowd I find very unfunny in their specials but much funnier in certain pairings on podcasts etc. Like Bryan Callen and Chris Delia's specials are fucking dog shit.. but two of them together are fucking hilarious to me.
Then there's the like of Brendan Shhuaaaab who's about as funny as a nail in the japs eye.
I'd say most of these have been mentioned but some of my favourites
Richard Prior - here and now
Eddie Murphy - Raw/Delerious
Chris Rock - Bring the pain / Bigger & Blacker
Dave Chappelle - Killing them softly / for what its worth
Bill Hicks - Relentless / Revelations
Bill Burr - Let it go / You People Are All the Same
Those are ones I could go back and watch over and over. There are others but not a whole lot lately hit me as much as those ones did. Anthony Jeselnik has some great stuff, I like his delivery. Saw Tom Papa in LA also, I was sore coming out was so hilarious.
The bill burr philli rant is legendary... no better guy for it.
Yeah, his podcasts are great because of the sheer variety of interviewees. He has learned how to be a listener too, which means he'll interview someone fascinating and just let them speak for five minutes straight without a word. The fact that he's not an expert on many of the issues he'll tackle works in his favour too. He can ask obvious questions and get you off to a decent understanding of the topic at hand. His stand up is dogshite, though. Really, really bad.
Comedy Unleashed is where I saw Kearse in fact. That seems to be the last bulwark against bland predictable woke comedy that seems to rule the roost.
He'd get a 'twitter crucifixion' if he released this one these days but this bit had me crying when I first saw it. Funny and true how guys can be about this stuff and it actually causing issue later in life.. but how he delivers it every time cracks me up :laugh: (
From the ones mentioned so far, the majority would go in the "I used to find them funny" category, which is the conversation this spilled over from. Bill Burr is fairly in a league of his own though, just a natural (as in, not forced) performer, who doesn't spoon feed his jokes and bares enough of his own foibles to get him away with saying just about anything about anyone else. Stewart Lee is also in a league of his own, and doing a weird thing which seems to be slowly and pain-stakingly working his way towards a single, unique perfect meta stand-up show. The upshot of this is that if you're in for the ride, you can appreciate that perfection as it comes along, and you get a few new bits with each iteration, but the downshot is that what is repetition can start to feel really heavy because what he's repeating is so unusual and, well, pointedly heavy in places. Still though, 95% of comedians wouldn't even be able to imagine the idea of what he tries to do, let alone attempt it.
Only a couple of names I'm not familiar with here, look forward to checking them out. I do love stand-up, and it's class happening upon a winner for the first time!
Quote from: Ollkiller on June 16, 2020, 08:18:28 PM
The Bill Burr rant at a crowd in Philadelphia is just fantastic. Crowd booed everyone that day and he just let rip. First 2 mins of vid is just audio then the video kicks in.
Yeah, Stewart Lee is great. James Acaster's stand-up is very funny and original but what he's at doing that stupid tv show with Josh Something I can't figure out. I'm afraid he'll get sucked into the boring brigade if he's not careful.
I mean, with the whole Netflix and whoever else pulling stuff lark, this is essentially the point I was trying to make:
Have any of yis seen this? It's a mix of Burr telling a story about performing in Dublin on his podcast and then audio from the show, great stuff.
Quote from: Pedrito on June 16, 2020, 08:16:14 PM
Comedy Unleashed on youtube has some good anti-PC stuff. Totally the opposite of the kind of muck that seems to pass for comedy on the likes of BBC and ITV these days.
Will Franken here is good craic
David McSavage set up a while ago on Instagram and he's still his usual nasty/charming self.
Love Bill Burr aswell, I'll post others if I think of them.
Stay away from Joe Rogan(about as funny as cancer). His friend Whitney Cummings and a bunch of others he's mates with are frighteningly unfunny too.
Bill Hicks was great in his time. It's like anything. He started it, we got a million copycats and now it just looks cliché.
Good call on Will Franken. I've watched him a few times and he's got something really original going on.
The Mo Amer special on Netflix is some fun - his story about trying to get an American passport is great.
A great show on Netflix and funny as hell... :laugh:
Which leads us on to Reggie Watts.... :laugh: :laugh:
For me no-one will better George Carlin, vicious and hilarious right up until his passing. These days Bill Burr is the only stand up I like, Chris Rock was great back in the day but I don't know what his newer material is like. As for Stewart Lee, can anyone recommend a good show/routine of his ? I can't seem to get into his material, maybe it's just me, but willing to try😂.
Was also going to give Bill Hicks a mention. There was a time in the 90s when the edgy kids liked Hicks and he was kind of a right of passage. As years go by he is sadly forgotten I think. The problem is that some or his material hasn't dated well (a lot of current affairs commentary related to the time) and he also didn't leave a large body of work, even repeated routines a lot in different shows. If anyone wants to hear some different routines of his try an album called 'Arizona Bay', think it may be some if his last performances but a lot of routines I hadn't heard a zillion times before.
Quote from: leatherface on June 17, 2020, 10:46:42 AM
As for Stewart Lee, can anyone recommend a good show/routine of his ? I can't seem to get into his material, maybe it's just me, but willing to try😂.
Was also going to give Bill Hicks a mention. There was a time in the 90s when the edgy kids liked Hicks and he was kind of a right of passage. As years go by he is sadly forgotten I think. The problem is that some or his material hasn't dated well (a lot of current affairs commentary related to the time) and he also didn't leave a large body of work, even repeated routines a lot in different shows.
Custom-made for your request! :laugh:
But if you're looking for a whole show to check out, then his last one, Content Provider, is as good a place to start as any.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 17, 2020, 11:23:27 AM
But if you're looking for a whole show to check out, then his last one, Content Provider, is as good a place to start as any.
Yeah, definitely "Content Provider". It's a work of genius.
"Stand-Up Comedian" and "41st Best Standup Ever!" are also brilliant.
Stewart Lee I find entertaining and irritafing at the same time. He's like a guy who thinks he's far more intelligent and funny than he is. When he's good, he's very good, but hmm. I'll give the above recommendation a go just in case.
Of the ones I checked out above, Bill Burr really is the man. Speaking of, F is for Family is back.
Didn't Steve Hughes do a stint playing drums for Primordial years back?
Quote from: ldj on June 17, 2020, 01:32:35 PM
Didn't Steve Hughes do a stint playing drums for Primordial years back?
He did a few shows with them, one of which was made into a DVD; Primordial Live At The Apollo.
Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle is great. It was on Netflix but is now gone, presumably as a result of the societal backlash against leftist comedy 😜
Should be handy enough to track down on iPlayer, etc.
Used to love Tommy Tiernan back in the day, although maybe he just isn't as good as I remembered him. Certainly over the years he replaced actual decent material with that awful tendency to shout and gurn inanely. Perhaps he's just stand-ups version of Al Pacino.
Did anyone check out Bill Hicks solely on the basis of Tool referencing him constantly back in the day? He just never clicked with me. Plenty of righteous anger and acerbic observations, but never any actual laughs.
I have been into standup comedy on and off over the years. I love all the classics like Richard Pryor, Jerry Seinfeld, Louis CK, Eddie Murphy, Ricky Gervais etc.
I also like Burr, Marc Maron and Joey Diaz.
George Carlin is someone I have know about for years, seen bits and pieces that I enjoyed but I need to check out more.
I always thought the standard in general was lacking which is what puts me off. I feel there are many good comics but very few great ones which I find surprising for an art form that's been around for what now at least 60 years? Especially when you see awful comics like Joe Rogan selling out stadiums again and again.
My biggest disappointment was going to see Chris Tucker live it's one of the few gigs of any types that I left early he was just awful.
Bill Hicks is another one that I don't understand how people can find him funny his mannerisms just make me want to punch him in the face. I have 3 or 4 of DVDs at home I tried over and over again to get into him but it just never happened.
Re: Hicks, I sometimes wonder am I missing something? Similar to another thread here where someone dismissed NWOBHM as just sounding like pub rock, maybe I need to view him in the context of that particular era. I dunno. I can listen to Pryor and Carlin, who predated him, and still get belly laughs. The most I can raise from Hicks is a wry smile. At his worst though, just insufferable.
He was groundbreaking in his time. I remember seeing him way back, I was very young and it was just so different. Fell in perfectly with Grunge etc. Then nearly all comedy became edgy and political to the point that it's all over the tv all the time, all them shite political satirists we see in the States; John Oliver, Trevor Noah all them gimps. He was dangerous and rebellious but just like Varg and black metal and punk and grunge, his style got absorbed into the mainstream. He was class in his day though.
Yep, Bill Hicks was dreadful. I never got one single laugh from anything he ever said.
Tiernan did a really interesting tv show years ago where he went over to try and break America, where nobody knew him. He was playing tiny venues and was completely calm in his delivery. His jokes and his natural charm and charisma were brilliant. His leppin' and screeching kind of kills his jokes for me.
Tommy T was really good at the start at least I though as much. But then it seems he got lazy and went for the 'cheap laughs'. As most have said, screaming and swearing all the time. One of his jokes about China not giving a shit about what anyone thinks of them.. he literally just walks around the stage for what feels like 5 mins just saying fuck off over and over again. It's not the swearing.. it's more that he just keeps going on and on with it.
The first special was great, and the following two I saw were grand but not as good. No idea what he's at these days or what his stand up is like but the two times I saw him years back he was hilarious live to be fair.
A few names there that I haven't heard of. Thanks guys.
Yup, all the aimless roaring and swearing turned me off Tiernan for a long time. Not the fact that he was swearing but more that he was doing it to almost pad out his stage time. Sort of like;
"Why did the chicken cross the road? Yeh FUCKIN' HOO-ER of a FUCKIN' chicken yeh! FUCKIN' STRUTTIN' IN HE-OOR ACTING THE BIG FUCKIN' MAN. Crossin' the FUCKIN' ROAD. Look at this FUCKIN' CHICKEN FUCK!"
But when I saw him last February he was low key (for Tommy) and as funny as in his early days. Just told his stories and got great laughs. Apparently Chris Rock does the same thing to work up an hour. Goes to comedy clubs and turns off every Chris Rock switch and just does his material. If it gets laughs without him resorting to stage persona - then he feels that it works. Still though, his last Netflix hour - "Tambourine" - is rubbish.
Speaking of low key - I forgot to mention Todd Barry. Who did a crowd work tour, no set material and he absolutely killed (unlike Tommy Tiernan who tried the same thing around Europe and had a near breakdown on camera in an RTE documentary). He's other specials of scripted material are class too.
I saw someone mention Chris D'Elia. His stand-up shows are criminally unfunny. It's like he adopted Keanu Reeves "Ted" persona and Pauly Shore's "The Weasel". His podcast guest appearances can be good though, his off the cuff gags are funny. Either way - he's landed himself in the height of shit now...
Quote from: StoutAndAle on June 18, 2020, 01:43:08 PM
I saw someone mention Chris D'Elia. His stand-up shows are criminally unfunny. It's like he adopted Keanu Reeves "Ted" persona and Pauly Shore's "The Weasel". His podcast guest appearances can be good though, his off the cuff gags are funny. Either way - he's landed himself in the height of shit now...
Yeah his stand up is fucking woeful but hilarious when paired with Callen.
Saw all that this morning when I woke up, jesus that's mental. tbh all I've seen in the pictures of emails/texts are quite tame and nothing close to what he's been accused of. But he's already getting called a peado/ and accused of grooming young girls. Gona wait to see if there's anything more shown on it but he released a statement about it.
"I know I have said and done things that might have offended people during my career, but I have never knowingly pursued any underage women at any point," D'Elia said in a statement obtained by Deadline. "All of my relationships have been both legal and consensual and I have never met or exchanged any inappropriate photos with the people who have tweeted about me. That being said, I really am truly sorry. I was a dumb guy who ABSOLUTELY let myself get caught up in my lifestyle. That's MY fault. I own it. I've been reflecting on this for some time now and I promise I will continue to do better."
Regardless, his career is done now. You get accused of this these days and you are automatically guilty even if proven innocent. Sad stuff :-\
Bernie Mac, God rest him, was hilarious way back when.
For sheer outrageousness, Bernard Manning was quality as well, man of his time.Lovely fella by all accounts, some really evil jokes though, asking auld wans in the crowd if it was cold in the ground this morning hahahaha.
Always enjoyed a bit of Brendan Grace and some of the earlier D'Unbelievables was great craic too. Not fashionable but that skit with the two Gaurds, the simple auld salad, ah here, amazing.
There's a decent documentary about Bernie Mac (it's called something like I Ain't Afraid Of You Motherfuckers), worth a look.
Sounds about right:) He'd have been 'big time' if he wasn't so unbelievably foul-mouthed. He seemed to be genuinely mental. Although Eddie Murphy was knocking around those days too.
Unlike Eddie who mocked white people constantly, Bernie did the opposite, which wouldn't go down too well on the twittersphere circa 2020.
Bernard Manning has some great one liners in fairness.
I was prompted to check out some of Joe Rogan's stand up just to see if it is as bad as some people here have made it out to be. Christ, it really is. I really enjoy his podcasts, and think he normally comes across quite well in perhaps a more 'casual conversation' type scenario, but I was genuinely shocked at how bad his stand up is.
Although to be honest here, hand on heart, I must confess to being a bit of a fan of Peter Kay. I dunno if that qualifies as a guilty pleasure in comedy circles. There's nothing remotely cerebral there, or even dark, but he's a good storyteller and just naturally funny. Also a big fan of Tim Vine. I mean, I do like Stewart Lee, but sometimes you just want jokes and puns.
Tim Vine is hilarious. I also think Peter Kay is funny. As you said, it's not exactly high brow, but funny comes in all different sorts of ways.
Yeah, I think some comedians are just naturally funny and don't have to try too hard, material-wise. I wasn't expecting too much but my missus got us tickets for Micky Flanagan a few years ago. Really enjoyed it. Again nothing mind blowing, just mundane observations on day to day life, marriage etc, but delivered really well. Maybe that's why I couldn't warm to the likes of Bill Hicks, just comes across as a dick.
Peter Kay is a legend. Love his stuff. 'That's a taste sensaation'
I also love watching old Jason Byrne..some of his stuff was gas and David O'Doherty aswell. Just dopey, stupid stuff.
I don't need my comedy highbrow and political, fuck that. Another lad I love is Tommy Cooper, Les Dawson too. Ricky Gervais not bad either.
Shit doesn't have to be highbrow to be funny at all. It also doesn't have to be littered with expletives or be politically correct. Like I can laugh at jokes at the expense of the Irish without agreeing with it but I have a fear that comedy is about to be sterilised due to current events. Surely there will be at least one comedian who manages to be actually funny while neatly sidestepping offending anyone at all. Or maybe I'll be entirely wrong and people in general will be able to have a good laugh at themselves without feeling offended by things.
Actually speaking of highbrow, what do we all think of Frankie Boyle? Is his policy of trying to offend everybody at once the future of things? He seems to get a bye in the age of political correctness. I personally find him boring tbh, but I like the idea of what he does in being an affront to everything.
Also, I have to admit I'm terribly out of touch with stand up comedy in general so forgive me if I'm missing the point entirely
I do see a lot of lads here giving Bill Hicks a bit of stick. I think it was sort of vital at the time but now it doesn't seem that big of a deal, given what has come after. He was probably more influential than funny in terms of using comedy to deliver scathing social commentary or something like that
Sean Lock and Lee Mack have some side-splitting material, probably my favourites out of that batch of household name British stand-ups.
Both of those are pretty funny at times. I find Sean Lock easier to put up with though.
Sometimes I find that the schtick gets in the way of the actual jokes. I wonder if they just gave it in the style of their normal personality would it be better. Or is the schtick an essential part of stand up? It's why I've alway liked Billy Connolly. I reckon if I just read a transcript of one of his gigs it would be about as funny as getting caught wanking, but there is something in the way he is half in stitches just telling it that is a bit catching, as in there is a certain honesty to it that is endearing well beyond the strength of the material.
Any other naturals like that ye know of
Jason Byrne and that Charlie Haughey looking cunt Maxwell are spectacularly unfunny IMO. I liked him on Black Books but Dylan Moran's live act is painful.
An odd one is that some stand ups are great on panel shows like Have I Got News For You or 8 Out Of 10 Cats, but when you see them onstage, they're crap. Greg Davies was a prime example of this until his last special (You Magnificent Beast), which was actually decent. Katherine Ryan, shit onstage but can crack wise in a group setting.
Dermot Morgan's stand up show had its moments. His impressions of Mike Murphy, Albert Reynolds and Michael D were class. I think most of it is on YouTube.
Someone mentioned those political comedians like John Oliver etc, but that Samantha Bee takes the biscuit. What an absolute goon she is. And as for that Amy Schumer. So unfunny. Going on about her fanny and how much she likes mickey for an hour solid.
Someone took out the laughter track from Oliver's show, and it sounded so awkward, almost pathetic. The same might apply to all kinds of Sit-Coms etc, but Christ it was woeful.
What about Kevin Bridges? The skinnier he gets, the less laughs I seem to be getting out of him. His first few years doing the rounds though, he was dynamite. That Jimmy Saville gag about 'if you asked me to draw a paedo...' was fuckin' A1.
The Two Johnnies are pretty enjoyable too, they are so over the top Tipp without even trying:)
Peter Kay is great. His TV shows are terrible but his standup is brilliant.
Quote from: Pedrito on June 18, 2020, 11:16:39 PM
Ricky Gervais not bad either.
I think Ricky is the best comedian around right now and has been for a while. I saw him live back in 2017 I couldn't stop laughing the whole way through the show. He's one of the only comedians who's DVDs I could watch one after another and not get fed up.
Kevin Bridges was brilliant. I think some of these comedians just only have a certain shelf life. Frankie Boyle wears on me but some of his stuff has made me laugh out loud aswell. Billy Connolly the master.
Kyle Dunnigan is a gas lad. Quirky little character, his twitter stuff with Caitlyn Jenner is gas
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 19, 2020, 12:04:54 AM
And as for that Amy Schumer. So unfunny. Going on about her fanny and how much she likes mickey for an hour solid.
Brutal. Absolutely 100%. I mentioned how she was in a pub discussion one night. One of the lad's girlfriends started giving me a lecture on how she had heard a podcast with Amy Schumer and how sexism made it very difficult for her to break into comedy. I pondered was it possibly the fact that she just wasn't funny. But no, it was the patriarchy.
Iliza Shlesinger and Nikki Glaser fall into the same category - trying to shock by being filthy. To be filthy and funny takes skill though. See Ali Wong, Eddie Murphy, Doug Stanhope and Richard Pryor for examples.
To quote Eddie Murphy from "Raw";
After Bill Cosby rang him to lambast his risque act - "Because he thought that was my whole act. Like I just walked out on-stage and cursed and left. I manage to stick in some jokes between the curses. You couldn't give no curse show. Walk out, say, "Hey, Felt Forum, "motherfucker, dick, pussy, snot and shit. Good night. "Good night. Suck my dick. Bye-bye."
Quote from: astfgyl on June 18, 2020, 11:21:21 PM
Shit doesn't have to be highbrow to be funny at all. It also doesn't have to be littered with expletives or be politically correct. Like I can laugh at jokes at the expense of the Irish without agreeing with it but I have a fear that comedy is about to be sterilised due to current events. Surely there will be at least one comedian who manages to be actually funny while neatly sidestepping offending anyone at all. Or maybe I'll be entirely wrong and people in general will be able to have a good laugh at themselves without feeling offended by things.
Actually speaking of highbrow, what do we all think of Frankie Boyle? Is his policy of trying to offend everybody at once the future of things? He seems to get a bye in the age of political correctness. I personally find him boring tbh, but I like the idea of what he does in being an affront to everything.
Also, I have to admit I'm terribly out of touch with stand up comedy in general so forgive me if I'm missing the point entirely
I do see a lot of lads here giving Bill Hicks a bit of stick. I think it was sort of vital at the time but now it doesn't seem that big of a deal, given what has come after. He was probably more influential than funny in terms of using comedy to deliver scathing social commentary or something like that
Can anyone recommend any gentle comedians? I don't want anything too edgy anymore.
Quote from: mugz on June 22, 2020, 01:24:25 PM
Can anyone recommend any gentle comedians? I don't want anything too edgy anymore.
Is this a wind up?
If you want comedians on the more family-friendly end of the scale Brian Regan, Tom Papa and Jim Gaffigan are incredibly funny without being too profane. I think all of them are allowed play Salt Lake City - the Mormons have very strict rules about performing arts and comedy.
That's the Mormons by the way whose religion is partially based on the teachings of a man, Joseph Smith, who found magic eyeglasses and underpants that told him the way of god. A man who dictated his holy book of Mormon by looking at a stone placed inside a hat.
Christ, if the Mormons don't know comedy, who does?
Quote from: mickO))) on June 19, 2020, 01:24:42 AM
Peter Kay is great. His TV shows are terrible but his standup is brilliant.
phil kay was better
Quote from: StoutAndAle on June 22, 2020, 01:53:53 PMIf you want comedians on the more family-friendly end of the scale Brian Regan, Tom Papa and Jim Gaffigan are incredibly funny without being too profane. I think all of them are allowed play Salt Lake City - the Mormons have very strict rules about performing arts and comedy.
Gaffigan's really good, actually. I can see what Mugz is saying, it can be a bit tiresome when every comedian is doing their damndest to outdo each other and be 'edgy' as fuck. Sometimes something more... wholesome is nice for a break.
Adam Hills is another one who's fairly tame.
Quote from: astfgyl on June 18, 2020, 11:21:21 PM
Shit doesn't have to be highbrow to be funny at all. It also doesn't have to be littered with expletives or be politically correct. Like I can laugh at jokes at the expense of the Irish without agreeing with it but I have a fear that comedy is about to be sterilised due to current events. Surely there will be at least one comedian who manages to be actually funny while neatly sidestepping offending anyone at all. Or maybe I'll be entirely wrong and people in general will be able to have a good laugh at themselves without feeling offended by things.
Actually speaking of highbrow, what do we all think of Frankie Boyle? Is his policy of trying to offend everybody at once the future of things? He seems to get a bye in the age of political correctness. I personally find him boring tbh, but I like the idea of what he does in being an affront to everything.
Also, I have to admit I'm terribly out of touch with stand up comedy in general so forgive me if I'm missing the point entirely
I do see a lot of lads here giving Bill Hicks a bit of stick. I think it was sort of vital at the time but now it doesn't seem that big of a deal, given what has come after. He was probably more influential than funny in terms of using comedy to deliver scathing social commentary or something like that
You can't really use Boyle's style of comedy as an example of the way comedy is going for the future when he himself is vintage 2010. it's almost like I enquired about gentle comedy for the reason that it's kind of how things will have to go for the next while, if you're interested in something different from clever/cruel comedy which we became accustomed to over recent decades.
For me the skill level for that kind of thoughtful, compassionate comedy is so high precisely because it's really hard to do, the world being the way it is.
For me Limmy's Show was a real blessing as it was kind of half way between soulful and cynical.
I can't hack Boyle anymore at all. In any show he presents or routine he does, as soon as he gets to his first "X looks like what you'd get if [*insert puerile mash-up of incongruous elements*]" joke, I momentarily lose all faith in the human creative spirit and have to switch him off as quickly as possible, preferably before he even finishes the sentence. In other words, I haven't seen much more than a minute of any of his work from the last decade or so.
key and peele was funnier than I expected
Forgot to post this the other day. Brilliant.
Bill Burr is still the master. See target, hit target.
Looking forward to watching that later.
Norm MacDonald is king here, otherwise it's 80's Eddie Murphy.
Have David McSavage on Instagram. His Joe Duffy is incredible
Tim Minchin reacts to Deaf Metal.... :laugh:
Quote from: CorkonianHunger on October 23, 2020, 10:59:14 AM
Norm MacDonald is king here, otherwise it's 80's Eddie Murphy.
Norm is unbelievable. Such perfectly odd delivery every single time. Manys the rabbit hole I've gone down with him. He's great on Opie and Anthony. Pat Cooper and Patrice O'Neal are also great on O&A. Patrice is amazing on everything really though. Tough Crowd and The Green Room are both great.
Watched Hannah Gadsby's "Nanette" after hearing so much about how great it was.
Fucking hell, it is terrible. This is supposed to be stand-up comedy? I am very much a fan of the long-form style but you need to at least have jokes. "Nanette" was more like watching someone have a mental breakdown on stage whilst givng a TED talk.
What made it worse for me was fuckers in the audience trying to "out woke" each other. Standing, cheering and whooping along to every piece of ideological rhetoric that Gasdby spouts out. There isn't a single line or even a tag in the entire 60 minutes that raised a smirk.
Get woke, go broke. No joke.. :laugh:
Horrendous. Gay comedians and musicians were amazing when their lifestyle was underground. Now it's all the rage and it's just so fuking boring. To still be talking about the way Christians react to homosexuality in 2020 really shows how little material you actually have. Old, tired jokes that have been told 5 million times. Remember watching Julian Clary back as a kid? He was sharp as fuck and knew how to tell a joke, knew how to time things. Hannah there is just talking..talking bollox. Unfunny bollox too. Is it a sign of how utterly retarded portions of society have become or what is it?
Ask a woke person what they think of Islam's view of homosexuals if you want to see someone have an aneurysm.
Or how the Muhammadens treat the fanny to a feminist . It astounds me how they focus on toxic masculinity in the west when you have the worst gender injustices in the planet in Islamic society.
Speaking of all things Muhammadeen, this has to be one of Lee's greatest moments. The "what a jaded, jaded man" part regularly pops into my head and has me in stitches every time:
Hup, my bad, that "jaded" part is in this extract:
Quote from: Pedrito on November 13, 2020, 09:30:46 PM
Horrendous. Gay comedians and musicians were amazing when their lifestyle was underground. Now it's all the rage and it's just so fuking boring. To still be talking about the way Christians react to homosexuality in 2020 really shows how little material you actually have. Old, tired jokes that have been told 5 million times. Remember watching Julian Clary back as a kid? He was sharp as fuck and knew how to tell a joke, knew how to time things. Hannah there is just talking..talking bollox. Unfunny bollox too. Is it a sign of how utterly retarded portions of society have become or what is it?
Jesus, yeah - Julian Clary live was something else - as sharp as a razor (or gay blade, if you wish) - so quick off the mark when he did his crowd-work section and his prepared gags were brilliant too.
"Unfunny Bollox" should be the name of Gadsby's next show. But it'll probably be called "Trans Cardigan Of Shoreditch" or something.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 15, 2020, 10:26:55 PM
Speaking of all things Muhammadeen, this has to be one of Lee's greatest moments. The "what a jaded, jaded man" part regularly pops into my head and has me in stitches every time:
Not the sort of man you'd agree to organise a surprise party for... :laugh:
I saw that Stewart Lee set twice - once as a work in progress thing and again for the fully fledged "A Room With A Stew/Carpet Remant World" tour. At the WIP show he stopped in the middle of that section to tell a few of the hipster cats at one table that nobody would think any less of them if they laughed - unless they were there to write a review for The Telegraph.
I just watched Louis CK's comeback special there, pretty so-so. His last one wasn't great either, but he really seemed to be forcing it on this one. I wonder has his getting 'cancelled' taken the sting out if his tail..
Had the absolute pleasure of being in the company of Aidan Killian last night.
What a beautiful and humourous storyteller...
lethal.. (
Revisiting Limmy in every format a lot the last few weeks.
Quote from: CorkonianHunger on May 22, 2021, 05:27:03 PM
Revisiting Limmy in every format a lot the last few weeks.
"Limmy's Show" was brilliant. A lot of people who I've showed it to over the years absolutely hated it. Some of the sketches and bits were inspired. The Yoker thing with Dee Dee and the oul lad in the nightclub "I miss yer maw, son" are standouts.
He strikes me as a very depressed soul though. I'm listening to his autobiography on Audible currently.
Watched Mike Binder's new 5-part series about LA's famed club - The Comedy Store - over the past week or two. There was a comedian featured on it that I have never heard of - Brian Holtzman - shit, this guy is funny.
Quote from: StoutAndAle on May 24, 2021, 10:52:08 AM
Quote from: CorkonianHunger on May 22, 2021, 05:27:03 PM
Revisiting Limmy in every format a lot the last few weeks.
"Limmy's Show" was brilliant. A lot of people who I've showed it to over the years absolutely hated it. Some of the sketches and bits were inspired. The Yoker thing with Dee Dee and the oul lad in the nightclub "I miss yer maw, son" are standouts.
He strikes me as a very depressed soul though. I'm listening to his autobiography on Audible currently.
Yep most Ive showed to find it very odd or too straight forward. I showed a few the Dee Dee stuff and they just found it depressing. Something about it is genius, especially through the Scottish accent. I wouldn't be one for watching streamers but some of the highlights of him playing are gas, he really nails some characters well. Must read his short stories too.
Limmys Show is genius. Falcon Hoof, Dee Dee and Jacqueline (I'm fucking clean) McCafferty are some of the best comic creations ever.
The sketch where he's showing the guy around the desolate suburb is genius, can't find it at the moment. I think it's in season 2.
I have to be in the mood for him, if not he's depressing alright.
See also: Bournistoun.
Jim Jefferies only has a few good routines but this is one, he's absolutely right:
Some Good Oneliner Comedian:
You need to sign up but all Norm's podcasts are there. Also, his reddit page is cool for all the old SNL stuff he did. Haven't paid attention to anyone in ages.
The 'I'm Not Norm' channel on YouTube has some great stuff.
Yup, them fuckers even sling merch on the channel. For anyone interested the podcasts are actually watchable episodes just called a podcast.
Norm is a genius in my eyes. I never not laugh at his stuff, intentional or not. The older he's gotten the better too.
Ya, he's untouchable.
Anyone mentioned George Carlin yet? Masterful
This is still very true today:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I watched 3 Sebastian Maniscalco specials last week. I'd only heard the guy on podcasts being interviewed before. I wrote him off previously as being in the Joey Diaz/Theo Von/dregs of Rogan camp.
Fuck me - I was wrong. He is fucking electric. A descendant of George Carlin's observational style - if Carlin jammed his fingers in a plug socket.
Quote from: CorkonianHunger on May 22, 2021, 05:27:03 PM
Revisiting Limmy in every format a lot the last few weeks.
Proper legend... "the plasterer" sketch is a universal joke.
Quote from: O Drighes on June 21, 2021, 07:47:19 PM
Quote from: CorkonianHunger on May 22, 2021, 05:27:03 PM
Revisiting Limmy in every format a lot the last few weeks.
It's brilliant. He's seemed to have put his stamp on every medium thats come and gone. Older I get the more some of the sketches hit different though.
Proper legend... "the plasterer" sketch is a universal joke.
Quote from: StoutAndAle on June 21, 2021, 11:59:22 AM
I watched 3 Sebastian Maniscalco specials last week. I'd only heard the guy on podcasts being interviewed before. I wrote him off previously as being in the Joey Diaz/Theo Von/dregs of Rogan camp.
Fuck me - I was wrong. He is fucking electric. A descendant of George Carlin's observational style - if Carlin jammed his fingers in a plug socket.
Tried a couple of sketches there today. Didn't hit, a bit too "My mother is from Jersey and my father's Italian, so when I see a pastrami I dunno whether to eat it or shove it up my ass!" for me :P
A couple of those Francis Stewart one-liners above there were proper humdingers! :laugh:
I watched some of Limmy's stuff, it did nothing for me.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 21, 2021, 08:28:07 PM
Tried a couple of sketches there today. Didn't hit, a bit too "My mother is from Jersey and my father's Italian, so when I see a pastrami I dunno whether to eat it or shove it up my ass!" for me :P
Haha! Yeah, I get you - that's exactly how I felt watching little clips of his and thus put him in the Joey Diaz bracket. It wasn't until I watched the first hour special where he goes long that it all comes together for me.
Speaking of Joey Diaz... earlier this week, I happened across a genuinely mortifying video of him doing a cover "Killing In The Name" at the Goddamn Comedy Jam. I heard it mentioned on the RATM episode of "The 500" podcast hosted by Josh Adam Myers who also came up with The Goddamn Comedy Jam.
It's like an uncle asking if he can do a song with your band cos he was "a rocker, like yerselves, back in the 80s."
Hahaha. Ah man, that's gas. Lets go, cocksuckers, and the perfect suck my dick at the end. He is who he is. I wasn't expecting anything more than that.
Quote from: livingabortion on June 21, 2021, 10:04:27 PM
I watched some of Limmy's stuff, it did nothing for me.
When I first watched his show it was like that for me. But once I got to episode 4 it clicked.
First time I seen this clip, I was in mushies. Fuuuuk meeeeeeeee.... :laugh:
Pablo Francisco
Quote from: Ollkiller on June 22, 2021, 04:56:08 PM
Quote from: livingabortion on June 21, 2021, 10:04:27 PM
I watched some of Limmy's stuff, it did nothing for me.
When I first watched his show it was like that for me. But once I got to episode 4 it clicked.
I'll give it another go so .
More cringeworthy than comedy. It's terrible to think how much of a weirdo the guy has become. He was in some good films from my youth.
Watched Bert Kreisher "The Machine"
I like Bert Kreischer.
Bert Kreischer the podcast panellist.
Bert Kreischer the Hot Ones guest.
Bert Kreischer the man is someone who I would probably enjoy a beer or 5 with.
But Bert Kreischer the stand-up comedian... not so much.
The Machine is the story of his that, as far as I know, made him famous. I can't understand why. It's not even remotely funny.
Frankie Boyle Audience Annihilation.
Frankie is fucking genius.
Sad news about Sean Lock passing away. Cancer is a cunt.
The opening bit about "my mate is such a character" on this video is still one of my comedy favourite observations.
Oh fuck, that's awful news. I found him incredibly funny and creative. Man, what a bummer. RIP.
Awful news. A great comedian who would come out with the most random funny things on 8 of 10 Cats.
Only discovered 15 Storeys High last year. Incredibly funny show.
Aww no! Incredibly funny man....
I hope he didn't suffer too much. Terrible news...
Wouldn't know his stand up too well but he was amazing on 8 out of 10 cats and the countdown version, the carrot in the box game was classic.
Awful news, seemed like the sort of guy you'd be glad to have a pint with. RIP Sean.
He was the best of that mainstream TV ilk, but his stand-up is also quality. Like the perfection of bloke-down-the-pub banter.
Just seen one of his quotes online, "If I could have my ashes spread anywhere I wanted, I'd have them spread in Piers Morgan's eyes". :laugh:
Stand up was a bit ropey, but he delivered some gold in panel shows. A shame indeed.
Funny as fuck. Best one on cats does countdown. The tiger that fancied a pint was so funny I thought I was gonna piss myself.
Quote from: Carnage on August 18, 2021, 05:14:19 PM
Stand up was a bit ropey
Lockipedia was a bit ropey in places, but when he was on form he was amazing:
Seán Lock tribute...
I checked out that Bo Burnham special Inside. Pretty damn good, has to be said, quite an accomplishment for one person.
When I watched the above, it was on my own over about five days during lunch breaks. But I wanted to see it in one sitting and herself hadn't seen it either, so we went through it again last night. It is, in fact, a masterpiece of comedy. Should be on Netflix everywhere.
One of the best to ever do it, Norm MacDonald has passed away. Shite craic.
Agreed, he was quality.
Truly saddened by his passing. Without doubt my favourite comedian. Too many great jokes to make but he came from a long line of death. His father died, his grandfather died, his great grandfather and even his father.....probably died.
Never saw it TBH, not my cup of tea. Still, fuck cancer.
Watched the new Dave Chappelle special there over lunch. Wouldn't be the biggest fan, but it was cool. Definitely falls into the category of shows that work on a level that's too subtle for morons who think that just being offensive is funny in itself, but hey, whatcha gonna do!
Dave Chappelle is one of the all time greats. Untouchable, unfazed.
Legend of a man.
Bob Saget died yesterday. Downer. Probably best known for for "Full House" and "America's Funniest Home Videos" but Saget was a brilliant stand-up too. 180 degrees from his family-friendly TV persona. He could be filthy and funny at the same time.
He was a peedoh. Won't be missed...
Quote from: StoutAndAle on January 10, 2022, 09:31:31 AM
Bob Saget died yesterday. Downer. Probably best known for for "Full House" and "America's Funniest Home Videos" but Saget was a brilliant stand-up too. 180 degrees from his family-friendly TV persona. He could be filthy and funny at the same time.
Still your hero? And yes, I've seen the videos of these 'jokes'....
Go and rewatch some of his 'work' and tell me he wasn't a peedoh....
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 11, 2022, 08:59:14 AM
And of course there was a 'pizza' scene in Full House too.
Pizza and Hot Dog are peedoh code for young girls and boys.... It's rampant throughout the TV and movie industry.
Life is hard enough at the minute without wasting time on rubbish like those posts of yours.
You stay where you are. Take it handy and be well.
I'm doing well Stout, and I hope you are too pal. Happy new year to you...
Went to Alan Partridge over the weekend. Anyone else go? It was absolutely hilarious. Comedy genius really
Going to see Kevin Bridges in Galway tonight, a warm-up gig for his upcoming tour. Should be good.
In da club?
Da Black Box.
Quote from: Carnage on April 25, 2022, 04:48:41 PM
Going to see Kevin Bridges in Galway tonight, a warm-up gig for his upcoming tour. Should be good.
Great night. Karl Spain was much better (and swearier) than expected, Bridges was also great. The material was rough in spots but that was to be expected.
A nice surprise on a Monday night (I was a late sub for my brother, who got caught to work and couldn't go), and nice to go to a gig again after so long (last one was Horslips in Nov. '19).
Quote from: Carnage on April 26, 2022, 12:56:40 AM
Quote from: Carnage on April 25, 2022, 04:48:41 PM
Going to see Kevin Bridges in Galway tonight, a warm-up gig for his upcoming tour. Should be good.
Great night. Karl Spain was much better (and swearier) than expected, Bridges was also great. The material was rough in spots but that was to be expected.
A nice surprise on a Monday night (I was a late sub for my brother, who got caught to work and couldn't go), and nice to go to a gig again after so long (last one was Horslips in Nov. '19).
I'm sure they will both be at the Kilkenny Cats laugh festival this year. Thank fuck it is properly on this year
I watched the new Netflix special - "Bill Burr and Friends Who Kill" on Saturday - kinda set up like a massive comedy club show where everyone does 5 minutes.
It's quite an odd experience watching a comedy gig that was attended by people who are afraid to laugh at anything more risque that a knock-knock joke.
You could feel the self-consciousness in the crowd. People looking around to see if anyone else was laughing before they decided it was OK to have a chuckle.
Burr makes a few jokes near the knuckle - you can almost feel the collective woke intake of breath. It sucked the life out of the remainder of his set.
Jimmy Carr gets nothing at all. He does most of his bits to silence or tutting.
Reviews of the show say that all the comedians "bombed" - and while it's true that some of the acts are just not funny - Ronny Chieng's slot in particular has no place in the show (he sang a song - Chieng is a very good comedian, a singer... not so much) - a lot of it has to do with the audience too.
It must be strange if you're an up and coming comedian who wants to do a darker form of comedy. Maybe I don't know the local scene well enough (I'd only have a very casual interest in comedy), but from what I've seen of the local comedy crowd it's very clean and PC, a lot of them seem to be run by the same people and you get the vibe if a comedian did anything a bit dark they wouldn't get a second gig anywhere.
The Burr thing was shite and Frankie Boyle is a woke annoying prick now. Harvey Price however, watched hours of youtube videos of himself and Jordqn a few weeks back. Laughed ourselves straight into hell.
I'm identifying as a stand up comedian these days. I'm not funny at all but you have to pretend I am so as not to offend me.
Frankie Boyle is less funny than Roy chubby brown and that's saying something. I usually enjoy Bill burr though.
Boyle saw the way the wind was blowing and went along with it to salvage his career. That talk show he does with Miles Jupp is pisspoor as a result.
The Burr show was, with the exception ot Burr himself, largely unfunny, so no surprise it bombed. The song at the end was diabolical, musical comedy is down there with imressions and ventriloquism at the bottom of the barrel.
Oh I didn't realise he had a show like that. Fuck that so
New World Order I think it's called. Him, Jupp a different comedian and guest every episode. Essentially a half hour of Boyle pointing his vitriol at people in the news, politics etc., but quite 'right on'.
Is Jupp a co-presenter now? I watched the first ever episode of that and went, "meh". I could never watch too much of Boyle even at his height though, always got a bit derivative after a while, the "S/he looks like what you'd get if you crossed improbable X with even more improbable Y" twenty times in every show. Surely an algorithm can do those jokes better than him now.
His "woke" credentials do go back to at least 2010 though, with the Palestine-Israel joke that got him temporarily booted from the Beeb.
Was it not the 'Jordan getting ridden by her son' joke that got him the boot?
Jupp's been on every episode I've seen, more of a constant panel member than a host I suppose.
That Bill Burr special was nearly all shit. Carr bombed as he's just not funny but ya the crowd were awful. Those one liners get old very quickly. Rest of the comedians were awful bar Jessica Kirson who was fucking brilliant.
Quote from: Ollkiller on June 20, 2022, 04:30:06 PM
That Bill Burr special was nearly all shit. Carr bombed as he's just not funny but ya the crowd were awful. Those one liners get old very quickly. Rest of the comedians were awful bar Jessica Kirson who was fucking brilliant.
I always enjoy Burr but, yeah, - the more I've been thinking about it - most of it was rubbish. The crowd were lifeless though. One review said that it was made up of a lot of Netflix employees because it was part of the Netflix Is A Joke festival which is a bit like one of Apple's corporate retreats. I don't know if that's true.
Yer wan who looked and sounded like Macho Man Randy Savage in a leather dress... my Christ... it was like listening to a sexually frustrated wino. There are now dozens female comedians all making the same jokes about their bodies, their physique and their... eh... personal hygiene aromas - not one of them is funny.
Part of me thinks that Carr decided to walk the room - just to amuse himself - after sensing the audience weren't going to laugh unless they got written permission. I've seen him live a few times and he thrives on crowd-work. Some of his recorded stuff doesn't do him justice.
Ian Edwards did a good job with his set. Very clever. Lost in the middle of all the shite.
You're right about Jessica Kirson - that's where the fucking thing should have ended. She lit the place up.
Don't know why any of ye are blaming the audience. This is shit comedy. Bill Burr's set was decent, but after that... :/
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 21, 2022, 01:05:14 PM
Don't know why any of ye are blaming the audience. This is shit comedy. Bill Burr's set was decent, but after that... :/
Did u watch Jessica Kirsons set?
Yeah, not my style. But the audience were into it, again kinda making me wonder why they're being blamed for not responding better to the other material.
New Bill Burr special from Netflix. Not the thing with his largely unfunny "friends", just him like. Watched 10 minutes, seems legit, will watch it all tonight. One way or the other, even when some of his jokes fall flat, I just love how he performs.
Cool, will check it out. Ive probably posted this before but his Philadelphia rant is still the best thing ever. Went on after the crowd had booed everyone before him and he tore the crowd to shreds.
Great interview here with Bill Burr where he discusses how he got into comedy. He just such a funny dude, even when he's being himself- ie not performing. He talks about the Philadelphia show too. His take on bombing is brilliant.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 13, 2022, 12:26:11 PM
New Bill Burr special from Netflix. Not the thing with his largely unfunny "friends", just him like. Watched 10 minutes, seems legit, will watch it all tonight. One way or the other, even when some of his jokes fall flat, I just love how he performs.
Class. One of his best. He really does the take-no-prisoners approach how it should be done: indiscriminately.
Just finished it myself, one of his best alright. It took me a long time to come around to him but he's a firm favourite now, might be the best in the game.
Watched this , good way to spend a Friday night. Enjoyed.
Is the Bill Burr one ye are talking about the Colorado one? I watched it this morning, I thought it was gas. The mushrooms part was a bit tedious but the first half an hour was hilarious.
Ya, that's the one. Nothing new, and for that I couldn't say it's his best, but it's savage.
I really enjoyed the Bill Burr at Red Rocks special. Watched it last Friday night. It's not his best but it proves again that he is, probably, the most consistently funny comedian working in the US.
There are very few working at his level that come close - Dave Chappelle (the last one is a bit of a dip), Marc Maron (his last special special is a return to 100%) and John Mulaney are his only real competition.
Burr is exemplary. He somehow manages to straddle both sides of arguments without sitting on the fence.
I do agree that the special could have been trimmed down slightly though. It's too long at 85mins.
Watched the Bill Burr special at the weekend. Great stuff. Hes just brilliant at calling out all the bullshit. One of the mates is a comedian and I was at him in the Roundy in cork on Saturday. He went drinking with Burr last time he was in Ireland. Said he's a riot to go for a few pints with.
Watched the Bill Burr special over the weekend too. He's so good at sticking the knife into everyone in a seriously funny way. That amphitheatre looks like an incredible spot too.
As much as it pains me to post U2 this video is spectacular from the same venue.
Gojira at same venue. Looks class.
Dave Chappelle in The Point (or whatever it's called now) mid-September. Tickets between €96 and €126 (if you want to be anywhere near him) plus booking fee.
Chappelle does an hour to 75 mins tops. They can fucking keep it.
This, on the other hand however, is a masterclass;
This could also fit in the "The PC..." thread but I'll stick it here.
Sadowitz has always pushed the boundaries with his stand-up shows. This is nothing new. I remember watching his TV stuff in the 1990s and even then wondering "How has someone commissioned this without thinking that there won't be complaints?!"
What's bemusing here is the the fact that;
A. Sadowitz has being doing this sort of thing for nearly 40 years, it's not as if he's a new comedian emerging on the scene. He's a known quantity.
B. There were (apparently) warnings posted all over the venue, on the booking website and on the ticket itself noting that if you were of a sensitive predisposition to stay away from the gig.
C. The Pleasance (the venue) are saying that the house staff were the ones that are leading the charge in cancelling the show. However - Sadowitz had done a full technical run-through of the show - because he's a master magician - FOR THE STAFF OF THE VENUE! No one complained. Yet when people start making noise on Twitter about this show - they all lump in.
The show is even called "Jerry Sadowitz: Not For Anyone" for fuck sake.
Comedy as an art-form is in fear of becoming moribund. We'll be left with Brendan O'Carroll and Neil Delamere if we're not careful.
Also funny is that the Guardian just ran an opinion piece, which I scanned last night, trying to say that comedians these days aren't facing any such cancelling at all, or something to that effect, I dunno, the arguments were crap.
The irony of people showing up to a comedy show with absolutely no sense of humour is mind bending. This fucking weak trend of crybaby dominance needs to be put to the steak.
I just haappened to click on a short clip of this dude, Mark Normand (his name refuses to stick in my head),on YouTube the other night and ended up watching this entire special. Not for wimps and posers naturally, but I thought he hit the funny bone on the, eh, head several times.
I watched a few Jarlath Regan videos recently. He's a long winded fucker, but it's alright for observational humour. Too many of the same traits of annoying Irish comedians over the last 15 years.
Just when I was starting to feel a bit taken for granted at work, the boss arrives in today and hands me a couple of tickets for Dave Chapelle in September. That'll do.
Quote from: StoutAndAle on August 15, 2022, 11:30:36 AM
This could also fit in the "The PC..." thread but I'll stick it here.
Sadowitz has always pushed the boundaries with his stand-up shows. This is nothing new. I remember watching his TV stuff in the 1990s and even then wondering "How has someone commissioned this without thinking that there won't be complaints?!"
What's bemusing here is the the fact that;
A. Sadowitz has being doing this sort of thing for nearly 40 years, it's not as if he's a new comedian emerging on the scene. He's a known quantity.
B. There were (apparently) warnings posted all over the venue, on the booking website and on the ticket itself noting that if you were of a sensitive predisposition to stay away from the gig.
C. The Pleasance (the venue) are saying that the house staff were the ones that are leading the charge in cancelling the show. However - Sadowitz had done a full technical run-through of the show - because he's a master magician - FOR THE STAFF OF THE VENUE! No one complained. Yet when people start making noise on Twitter about this show - they all lump in.
The show is even called "Jerry Sadowitz: Not For Anyone" for fuck sake.
Comedy as an art-form is in fear of becoming moribund. We'll be left with Brendan O'Carroll and Neil Delamere if we're not careful.
Saw Jerry Sadowitz at fringe fest good few years back.
Never seen so many walk outs. Even warned my wife, her sister & husband before, said he will push buttons. They all left too. Surprised it took this long for the cancelling.
I have to look this guy up. Is he funny as well as being offensive? I find if it's just endless misery and spite it can get a bit tedious, but if there's actual creativity in the mix I'm on board.
Someone should have non fatally stabbed him, then he would have become a hero of free speech and uncancellable.
A dig at Rushdie??
Quote from: Eoin McLove on August 18, 2022, 12:43:35 AMI have to look this guy up. Is he funny as well as being offensive? I find if it's just endless misery and spite it can get a bit tedious, but if there's actual creativity in the mix I'm on board.
Flat out offensive. There are jokes, but it's full on cause the most offence.
I'll give him a go so :laugh:
Quote from: Eoin McLove on August 18, 2022, 02:18:35 AMA dig at Rushdie??
No, not at all. I'm sure if someone had shot Jerry Sadowitz dead during his first night show everyone would be clamoring to say what a tragedy to freedom of expression it was too. But then he'd be dead and unable to do the second night anyway. Just a dig at the bleedin' hypocrisy of it all, ya know!
I think I get you...
Quote from: Makeshiftatomsmasher on August 18, 2022, 05:05:07 AMFlat out offensive. There are jokes, but it's full on cause the most offence.
He's not the best comedian I've ever seen but I think that there are plenty of very funny gags in Sadowitz's work in amongst all the purposefully offensive stuff. He's really quick off the cuff too - he doesn't have a filter for his ad-libs which is probably a plus and a minus at the same time for someone like him.
He's like a cross between Malcolm Hardee and Frankie Boyle.
Called out Jimmy Savile for what he was 35 years ago too.
Dave Chappelle tonight, he was pretty good. Referenced some of the trans backlash, inevitably, but had some new material on the subject. Short though, I doubt he was onstage for an hour.
Had 3 supports, all short sets, 10-20 mins. First guy I missed his name, was hit & miss. Then Michelle Wolf, she was terrible, and largely bombed. After about 10 mins. the woman behind me said "I feel sorry for her now", which just about summed it up. Third guy was Donnell Rawlings, who was on Chappelle's Show. Took a while to warm up but was good once he got going.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 18, 2022, 06:43:25 AMQuote from: Eoin McLove on August 18, 2022, 02:18:35 AMA dig at Rushdie??
No, not at all. I'm sure if someone had shot Jerry Sadowitz dead during his first night show everyone would be clamoring to say what a tragedy to freedom of expression it was too. But then he'd be dead and unable to do the second night anyway. Just a dig at the bleedin' hypocrisy of it all, ya know!
Have you seen that lad Sadowitz? Heard he was cancelled etc but its hard to find videos of him, I wouldn't mind seeing what the fuss is about.
Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 15, 2022, 03:12:39 AMHave you seen that lad Sadowitz? Heard he was cancelled etc but its hard to find videos of him, I wouldn't mind seeing what the fuss is about.
I've seen Jerry Sadowitz live twice. Once in the late-90s and again about 10 years ago. He was very good both times. His close-up magic stuff is incredible.
There's hardly anything of him video-wise because his work doesn't sit comfortably with a lot of people. He made light of this in one of the shows that I saw him at.
"My management company said to me 'Jerry are you not interested in selling DVDs?'. I thought to myself 'Christ, I'd sell more DVDs working in a sex shop for blind Jesuits'"
Worked at Jack Dee about 2 weeks ago, enjoyed that, Doug Stanhope last Sunday which I thought was savage. Jimmy Carr this Fri, Sat and Sun. 6 shows could be overkill.
Quote from: open face surgery on September 15, 2022, 03:49:46 PMWorked at Jack Dee about 2 weeks ago, enjoyed that, Doug Stanhope last Sunday which I thought was savage. Jimmy Carr this Fri, Sat and Sun. 6 shows could be overkill.
Jack Dee's recent show here in Cork was cancelled due to poor ticket sales - pain in the hole - didn't realise it until a few days before when I noticed a refund in my bank account. Couldn't justify the expense of a trip to Dublin to see him.
Ditto the Doug Stanhope gig which I had a ticket for but Garth Brooks had made shit of any plans to go to Dublin that weekend. Gutted to miss that one.
Quote from: StoutAndAle on June 18, 2020, 01:43:08 PMYup, all the aimless roaring and swearing turned me off Tiernan for a long time. Not the fact that he was swearing but more that he was doing it to almost pad out his stage time. Sort of like;
"Why did the chicken cross the road? Yeh FUCKIN' HOO-ER of a FUCKIN' chicken yeh! FUCKIN' STRUTTIN' IN HE-OOR ACTING THE BIG FUCKIN' MAN. Crossin' the FUCKIN' ROAD. Look at this FUCKIN' CHICKEN FUCK!"
But when I saw him last February he was low key (for Tommy) and as funny as in his early days. Just told his stories and got great laughs.
I caught Tommy Tiernan's show in Waterford on Saturday - the 3rd and final night of a three date sold-out run.
It was poor enough in comparison to the last time that I saw him in February 2020. A few (very few) great little bits, gags and one whip-smart interaction with a heckler but an awful lot of him resorting back to screaming and swearing to stretch out his hour.
Jimmy Carr was a good buzz over the weekend.
Celeste Barber currently at least 15 minutes into some unfunny shite about a vibrator.
I just had a little look at her on YouTube. Shite altogether but 100% aimed at women. I wonder if that is the experience women feel when watching male comedians who I think are hilarious. Can men only really be funny for men and women for women? Or are women, on the whole, just not funny...
One of my sisters is mad into her stand-up, way more than me, and she's always going on about the women stand-ups that break the mainstream being rubbish.
I think what we really need is to do scientific research into the matter and I think I've come up with a solution. Who can we all agree genuinely straddles the male/ female divide? Trans men! If trans comics aren't universally hailed then there's no way of ever knowing...
So, Eddie Izzard? Became a bit repetitive and self-derivative over the years, but at her peak a true trailblazer and very often genuinely hilarious. Though mainly back when she was a he. D'oh!
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 22, 2022, 10:16:45 AMSo, Eddie Izzard? Became a bit repetitive and self-derivative over the years, but at her peak a true trailblazer and very often genuinely hilarious. Though mainly back when she was a he. D'oh!
Early Eddie Izzard was fantastic. Not mad about the later stuff.
Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 22, 2022, 08:59:33 AMI just had a little look at her on YouTube. Shite altogether but 100% aimed at women. I wonder if that is the experience women feel when watching male comedians who I think are hilarious. Can men only really be funny for men and women for women? Or are women, on the whole, just not funny...
That's it in a nutshell. I didn't crack a laugh throughout. Women comedians generally just aren't funny to me.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 22, 2022, 10:16:45 AMSo, Eddie Izzard? Became a bit repetitive and self-derivative over the years, but at her peak a true trailblazer and very often genuinely hilarious. Though mainly back when she was a he. D'oh!
I think you knew i was being a bit silly there. Trans generally equals woke equals not funny!
Don't worry, no attempted hidden message in what I said; was just funny Izzard was the first person popped into my head, and as it so happens they were funny as a transvestite, but less so as a transgender (not saying it's causal!)
I thought he was alright, not absolutely hilarious but entertaining. I always like him when he was interviewed as well. I had no idea he transed but it's possible they damaged his fanny bone during his op.
I watched about 5 minutes of Whitney Cumming's new special - Jesus Christ, it's torture.
Bridget Christie, Ali Wong, Maria Bamford, Sara Pascoe, Sarah Millican, Victoria Wood are all top class comedians who don't resort to the usual hacky tropes of their peers.
I think that I mentioned this before but Ali Wong's "Baby Cobra" special on Netflix is fantastic.
Diane Morgan and Maeve Higgins can also be added to a list of comedians who've gotten proper laughs out of me anyway. Victoria Wood, now there's someone I haven't thought about in the longest time!
Quote from: StoutAndAle on September 22, 2022, 01:02:19 PMI watched about 5 minutes of Whitney Cumming's new special - Jesus Christ, it's torture.
She is another one of the Joe Rogan crew who has no business being a comedian along with Schaub and Bryan Callen. She looks awful these days as well has had way too much work done to her face. She doesn't seem to take kindly to criticism of her comedy either from what I have read over the years.
Anyone watch Kill Tony? Been enjoying it for the last few weeks.
Tried to watch one episode of it last week and I didn't really like the format so switched it off. I like Tony he is very funny. Tim Dillion is great as well.
Wasn't aware of Tony Henchcliff beyond his name before watching it and can't say I'm motivated to check out his stand up but love the show.
I have never seen his standup either but he is regularly on the Rogan podcast and is always good when he is on. He is a big WWF fan so Joe had him sit in on the Undertaker episode. The Undertaker just kept taking the piss out of him.
Rogan is generally a melter and moreso when there's a comedian on so never listened to any of those episodes. Also, when he's on Kill Tony he tends to be locked after a podcast and is unbearable.
He comes with good and bad. Annoys me on a lot of things but he was the only one to speak out last year. Even some of his opinions on fighters and on fighting in general are retarded. He doesn't annoy me enough that I can't enjoy the podcast and he gets the best of guests. The only podcast I have seen that gets the same quality of guest is Mike Tysons but Mike is just too hard to listen to.
I watch the podcast a lot less since it moved to Spotify because Spotify is just a pain in the hole.
The Kill Tony episode I tired to watch was one with Joe on it that was the reason I switched it on in the first place.
First Kill Tony I watched was with Nick Swardson and Jim Gaffigan. I was in bits.
Mate of mine from home is now a comedian. Dry story driven comedian. Seen em twice live. Good shit. Scroll to the bottom for the vid. Sure not for everyone but I think he's on to something.
A joint and the 'Snowflake' part of 'Snowflake/Tornado' by Stewart Lee last night (available via BBC Player and usual not-quite-so-tennis-as-the-BBC download venues). Even when I know he's going overboard, and more often in his recent shows into outright silliness, I just can't help myself from laughing at his schtick. Will watch 'Tornado' today.
Saw Louis C.K. at the weekend. He was great, second time seeing him first was in 2017. I think this second show was as good if not better than the previous one.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 10, 2022, 10:17:58 AMA joint and the 'Snowflake' part of 'Snowflake/Tornado' by Stewart Lee last night (available via BBC Player and usual not-quite-so-tennis-as-the-BBC download venues). Even when I know he's going overboard, and more often in his recent shows into outright silliness, I just can't help myself from laughing at his schtick. Will watch 'Tornado' today.
Watching clips of these now. Some amazing bits so far. Is it two full shows?
They go together, but yeah, it's two hour long shows.
Anyone know where I could lay my hands on the second part of "Snowflake/Tornado"?
I am not clever enough to outwit the BBC iPlayer with my Nord VPN it seems.
I tried looking for "Tornado" on the usual sites last week but no sign of it.
I'm the opposite, I saw Tornado and missed Snowflake. Torrent sites, I suppose.
Tom Segura is playing The Olympia next May. I've seen his specials, they're OK.
I noticed that it's €140 plus fees per ticket. What in the name of fuck?!
Is he that popular? I would have thought that Segura couldn't have commanded more that €40 - €60 a seat.
Ticketbastard have this note under the price;
Quote from: StoutAndAle on October 26, 2022, 12:05:58 PMTom Segura is playing The Olympia next May. I've seen his specials, they're OK.
I noticed that it's €140 plus fees per ticket. What in the name of fuck?!
Is he that popular? I would have thought that Segura couldn't have commanded more that €40 - €60 a seat.
Ticketbastard have this note under the price;
"By using this dynamic pricing" we are fucking you in the ass. Price gouging cunts.
That just looks like a loophole to get around the new touting law. Ticketmaster were the biggest touts of all most of the lads you see outside events / shows selling tickets work for TM. So it seems the new law has just created a monopoly on touting for ticketmaster most likely was the plan from the start.
Those prices are ridiculous Tom is not even good.
Saw some other comedian on TM a few days ago no idea who he was but tickets for his show in mid 2024 were going on sale soon.
I notice that Bert Kreischer, one the Segura's crew, is playing The Point next year.
Bert Kreischer. An arena gig. In Ireland.
If I wanted to watch a shirtless, fat, bearded dope talk about topics such as drinking, being hungover and eating junk food - I'd look in the mirror.
Jesus wept.
I like Segura but I wouldn't pay half that price to see him. Chappelle in the Point a few weeks ago was €60-something and he's a much bigger act.
Ticketmaster are cunts. Legalised touting.
Kevin Bridges last night in the 3Arena. Fuckin gas cunt.
My brother & 2 sisters are going tonight. I'm curious how much of his warm up gig a few months ago made it to the full routine.
Went to see Marc Maron last week didn't know much about his standup but I use to watch his show that was on Fox. He was good but a bit too much of 'you are a nazi if you don't agree with the far left' stuff he kept bringing up over and over again.
It has been years since I was at a seated show in Vicar Street and I forgot how awful the seating is. Smoked a joint just before going in and as soon as we sat in the seats we knew that had been a big mistake.
What's wrong with the seats?
Just old, flimsy and uncomfortable. The seat was more or less a small square piece of plastic sitting on a steel bar that felt like it could go from under you at any minute. Nowhere to put a drink down either. When booking these looked to be balcony seats so expected to be at the front of the balcony with something in front to lean on but in reality they were on the ground floor right the behind the main seating area.
The main seating area in Vicar Street is even worse then where I was sitting but I remembered to avoid those.
Are the main seats in Vicar St. still those 4-top, barstool type things that are bolted to the floor? Last time I was there for a comedy gig (co-incidentally it was to see Marc Maron in 2018) they had that set up. Backbreaking after a while.
I noticed earlier that Tom Segura's show at The Olympia has been upgraded to The Point. Tickets are now €55 rather than €140+ as first advertised. How does that work if you bought a ticket for the original show? I haven't, I'm just curious.
The main seating is still the same that's the area I mentioned that I already knew to avoid.
Dave Chappelle hosted SNL last night. Monologue worth a watch for fans, pretty funny.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 13, 2022, 03:29:16 PMDave Chappelle hosted SNL last night. Monologue worth a watch for fans, pretty funny.
Definitely worth a watch.
Marc Maron's new 1-hour special "From Bleak To Dark" is really great. The pacing, his delivery/demeanor, the tags and call-back are work perfectly together.
Saw that Richard Belzer died too. A really good comic. He influenced and was influential on a lot of darker-edged, cynical US stand-ups of the 1980s/90s - Bill Hicks owes The Belz a few pints up there in the great gig in the sky...
Only in the last week or two was I listening to Bill Burr talk to Doug Stanhope on his podcast about the beginnings of their respective careers - Burr mentioned that Richard Belzer would encourage younger comedians and always find room for them to do a 5 minute set in an already packed line-up if he was MCing.
Ah that's shite about Belzer. I never knew about his stand up until he popped up in a Hicks documentary a few years ago, I only knew him from Law & Order and the like.
There's a clip of him being choked out by Hulk Hogan, on his '80s chat show, to prove that wrasslin' wasn't fake or something. An odd one.
Nice one on the Marc Maron shout out, will check out this week :abbath:
And RIP to Belzer, hadn't heard about his passing either.
Quote from: Carnage on February 20, 2023, 04:21:08 PMThere's a clip of him being choked out by Hulk Hogan, on his '80s chat show, to prove that wrasslin' wasn't fake or something. An odd one.
The Hulkster put The Belz in a choke/sleeper hold - Belzer lost consciousness, Hogan let him go (not sure if it was out of malice or that he didn't now RB was out cold) and as Belzer went down he cracked his head open on a desk or the floor or something. Bizarre.
To tie everything that I've mentioned up very neatly today. Marc Maron's weekly newsletter just dropped with an nice obituary for Richard Belzer.
Quote from: Marc Maron's Newsletter on February 20, 2023, 05:10:11 PMThe Belz.
So many deaths, People.
I guess that's what happens. Wait. I'm sure that's what happens. To all of us.
I'm at an age where I see a lot of the people I knew and looked up to in the generation or two before mine die. It's a natural thing. It is the norm. It's not as hard as seeing peers pass somehow but it's sad and jarring when the news comes in.
Richard Belzer, The Belz, is dead. He was 78.
Belzer was a like a mythological being to me when I was kid. In the early to mid-seventies when I was starting to become obsessed with standups and funny people I read an article. I think it was in Rolling Stone. It was about the original Catch a Rising Star, the club in NYC. It was all about the house MC, Richard Belzer. In my recollection it described him as an edgy, button-pushing, drugged up maniac of a comic. I was fascinated with anyone who was a drugged up anything. The article describe him doing a Mick Jagger impression and basically being a menace of a clown on stage in between acts. I was blown away by just the idea that this guy existed. I hadn't heard of him or seen any of his comedy. It was kind of hard to come by. The concept of Belz was burned into my mind.
At some point I saw the movie The Groove Tube and there was Belz in the cast with a pre-SNL Chevy Chase. He was in a sketch called The Dealers and to this day I think he actually vomited in the car. This just solidified him in my mind as a rebel and cool fuck up.
After I started doing comedy and meeting some of the older guys I would hear stories here and there about him but he stayed the badass in that story in my mind for a long time.
He was never a huge comic but he was The Belz.
When I got to LA in the mid-eighties and took the job as a doorman at The Comedy Store I was amazed and thrilled to find out that Richard was a regular there and doing spots. The Belz was around. I remember meeting him in the kitchen of the Store and just feeling beside myself. It was fucking Richard Belzer. The guy from that article. The myth.
I would see him do sets all the time and I got to know him. I was busy losing my mind on cocaine but he understood. He never judged. He was one of the nicest guys I've met in this business. He kind of looked out for me a bit. He would drive up in his Eldorado and always wore a suit. Class act. We would get high in the back and talk and he'd tell stories sometimes. Because of that story I read when I was a kid I always felt like he somehow was part of the reason I did comedy.
I didn't watch Homicide or Law & Order so I don't know him as Munch but I knew him as a sweet guy, a funny guy, a real mensch who I looked up to.
We were in touch here and there over the years and I'm sorry we weren't closer and I'm sorry he never did the show [WTF w/ Marc Maron].
I will remember Richard fondly and with love and respect.
Quote from: Carnage on February 20, 2023, 04:21:08 PMAh that's shite about Belzer. I never knew about his stand up until he popped up in a Hicks documentary a few years ago, I only knew him from Law & Order and the like.
There's a clip of him being choked out by Hulk Hogan, on his '80s chat show, to prove that wrasslin' wasn't fake or something. An odd one.
The Munch character came from Homicide Life on the Street and he only left SVU maybe 4 or 5 years ago.
He sued Hulk Hogan over that incident from what I remember when I looked into it years ago Hogan dropped him on purpose because he made some remarks about wrestling being stupid and fake or something along those lines.
Yeah, that rings a bell. He certainly made the most of it at the time.
I knew he was in Homicide, never watched it though.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 20, 2023, 04:53:43 PMNice one on the Marc Maron shout out, will check out this week :abbath:
checked it out sooner than expected! great show, plenty of laugh out loud moments
Quote from: StoutAndAle on February 20, 2023, 03:47:33 PMMarc Maron's new 1-hour special "From Bleak To Dark" is really great. The pacing, his delivery/demeanor, the tags and call-back are work perfectly together.
Just watched it, it's pretty good. The stuff about his partner was mighty.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 21, 2023, 01:12:44 AMchecked it out sooner than expected! great show, plenty of laugh out loud moments
It's up there with "Thinky Pain" and "This Has To Be Funny..... Right?!" as his best work. I think that this might even be his best special. I've watched "Thinky Pain" about ten times though so "From Bleak To Dark" needs a few re-watches.
Quote from: Carnage on February 21, 2023, 03:53:44 AMJust watched it, it's pretty good. The stuff about his partner was mighty.
Yeah. That Lynn Shelton section is something else. The jabs at Joe Rogan's acolytes are pitch perfect as well.
I'm home with food poisoning today (some of you may be pleased to hear :laugh: ) so going to watch Thinky Pain. Never seen it.
The Maron special sounds like exactly the same set he did in Vicar street last October minus of course the Irish references.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 21, 2023, 11:36:06 AMI'm home with food poisoning today (some of you may be pleased to hear :laugh: ) so going to watch Thinky Pain. Never seen it.
Well, it's definitely in my head now. Just saw this photo of Iommi and Plant and instantly thought to myself, "What is with those fuckin' shorts!?" :laugh:
Just watched the new Bert Kreischer special, Razzle Dazzle. It's not very good, the big idiot persona is a lot less charming than I'd found it previously.
Quote from: Carnage on March 14, 2023, 06:10:53 PMJust watched the new Bert Kreischer special, Razzle Dazzle. It's not very good, the big idiot persona is a lot less charming than I'd found it previously.
There's a solid case to be made that Bert Kreischer is intellectually challenged. Or has some form of stupidity that has yet to be given a name.
I heard him (and I use this term loosely) interviewing Russell Howard recently and the man doesn't have 3 brain cells in his head or the ability to stay focused on one thing for more than 5 seconds.
That said - and this is according to Neal Brennan on his excellent new podcast, The Blocks - Bert Kreisher made $25
MILLION dollars (!!!) in 2022 so I guess he can't be that dumb.
Yeah, he's definitely there for comedy value in the 2 Bears 1 Cave podcast. By contrast I listened to and old WTF one with Bill Burr last night and they were just so sharp & rapid fire in comparison.
Watched the new Chris Rock Netflix special. Some good laughs, but overall mehhhh.
Ya, I started it and wasn't arsed.
Theo Von has clicked for me. Hilarious bastard.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 27, 2023, 12:09:15 PMWatched the new Chris Rock Netflix special. Some good laughs, but overall mehhhh.
Very average. I don't remember laughing once.
Same as his last special - "Tambourine" - there's no real firepower in his work these days.
Went to see Rollins do his "talking show" thing for the umpteenth time last night.
It's not technically stand-up comedy - but he's still funnier that a lot of comedians working today.
It was good, very good but not the best that I have ever seen him. He has a line near the end that was a bit too near the knuckle for the woke younger folks but it got a laugh out of the older heads including myself.
He's still doing 2.5+ hours plus too without a break or even stopping to drink water - no water onstage with him either. Very impressive.
Sold out room too.
This could go in "Pet Peeves";
People who don't know how to act at gigs are driving me crazy now. The amount of punters just chatting amongst themselves at various points was ridiculous. People's phones ringing etc. You could see that Rollins noticed it from the stage but ploughed on.
Added to that - there must be a collective kidney infection amongst people - there were several of the same lads up and down for a piss, having to move an entire row to get out each time.
There was one guy who kept holding his phone over his head and taking videos of the gig. I have no bother with people taking a snap - I took one myself. Just do it discreetly and quickly. This fucker was at it for over an hour.
Ah man you'll have to tell us the line now, spoiler alert be damned
Quote from: StoutAndAle on March 28, 2023, 01:52:31 PMQuote
A lot of empty seats upstairs so I don't think it was sold out. What time did he finish? Had to leave at half 10 in order to catch the last train home and he was still going. I enjoyed it myself even though I don't agree with him on a lot of things. The way he told the story about the Finnish stalker was very well done. I had only seen him once before this in 2006 and I probably wouldn't go and see him again for a long time.
I saw flashes etc on phones going off as well which I couldn't understand whatever about taking photos at a concert why would anyone want to take a photo of comedian or spoken word show where the person is just standing on stage talking.
It has always pissed me off as well the up and down from the same people over and over again at shows. Was at Bellator in the O2 last month we were sitting beside a group of 6 lads who all went to the toilet at least 5 - 6 times each during the event and always at different times. We were sitting at the edge so, we were literally up and down out of our seats every 5mins over the space of a few hours.
Quote from: mickO))) on March 28, 2023, 05:33:02 PMA lot of empty seats upstairs so I don't think it was sold out. What time did he finish?
I presume that you were at the Vicar St. show? I saw him in Cork on Monday.
The gig sold out after a week or so of going on sale but it's a much smaller capacity room - Cyprus Avenue - maybe 300 seats all flat on one floor.
He finished about 2245hrs. The ticket said "Doors @ 1900/Rollins on-stage at 1945 sharp/Show ends 2230hrs". The doors opened bang on time but he didn't actually appear until 2015hrs. We had the car with us but I heard a few grumbles about missing the last bus from people.
Yes I was at the Dublin show. I saw he was playing Belfast but I didn't know he also did a show in Cork.
Quote from: mickO))) on March 29, 2023, 09:42:48 AMYes I was at the Dublin show. I saw he was playing Belfast but I didn't know he also did a show in Cork.
He does Dublin/Belfast on pretty much every tour. Rarely plays outside of those two cites.
Last time he did Cork was 2011 - in The Crane Lane (an even smaller venue) and before that was in January 2002 with Rollins Band touring the "Nice" record.
The Rollins Band gig was pretty great that night - a metal band from Dublin called "Eyes Closed" supported them and Rollins got in a row (from the stage) with the venue manager who was telling him to cut his set short (from the side of the stage) so they could start the nightclub early.
"They want to bring on some dance DJs..." Crowd boos. "Tell you want, son - if you want Dusty Destruction and his Wheels Of Steel on this stage so badly then YOU come out here and move ME! Otherwise we're doing our time." :laugh:
The only other time I saw him was Download in 2006 so being at a festival I guess he would have had time constraints. I had no idea until half way through the show the other night that it is normal for him to go for 3+ hours.
Unfortunately I am not old enough to have ever seen him playing any music live. I would loved to have seen the Rollins band live.
Just got tickets for Ricky Gervais was a nightmare even trying to get them in presale had to make over 10 attempts to get two together then ticketmaster kept denying the paypal payment but luckily got through in the end. I reckon this show will sell out in minutes on Friday.
James Acaster has annoucned 4 nights in Vicar St. 09/10/11/12 September.
Tickets will be impossible to get - Ticketmaster, in their usual cuntish style have limited the tickets to 9 per person. Cue touting from every outlet.
Quote from: open face surgery on March 27, 2023, 12:15:34 PMTheo Von has clicked for me. Hilarious bastard.
He's an audio album called 30lb Bag of Hamster Bones from years ago. Had me crying 😂😂
I just came across Shane Gillis. Recommended on YouTube while I was coming dinner so I took a chance. Fucking hilarious.
I Come Dinner? :laugh:
A bit messier perhaps but it saves time on preparing a mise en place.
If you nail the entrée that should save on the mess :laugh:
"This song's about shooting mashed potatoes out of your cock!"
Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 15, 2023, 10:44:10 AMI just came across Shane Gillis. Recommended on YouTube while I was coming dinner so I took a chance. Fucking hilarious.
Shane Gillis is definitely my favourite current comedian. Have a ticket for him here in August. Great on podcasts, great stand up and check out the Gilly and Keeves sketch stuff as well. Fuckin hilarious.
Checked out some stuff there, pretty funny alright. Watched him talking about his SNL thing with Joe Rogan, cos I had vague memories of that episode:
Even funnier is just how close Joe Rogan, when he starts talking more towards the end of that clip, is to that hour long parody sketch of his podcast :laugh:
I watched Tom Segura's new one earlier, bar a couple of highlights it's not the best.
Gimme some recs for stand-up. There's so much sheer rubbish out there, I can't even find it in me to take a chance on a name I don't know.
Mark Normand is hilarious if you haven't seen him before. And even if you have.
He's here necxt week actually. New Shane GIllis is class. Saw him do that set here about 2 weeks ago.
Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 09, 2023, 11:16:26 PMMark Normand is hilarious if you haven't seen him before. And even if you have.
Cool, will have a look. Any sets in particular?
Gillis is funny alright, Theo Von too some hilarious stories, and a couple others I've found in this thread also, but loads of the vids of these new guys are lengthy podcast things that just ain't something I have time for. A 30 minute or hour long special or a 15 minute slot, that's what I look for.
Gillis is gas. Very much in the same mould.
Went to watch that new Gillis one the other night, only managed a few mins. Wasn't for me at all.
I have always found Mark Normand insufferable. Even just the sound of his voice goes through my head. I put him in that we are only relevant because we are friends with Joe Rogan gang along with Brendan Schaub, Duncan Trussell and Bryan Callen.
Never heard Gillis material but have seen him on plenty of podcasts and he always comes across as a bit of a prick. Saw the video of his scumbag in Dublin story from when he was here recently during the week and didn't find it funny at all.
Theo Von and Tim Dillion are brilliant. Would love to have went to see Tim when he was in Dublin last year.
I didn't come across Normand via Rogan so that has nothing to do with it. I just think he is funny as fuck. And his voice is great!
Checked out some Mark Normand last night, it was a mixed bag of old-hat and very funny hat, but I think some of the stuff I saw was pretty old and I've a newer one lined up to check out now. Don't know that Dillon lad, will have a look-see later.
I find Dillon too much of a Stanhope try hard. Maybe wrong as I didn't give him much time. Didn't like Gillis at first but he's one of my favourites now. Same buzz with Theo Von.
Actually, watched a few Joe List specials on YouTube lately. Found him fuckin hilarious.
Quote from: mickO))) on September 10, 2023, 12:24:46 PMNever heard Gillis material but have seen him on plenty of podcasts and he always comes across as a bit of a prick. Saw the video of his scumbag in Dublin story from when he was here recently during the week and didn't find it funny at all.
Ya, I didn't find that funny either. Maybe check out a special if you're arsed given the podcasts are conversational rather than material.
Listened to all of that podcast and watched a few bits. There's a bit where they are listening to the Freebird solo which is truly uncomfortable for a few minutes. Stick to the comedy lads. Anytime Rogan tries to talk about music is cuntish. He literally said that 'this is one of the only times where the music is better than the song'. What the fuck are you on about Joe?
Spliff and watched this tonight. A little bit uneven in quality, but when it's good it's hilarious. Nice one for the rec Andy! :abbath:
He's still damn young too, could go on to be a great.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 10, 2023, 11:08:26 PMSpliff and watched this tonight. A little bit uneven in quality, but when it's good it's hilarious. Nice one for the rec Andy! :abbath:
He's still damn young too, could go on to be a great.
Not sure if I've watched that one but I'll have a look later.
I can't deal with Theo Von's "This is a 'I don' wanna jawb huurcut'" shtick at all. Too close to the old school Jeff Foxworthy "You know you're a redneck..." stuff.
Things that I have found impossible to watch recently have included the new Tom Segura (Tom used to be funny), Bert Kreischer, Andrew Santino, Joe Rogan and his crew of gobshites, Katherine Ryan, Fortune Feimster, Jay Oakerson, Adam DeVine, Joanne McNally.
The sheer volume of 1hr specials available (driven by the need for streaming content) makes it very hard to discern what's worth watching now. A lot of comics have a solid 20 minutes but very few can do an hour (US) or 100 mins (UK).
Oddly - Chris Rock's last special "Selective Outrage" was absolute dreck.
These are things that I've found and/or revisited recently.
- The James Acaster specials are all excellent - the last one "Cold Lasagne..." is flawless.
- Marc Maron "From Bleak To Dark".
- Ed Gamble's "Blood Sugar".
- Paul Chowdry's one on Amazon.
- Todd Barry has some great ones including a brand new hour on YouTube - haven't watch that yet though.
- New John Mulaney hour "Baby J" is fantastic.
- All of Kyle Kinane's specials are on YouTube (I think) - Kinane is a master.
- Bill Burr has a new live podcast episode "Troubadour 3" - Burr hits the stage and riffs off the top of his head for nearly two hours. Proof, if it was needed, that the man is one of the best to ever do it.
Worked at John Mulaney twice earlier in the year doing the Baby J show but each show had about 12 minutes of Irish specific material as he used to live here. Unbelievable both nights.
Alriight, that's a great recommendations list Stout! :abbath:
I'm partway through that Burr one myself, great stuff.
Watched a Brad Williams one from a few years ago last night, Daddy Issues). Patchy but great in spots.
Same for the Mark Normand one posted earlier, I think I might have seen that one before. Hit & miss.
Watching Jim Gafrigan's new one now, still can't make my mind up about him. The incessant voices are irritating but he's still decent I suppose.
Just about to throw on bill burrs new thing he's usually decent to be fair to him
I watched Todd Barry's brand new hour yesterday evening - it's not as good as "Super Crazy", "Medium Energy" or the 100% riffed crowd work hour. Still better than a lot of the stuff around.
I also watch Brian Holtzman's special last night. I've mentioned Holtzman before - I've seen him live once in the US - but there's not a lot of video footage of him. This hour is fucking unbelievable.
It's a bit shoddily edited (especially odd/annoying given that fact that Mike Binder directed it and Bill Burr produced it) but that fades into the background quickly. There's a thin line between insanity and inspiration. Holtzman is raging and in complete control at the same time. Incredible.
Watched a bit of Todd Barry and couldn't get into him. Will check out Holtzman.
I tried that Brian Holtzman one there. Nope, not for me. Never been a fan of shouty comedians.
Quote from: Carnage on September 15, 2023, 06:11:09 PMI tried that Brian Holtzman one there. Nope, not for me. Never been a fan of shouty comedians.
He has a speech impediment and a nervous tic (apparently triggered from PTSD after his Gulf War military service). He incorporates them both into his act - using sheer volume to power through.
Seeing him live is the stand up equivalent of being in front of Matt Pike's amp.
Been binging the great Bernie Mac all night. Never misses.
Watched the Nate Bargatze special 'Hello World' on Prime last night. The cleanest hour of comedy you may ever see, but the lad tells a great story. He's like a good clean southern boy Bill Burr.
I have a chance to see Adam Sandler doing standup next week. Anyone know if he is any good? My guess is probably not and I am not even really a fan of his films. He is one of those comedians you won't ever see touring Europe and tickets aren't too bad they work about €60 for the cheap seats so not sure if I should bother with it or not? Anyone familiar with his live stuff?
Quote from: mickO))) on October 31, 2023, 12:39:57 PMI have a chance to see Adam Sandler doing standup next week. Anyone know if he is any good? My guess is probably not and I am not even really a fan of his films. He is one of those comedians you won't ever see touring Europe and tickets aren't too bad they work about €60 for the cheap seats so not sure if I should bother with it or not? Anyone familiar with his live stuff?
I would say not. I never got his schtick.
There's a recent special on Netflix (I think) that will give you an idea of it.
Quote from: StoutAndAle on November 01, 2023, 01:05:36 PMQuote from: mickO))) on October 31, 2023, 12:39:57 PMI have a chance to see Adam Sandler doing standup next week. Anyone know if he is any good? My guess is probably not and I am not even really a fan of his films. He is one of those comedians you won't ever see touring Europe and tickets aren't too bad they work about €60 for the cheap seats so not sure if I should bother with it or not? Anyone familiar with his live stuff?
I would say not. I never got his schtick.
There's a recent special on Netflix (I think) that will give you an idea of it.
Thanks I will check it out.
Pouah, this new Ricky Gervais is a struggle. Not so much comedy as the embodiment of cynicism exhausted and soiling itself.
I watched it the other night but can remember nothing whatsoever from it, which says enough really.
Not exactly stand up but I still enjoy the old Ricky Gervais podcasts, including the Ricky Gervais guides, and especially the older XFM shows. Not necessarily for Gervais but for Karl Pilkington (who may or may not be 'in character', or if he was it was much later on).
New Dave Chapelle special is pretty average.
Watched it last night. Less of a chore than the new Gervais is about the best I can say for it.
Heading over to Galway to see Frankie Boyle later. Generally I can take or leave him and probably wouldn't have bothered myself but the tickets were a birthday present so what harm, it should be a bit o' craic. I'm looking forward to it anyway, I haven't been to a comedy gig for a while (Chapelle in the Point about a year and a half ago).
I just watched the most recent Kevin Bridges special (The Overdue Catch Up), good as always. I saw a preview show for that tour a couple of years ago, not a lot nade it into the final show but it's worth a look either way.
The Ali Siddiq "Domino Effect" series of stand-up shows is really excellent. Chronicles his life from living with his accountant/cocaine-dealer father, through to his own teenage criminal enterprises, on to being locked up for coke trafficking just after he turned 19 and his life in prison.
I've watched the first three so far. The fourth was just released.
All on YouTube.
Bob Newhart died. I wasn't very familiar with his work beyond the big bits, the phonecall stand-up etc.
Shelley Berman (Larry's dad in early "Curb Your Enthusiasm"), to his dying day, said that Newhart stole the phone routine from him.
However - I love Don Rickles who was Newhart's lifelong close pal. Newhart has a story about his wife seeing Rickles on stage for the first time that's one for the ages.
Newhart and Rickles were both working on the scene and Don invited Bob and his wife to come have dinner while he was doing a residency in Las Vegas (or Atlantic City or somewhere).
The Newharts went to dinner with Don and his, Barbara, prior to Rickles going on to do his show.
Newhart's wife, Ginnie, pulled Bob's sleeve as they entered the auditorium where they were sat in the front front and said "I knew you were over exaggerating about Don Rickles, like you always do. He's a perfectly nice man. He's a sweetheart."
Newhart stayed quiet.
Rickles arrives on stage to his usual matador music and takes the mic.
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for being here tonight. A packed room. My heart swells. It's good to see so many familiar faces, including in the front row where we have a famous hack comedian from Chicago and his whore wife from New York."
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
😄 Savage. Rickles was an absolute legend.
I feel like I've been saying this with every new Stewart Lee special for the last four or five, but the latest, Basic Lee, really is his most oriented directly to his fan base. Who he rips on more mercilessly than ever. Maybe not as good overall as the last few, but if you know you know: the peaks just cripple you :laugh: :laugh:
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 19, 2024, 07:19:34 PMI feel like I've been saying this with every new Stewart Lee special for the last four or five, but the latest, Basic Lee, really is his most oriented directly to his fan base. Who he rips on more mercilessly than ever. Maybe not as good overall as the last few, but if you know you know: the peaks just cripple you :laugh: :laugh:
I thought that "Basic Lee" was as good as his best. I really, really enjoyed watching it at the weekend.
I saw him do it live in London last December - the crux of the show is the same as the recorded version but obviously his improv sections are different. The t-shirt thing, for example, was much better than it is on the video (probably because most people had band shirts on).
My wife, who is not a fan of Lee's comedy at all, I normally go to see him on my own. But she saw "Basic Lee" with me in Leicester Square and said that she connected with/enjoyed it far more than "Vegetable Stew"/"Carpet Remnant World" - the other two that she has seen live.
Quote from: Carnage on April 18, 2024, 04:16:52 PMHeading over to Galway to see Frankie Boyle later. Generally I can take or leave him and probably wouldn't have bothered myself but the tickets were a birthday present so what harm, it should be a bit o' craic. I'm looking forward to it anyway, I haven't been to a comedy gig for a while (Chapelle in the Point about a year and a half ago).
He played locally where I live back in January. A few mates were going and my cousin was involved in part of the organisation for it so I headed along. I have never really liked him as he always came across as his whole thing was trying to be as offensive as possible whether it was funny or not. I also remember something a few years ago about him going all PC which is the opposite of what I thought he was suppose to be. The show wasn't bad he said a few funny bits but his crying about Ricky Gervais was petty and annoying.
I saw Ricky last time he was here and it was one of the best live stand up shows I have ever seen. I literally had water coming out of my eyes I was laughing that much so Frankie's crying just comes across as jealousy of how much better Ricky is.
Is it on Netflix? Moving in to a news place in a week or so and will get reconnected. Could do with a dose of Stew.
It's on Now TV and/or Sky catch up.
And other places.
I just watched Basic Lee and it's excellent, as Lee as it gets - for the first hour. The last 20-30 mins. is absolute torture, once he starts talking about background music and jazz it's nigh on unwatchable, too self-indulgent. A shame as the rest is magnificent.
Frankie Boyle is a pain in the hole.
Quote from: Carnage on August 20, 2024, 06:30:48 PMI just watched Basic Lee and it's excellent, as Lee as it gets - for the first hour. The last 20-30 mins. is absolute torture, once he starts talking about background music and jazz it's nigh on unwatchable, too self-indulgent. A shame as the rest is magnificent.
This pretty much sums up my reason for feeling it's the most narrowly aimed at his core fans so far. I enjoyed it, got the idea behind it, and I'd say it worked better live, but pretty easy to see how he'd lose a lot of more casual audience at that point. Too much.
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 21, 2024, 11:17:04 AMThis pretty much sums up my reason for feeling it's the most narrowly aimed at his core fans so far. I enjoyed it, got the idea behind it, and I'd say it worked better live, but pretty easy to see how he'd lose a lot of more casual audience at that point. Too much.
Yeah, I have to say that the "imagine jazz" bit worked better when I saw it in person (and there wasn't a sax player at the London gig either).
Probably because Lee interplayed with the audience more during it, in between each rant he would do things like point at someone and go "Ragtime is not what we're going for here, sir" and "You, madam - we'll try you on your own. Imagine a jazz piece... Are you doing it? Oh here it is... Wow! OK everyone else imagine that bit".
The "Leave Her Alone" fella's attitude towards crowdwork on the recorded version from Manchester seemed to change the way Stew went about that bit somewhat. To be fair, if the man was offended by his wife getting asked a question about Harry Potter then he better not sit in the front row for a Doug Stanhope/Jimmy Carr show.
The bit that broke my missus was the Monday... Tuesday... gag. I could see her lose all the goodwill that was built up. Meanwhile, I cackled along with the rest of the converted that went of their own volition.
Yeah, I'm a fan but not hardcore, and he lost me there.
Tommy Tiernan is on Richard Herring's podcast this week - well worth a listen - some great tales and plenty of craic. You can almost hear Herring shifting uncomfortably in his seat at one point.
Tommy was also on Bill Burr's podcast last week. He might as well have not been there at all. I love Bill Burr but, Jesus Christ, he rambled on for over an hour barely letting Tiernan into the conversation - even going so far as to talk/shout over him.
Burr is obviously self-aware because he said at one point "I'm supposed to be interviewing you but I'm doing all the talking" and then carried on rambling about smoking cigars and his own life.
I enjoyed the dynamic between Tommy and Bill but ya, Bill was waffling.
Quote from: open face surgery on August 29, 2024, 09:57:31 AMI enjoyed the dynamic between Tommy and Bill but ya, Bill was waffling.
Did you not think that for vast swathes of it Tommy was just going "Hmm" and "Yeah..." ? At point he was was almost like Bill's therapist "And how did that make you feel?".
If they just riffed a bit more it would have been great, you could hear them cooking a few times. Though Tiernan didn't help matters out of the gate by trying to do that airy-fairy "po-eh-tree" of Oireland shit that he's prone to either.
I think that's Tommy's inquisitive nature but I completely understand what you're saying. There wasn't a flow to the conversation.
Quote from: open face surgery on August 29, 2024, 03:12:25 PMI think that's Tommy's inquisitive nature but I completely understand what you're saying. There wasn't a flow to the conversation.
Yeah. Tommy is also on Greg Fitzsimmon's podcast - and it's way better than the Burr one. The two of them absolutely fly off each other. Absolutely cracking stuff.
And I noticed now that he's also on David Cross' show. (I only discovered the David Cross podcast 2 weeks ago). Tommy is really going for it in promoing these US tour dates.
I liked the Bill Burr natter. I must have a listen to the others.
Quote from: Eoin McLove on August 20, 2024, 11:22:52 AMIs it on Netflix? Moving in to a news place in a week or so and will get reconnected. Could do with a dose of Stew.
Stewart Lee - "Basic Lee - Live at The Lowry" - on YouTube.
Might want to get on it sooner rather than later - I imagine that it'll be taken down fairly sharpish again.
Nice one. That's amazing. He really is a level above.
Quote from: StoutAndAle on September 02, 2024, 03:39:45 PMQuote from: Eoin McLove on August 20, 2024, 11:22:52 AMIs it on Netflix? Moving in to a news place in a week or so and will get reconnected. Could do with a dose of Stew.
Stewart Lee - "Basic Lee - Live at The Lowry" - on YouTube.
Might want to get on it sooner rather than later - I imagine that it'll be taken down fairly sharpish again.
I only saw it went up earlier. I'll give it a gander later :)
Watched it there. As with all Lee, it's a struggle at times but worth the effort. Even the jazz bit, a struggle at times, but worth it. I liked the JK Rowling bit, too. A struggle at times, but worth it... etc.
This is pretty good. Ryan Goodcase, hadn't heard of him before (apologies if I've missed him here). Dry, kind of stoner style delivery:
Ricky Gervais playing the 3Arena next March tickets on sale Friday. Managed to get them in the pre-sale this morning can't wait the last show last year was brilliant.
Watched the new Nate Bargatze special. Grand harmless fun as expected but not as funny as Hello World. Maybe never previously having heard of Afrin was too big an obstacle!
Watched the new Ari Shaffir. Few laughs but nothing near exceptional.
Not stand up comedy per se but after many, many years I am still obsessed with the Ricky Gervais podcasts, 'guides to' and XFM shows from years ago.
One thing I could never get clear though is whether Karl Pilkington is actually a low key comedian in idiot clothing. I have heard him repeat lines from old XFM shows or podcasts in interviews and such years later, but not sure if that is a manager telling him to do so.
In any case, if anyone hasn't heard these old podcasts, I feel jealous for you.